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研究了某焦化废水处理厂接触氧化池中降酚菌群的苯酚羟化酶大亚基基因(the largest subunit of the multi-component phenol hydroxylase,LmPH)的多样性。通过温度梯度凝胶电泳(temperature gradient gel electrophoresis,TGGE)对比分析了氧化池4个区段(O1-O4)中降酚菌群LmPH的组成。它们的TGGE图谱完全一样、相似性为100%,表明该处理池中不同区段的降酚菌群的功能基因组成是高度相似的。以O4段的菌群为代表建立LmPH基因克隆文库,从中挑选了49个克隆测序。依据LmPH基因的DNA序列所推测的氨基酸序列完全相同的归为一类的原则,49个克隆被分为16种类型,其中优势LmPH基因主要有5种类型(多于4个克隆),而另外11种类型都只有1个克隆。与已知基因同源性超过90%的有7种类型,低于80%的有2种类型。基于氨基酸序列的系统进化树分析表明,LmPH文库中绝大部分的类型都属于低亲和常数(low-Ks)的LmPH,占所有克隆的92%。只有一个类型属于高亲和常数(high-Ks)的。因此,处理焦化废水的工业装置中不仅具有丰富多样的苯酚羟化酶基因类型,而且以编码低亲和常数的占优势地位,而过去报道的通过富集培养分离得到的降酚菌则多带有高亲和常数的酶。这提示我们传统的富集培养方法并不能筛选到生态环境中的真正优势功能菌。  相似文献   

【目的】分析倭蜂猴粪便微生物中苯酚羟化酶(Phenol hydroxylase,PH)和邻苯二酚1,2-双加氧酶(Catechol 1,2-dioxygenase,C12O)的基因多样性。【方法】利用简并引物,以倭蜂猴粪便微生物宏基因组DNA为模板,通过PCR扩增,分别构建PH和C12O基因克隆文库,并对克隆进行测序分析。【结果】倭蜂猴粪便微生物来源的PH和C12O基因序列经BLAST比对分析,与GenBank中相应酶的序列一致性分别介于92%?100%和87%?100%。系统进化树分析表明PH基因序列与Neisseria、Burkholderia、Alcaligenes、Acinetobacter 4个属来源的PH序列相关;C12O基因序列全部与Acinetobacter来源的C12O序列相关。序列比对结果表明PH序列具有LmPH (Largest subunit of multicomponent PH)中高保守的两个DEXRH结构域;C12O序列具有能被Ag+和Hg2+抑制的位点(半胱氨酸)。【结论】倭蜂猴粪便微生物来源的PH为多组分PH,其降解苯酚的中间产物邻苯二酚可以被C12O通过邻位开环途径裂解。  相似文献   

分别将炼油废水、印染废水、造纸废水样品倍比稀释后涂布平板分离菌株,用苯酚羟化酶基因特异引物检测苯酚降解菌,共分离得到87株降酚菌。经ER IC-PCR指纹图分析,显示15种不同的类型。进一步对显示不同ER IC-PCR指纹图的15种分离物的代表菌株进行ARDRA多态性分析,结果可分为4个OTUs(Operational Taxonom ic Un it,OUT),表明实验分离得到的降酚菌至少存在4个不同的种(species)。  相似文献   

工业废水中降酚菌的分离及ARDRA多态性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别将炼油废水、印染废水、造纸废水样品倍比稀释后涂布平板分离菌株,用苯酚羟化酶基因特异引物检测苯酚降解菌,共分离得到87株降酚菌。经ERIC-PCR指纹图分析,显示15种不同的类型。进一步对显示不同ERIC—PCR指纹图的15种分离物的代表菌株进行ARDRA多态性分析,结果可分为4个OTUs(Operational Taxonomic Unit,OTU),表明实验分离得到的降酚菌至少存在4个不同的种(species)。  相似文献   

用ERICPCR (Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic ConsensusPCR)、苯酚羟化酶大亚基基因(LmPHs)扩增和群落结构探针分子杂交检测技术对LB、dCGY、MP和FWM 4种培养基从焦化废水处理厂2个曝气池活性污泥中分离优势功能菌群的能力进行了比较研究。LmPHs扩增显示7种回收菌群中均有以多亚基苯酚羟化酶为代谢途径的苯酚降解菌存在。用代表苯酚降解高峰期活性污泥优势菌组成的总DNA的ERICPCR产物经地高辛标记作为群落结构的混合探针M1和M8,对8种回收菌群的ERICPCR指纹图谱进行杂交检测,不同培养基回收优势菌的能力不同,以废水为基础的FWM培养基从活性污泥中回收到的优势菌种群最多(30.8%~42.9%)。本文建立了用微生物群落结构探针杂交技术对不同培养基回收分离优势菌能力进行评价的方法。  相似文献   

