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解决U形装配线平衡调度问题的免疫协同进化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了混流U形装配线平衡与调度的多目标集成优化问题,提出了一种基于Pareto最优的多目标克隆免疫协同进化算法。该算法以两个单克隆抗体群对应平衡与调度两个子问题,分别编码并协同进化,以一个多克隆抗体群保存最优完整解并采取精英策略,使得子种群间既存在协作也存在竞争。提出从抗体的基因型和表现型同时评价抗体亲和度,并改进了共生伙伴选择机制以提高算法的收敛性能。仿真实例证明算法有着更快的收敛速度且比单种群进化算法更适于U形装配线平衡调度问题的求解。  相似文献   

针对生产调度中的多目标混流装配线排序问题,建立以最小化超载时间、产品变化率与总切换时间为优化目标的数学模型,并提出一种改进的多目标粒子群算法求解。该算法采用基于工件的编码方式,并提出新的解码方法;应用Pareto排序和小生境数评价个体,在此基础上形成了一种新的适应度函数。在个体最优解的更新中,为避免最优解丢失,对非支配粒子与支配粒子采用差异化方法更新。此外,运用两种策略解决粒子群算法过早收敛的问题:在个体最优解的更新中引入模拟退火思想,并将全局最优解的选择扩大到整个种群。通过数值算例研究了算法的收敛性、分布性和执行效率,结果表明了所提算法的优越性。  相似文献   

提出了最优子种群实数编码遗传算法理论,通过从种群中选出适应值最高的若干数量的个体,组成该代最优子种群,将最优子种群中的个体与种群中其它个体进行交叉变异、最优子种群中的个体间也进行交叉变异,从而产生新的种群。该遗传算法使得遗传过程中落入局部最优解的几乎不可能,对于多极值问题非常有效,收敛速度也非常快。  相似文献   

将免疫遗传算法用于电力系统无功优化研究,其特点在于采用高频变异操作和保留记忆细胞群体,增加了群体的多样性,保留了更多且不同的最优个体,并随进化过程的进行而不断更新这些个体,这样能加快找到全局最优值.增加克隆扩增使得算法通过变异能在当前种群最优点处进行多方向搜索,从而提高了获得全局最优解的概率;而免疫补充通过在每一代引入新个体,保证了种群的多样性,避免了封闭竞争问题,从而加速找到全局最优值.通过对IEEE-30节点系统的计算,验证了该算法能有效提高无功优化的收敛速度和优化效果.  相似文献   

针对多层系统多目标优化的多舱段卫星设备布局设计的工程满意Pareto最优解集求解困难问题,基于协同进化框架,给出一种人机结合的多目标协同差异进化算法。算法将人机结合方法引入基于协同进化框架的多目标协同进化算法,构建含人工和算法的精英解集合的档案,提出用差异进化算法随机自动实现由算法子个体和人工子个体两两组合生成个体的3种方式,用于子系统的人机结合。在迭代前期采用子系统人机结合增加算法的多样性和分散性,在迭代后期采用系统人机结合增加算法的收敛性和分布性,从而提高基于协同进化框架的多目标协同进化算法求解这类多层系统的多目标优化的计算性能,获得Pareto最优解集。最后,通过案例验证了该算法具有较好的计算性能。  相似文献   

基于拥挤距离排序的多目标粒子群优化算法及其应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对多目标粒子群算法在全局寻优能力和Pareto集多样性上的不足,提出基于拥挤距离排序的多目标粒子群算法.该算法采用精英策略,基于个体拥挤距离降序排列,进行外部种群的缩减和全局最优值的更新,并在内部粒子群中引入小概率变异机制,增强算法的全局寻优能力,控制Pareto最优解的数目,同时保证其收敛性和多样性特征.在电梯曳引性能的多目标优化应用中,证明了该算法对于两目标和三目标优化问题求解的有效性.不同规模实例的运算对比表明,该算法在Pareto前沿的收敛性和多样性方面均优于改进强度Pareto进化算法,且缩短了运算时间,具有较高的效率与鲁棒性.  相似文献   

为解决产品设计中协作设计众包任务优化分配问题,建立了一个子任务对设计者匹配满意和设计者对子任务匹配满意的多目标优化模型,并提出一种改进的麻雀搜索算法进行求解.该模型以协作设计众包子任务和设计者双方最大匹配满意度为目标,从而建立双方的一对一匹配.对算法进行改进,利用Sinusoidal混沌映射初始化种群;利用正余弦算法指引所有麻雀个体向最优位置移动.为防止最优解陷入局部最优,对最优解加带惯性的柯西变异扰动;将改进的算法在6个基准测试函数上进行性能验证.试验结果表明:改进后的麻雀搜索算法寻优能力优于灰狼优化算法(GWO)、蝙蝠算法(BA)及麻雀搜索算法(SSA),并举出实例说明了方法的可行性.  相似文献   

