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提高医务人员信息素质之我见   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
认识信息知识 ,索取信息知识 ,提高信息素质是信息社会医务工作者学习、提高、工作、实践、科研、创新的一门必修课 ,不具备信息意识 ,不索取新的信息知识 ,不能熟练掌握获取最新信息知识的方法和熟练使用网络信息系统技术 ,就不能算是个合格的医务工作者。因此 ,必须尽快提高广大医务人员的信息素质 ,增强索取和使用信息知识意识的能力 ,为不断完善医学实践和医疗科研创新打下坚实的基础 ,文章通过对医务人员信息素质现状的分析 ,阐述提高医务人员信息素质基础教育的内容与方法 ,探索提高医务人员信息素质的途径。  相似文献   

目的研究乡村医务人员信息素质的提升,对农村医疗改革的良性影响。方法分析乡村医务人员信息素质的社会作用。结果乡村医务人员信息素质的提升,有利于促进农村医疗改革,巩固新型农村合作医疗制度,加强乡村全科医学人才队伍的建设。结论乡村医务人员信息素质的提升,对于改善农村社区卫生服务工作,促进农村医疗改革,发展医疗卫生事业有着良性社会效应。  相似文献   

王荞 《现代医院》2010,10(3):137-139
现代信息社会中的专科医院图书馆要适应新形式下医疗、科研、教学的需要,必须采取有效手段进行管理和改革。本组结合专科医院的医疗特点,在提高医务人员的信息素质,向社会大众普及医疗信息以及图书馆的自我建设方面,提出了有助于图书馆长期发展的管理措施。  相似文献   

王笑 《现代医院》2013,(11):138-139
本文介绍了信息素养的概念和内涵、我国医务人员的信息素养现状,阐述了提高医务人员信息素养的重要性和方法。提出医务人员要适应信息社会发展的需要,提高信息素养,以促进医学科学发展。  相似文献   

某战区医务人员信息素养调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
良好的信息素养能使人能够更有效地选择、查找及评估传统或网上资源。本文通过调查问卷的形式,了解某战区医务工作人员利用医学信息资源的情况,从而分析出其信息意识、信息能力的现状与存在的问题,进而针对具体问题提出提高医务人员信息素质的措施和新途径,为推动医院信息化的发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

陈颂坡 《现代医院》2008,8(2):111-112
医学的研究对象是社会性的人,疾病和健康总是受制于一定的社会、文化、心理因素的作用,医务人员在从事医疗活动实践中具备一定的"人文主义"伦理素质是现代社会所必须的。本文从理论角度探索了提高医务人员"人文主义"伦理素质的理论基础以及实现途径,认为医务人员的"人文主义"伦理素质是从人文伦理角度界定医务人员医疗活动的本质和发展方向的一般规律,以及医务人员从事医疗活动的价值、目的、道路等问题,它的基本内涵就是以满足医务人员以及医疗对象的精神生存和发展需要为目的。  相似文献   

医学道德(以下简称医德)是医务人员应该具有的职业品德,它是规范医务人员与病人之间、医务人员相互之间以及医务人员与社会之间行为的基本准则。医院管理的最终目的是提高医疗质量和医疗服务工作的社会效益。而社会效益的提高需要通过每个医务工作者职业实践活动来体现。指导这一实践活动的思想和行为的规范,就是社会主义医德。开展医德教育,提高广大医务人员自身的医德素质是现代医院管理的灵魂。为了切实有效的搞好医  相似文献   

目的 了解杭州市级公立医院医务人员对医院人力资源管理认知情况 方法 采用分层随机抽样进行问卷调查。结果 医院人力资源管理认知情况最高的是管理者的战略观念、认知情况最低的是医院战略制定的参与度。多重线性回归显示年龄、学历、执业岗位、职称、科室和任职年限是医院人力资源管理认知情况的影响因素。结论 建议建立基于胜任素质模型的医务人员选拔与配置制度,提高医务人员素质和挖掘医务人员潜力的培训与开发制度和良好的绩效与薪酬管理制度,从而提高医院人力资源管理水平。  相似文献   