牙菌斑培养菌群宏基因组文库构建及抗生素耐药基因筛选   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的]构建牙菌斑培养菌群宏基因组文库,筛选牙菌斑生物膜中细菌的抗生素耐药基因.[方法]采集20例无龋健康人的集合牙菌斑并进行厌氧培养.提取牙菌斑培养菌群宏基因组构建Fosmid文库.用卡那霉素、四环素及氨苄西林对文库进行筛选,并对筛选到的抗性Fosmid克隆进行末端测序、亚克隆构建、亚克隆测序和序列分析.[结果]构建了牙菌斑培养菌群宏基因组Fosmid文库,插入片段长度在36-48 kb间约有15 120个克隆,插入片段长度小于36 kb的约有3 360个克隆.筛选获得一个氨基糖苷类双功能修饰酶AacA-AphD基因、一个核糖体保护蛋白型四环素耐药基因tet (M)及一个C家族β-内酰胺酶基因.[结论]证实了可以通过构建宏基因组文库的方法来筛选牙菌斑培养菌群中的抗生素耐药基因.  相似文献   

绵羊基因组MHC段分为ClassⅠ、Class Ⅲ和ClassⅡ(含Ⅱa和Ⅱb两个亚区)3个区段,与另外2个区段相比,Class Ⅲ区的基因信息远少于ClassⅠ和ClassⅡ区.为丰富绵羊基因组 MHC Class Ⅲ 区段基因信息. 本研究用位于中国美利奴羊基因组BAC文库中 MHC ClassⅢ 区段4个BAC克隆的酶切片段制备32P 标记探针,继而采用噬菌斑原位杂交筛选法筛选中国美利奴羊混合组织cDNA 文库,并对分离到的cDNA 阳性克隆进行全序列测定及生物信息学分析.本实验共筛选出 31 个 cDNA 阳性克隆,对其序列进行了测定及分析,确定了序列在ClassⅢ 区段上的位置,并通过在NCBI中的同源检索对其功能做了初步鉴定.由实验可知,利用BAC 文库与 cDNA 文库杂交筛选法对较大区段基因的筛选和分离是有效的.同时,对分离到的表达序列结合生物信息学进行分析,这将有助于对该序列功能的深入研究.  相似文献   

焦化废水中4株苯酚高效降解菌的分离及鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:从焦化废水中筛选苯酚高效降解菌并进行鉴定.方法:在100~1000 mg/L的苯酚为惟-碳源的无机盐培养基上分离出单菌落,测定各菌株的生长曲线以及对苯酚的降解效牢;利用 16S rDNA序列分析结合菌株的形态特征确定各菌株的分类地位.结果:筛选获得4株苯酚降解菌,均能够以苯酚为惟一碳源,在30℃、pH7.0、摇床转速130 r/min、2%的接种量条件下,24h内能将1 000mg/L的苯酚降解91%以上;4株菌可初步鉴定为芽孢杆菌属(ZL1)、产碱杆菌属(ZL2、ZL4)、沙雷氏菌属(ZL3).其中,从焦化废水中分离出高效降解苯酚的沙雷氏菌未见报道.结论:从焦化废水中获得4株苯酚高效降解细菌,对高浓度含酚废水的生物降解具有潜在的应用前景.  相似文献   

苯酚降解菌phen8的分离筛选及其16SrDNA序列分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为筛选高效苯酚降解菌株 ,从炼油厂排污废水中分离筛选到 1株苯酚降解菌 phen8。利用PCR方法和琼脂糖凝胶电泳技术检测到 phen8菌中苯酚羟化酶基因片段的特异性条带 ,从基因水平上证实了 phen8菌的苯酚降解功能的遗传基础。应用PCR技术克隆到 16SrDNA片段 ,其核苷酸序列分析结果表明 ,该菌株的 16SrDNA全序列与斯氏假单胞菌DSM 5 0 2 2 7和DSM 5 0 2 38的同源性为 98% (在GenBank中的登记号为AF 2 8476 4)。初步确立了该菌在微生物系统发育学上的地位 ,暂定为假单胞菌 (Pseudomonassp .) phen8。  相似文献   