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针对供应链环境的协作特征,研究以下游企业需求为导向的产能优化配置,建立了以最大化企业盈利、设备利用率以及下游企业需求饱和度为目标的问题模型,并设计了基于精英集的多目标粒子群算法。算法结合模型的约束特征,采用约束满足技术生成初始解,基于惩罚函数的思想设计适应度函数,并对不可行解提出了修复规则;针对多目标优化特征,在求解过程中通过建立精英集来保存非劣解,并基于Pareto最优的概念更新精英集,利用基于k-means聚类的精英集裁剪策略,来保证精英集规模和粒子的分布性。实验结果表明了模型和算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

针对粒子群算法在多目标优化问题中存在收敛性差,容易陷入局部最优等缺陷,提出了一种改进的粒子群优化算法。该算法在原有的粒子群算法上增加了两个操作:一是引入了一种变异算子,该变异算子为正态分布随机变异算子,可以使粒子在邻域内随机变异,使其在精英解集中搜索;二是在个体最优位置选取时,对未进入过精英解集的粒子进行变异,使其在新的可行域中寻找,从而加快粒子的收敛速度。经过测试函数验证,该算法可以加快粒子的收敛速度,使粒子更快找到最优解,提高解的收敛性。  相似文献   

差异演化(Differential Evolution,DE)算法是一种基于群体差异的演化算法,具有良好的优化性能,但是对于高维复杂函数,DE算法易早熟收敛。为此,在对DE算法参数分析的基础上,提出自适应缩放因子及自适应交叉率两个概念,进而提出一种自适应差异演化(Adaptive Differential Evolution,ADE)算法。利用群体差异度对DE算法进行分期,一方面使缩放因子在前期较大,在进化的中期先变小,后增大,在进化的后期,缩放因子较小;另一方面使DE算法的交叉率在前期较小,中期在一定范围内随机取值,进化后期较大。仿真实验结果与工程应用实例表明,ADE算法在收敛速度和全局搜索能力方面得到了较好的平衡,不仅保证了ADE算法的收敛速度,而且具有较好的全局搜索能力。  相似文献   

差异演化算法是一种基于群体差异的演化算法,具有良好的优化性能,但是对于高维复杂函数,算法易早熟收敛.为此,在对算法参数以及关键算子分析的基础上,提出了自适应缩放因子及突变因子两个概念,进而提出了简单差异演化算法(A Simple Differential Evolution Algorithm)SDE.首先将缩放因子按照进化代数进行递减,一方面为了减少用户参与程度,另一方面为了平衡算法的收敛速度与全局搜索能力;其次在研究交叉算子的基础上,引入了灾变因子,使群体中的部分个体在进化过程中不进行交叉操作,而直接与父代个体进行竞争,简化了差异演化算法的步骤.仿真实验结果与工程应用实例表明,SDE算法在收敛速度和全局搜索能力方面得到了较好的平衡,不仅保证了算法的收敛速度,而且具有较好的全局搜索能力.  相似文献   

为解决差分进化算法在解决多目标优化问题时的多样性与收敛性之间的平衡维持难题,首先提出了一种基于自适应动态变异和非支配解二次变异的改进差分进化算法。该算法的核心是将前N代进化的群体多样性值作为多样性判别准则,根据群体多样性变化情况自适应地选择对应的变异算子产生新个体;其次提出通过对所存档Pareto非支配解进行二次变异来增加新个体解群的优解质量和数量,以同时改进算法的多样性和收敛速度。仿真结果表明,与标准差分进化算法和改进的基于分类排序的Pareto遗传算法相比,所提算法在收敛性、分布性与分散度性能指标上都有较好的表现,多样性和收敛性之间的平衡维持能力则远优于另两种算法。  相似文献   

In this paper, a hybrid Improved Differential Evolution and Pattern Search (hIDEPS) approach is proposed for the design of a PI-Type Multi-Input Single Output (MISO) Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) based damping controller. The improvement in Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm is introduced by a simple but effective scheme of changing two of its most important control parameters i.e. step size and crossover probability with an objective of achieving improved performance. Pattern Search (PS) is subsequently employed to fine tune the best solution provided by modified DE algorithm. The superiority of a proposed hIDEPS technique over DE and improved DE has also been demonstrated. At the outset, this concept is applied to a SSSC connected in a Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) power system and then extended to a multi-machine power system. To show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed design approach, simulation results are presented and compared with DE and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) optimized Single Input Single Output (SISO) SSSC based damping controllers. It is observed that the proposed approach yield superior damping performance compared to some approaches available in the literature.  相似文献   

