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目的:检验Barratt冲动性量表(BIS-11)中文修订版在社区和大学人群中应用的信效度。方法:多阶段分层随机抽取山东农村居民603例、天津城市居民548例、重庆大学学生627例(均≥18岁),用BIS中文修订版进行调查。将具有初中或以上学历的社区受试(署名)随机分为两组:自己独立填写问卷(自评)和由调查员提问并填写问卷;大学调查均为自评,但分署名和匿名两种形式,来探索不同评估方式对问卷的影响。在初测后5~8天对完成初测的504例农村受试、252例城市受试和307例大学学生进行了重测。结果:BIS中文版包含30个条目,其总量表和3个分量表(非计划性、行动冲动性和认知冲动性)的内部一致性Cronbachα在0.77~0.89之间,重测信度ICC在0.68~0.89之间。自评或由调查员提问并填写、署名或匿名者之间BIS中文版得分差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。农村、城市和学生之间BIS中文版得分差异有统计学意义,农村受试的冲动性得分最低,学生受试的冲动性得分最高(P<0.05)。结论:修订后的Barratt冲动性量表中文版的信效度良好,可以应用于国内的研究和临床工作中。  相似文献   

目的:评估Beck自杀意念量表中文版(BSI-CV)在大学学生匿名与署名调查中的信效度。方法:选定位于重庆市的42所大学作为调查现场,采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法抽取其中4所大学的765例大学学生,其中629例完成了自评调查。调查内容包括主动自杀意念和BSI-CV(分别评估最近一周及既往最严重时的状况)。随机安排一半学生署名、一半学生匿名接受调查。310例学生在首次调查后第5~8天完成了重测。结果:总样本最近一周和最严重时BSI-CV总分的内部一致性Cronbachα分别为0.78和0.86,匿名样本为0.74和0.88,署名样本为0.81和0.84。总样本最近一周和最严重时BSI-CV总分的重测一致性ICC分别为0.56和0.75,匿名样本为0.80和0.81,署名样本为0.41和0.69。根据主动自杀意念评估条目将被试分为有、无主动自杀意念两组,有主动自杀意念组最近一周和最严重时BSI-CV总分均高于无主动自杀意念组(均P<0.05)。结论:Beck自杀意念量表中文版在大学学生中应用的信效度良好。匿名调查时量表的重测一致性优于署名调查时。  相似文献   

目的:修订青少年吸烟好奇心量表(ASCOS)并检验效度和信度。方法:共选取中学生1195名,其中603名(样本1)用于条目分析和探索性因子分析,592名(样本2)用于验证性因子分析和内部一致性信度检验,1个月后,从样本2中选取214名进行重测信度检验;以吸烟利弊权衡量表(CDBS)、感觉寻求量表(SSS)、单项吸烟好奇心量表为效标工具。结果:量表共7个条目,包括1个公因子,累计方差解释率59.83%,各条目的因子负荷在0.68~0.86之间;单因子结构模型的拟合指标良好(χ~2/df=2.34、CFI=0.99、IFI=0.99、NFI=0.99、GFI=0.97、TLI=0.99、RMSEA=0.06);ASCOS得分与CDBS "利"分量表得分、SSS总分、单项吸烟好奇心量表得分均呈正相关(ICC=0.23、0.27、0.47,均P0.01),与CDBS "弊"分量表得分呈负相关(ICC=-0.17,P0.05)。量表的Cronbach α系数为0.92,重测信度(ICC)为0.78。结论:青少年吸烟好奇心量表中文版可以用来测量青少年的吸烟好奇心状况。  相似文献   