Yang XL  Bai DZ  Qiu W  Dong HQ  Li DQ  Chen F  Ma RL  Hugh TB  Gao JF 《遗传》2012,34(7):887-894
在已知中国美利奴羊MHC(Major histocompatibility complex)区段BAC(Bacterial artificial chromosome)克隆序列信息和预测的基因注释前提下,用位于中国美利奴羊基因组BAC文库MHC区段的6个BAC克隆酶切片段为探针,以噬菌斑原位杂交筛选法筛选中国美利奴羊混合组织cDNA文库(库库杂交),对分离到的cDNA阳性克隆进行全序列测定,并与相应的已知序列信息和基因注释的BAC克隆比对以及在NCBI Blastn数据库中序列相似性检索,旨在验证基因注释结果的准确性和对基因(序列)功能的初步分析。实验中,经过两轮杂交共筛选出27个cDNA阳性克隆(序列),并发现这些序列均可定位到相应的BAC克隆上,且25条序列处在注释基因的外显子部分;在NCBI数据库中经Blastn序列相似性检索发现,23条序列与牛基因的序列相似性最高,且与免疫功能密切相关。  相似文献   

The sequences of the largest subunit of bacterial multicomponent phenol hydroxylases (LmPHs) were compared. It was found that LmPHs formed three phylogenetic groups, I, II, and III, corresponding to three previously reported kinetic groups, low-K(s) (the half-saturation constant in Haldane's equation for trichloroethylene [TCE]), moderate-K(s), and high-K(s) groups. Consensus sequences and specific amino acid residues for each group of LmPH were found, which facilitated the design of universal and group-specific PCR primers. PCR-mediated approaches using these primers were applied to analyze phenol/TCE-degrading populations in TCE-contaminated aquifer soil. It was found that the aquifer soil harbored diverse genotypes of LmPH, and the group-specific primers successfully amplified LmPH fragments affiliated with each of the three groups. Analyses of phenol-degrading bacteria isolated from the aquifer soil confirmed the correlation between genotype and phenotype. Competitive PCR assays were used to quantify LmPHs belonging to each group during the enrichment of phenol/TCE-degrading bacteria from the aquifer soil. We found that an enrichment culture established by batch phenol feeding expressed low TCE-degrading activity at a TCE concentration relevant to the contaminated aquifer (e.g., 0.5 mg liter(-1)); group II and III LmPHs were predominant in this batch enrichment. In contrast, group I LmPHs overgrew an enrichment culture when phenol was fed continuously. This enrichment expressed unexpectedly high TCE-degrading activity that was comparable to the activity expressed by a pure culture of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b. These results demonstrate the utility of the group-specific monitoring of LmPH genes in phenol-stimulated TCE bioremediation. It is also suggested that phenol biostimulation could become a powerful TCE bioremediation strategy when bacteria possessing group I LmPHs are selectively stimulated.  相似文献   

The sequences of the largest subunit of bacterial multicomponent phenol hydroxylases (LmPHs) were compared. It was found that LmPHs formed three phylogenetic groups, I, II, and III, corresponding to three previously reported kinetic groups, low-Ks (the half-saturation constant in Haldane's equation for trichloroethylene [TCE]), moderate-Ks, and high-Ks groups. Consensus sequences and specific amino acid residues for each group of LmPH were found, which facilitated the design of universal and group-specific PCR primers. PCR-mediated approaches using these primers were applied to analyze phenol/TCE-degrading populations in TCE-contaminated aquifer soil. It was found that the aquifer soil harbored diverse genotypes of LmPH, and the group-specific primers successfully amplified LmPH fragments affiliated with each of the three groups. Analyses of phenol-degrading bacteria isolated from the aquifer soil confirmed the correlation between genotype and phenotype. Competitive PCR assays were used to quantify LmPHs belonging to each group during the enrichment of phenol/TCE-degrading bacteria from the aquifer soil. We found that an enrichment culture established by batch phenol feeding expressed low TCE-degrading activity at a TCE concentration relevant to the contaminated aquifer (e.g., 0.5 mg liter−1); group II and III LmPHs were predominant in this batch enrichment. In contrast, group I LmPHs overgrew an enrichment culture when phenol was fed continuously. This enrichment expressed unexpectedly high TCE-degrading activity that was comparable to the activity expressed by a pure culture of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b. These results demonstrate the utility of the group-specific monitoring of LmPH genes in phenol-stimulated TCE bioremediation. It is also suggested that phenol biostimulation could become a powerful TCE bioremediation strategy when bacteria possessing group I LmPHs are selectively stimulated.  相似文献   