针对机械优化设计问题中的混合变量非线性规划问题,提出一种改进的差异演化算法.首先针对混合变量非线性规划问题的特点,采用离散变量与连续变量分别进化策略,以使差异演化算法能够适于解决这类问题.其次,依据基因突变原理,提出突变因子的概念,使群体中的一部分个体不经过交叉操作,而直接与父代竞争,提高了群体的多样性,增强了算法的全局搜索能力,并对差异演化算法的缩放因子进行线性递减计算,加快了算法的收敛速度.测试结果表明,所提出算法不仅能够解决混合变量非线性规划问题,而且有较快的收敛速度和较好的全局收敛能力,实用价值明显.  相似文献   

针对光纤法布里-珀罗(F-P)传感器在实际应用中易偏离工作点,造成输出信号衰减,信噪比降低问题,提出了双波长稳定技术,建立了双波长稳定系统的数学优化模型.采用全局搜索能力强,收敛速度快,鲁棒性好,能有效解决复杂优化问题的微分进化算法(DE)进行了全局结构优化.结果表明,DE算法能在较短的运行时间内得到全局最优解,误差<10-3,优化目标下降了89.46%,且运行时间有所减少;证明该算法正确可行,高效可靠,为光纤F-P传感器的结构优化设计提供了实验基础.  相似文献   

A genetic algorithm for the optimization of composite laminates is proposed in this work. The well-known roulette selection criterion, one-point crossover operator, and uniform mutation operator are used in this genetic algorithm to create the next population. To improve the hill-climbing capability of the algorithm, adaptive mechanisms designed to adjust the probabilities of the crossover and mutation operators are included, and the elite strategy is enforced to ensure the quality of the optimum solution. The proposed algorithm includes a new operator called the elite comparison, which compares and uses the differences in the design variables of the two best solutions to find possible combinations. This genetic algorithm is tested in four optimization problems of composite laminates. Specifically, the effect of the elite comparison operator is evaluated. Results indicate that the elite comparison operator significantly accelerates the convergence of the algorithm, which thus becomes a good candidate for the optimization of composite laminates.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the hybrid flow shop scheduling problems with unrelated parallel machines, sequence-dependent setup times and processor blocking to minimize the makespan and maximum tardiness criteria. Since the problem is strongly NP-hard, we propose an effective algorithm consisting of independent parallel genetic algorithms by dividing the whole population into multiple subpopulations. Each subpopulation will be assigned with different weights to search for optimal solutions in different directions. To further cover the Pareto solutions, each algorithm is combined with a novel local search step and a new helpful procedure called Redirect. The proposed Redirect procedure tries to help the algorithm to overcome the local optimums and to further search the solution space. When a population stalls over a local optimum, at first, the algorithm tries to achieve a better solution by implementing the local search step based on elite chromosomes. As implementing the local search step is time-consuming, we propose a method to speed up the searching procedure and to further increase its efficiency. If the local search step failed to work, then the Redirect procedure changes the direction and refreshes the population. Computational experiments indicate that our proposed improving procedures are thriving in achieving better solutions. We have chosen two measures to evaluate the performance of our proposed algorithms. The obtained results clearly reveal the prosperity of our proposed algorithm considering both measures we have chosen.  相似文献   

In this paper a new meta-heuristic search method, called Cat Swarm Optimization (CSO) algorithm is applied to determine the best optimal impulse response coefficients of FIR low pass, high pass, band pass and band stop filters, trying to meet the respective ideal frequency response characteristics. CSO is generated by observing the behaviour of cats and composed of two sub-models. In CSO, one can decide how many cats are used in the iteration. Every cat has its′ own position composed of M dimensions, velocities for each dimension, a fitness value which represents the accommodation of the cat to the fitness function, and a flag to identify whether the cat is in seeking mode or tracing mode. The final solution would be the best position of one of the cats. CSO keeps the best solution until it reaches the end of the iteration. The results of the proposed CSO based approach have been compared to those of other well-known optimization methods such as Real Coded Genetic Algorithm (RGA), standard Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Differential Evolution (DE). The CSO based results confirm the superiority of the proposed CSO for solving FIR filter design problems. The performances of the CSO based designed FIR filters have proven to be superior as compared to those obtained by RGA, conventional PSO and DE. The simulation results also demonstrate that the CSO is the best optimizer among other relevant techniques, not only in the convergence speed but also in the optimal performances of the designed filters.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于网格支配的微型多目标遗传算法,该算法在求解较多目标函数的优化问题时具有较好的收敛性和较高的计算效率。该算法引入网格支配概念并结合微型多目标遗传算法,在每一代进化种群中计算各个个体的网格值、网格拥挤距离和网格坐标点距离,根据网格支配分级和网格选择机制策略选取精英个体,并对其进行交叉和变异操作,使其朝前沿面收敛以获得Pareto最优解。4个测试函数和2个工程实例验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

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