目的:评估改编的自杀意图客观强度量表(OSSI)应用于自杀死亡和未遂研究的效度和信度。方法:纳入151例自杀死亡者(自杀组)和120例自杀未遂者(未遂组)。两组每个案例的同吃住家属及另一位亲友分别接受独立访谈,自杀未遂者另接受独立访谈,通过访谈搜集一般资料并由调查员填写OSSI。分析量表的结构效度、内部一致性、不同信息来源[家属、亲友、本人(未遂组)]之间的一致性,并比较不同性别、不同自杀结局和不同自杀方式之间的OSSI评分。结果:无论何种信息来源,量表均是二因子结构(自杀环境因子和自杀准备因子)。不同信息来源的量表总分及2个因子的内部一致性α系数分别为0.60~0.70,0.70~0.77,0.17~0.62。自杀组2个信息来源一致性组内相关系数(ICC)总分为0.36,2个因子为0.36、0.28;未遂组3个信息来源的ICC总分0.36,2个因子0.36、0.21。自杀组的量表总分及2个因子分均高于未遂组[(15.0±2.5)vs.(11.7±2.3),(9.4±1.8)vs.(7.2±1.9),(5.7±1.4)vs.(4.5±0.8),均P0.05]。未遂组服用农药者的量表总分和自杀环境因子分均低于服用治疗药物者;自杀组服用农药者的量表总分和自杀环境因子分均低于使用刀枪绳者(均P0.05)。结论:自杀意图客观强度量表的信效度可以接受,可以用于自杀相关研究。  相似文献   

儿童抑郁量表中文版在中小学生中的信效度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:检验儿童抑郁量表(Children's Depression Inventory,CDI)中文版的信效度,探讨在国内中小学生中的适用情况。方法:采用方便取样,抽取湖南长沙和湘潭市区2所小学,1所初中和1所高中的2~11年级学生2580名,使用CDI、儿童应激事件量表(Children`s Hassles Scale,CHAS)进行调查,其中小学2~6年级的1320名学生还进行了儿童多维焦虑量表(Chinese version of the multidimensional Anxie-ty Scale for children,MASC-C)调查,以检验CDI的信效度;间隔1月对小学2~3年级全体学生(n=528)进行CDI重测,以分析其重测信度。结果:CDI中文版的内部一致性Cronbachα系数为0.88,间隔1个月的重测皮尔逊相关r=0.81(P0.001),平均组内相关系数(ICC)为0.89。CDI的低效感、低自尊、负性情绪和快感缺乏分量表的一致性α系数在0.60~0.74之间,间隔1个月的重测皮尔逊相关介于0.64~0.71之间(均P0.001),平均ICC介于0.78~0.83之间,但人际问题分量表的信度较低(重测皮尔逊相关系数为0.50,P0.001;平均ICC为0.67)。CDI的5因素和单因素结构的验证性因素分析表明,5因素结构优于单因素结构(SBχ2=1504.65、df=314、SBχ2/df=4.79、TLI=0.88、NNFI=0.87、RMSEA=0.038、90%CI=0.036-0.040);CDI总分与CHAS和MASC-C得分呈正相关(r=0.43,0.44;均P0.001)。结论:儿童抑郁量表及分量表总体上具有良好的信效度,适合国内中小学生的使用,但其中的人际问题分量表还需进行文化差异上的探索,并结合我国的文化背景进行修订。  相似文献   

目的:引进Buss-Perry攻击性量表(BPAQ),并在大学生群体中进行修订,用来测量我国大学生的攻击性水平.方法:在不同行政区域的9所综合型大学抽取1722名在校大学生.对样本编号后,奇数组(n =864)被用于探索性因素分析以确认因子结构;偶数组(n=858)被用于对所得维度进行验证性因素分析.用大学生社会技能量表(ChUSSI)和羞涩量表(RCBS)为效标.抽取其中一所大学的165名学生于初评后2周进行重测.结果:通过探索性因素分析,得到由敌意、身体攻击、冲动、易怒性4个分量表(共22个项目)构成的中文大学生版Buss-Perry攻击性量表(CC-BPAQ);验证性因素分析显示数据拟合良好(GFI=0.917,AGFI=0.896,CFI=0.899,RMSEA=0.059);CC-BPAQ的敌意、身体攻击和易怒性分量表得分与ChUSSI得分呈负相关(r=-0.23、-0.19、-0.20,均P<0.01),CC-BPAQ的4个分量表得分均与RCBS得分呈正相关(r=0.45、0.21、0.11、0.32,均P<0.01).总量表的内部一致性Cronbach α系数为0.89,4个分量表的α系数为0.73 ~0.85;总量表的重测信度为0.91,4个分量表的重测信度为0.75 ~0.80.结论:修订后的中文大学生版Buss-Perry攻击性量表具有良好的信度和效度,可以用于大学生的攻击性测量.  相似文献   

