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乳清的营养价值及其利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乳清是干酪及干酪素生产的副产物,含有乳中一半的营养成分。本文着重介绍乳清蛋白的营养价值,乳清及其制品的开发和在食品中的应用,对乳的综和利用具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

乳清制品在功能食品中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘志广  张建军  乔淑清 《食品科学》2004,25(11):376-378
本文阐述了乳清制品的营养特性及保健意义,并简要介绍了乳清产品在婴儿配方产品、中老年配方食品、减肥配方食品、运动营养产品中的应用。乳清产品含有许多种促进健康和抵御疾病的组分,必将越来越广泛地在各种功能食品中得到应用。  相似文献   

<正> 在许多小食品如干酪卷、油炸马铃薯片等配方中,皆采用了乳配料,特别是乳清制品。由于乳清制品能增强小食品的风味和外观,故扮演着调味的角色。 除此之外,乳清蛋白富含支链氨基酸,被誉为高品质蛋白,乳清制品也是高生物活性乳钙、各种矿物质和维生素的来源;乳清浓缩蛋白和乳清分离蛋白是健康型和运动型小食品的首选配料。  相似文献   

<正> 天然、经济、多功能和高营养价值的特性,使乳清制品成为当今食品开发领域的新宠,为许多功能和感官食品开发方面所遇到的困难,提供了有效的解决方案。本文将介绍这种食品配料的特性,以及其在食品中的应用情况。 乳清制品的生产 乳清是生产干酪时所留下的牛乳浆液或水溶部分,其成分基本上取决于牛奶的来源和生产干酪所采用的工艺。一般来说,乳清是干酪制造中的天然副产品,具有非常高的营养价值。将乳清固体进一步精制,便可制得各种不同蛋白质含量(12~90%)、  相似文献   

Lagra.  V 《中国乳品工业》1999,(6):23-25
乳清是干酪或干酪素生产的副产品。随着新技术的不断推出,乳清产品已受到越来越多的关注,现已作为多种不同需求的食品配料使用。乳清是蛋白质的经济来源,它能给食品加工提供许多功能性成分。乳清产品(包括乳糖)能改善质构、增强风味和色泽,起乳化和稳定作用,改善流动性和在于混料中的分散性,有助于延长货架期和表现出许多能改善食品品质的特性。由于乳清加工和精制技术上的发展;在过去几年中,乳清产品在食品中的应用增长迅猛,其中婴儿食品使用乳清已有数年,因为它能提供许多营养成分,但许多有关乳清的最新应用于培烤食品、乳饮…  相似文献   

利用SDS-PAGE法评价乳基婴幼儿配方食品中的有效蛋白组分,优化了样品前处理方法,采用Bio-Rad Quantity One软件对电泳谱图进行数据分析,实现牛乳蛋白组分的定性和半定量测定。采用该法对我国市售婴幼儿配方食品中的牛乳蛋白有效成分进行了质量评价分析,发现0~12月龄婴儿配方食品基本符合GB 10765-2010中对乳清蛋白不得低于60%总蛋白的规定;0~6月龄Ⅰ段婴儿配方食品中的乳清蛋白含量最高,乳清蛋白/酪蛋白为1.57~2.12(61∶39~67∶33);6~12月龄的Ⅱ段较大婴儿配方食品中乳清蛋白相对Ⅰ段少,二者比例为1.06~1.55(52∶48~61∶39);而在12月龄以上的Ⅲ段幼儿配方食品中二者比例为0.65~0.71(40∶60~42∶58)。虽然Ⅰ段婴儿配方食品乳清蛋白/酪蛋白符合标准,但是在母乳中占主要成分的α-LA(α-乳白蛋白)在Ⅰ段婴儿配方食品中含量偏低(19.1%~24.1%),母乳中不存在的α-CN(α-酪蛋白)在Ⅰ段婴儿配方食品中却占11.9%~17.8%,另外还发现Ig G(免疫球蛋白G)在乳基婴幼儿配方食品中的含量偏低。  相似文献   

<正> 作为一种优质配料,乳清及其制品应用于冷包装干酪、巴氏杀菌干酪及融化涂抹干酪中已经有很多年的历史。常用的乳清制品有甜乳清粉、乳清浓缩蛋白(蛋白质含量从34%至80%,WPC)、低乳糖乳清、改性乳清、脱盐乳清粉以及乳清分离蛋白(蛋白质含量90%以上,WPI)等。在再制干酪中使用乳清配料的最主要原因是可以节约成本。在普通配方中添加适量的乳清配料还能够增强风味,改善功能特性。新的乳清加工工艺使乳清配料的风味和功能特性得到极大改善,应用在再制干酪中可赋予产品优良的风味、质地和组织状态,并能提高延展性、切片性、切丝性、涂抹性以及融化  相似文献   

对超滤技术在干酪生产中的应用作以综述.原料乳通过超滤,脂肪、细菌、酪蛋白和乳清蛋白等大分子颗粒被浓缩,其成分及缓冲能力等的变化对干酪加工成熟过程均产生了重要的影响.超滤技术应用于乳清可以生产乳糖、乳清粉、乳清蛋白浓缩物、乳清蛋白分离物甚至β-乳球蛋白、α-乳白蛋白、糖巨肽及乳铁蛋白等高附加值的产品.  相似文献   

