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目的 观察内镜下金属止血夹治疗急性非静脉曲张消化道出血的治疗效果.方法 收集我院2004年7月至2009年7月收治的急性非静脉曲张消化道出血患者79例,在内镜下明确出血部位,使用止血夹钳夹止血.结果 79例急性非静脉曲张消化道出血患者应用内镜下金属止血夹止血治疗,共用金属夹238枚,平均每例3.01枚,即时止血率97.47%(77/79),20例止血夹止血失败病例中1例Dieulafoy病患者改用内镜下套扎治疗止血成功,另1例转外科手术治疗.1周内再出血率3.80%(3/79),其中2例患者转手术治疗.所有患者内镜术后均未出现内镜治疗相关并发症,全组无死亡病例.结论 内镜下金属止血夹是一种治疗急性非静脉曲张消化道出血的有效方法,具有操作简单,止血效率高及无明显并发症等优点,值得临床推广应用.  相似文献   

目的观察金属钛夹治疗Dieulafoy病活动性出血的疗效.方法经胃镜检查确诊的Dieulafoy病活动性出血的病人31例,行钛夹止血治疗.结果 31例共使用金属钛夹47枚,最多3枚,最少1枚,平均1.5枚.48h后再出血2例(金属钛夹脱落),再次行内镜下止血成功,总有效率为100%.结论金属钛夹对Dieulafoy病活动性出血是一种有效的止血方法,值得临床推广应用.  相似文献   

目的:评价结肠镜下高频电圈套器联合尼龙绳套扎和/或钛夹钳夹摘除大肠宽蒂、大息肉的疗效及安全性.方法:结肠镜下宽蒂息肉先予尼龙绳套扎其息肉根部,再予高频电圈套器凝切;大息肉(直径大于2.0cm者)先予钛夹2-3枚在息肉根部钳夹,然后再用高频电圈套器分块凝切.结果:结肠镜治疗大肠息肉788例、其中宽蒂、大息肉156例(宽蒂67例、大息肉89例),经予上述方法进行内镜下摘除,一次性切除息肉102枚(65.38%),分次切除54枚(34.62%),均获满意疗效,其中即刻出血2例(1.28%),立即给予内镜下血凝酶喷洒、电凝和/或钛夹,即时止血,无迟发出血.全部病例无1例穿孔.结论:经结肠镜高频电圈套器摘除消化系宽蒂、大息肉前给予尼龙绳套扎和/或钛夹钳夹息肉根部,明显减少了出血、穿孔等并发症,突破了以往内镜治疗息肉关于大小、宽蒂等禁区,避免了手术引起的创伤,安全可靠,值得推荐.  相似文献   

目的:探讨金属钛夹治疗食管贲门黏膜撕裂综合征(Mallory-Weiss syndrome,MWS)的临床疗效.方法:取2008-01/2015-10济宁市第一人民医院消化内科治疗食管MWS患者111例,钛夹组52例行内镜下钛夹夹闭联合质子泵抑制剂治疗,对照组59给予质子泵抑制剂治疗.并对照2组止血效果及再出血方面的差异进行了比较和分析.结果:钛夹组有效止血率显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(96.15%vs 84.75%,P0.05).钛夹组再出血率明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(3.85%vs 15.25%,P0.05),所有再出血患者介入手术止血成功.结论:钛夹治疗食管MWS有效率高、再出血几率低,为有效止血措施.  相似文献   