目的:引入自我调节疲劳量表(SRF-S),并在青年人群中对其效度和信度进行检验。方法:选取北京市某高校一年级研究生238名和某国企青年职工315名,通过条目分析、验证性因子分析检验量表的条目鉴别力和结构效度,选用简易应对方式量表(SCSQ)和自我控制双系统量表(DMSC-S)为效标,考察量表的效标关联效度;对研究生样本进行间隔2周的重测,评定量表的重测信度。结果:SRF-S的条目鉴别力良好,各条目与所属分量表的相关在0.38~0.67之间。验证性因子分析结果表明,剔除2个因子载荷低于0.32的条目后,量表的结构效度较好(χ2/df=5.08、RM SEA=0.09、NFI=0.90、NNFI=0.90、CFI=0.92、IFI=0.92、GFI=0.90),各条目的因子载荷在0.37~0.71之间;SRF-S总分及3个分量表得分与消极应对方式、冲动系统得分均呈正相关(r=0.25~0.58,均P0.001),与积极应对方式和控制系统得分呈负相关(r=-0.22~-0.47,均P0.001)。总量表的内部一致性α系数为0.84,3个分量表的α系数在0.64~0.69之间;总量表的重测信度为0.73,3个分量表的重测信度在0.62~0.67之间。结论:本研究形成的包含16个条目的自我调节疲劳量表中文版具有较好的效度和信度,适合用于评估我国青年人的自我调节疲劳状况。  相似文献   

大学生自杀可能性量表研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨大学生自杀可能性。方法按年级整群抽取某高校6817名大学生,使用自杀可能性量表(SPS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)、焦虑自评量表(SA S)和自编自杀行为量表进行测试。结果 SPS各分量表中绝望量表、自杀意念量表、负性自评量表、敌意量表和总分的相关均极显著(r=0.786,0.724,0.715,0.732;P<0.001);SPS总的C ronbach’sα系数为0.89,重测信度为0.55~0.78之间;SPS量表总分与自杀行为量表、抑郁自评量表、焦虑自评量表之间的相关均极显著(r=0.410,0.715,0.625;P<0.001)。结论自杀可能性量表(SPS)中文版可以在我国大学生中使用。  相似文献   

目的:修订网络亲社会行为量表形成中文版(OPBS-C)并在大学生群体中检验其效度和信度。方法:选取487名大学生(样本1)完成OPBS-C测评,进行条目分析和探索性因子分析;选取480名大学生(样本2)完成OPBS-C、网络人际信任量表(OITS)、网络利他行为量表(IABS)和社交网站使用强度量表(SNUIS)测评,进行验证性因子分析和效标效度分析;4周后,在样本2中选取145名大学生进行重测。结果:OPBS-C包括执行网络亲社会行为(POPBS)与接受网络亲社会行为(ROPBS)2个分量表,各10个条目,总方差解释量分别为78.11%和85.12%;2个分量表的结构效度均良好(χ2/df=4.18、4.92,GFI=0.96、0.95,CFI=0.98、0.99);POPBS得分和ROPBS得分均与OITS、IABS、SNUIS总分呈正相关(ICC=0.70~0.77,均P<0.01)。2个分量表的Cronbach α系数为0.92、0.93,间隔4周的重测ICC分别为0.75、0.78。结论:网络亲社会行为量表中文版(OPBS-C)测评大学生网络亲社会...  相似文献   