Whole-cell kinetics of phenol- and trichloroethylene (TCE)-degrading activities expressed by 13 phenol-degrading bacteria were analyzed. The Ks (apparent affinity constant in Haldane's equation) values for TCE were unexpectedly diverse, ranging from 11 microM to over 800 microM. The Vmax/Ks values for phenol were three orders of magnitude higher than the values for TCE in all bacteria analyzed, suggesting that these bacteria preferentially degrade phenol rather than TCE. A positive correlation between Ks for phenol and Ks for TCE was found, i.e., bacteria exhibiting high Ks values for phenol showed high Ks values for TCE, and vice versa. A comparison of the Ks values allowed grouping of these bacteria into three types, i.e., low-, moderate- and high-Ks types. Pseudo-first-order degradation-rate constants for TCE at 3.8 microM were found to be adequate to rapidly discriminate among the three types of bacteria. When bacteria were grown on phenol at the initial concentration of 2 mM, Comamonas testosteroni strain R5, a representative of low-Ks bacteria, completely degraded TCE at 3.8 microM, while strain P-8, a representative of high-Ks bacteria, did not. A mixed culture of these two bacteria poorly degraded TCE under the same conditions, where P-8 outgrew R5. These results suggest that low-Ks bacteria should be selectively grown for effective bioremediation of TCE-contaminated groundwater.  相似文献   

We describe a quantitative analysis of the genetic diversity of phenol-degrading potential in bacterial communities from laboratory-scale activated sludge. Genomic DNA extracted from activated sludge from two sequential batch reactors fed with synthetic sewage plus phenol was amplified using conserved primers for the major subunit of the phenol hydroxylase (LmPH) gene and used to generate clone libraries. Following phylogenetic analysis, 59 sequences containing a 470-bp fragment clustered into six distinct subgroups with a genetic distance of 8%, most likely representing ecologically relevant variants of the enzyme. Seven sets of primers were designed to target the six clusters and used to obtain quantitative information on the dynamics of LmPH gene diversity using real-time PCR assays throughout 9 months of bioreactors operation. Total LmPH gene copy number remained approximately steady in phenol-amended and control reactors. However, a significant increase in phenol-degrading activity in the phenol-amended sludge was accompanied by a parallel increase in LmPH gene diversity, suggesting that phenol degradation in the activated sludge depends on the combined activity of a number of redundant species.  相似文献   

Phenol- and p-cresol-degrading pseudomonads isolated from phenol-polluted water were analysed by the sequences of a large subunit of multicomponent phenol hydroxylase (LmPH) and catechol 2,3-dioxygenase (C23O), as well as according to the structure of the plasmid-borne pheBA operon encoding catechol 1,2-dioxygenase and single component phenol hydoxylase. Comparison of the carA gene sequences (encodes the small subunit of carbamoylphosphate synthase) between the strains showed species- and biotype-specific phylogenetic grouping. LmPHs and C23Os clustered similarly in P. fluorescens biotype B, whereas in P. mendocina strains strong genetic heterogeneity became evident. P. fluorescens strains from biotypes C and F were shown to possess the pheBA operon, which was also detected in the majority of P. putida biotype B strains which use the ortho pathway for phenol degradation. Six strains forming a separate LmPH cluster were described as the first pseudomonads possessing the Mop type LmPHs. Two strains of this cluster possessed the genes for both single and multicomponent PHs, and two had genetic rearrangements in the pheBA operon leading to the deletion of the pheA gene. Our data suggest that few central routes for the degradation of phenolic compounds may emerge in bacteria as a result of the combination of genetically diverse catabolic genes.  相似文献   