目的探讨内镜下金属钛夹与注射止血治疗急性非静脉曲张性上消化道出血(ANVUGIB)的临床效果。方法将2012年1月至2016年12月间我院收治的急性非静脉曲张性上消化道出血患者86例作为研究对象,随机分为研究组和对照组,各43例。研究组患者在内镜下使用金属钛夹止血,对照组患者给予内镜下注射止血药物,观察两组患者的临床疗效。结果研究组治疗总有效率95.35%,显著高于对照组的79.07%(P0.05);研究组有效止血率为95.34%,显著高于对照组的72.07%(P0.05);72 h后再出血率和外科手术率均为0.00%,显著低于对照组的13.95%,组间比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);治疗后两组均未出现穿孔等不良并发症。结论内镜下金属钛夹治疗急性非静脉曲张性上消化道出血的效果显著优于药物注射止血,安全有效,可在临床范围内推广使用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨内镜下钛夹联合质子泵抑制剂治疗非静脉曲张性上消化道出血的临床疗效.方法:将新乡医学院第一附属医院于2012-01/2013-12收治的146例急性非静脉曲张性上消化道出血患者根据治疗方法分为研究组和对照组,研究组(73例)采用内镜钛夹止血联合质子泵抑制剂治疗,对照组(73例)仅使用质子泵抑制剂进行治疗.评价两组患者治疗的有效率,比较止血时间、治疗出血量和总输血量,以及随访期内的再出血率和不良反应发生率.结果:研究组患者的治疗有效率明显高于对照组患者(P0.05);前者的止血时间较对照组短,治疗中出血量和总输血量也明显少于对照组(P0.05);研究组的再出血率低于对照组(P0.05),两者不良反应的发生率差异没有统计学意义(P0.05).结论:内镜下钛夹联合质子泵抑制剂治疗非静脉曲张性上消化道出血疗效较单用质子泵抑制剂高,其止血迅速有效,再出血的发生率低,无严重不良反应,值得临床推广应用.  相似文献   

目的 评价内镜下钛夹、尼龙圈套辅助高频电切术治疗胃肠道巨大息肉的效果及安全性.方法 对50例患者共85处消化道巨大有蒂息肉样病变分别采用钛夹、尼龙圈套辅助高频电凝切除术的治疗方法进行回顾性分析.结果 85枚巨大息肉中,上消化道15枚,结肠66枚,直肠4枚.其中62枚息肉采用尼龙圈套+高频电凝切除术治疗,23枚息肉采用高频电凝切除术+肽夹钳夹术治疗,术中无一例发生出血;术后迟发性出血2例(2.4%),急诊内镜下钛夹止血成功,无其它并发症发生.结论 消化道息肉高频电切术后最常见且最棘手的并发症是出血,巨大息肉发生在术中或术后迟发性出血的机率更大,采用尼龙圈套及金属肽夹辅助高频电凝切除术,能有效预防粗蒂大息肉样病变切除术中和术后出血,是消化道巨大息肉内镜下治疗安全有效的联合治疗技术.  相似文献   

目的:评价尼龙圈联合钛夹方法在预防结肠大息肉切除后出血的价值.方法:回顾性研究经肠镜下切除直径≥2 cm有蒂息肉患者的临床资料.对照组采用混合电流切除并采用钛夹预防出血,实验组采用尼龙圈套扎后混合电流切除,然后再行钛夹预防出血.对早期出血率、迟发性出血率、严重出血发生率及住院天数进行比较.结果:本研究共有66例患者72枚息肉进行肠镜下混合电流切除.其中对照组42枚息肉,实验组30枚息肉.总出血发生率为6.94%(5/72),对照组有4例出现出血,出血发生率为9.52%,3例早期出血,1例迟发性出血.实验组1例发生迟发性出血,发生率为3.13%,无早期出血发生.两组出血发生率比较差异无统计学意义.对照组中出现1例大量出血并需输血治疗.实验组肠镜操作过程较对照组时间延长(P=0.027),但住院天数明显下降(P=0.047).结论:尼龙圈联合钛夹是预防结肠息肉切除术后出血发生的一种有效措施.  相似文献   

目的探究内镜止血治疗老年急性非静脉曲张性上消化道出血(ANVUGIB)患者的效果及再出血的影响因素。方法老年ANVUGIB患者182例,根据治疗方案不同分为研究组(93例,内镜下钛夹止血)、对照组(89例,内镜下注射药物止血)。比较两组治疗效果,根据内镜止血有效后是否发生再出血分为再出血组、非再出血组,采用Logistic回归分析老年ANVUGIB患者内镜止血成功后发生再出血的影响因素。结果研究组引流变清、呕血消失、潜血转阴时间均显著短于对照组(P0.05)。研究组即时止血93例(100.00%)、有效止血92例(98.92%),分别高于对照组的83例(93.26%)、79例(88.76%);止血有效后再出血6例(6.45%),明显低于对照组的26例(29.21%),差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。Logistic结果显示,年龄≥75岁、有重要器官并发症、Blatchford评分≥6分、Rockall评分≥5分、Forrest分级Ⅰa级、休克指数增高是内镜止血有效后发生再出血的危险因素(P0.05),而HGB增高是保护性因素(P0.05)。结论内镜下钛夹止血可加快老年ANVUGIB患者临床症状的改善,提高止血效果;年龄≥75岁、有重要器官并发症、Blatchford评分≥6分、Rockall评分≥5分、Forrest分级Ia级、休克指数增高是再出血危险因素,临床应加强监测和干预。  相似文献   