目的根据最新社会技能定义对大学生社会技能量表进行改良并对影响我国大学生社会技能的因素进行探讨。方法方便抽取不同行政区域的9所综合型大学1916名在校大学生。对样本进行编号后,偶数组(n=958)被用于探索性因素分析以确认因子结构;奇数组(n=958)被用于验证性因素分析对所得维度进行验证。采用中文大学生版Buss-Perry攻击性量表(CC-BPAQ)为效标。抽取一所大学的169名学生于初评后2周进行重测。结果探索性因素分析后,得到由与人为善、社交性和社交羞涩3个因子(共34个项目)构成的改良版大学生社会技能问卷(Revised Chinese University-students Social Skill Inventory,RChUSSI)。验证性因素分析结果和效标效度显示该量表结构效度良好。总量表的内部一致性信度为0.94,3个分量表的内部一致性信度在0.861~0.927,对169名大学生的2周重测信度结果显示总量表重测信度为0.86,3个分量表的重测信度在0.76~0.88之间。对我国大学生社会技能现状进行调查分析后发现,得分在性别、是否独生子女、学年和文理专业上并未发现显著差异;校社团参加者在3个分量表上的得分明显高于非参加者,且随年级呈稳定上升趋势。结论修订后的改良版大学生社会技能量表具有良好的信度和效度;校社团活动对大学生社会技能的获得起积极的影响作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生人格障碍症状水平与自杀态度及自杀意念的关系。方法:随机抽取230名大学生,采用人格诊断问卷、自杀态度问卷以及Beck自杀意念问卷进行测查。结果:①有自杀意念组在人格诊断问卷(PDQ-4+)的偏执型、分裂样型、反社会型、边缘型、依赖型、被动攻击型以及抑郁型等亚型上得分显著高于无自杀意念组;②有自杀意念组与无自杀意念组在自杀态度量表(SPAS)的预防自杀的难度、自杀行为自我不可控制性、自杀问题的社会重要性等因子上得分差异显著,有自杀意念组更倾向于认为自杀不可预防、自杀不可以自我控制、自杀不是重要的社会问题;③PDQ-4+各分量表得分与自杀态度中的预防自杀的难度、自杀行为的自我不可控制性因子呈显著负相关,与自杀问题的社会重要性因子呈显著正相关。结论:大学生人格障碍症状与自杀意念关系密切,关于自杀的某些非理性态度可能是人格障碍与自杀意念之间的中介因素。  相似文献   

罪犯自杀态度及其相关影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解罪犯对待自杀行为的态度以及与其相关的影响因素。为监狱科学预防罪犯自杀提供参考依据。方法 运用自杀态度问卷(QSA)、临床自评量表(SCL-90)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)等量表对38名罪犯进行测试.分析测试结果。结果 大部分罪犯对自杀的态度持肯定和理解.且其态度与心理健康状况之间存在显著的相关。结论 监狱应该着手改变罪犯对待自杀行为的态度.积极预防罪犯自杀。  相似文献   

湖南部分医学院学生自杀认知水平的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective:To study the knowledge about suicide among medical students in Hunan province of China and to provide scientific basis for preventing suicide. Methods:A total of 446 students were selected by random cluster sampling techniques and their knowledge of suicide was assessed by the Suicide Knowledge Questionnaire. Results, The correctness rates of three schools were 58.29%, 59.14% and 57.94% respectively. School teaching was the main channel for medical students to obtain suicide knowledge. Conclusion: Medical students have not received adequate education on suicide, and have some severe misunderstanding about suicide.  相似文献   