Bacteria of the Thauera genus have been described as important aromatic compound degraders and have attracted increased attention. In this study, three Thauera strains (Q4, Q20-C, and 3–35) were isolated from a coking wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) with a high abundance of Thauera. The 16S rRNA, nitrite reductase, and phenol hydroxylase (LmPH) genes and pollutant-degrading capacity of these strains were characterized and compared. Their 16S rRNA gene sequences were identical, but the genomic structures differed, as demonstrated by distinct enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequence PCR profiles with a similarity of less than 0.65. The analysis of degradation of coking wastewater by these strains showed that most of the main organic pollutants—phenol, methylphenol, and indole, but not quinoline—were degraded under aerobic conditions. These strains contained different LmPHs genes and showed different phenol degradation rates (Q4 > 3–35 > Q20-C). The presence of a microdiversity of Thauera spp. implies the existence of various finely differentiated niches in the industrial WWTP. The capacity of the Thauera strains to degrade a wide spectrum of aromatic compounds suggests their potential in bioremediation applications targeting aromatic pollutant-containing wastewater.  相似文献   

A set of phenol-degrading strains of a collection of bacteria isolated from Baltic Sea surface water was screened for the presence of two key catabolic genes coding for phenol hydroxylases and catechol 2,3-dioxygenases. The multicomponent phenol hydroxylase (LmPH) gene was detected in 70 out of 92 strains studied, and 41 strains among these LmPH+ phenol-degraders were found to exhibit catechol 2,3-dioxygenase (C23O) activity. Comparative phylogenetic analyses of LmPH and C23O sequences from 56 representative strains were performed. The studied strains were mostly affiliated to the genera Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter. However, the study also widened the range of phenol-degraders by including the genus Limnobacter. Furthermore, using a next generation sequencing approach, the LmPH genes of Limnobacter strains were found to be the most prevalent ones in the microbial community of the Baltic Sea surface water. Four different Limnobacter strains having almost identical 16S rRNA gene sequences (99%) and similar physiological properties formed separate phylogenetic clusters of LmPH and C23O genes in the respective phylogenetic trees.  相似文献   

采用苯酚羟化酶基因特异引物检测苯酚降解菌   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
根据苯酚羟化酶基因高度保守序列设计了一对该基因的特异PCR引物。采用该特异引物从苯酚降解菌醋酸钙不动杆菌 (Acinetobactercalcoaceticus)PHEA 2的总DNA中扩增到唯一一条大小为 684bp的片段。该DNA片段与已知的A .calcoaceticusNCIB82 50的苯酚羟化酶基因具有高度的同源性 ,其核苷酸序列的同源性为 84% ,推导的氨基酸序列的同源性为 98%。对苯酚和非苯酚降解菌株的PCR扩增结果表明 :所有苯酚降解菌均能扩增出 684bp的特征片段 ,而非苯酚降解菌则无PCR条带。对炼焦废水中的细菌群落进行PCR扩增和生化特性检测表明 :显示 684bp特征片段的菌株均具有苯酚降解特性。上述结果表明 ,利用苯酚羟化酶基因的特异引物可对环境中的苯酚降解菌株进行准确快速的PCR检测。  相似文献   

A chemostat enrichment of soil bacteria growing on phenol as the sole carbon source has been shown to exhibit quite high trichloroethylene (TCE)-degrading activities. To identify the bacterial populations responsible for the high TCE-degrading activity, a multidisciplinary survey of the chemostat enrichment was conducted by employing molecular-ecological and culture-dependent approaches. Three chemostat enrichment cultures were newly developed under different phenol-loading conditions (0.25, 0.75, and 1.25 g liter(-1) day(-1)) in this study, and the TCE-degrading activities of the enrichments were measured. Among them, the enrichment at 0.75 g liter(-1) day(-1) (enrichment 0.75) expressed the highest activity. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments detected a Variovorax ribotype as the strongest band in enrichment 0.75; however, it was not a major ribotype in the other samples. Bacteria were isolated from enrichment 0.75 by direct plating, and their 16S rRNA genes and genes encoding the largest subunit of phenol hydroxylase (LmPHs) were analyzed. Among the bacteria isolated, several strains were affiliated with the genus Variovorax and were shown to have high-affinity-type LmPHs. The LmPH of the Variovorax strains was also detected as the major genotype in enrichment 0.75. Kinetic analyses of phenol and TCE degradation revealed, however, that these strains exhibited quite low affinity for phenol compared to other phenol-degrading bacteria, while they showed quite high specific TCE-degrading activities and relatively high affinity for TCE. Owing to these unique kinetic traits, the Variovorax strains can obviate competitive inhibition of TCE degradation by the primary substrate of the catabolic enzyme (i.e., phenol), contributing to the high TCE-degrading activity of the chemostat enrichments. On the basis of physiological information, mechanisms accounting for the way the Variovorax population overgrew the chemostat enrichment are discussed.  相似文献   

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