目的研究老年人胃肠道血管畸形的发病特点及治疗方法。方法收集首都医科大学宣武医院2010年1月1日-2016年1月1日住院诊断为胃肠道血管畸形患者89例(伴有/不伴有消化道出血)。其中老年组(年龄≥60岁)患者48例,非老年组患者41例。分别对两组胃肠道血管畸形患者的发病部位、消化道出血发生率、内镜下治疗方法、治疗后再出血及相应处置进行比较。结果两组胃肠道血管畸形患者的发病部位差异有统计学意义(P0.05);而两组患者在消化道出血发生率、内镜下治疗方法、治疗后再出血及相应处置方面比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论老年人的小肠和结肠血管畸形发病率高。内镜下止血术具有创伤小、可重复操作、并发症少等优点,适用于老年患者。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although endoscopic hemoclip therapy is widely used in the treatment of GI bleeding, there are few prospective trials that assess its efficacy. This study evaluated the efficacy and safety of hemoclip placement and distilled water injection for the treatment of high-risk bleeding ulcers. METHODS: Seventy-nine patients with major stigmata of ulcer hemorrhage were randomly assigned to either endoscopic hemoclip placement (n = 39) or injection with distilled water (n = 40). RESULTS: Initial hemostasis was achieved in all patients treated with hemoclips and 39 treated by distilled water injection (respectively, 100.0% vs. 97.5%; p = 1.00). Bleeding recurred in 4 and 11 of patients, respectively, in the hemoclip and water injection groups. It occurred significantly more frequently in the injection group (hemoclip, 10.3%; injection, 28.2%; p = 0.04). No major procedure-related complication occurred in either group. Emergency operations were performed in 5.1% of patients treated with hemoclips versus 12.5% of those in the water injection group (p = 0.43). Hospital days and mortality rate were similar in both groups. CONCLUSION: Endoscopic hemoclip placement is a safe and effective hemostatic method that is superior to distilled water injection for treatment of bleeding peptic ulcer.  相似文献   

One of the most common complications related to endoscopic mucosal resection is hemorrhage; in almost every case, the bleeding is endoscopically managed, but some cases are unresponsive to the treatment. We have encountered three cases of endoscopically uncontrollable lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage after endoscopic mucosal resection in the colon which we successfully treated by urgent superselective transcatheter embolization. In our three cases, massive hemorrhage occurred immediately after endoscopic mucosal resection of a sessile polyp 25-40 mm in diameter, two cases in the ascending colon and one in the rectum. Although hemoclip placement was attempted in every case, hemostasis was not achieved. Emergency angiography disclosed massive extravasation of the contrast material in the colon. Hemostasis was achieved immediately after superselective transcatheter arterial embolizations with microcoils, with no observable ischemic complications and without the need of transfusions. In conclusion, superselective transcatheter embolization with microcoils should be considered a safe and efficient treatment option for endoscopically uncontrollable lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage occurring after endoscopic mucosal resection.  相似文献   

目的 探讨老年人趾甲真菌病的易感因素. 方法 收集2005-2007年,我院60岁以上老年趾甲真菌病患者100例为病例组,同时收集60岁以上老年非真菌感染趾甲病患者100例为对照组,对两组患者的临床资料进行分析比较. 结果 病例组100例患者中,并存糖尿病24例,占甲真菌病并存疾病的首位,对照组并存糖尿病仅为6例,两组比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=12.706,P<0.05).病例组与对照组比较,下肢静脉曲张分别为31例和12例(χ2=10.695,P<0.05),足部畸形为36例和19例(χ2=7.248,P<0.05),趾甲外伤史为11例和3例(χ2=4.916,P<0.05),长期穿紧鞋史32例和12例(χ2=22.831,P<0.05),差异均有统计学意义.病例组47例女性患者中有12例既往有长期穿高跟鞋史. 结论 趾甲损伤、足部畸形、静脉曲张及糖尿病是趾甲真菌病的主要易感因素.  相似文献   