In 1994, as the Michigan legislature considered whether to continue a law banning physician-assisted suicide, we conducted a series of surveys on this topic. One of these surveys, conducted in Detroit, was designed to measure the attitudes of a largely black population toward physician-assisted suicide. Questionnaires were mailed to 500 residents of Detroit. The questionnaire described a plan for legalizing physician-assisted suicide, called Plan A, that incorporated eligibility standards and safeguards to minimize abuse. Attitudes on three issues were investigated: 1) Should physician-assisted suicide be banned or legalized? 2) Should voluntary euthanasia also be permitted? 3) Might respondents request legalized physician-assisted suicide for themselves? Majorities of both whites and blacks supported Plan A; however, support was much lower among blacks than whites. Blacks were also less likely to support voluntary euthanasia or to envision asking for physician-assisted suicide themselves. Our analysis indicates that when age and sex are held constant, strength of religious commitment may account for much of the black-white difference in attitudes. We also consider alternative explanations based on cultural attitudes and degree of trust in the medical system.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objectives were to assess thoughts about suicide, plans to commit suicide and suicide attempts in the community, to investigate the use of health services following a suicide attempt, and to describe basic socio-cultural indices of the community. METHOD: The community survey was one component of the larger WHO multisite intervention study on suicidal behaviours (SUPRE-MISS). In each site, it aimed at randomly selecting and interviewing at least 500 subjects of the general population living in the catchment area of the emergency department where the intervention component of the study was conducted. Communities of eight SUPRE-MISS sites (in Brazil, China, Estonia, India, Iran, South Africa, Sri Lanka, and Viet Nam) participated plus two additional sites from Australia and Sweden conducting similar surveys. RESULTS: Suicide attempts (0.4-4.2%), plans (1.1-15.6%), and ideation (2.6-25.4%) varied by a factor of 10-14 across sites, but remained mostly within the ranges of previously published data. Depending on the site, the ratios between attempts, plans, and thoughts of suicide differed substantially. Medical attention following a suicide attempt varied between 22% and 88% of the attempts. CONCLUSIONS: The idea of the suicidal process as a continuous and smooth evolution from thoughts to plans and attempts of suicide needs to be further investigated as it seems to be dependent on the cultural setting. There are indications, that the burden of undetected attempted suicide is high in different cultures; an improved response from the health sector on how to identify and support these individuals is needed.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis study aimed to identify the information that people who have attempted suicide and those who support them believed to be helpful to receive after an attempt.MethodsThirty-seven people with lived experience of suicide attempt(s) (suicide attempt survivors and family members/friends of survivors) were recruited through two national lived experience community groups in Australia. Participants completed a semi-structured telephone interview that included questions about the types of information they believed important to receive after an attempt.ResultsUsing thematic analysis, the key information participants identified was helpful to receive following a suicide attempt was that which could challenge stigma and address negative community attitudes towards suicide. Participants spoke of a need for practical information and information that provided hope. Personal stories of recovery were identified as an important way of communicating this sort of health information.ConclusionsPeople who have attempted suicide and their family members and friends want information that challenges stigma and supports recovery expectations.Practice implicationsProviding people with accurate information about recovery and using personal stories to communicate health information is one way people affected by suicide attempt identify can challenge stigma, and address information needs after a suicide attempt.  相似文献   