医德形象与医院信誉   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
1 医德形象的内涵与特征 在现实生活中,每个人都表现有两种形象,即生活形象和大众形象。每个人的形象都是其个人内在素质和外在表现的综合反映,是个人内在素质和外在表现给人们形成的整体印象。 医德形象属于大众形象,它是医务人员在开展医疗活动中所反映出来的医疗道德的内在素质和外在表现。它有其自身的特征。一是具有公开性。医务人员每天上班面对的是求诊治病的患者,他的一言一行,他所表现出来的医疗道德素质,对病人和社会都是公开的。二是具有示范性。医务人员良好的医德形象,无论对病人还是对同事,都具有显著的示  相似文献   

随着社会的进步,人们健康意识的觉醒和提高,社会对医护人员的要求越来越高,尤其是社区卫生服务的医护人员,和社区群众接触密切,而旧的医疗模式的影响以及医疗队伍中医务人员素质良莠不齐,再加上社会各方面的影响,使得医患矛盾日益突出。提高医务人员的素质已成为提高医疗质量.改善医患关系的当务之急。在众多影响医患关系的因素中,提高医护人员素质当为积极有效的方法。为此,我们对医护人员在从事医疗活动中语言的艺术性进行了探讨,认为医务人员从事医疗活动中语言的艺术性对医患关系有明显的影响。1资料和方法1.1设计制定社区卫生服务医护…  相似文献   

目的探索提升我国居民健康素养水平的路径,为健康中国建设提供参考。方法采用文献研究的方法,梳理国内居民健康素养水平的现状,发现存在的问题,结合理论研究提出政策建议。结果我国居民健康素养呈上升趋势,总体处在较低水平;不同地区、人群、类别健康素养水平差异大。结论建议以大健康理念为指导,政府、社会、大众媒体、健康教育工作者及公众各司其职并携手合作,在创造支持性环境、把关健康信息、对照差距补短板和创新传播模式等方面着力,采取针对性的措施提升我国公众健康素养。  相似文献   

在全球信息化背景下,信息素养逐渐成为体现个人素质的一项标准。该文探讨医学生信息素养的培养问题.分析医学生信息素养的要求与存在问题,提出提高医学生信息素养的可行性方法。  相似文献   

Although young people are increasingly turning to the Internet for health-related information, very little is known about the state of their digital health literacy skills. At the beginning of an after-school program (HackHealth) to assist middle school students (ages 12–15) with their digital health literacy skills, a specially designed Digital Healthy Literacy Assessment Tool (DHLAT) was administered to 19 participants. Results suggest that while tweens are familiar with search engines and have a rudimentary sense of how to use them, they often lack important knowledge and skills needed to be fully digitally health literate. More research is needed to develop more broadly applicable tools for assessing tweens’ digital health literacy skills and to discover additional ways to work with youth to ensure they are equipped with the digital health literacy skills they need to successfully find, understand, assess, manage, and make use of online health information.  相似文献   

高等医学院校信息素质教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先介绍了国内外对“信息素质”内涵的理解,明确了“信息素质”的涵义。通过阐述高等医学院校学生掌握和提高“信息素质”的必要性,提出了信息社会要求医学生必须具有信息素质,拥有信息素质的医学生能更好的融入当今社会并推动社会医学更好更快发展等开展信息素质教育的积极现实意义,进而提出并讨论了通过科学设计,优化信息素质教育的内容和开展多种渠道,拓展信息素质教育的途径。  相似文献   

对信息时代医院管理者应当具备怎样的信息素养进行了思考,从多个方面论述了信息素养的概念和作用,探讨了信息素养的培养方法,强调了对海量信息保持批判性思维和知识管理的重要性.  相似文献   

In 2016, the Free Library of Philadelphia reopened the newly renovated South Philadelphia Library. This full-service neighborhood library is co-located with pediatric primary care services, a city-run health center, and a recreation center in a first-of-its-kind facility called the Community Health and Literacy Center. The South Philadelphia Library aims to improve health literacy in the community through the provision of consumer health information and health programming, and the co-location with health care and recreation services provides unique opportunities to partner and offer health-based library services. A community health librarian certified in consumer health information assists customers with accessing reliable health information, and health programming covers many areas of interest. Partnerships with nearby health organizations also allow the library to connect customers with vetted neighborhood services. By combining health services with traditional library programming, customers are able to increase their health literacy when they visit the library.  相似文献   