目的 探讨内镜外套管在辅助急诊内镜治疗食管胃静脉曲张破裂出血中的作用.方法 选择临床诊断为肝硬化门静脉高压食管胃静脉曲张破裂出血患者62例作为治疗组,采用外套管辅助急诊内镜注射硬化剂治疗.另选择同期行常规急诊内镜治疗的62例食管胃静脉曲张破裂出血患者作对照组,比较两组治疗效果.结果 治疗组62例患者在行急诊内镜止血中先用外套管压迫止血均获成功,止血效率为100%,显著高于对照组的80.65%(P<0.05) 治疗组食管胃静脉曲张注射后消失率为59.32%显著高于对照组7.27%(P<0.05).胸痛和食管溃疡、总住院天数、总医疗费用,治疗组显著低于对照组(P<0.05).结论 应用外套管辅助急诊内镜注射硬化剂治疗食管胃静脉曲张出血可提高治疗效率,减少患者负担.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hemoclip placement is an effective endoscopic therapy for peptic ulcer bleeding. Triclip is a novel clipping device with three prongs over the distal end. So far, there is no clinical study concerning the hemostatic effect of triclip placement. AIM: To determine the hemostatic effect of the triclip as compared with that of the hemoclip. METHODS: A total of 100 peptic ulcer patients with active bleeding or nonbleeding visible vessels received endoscopic therapy with either hemoclip (N = 50) or triclip placement (N = 50). After obtaining initial hemostasis, they received omeprazole 40 mg intravenous infusion every 12 h for 3 days. The main outcome assessment was hemostatic rate and rebleeding rate at 14 days. RESULTS: Initial hemostasis was obtained in 47 patients (94%) of the hemoclip group and in 38 patients (76%) of the triclip group (P= 0.011). Rebleeding episodes, volume of blood transfusion, the hospital stay, numbers of patients requiring urgent operation, and mortality were not statistically different between the two groups. CONCLUSION: Hemoclip is superior to triclip in obtaining primary hemostasis in patients with high-risk peptic ulcer bleeding. In bleeders located over difficult-to-approach sites, hemoclip is more ideal than triclip.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In patients with colorectal cancer, a preoperative colonoscopy is recommended to exclude synchronous lesions. Unfortunately, between 7% and 29% of patients with colorectal cancer present with acute colonic obstruction, making complete colonoscopy impossible. OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to evaluate the feasibility of a preoperative colonoscopy after effective stent placement in patients with acute neoplastic obstruction. DESIGN: Single-center prospective study. SETTING: All examinations were carried out at a tertiary referral center with 24-hour emergency endoscopy service. PATIENTS: Fifty-seven patients with acute neoplastic colon obstruction. INTERVENTIONS: Patients who recovered from an acute colon obstruction by an effective stent placement and who had a resectable cancer underwent a preoperative colonoscopy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: Patients with a resectable cancer, complete preoperative colonoscopies, and synchronous lesions rates. RESULTS: Self-expandable metallic stents (SEMS) were placed in 50 of 57 patients (87.8%). Thirty-one of 50 patients had a resectable cancer (62%), and a complete preoperative colonoscopy was possible in 29 of 31 patients (93.4%). A synchronous cancer was detected in 3 patients (9.6%), changing the surgical plan. LIMITATIONS: Seven patients in whom the SEMS placement (12.2%) was unsuccessful underwent an urgent surgical intervention. Nineteen of 50 patients who had stent placement were not eligible for our study because of unresectable cancer. CONCLUSIONS: Our study indicates that it is feasible in a majority of patients to perform full preoperative colonoscopy after relief of acute colonic obstruction with SEMS before surgical resection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A randomized comparative study was conducted of injection therapy with epinephrine-polidocanol (1%) versus hemoclip application, versus injection combined with hemoclip for bleeding peptic ulcers. METHODS: One hundred five patients were randomized and 101 could be evaluated (46 had active spurting or oozing of blood; 55 a visible vessel). Patients were randomized to 1 of the 3 treatment modalities during endoscopy performed within 12 hours of admission. Endoscopy was repeated after 1 day or at recurrence of bleeding and before discharge. In case of recurrent bleeding, patients were retreated with the same modality. RESULTS: Initial failure or the rate of early recurrence of bleeding was highest (but not statistically significant) in the hemoclip group (13/35; 37%), versus the injection (5/34; 15%) and combination (8/32; 25%) groups. Overall failure was significantly (p = 0.01) different among the 3 groups with the highest rate in the hemoclip group (12/35; 34%), versus the injection (2/34; 6%) and combination therapy (8/32; 25%) groups. The use of hemoclips alone appeared to fail because of difficulty with hemoclip placement and incomplete vessel compression. Complications included 1 perforation in the injection group and possibly 1 case of septic arthritis in the combination therapy group. CONCLUSION: In this study, endoscopic treatment of bleeding peptic ulcers with the hemoclip was inferior overall to injection therapy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mallory-Weiss syndrome with active bleeding requires effective hemostasis. This is an investigation of the respective efficacy and safety of endoscopic hemoclip placement and endoscopic epinephrine injection in Mallory-Weiss syndrome. METHODS: Thirty-five patients with Mallory-Weiss syndrome with spurting vessels or oozing in a university hospital were enrolled prospectively and randomly assigned to endoscopic hemoclip placement (18 patients) or endoscopic epinephrine injection (17 patients) performed by 4 endoscopists with similar clinical experiences. Demographic characteristics, endoscopic variables, and outcome parameters as well as rates of hemostasis and recurrent bleeding were analyzed. RESULTS: The mean (SD) number of hemoclips applied was 2.5 (1.2) and the mean volume of injection was 7.9 (4.3) mL. Primary hemostasis was achieved in all 35 patients. In each group there was 1 case of recurrent bleeding. Secondary hemostasis was achieved by repeating the same procedures as at randomization in both cases. There were no significant differences in age, gender, prior ingestion of alcohol, presenting symptoms, hemoglobin level, shock, comorbid diseases, bleeding stigmata, tear location, blood transfusion, or hospitalization between the groups. There were no procedure-related complications in either group; surgery was not required in any patient. For both groups, there were no second episodes of recurrent bleeding, procedure-related complication, or need of operation. CONCLUSION: Endoscopic hemoclip placement and endoscopic epinephrine injection are equally effective and safe for the management of active bleeding in Mallory-Weiss syndrome, even in patients with shock or comorbid diseases.  相似文献   