农村地区综合医院诊治的自杀未遂病人的特征   总被引:26,自引:6,他引:26  
目的 :我国每年至少有 2 0 0万人自杀未遂 ,但对其特征缺乏了解 ,因此难以建立并实施任何有效的干预及预防措施。为此 ,本研究着重了解主要服务于农村地区的综合医院自杀未遂病人的特征。方法 :由经过严格培训的调查员用自制调查表对 4所市县级综合医院留院观察的 3 2 6例自杀未遂病人及其家属进行调查 ,并由精神科主治医师做出精神科诊断 (以DSM -IV为诊断标准 ) ;每个案例需 2~ 3小时。结果 :被调查的自杀未遂者的特征如下 :平均年龄 3 2岁 (标准差 =13 ) ,76%为女性 ,75 %已婚 ,78%住在乡村 ,家庭经济状况与当地人经济状况相近 ;65 %自杀前发生夫妻吵架或不和 ;83 %服农药 ;77%的服毒者服用家里存放的物品 ;5 4%属于冲动性自杀 (自杀前考虑自杀的时间≤ 2小时 ) ;自杀当时 40 %患精神障碍 (以心境障碍为主 ) ,其中仅 3 0 %寻求过帮助、 16%看过精神科。结论 :与西方发达国家相比 ,国内农村地区自杀未遂者精神障碍的患病率显著低 ,自杀方式以服农药为主。因此 ,我国的自杀预防及干预措施不能从国外照搬 ,为了解决我国这一巨大的公共卫生问题 ,需要尽快开展高质量的全国性项目以评价不同干预措施的效果  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Few studies have focused on factors that uniquely distinguish suicide attempters from suicide ideators. This study assesses prevalence of suicide attempts among suicide ideators within a community sample; explores demographics, employment status, mental and physical health conditions, personality, life stresses and social environment as factors that may distinguish these groups; examines effects of age and gender upon suicide attempts and associated factors; and investigates the increase in suicide attempts when multiple factors related to this behaviour are present. METHOD: Data were drawn from the PATH Through Life Project, a community survey of 7485 people in Canberra, Australia. A subsample of 522 suicide ideators were used for this study. RESULTS: Logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with suicide attempts. Physical medical conditions (OR 1.95) and negative interactions with friends (OR 1.20) were associated with an increased likelihood of suicide attempts among suicide ideators. Age and gender interaction effects for suicide attempts were found involving physical medical condition and mastery among men (OR 3.78 and 0.83 respectively) and not being employed for those aged 40-44 years (OR 8.94). A cumulative effect was found when multiple factors associated with suicide attempts were present, and the probability of an attempt was significantly elevated. CONCLUSIONS: Factors distinguishing those who attempt suicide from suicide ideators involve being unemployed, physical ill health and relationship difficulties. Contrary to expectation, this study found that ideators and attempters experience comparable levels of depression and anxiety.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There has been much recent interest in the press and among the profession on the subject of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. The BMA recently conducted a 'consensus conference' over the internet to collect views on physician-assisted suicide. Any surveys to date have addressed a variety of specialties; however, no recent surveys have looked at general practitioner (GP) attitudes and experiences. AIM: To explore the attitudes of GPs in Northern Ireland towards the issue of patient requests for euthanasia, their nature, and doctors' experiences of such requests. METHOD: An anonymous, confidential postal survey of all (1053) GP principals in Northern Ireland. RESULTS: Seventy per cent of responders believe that passive euthanasia is both morally and ethically acceptable. Fewer (49%) would be prepared to take part in passive euthanasia. However, over 70% of physicians responding consider physician-assisted suicide and voluntary active euthanasia to be wrong. Thirty per cent of responders have received requests from patients for euthanasia in the past five years. One hundred and seven doctors gave information about these requests. Thirty-nine out of 54 patient requests for passive euthanasia had been complied with, as had one of 19 requests for physician-assisted suicide and four out of 38 patient requests for active euthanasia. Doctors perceived the main reasons why patients sought euthanasia was because of fear of loss of dignity and fear of being a burden to others. CONCLUSIONS: While the majority of GPs support passive euthanasia, they, in common with those who approve of assisted suicide and active euthanasia, often express a reluctance to take part in such actions. This may reflect the moral, legal, and emotional dilemmas doctors encounter when facing end-of-life decisions.  相似文献   

Sleep disturbance is a common complaint among perimenopausal women and is hypothesized to contribute to compromises in their quality of life (QoL). We investigated the degree to which sleep disturbance and QoL were related and whether dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep were significantly associated with QoL ratings among a community sample of 168 perimenopausal women (88% return rate). Questionnaires included measures of subjective sleep quality, beliefs and attitudes about sleep, and QoL. Subjective sleep quality accounted for a significant amount of variance in both the physical and mental health aspects of QoL. Dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep significantly accounted for the physical components of QoL but not mental components. The interplay among sleep quality, dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep, and QoL is discussed, as well as potential clinical implications and ideas for future investigations specific to perimenopausal women.  相似文献   

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