珠海市学生健康素养调查分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的了解珠海市学生健康素养知识知晓情况,并分析相关的影响因素。方法采用分层整群抽样方法,抽取全市10所学校共3600名学生采用自行设计的问卷对其进行健康素养调查。结果高中学生健康素养知识知晓率最高,为36.8%,其次是大学生,为31.0%,初中生最低,为29.7%。女生健康素养知识知晓率为37.4%,高于男生的27.2%。结论应将健康素养的培养纳入到学生教育的内容中,提高学生对防病知识的储备。  相似文献   



Although a growing number of interventional studies on health literacy have been conducted recently, the majority were designed in clinical settings, focusing mainly on functional health literacy. This study evaluated a programme designed to improve health literacy in a community population, with a scope of going beyond functional health literacy.


In collaboration with an Approved Specified Nonprofit organization (NPO), we evaluated a five‐session programme designed to provide basic knowledge on health‐care policy and systems, current issues in health care in Japan, patient roles and relationships with health‐care providers and interpersonal skills. In total, 67 of 81 programme participants agreed to participate in the study, and 54 returned the completed questionnaires at baseline and at follow‐up. Health literacy and trust in the medical profession were measured at baseline and at follow‐up. Participants’ learning through the programme was qualitatively analysed by thematic analysis.


Quantitative examinations of the changes in health literacy and degree of trust in medical professionals between the baseline and follow‐up suggested that health literacy significantly improved after implementing the programme. The thematic analysis of participants’ learning throughout the programme suggested that they not only acquired knowledge and skills but also experienced a shift in their beliefs and behaviours.


Providing individuals who are motivated to learn about health‐care systems and collaborate with health‐care providers with the necessary knowledge and skills may improve their health literacy, which could enable them to maintain and promote their health and that of their family and other people around them.  相似文献   

肖爽  邱烈峰 《现代预防医学》2019,(10):1829-1833
目的 分析高校体育教师的健康素养水平,为对高校体育教师健康素养采取有效干预措施提供依据。方法 对河南省6所高校的153名体育教师进行健康素养问卷调查。结果 (1)在满分为65分的情况下,河南省高校体育教师健康素养的平均得分为(46.32±7.44)分,具备基本健康素养(得分52分以上)的教师有31人,总体健康素养具备率为20.3%;(2)河南省高校体育教师的健康基本知识和理念、健康生活方式与行为和健康基本技能等3方面的素养具备率分别是20.9%、27.5%和37.3%;(3)河南省高校体育教师的科学健康观、传染病防治、慢性病防治、安全与急救、基本医疗、健康信息等6类健康问题素养具备率分别是40.5%、25.5%、5.9%、68.8%、7.8%和49.8%。结论 河南省高校体育教师健康素养水平较低。高校及体育教师自身均应积极采取有效干预措施,提升高校体育教师健康素养水平,进而改善其健康状况和教学能力。  相似文献   

Health systems will face new challenges in this millennium. Striking the balance between the best quality of care and optimal use of dwindling resources will challenge health policy makers, managers and practitioners. Increasingly, improvements in the outcomes of interventions for both acute and chronic patients will depend on partnerships between health service providers, the individual and their family. Patient education that incorporates self-management and empowerment has proven to be cost-effective. It is essential that health care providers promote informed decision making, and facilitate actions designed to improve personal capacity to exert control over factors that determine health and improve health outcomes. It is for these reasons that promoting health literacy is a central strategy for improving self-management in health. The different types of health literacy--functional, interactive and critical health literacy--are considered. The potential to improve health literacy at each of these levels has been demonstrated in practice among diabetics and other chronic disease patients in Clalit Health Services (CHS) in Israel is used as an example to demonstrate possibilities. The application of all three types of health literacy is expressed in: (i) developing appropriate health information tools for the public to be applied in primary, secondary and tertiary care settings, and in online and media information accessibility and appropriateness using culturally relevant participatory methods; (ii) training of health professionals at all levels, including undergraduate and in-service training; and (iii) developing and applying appropriate assessment and monitoring tools which include public/patient participatory methods. Health care providers need to consider where their patients are getting information on disease and self-management, whether or not that information is reliable, and inform their patients of the best sources of information and its use. The improved collaboration with patient and consumer groups, whose goals are to promote rights and self-management capabilities and advocate for improved health services, can be very beneficial.  相似文献   

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