老年消化性溃疡222例临床特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的探讨老年消化性溃疡(PUA)的临床及内镜下特点.方法1985-1994年60岁以上消化性溃疡(PU)住院患者222例,以同期60岁以下PU100例为对照进行临床内镜分析.结果老年胃溃疡占同期胃溃疡住院人数的构成比已由1985年的109%递增至1994年的240%.PUA上腹痛、节律性腹痛、反酸、烧心症状发生率依次为578%,225%,315%和104%,对照组依次为870%,450%,480%和380%(P<001).并发症发生率PUA组为608%,对照组为400%(P<001).PUA直径大于3cm者占225%,对照组为40%(P<001).行手术治疗者PUA组为216%,对照组为110%(P<001).结论PUA临床症状不典型,并发症发生率高,巨大溃疡常见,出血难止,手术机率增加  相似文献   

目的观察孟鲁司特钠对支气管扩张症患者IL-17和IL-10表达的的影响,并分析了其临床疗效。方法收集2013年2月~2015年1月潮州市潮安区庵埠华侨医院治疗的NCFB患者82例,患者随机分为常规治疗对照组和孟鲁司特钠治疗组,每组41例。ELISA法测定痰液中IL-17、IL-10、IL-6和TNF-α表达水平。比较两组肺功能指标、临床症状评分和急性加重次数。结果治疗后两组IL-17、IL-6和TNF-α表达水平均出现减低和IL-10表达水平均出现升高(P0.05和P0.01),但治疗组IL-17、IL-6和TNF-α表达水平显著低于对照组(P0.05),IL-10表达水平又显著高于对照组(P0.05)。治疗后两组FEV1%和FEV1/FVC肺功能指标均出现升高(P0.05和P0.01),但治疗组FEV1%和FEV1/FVC均显著高于对照组(P0.05)。治疗后两组咳嗽程度评分和咳痰量评分均减低(P0.05和P0.01),但治疗组咳嗽程度评分和咳痰量评分均显著低于对照组(P0.05)。治疗组治疗期间急性加重1.82±0.35次,显著低于对照组的2.76±0.54次(P0.05)。结论孟鲁司特钠可以调节支气管扩张症患者IL-17和IL-10因子的体内平衡,抑制气道局部高炎症反应,保护患者肺功能损伤,减少急性加重次数,临床疗效显著,具有一定的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

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