中国干酪及乳清制品的现状与产业化进程   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
1 概述  联合国粮农组织和世界卫生组织(FAO/WHO)制定了国际上通用的干酪定义:干酪是以牛奶、稀奶油、部分脱脂奶、酪乳或这些产品的混合物与原料,经凝乳并分离出乳清而制得的新鲜或发酵成熟的制品。每生产1kg干酪需要消耗10kg鲜奶,分离出9kg副产品乳清。乳清中含有1%的全乳蛋白质,包含鲜乳中近一半的营养成分,因此西方国家非常重视乳清的综合开发与利用。我国对干酪乳清的开发只限于研究阶段。随着人们生活水平的提高,对牛奶浓缩物干酪的需求将逐渐加大。通过推广干酪加工技术和乳清的综合利用,每年将为国…  相似文献   

对微滤技术在乳品工业中的应用作以综述,经过低热膜技术处理生产的液态乳的风味与原料乳接近,货架期是一般制品的3~5倍。微生物的截留结果表明用该乳生产干酪的卫生指标与巴氏杀菌乳相当或者是更佳。微滤技术在乳品工业中的应用还包括:乳清的脱脂、干酪盐水的纯化等等,此外,最具前景的应用是分离酪蛋白生产干酪和脂肪的分离等。  相似文献   

The high biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) of whey poses a major world-wide disposal and pollution problem for the dairy industry, for which an effective and permanent solution is urgently needed. Biological waste water treatment technologies can assist in the safe disposal of whey or whey permeate within the federal environment specifications, but only at substantial cost. One alternative is use of whey, or whey permeate rich in lactose and protein, in processes in which saleable products contribute wholly or partially to the costs. Production of whey proteins by ultrafiltration, lactose hydrolysis products, and the use of whole whey or whey permeate as a fermentation feedstock are possible options. The present situation is discussed, together with projections for commercial potential, limitations of the biotechnology of whey processing, the end products and nutritional aspects.  相似文献   

The future growth of the whey products industry and the wide range of product forms with their different functional and nutritional properties is reviewed. Chemical composition of whey protein concentrates (WPC) and the various processing procedures are discussed and tables given showing the mineral, vitamin and lysine content of WPC. The importance of the development of protein as an additive, with the determination of the function and food technological properties is shown, and the need for investigation of the solubilities of the protein stressed. The various food uses ranging from calf milk replacers to dietetic/therapeutic products and the supplemental value of whey protein are considered (Editor's summary).  相似文献   

Milk is the source of a wide range of proteins that deliver nutrition to the most promising new food products today. Isolated milk proteins are natural, trusted food ingredients with excellent functionality. Separation technologies provide the basis for adding value to milk through the production of proteins that provide the food industry with ingredients to meet specific needs, not possible with milk itself or with other ingredients. The major milk proteins, casein and whey protein, can be isolated by manipulating their compositional and physical properties and then by using various separation technologies to recover the proteins. Additionally, they can be processed in various ways to create a wide range of ingredients with diverse functional characteristics. These ingredients include milk protein concentrate, milk protein isolate, casein, caseinate, whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, hydrolysates, and various milk fractions. Within each of these ingredient categories, there is further differentiation according to the functional and nutritional requirements of the finished food. Adding value to milk by expanding from consumer products to ingredients often requires different technologies, marketing structure and distribution channels. The worldwide market for both consumer products and ingredients from milk continues to grow. Technology often precedes market demand. Methods for the commercial production of individual milk components now exist, and in the future as clinical evidence develops, the opportunity for adding value to dairy products as functional foods with health benefits may be achieved. The research and development of today will be the basis of those value-added milk products for tomorrow.  相似文献   

κ-Casein macropeptide (CMP), one of the components of whey, is produced during cheese making. Whey production has grown enormously in the last three decades and will continue to grow, along with cheese production. There is an increased interest in research for new applications of food industry by-products in order to avoid their extensive elimination and negative environmental implications. In this respect, CMP has been the focus of extensive scientific research that has proven its value as a functional and bioactive peptide, as well as a source of biologically active peptides. This article evaluates the possibilities and future perspectives of the use of CMP and related peptides obtained from cheese whey from different ruminant species. Physicochemical, technological, biological, and nutritional aspects are considered, and processes for analysis, fractionation, and separation are reviewed. The objective is to help to promote further exploitation of cheese industry coproducts for the preparation of high added-value ingredients to be included in the composition of nutraceuticals or functional food products.  相似文献   


κ-Casein macropeptide (CMP), one of the components of whey, is produced during cheese making. Whey production has grown enormously in the last three decades and will continue to grow, along with cheese production. There is an increased interest in research for new applications of food industry by-products in order to avoid their extensive elimination and negative environmental implications. In this respect, CMP has been the focus of extensive scientific research that has proven its value as a functional and bioactive peptide, as well as a source of biologically active peptides. This article evaluates the possibilities and future perspectives of the use of CMP and related peptides obtained from cheese whey from different ruminant species. Physicochemical, technological, biological, and nutritional aspects are considered, and processes for analysis, fractionation, and separation are reviewed. The objective is to help to promote further exploitation of cheese industry coproducts for the preparation of high added-value ingredients to be included in the composition of nutraceuticals or functional food products.  相似文献   

In the cheese industry, whey, which is rich in lactose and proteins, is underutilized, causing adverse environmental impacts. The fractionation of its components, typically carried out through filtration membranes, faces operational challenges such as membrane fouling, significant protein loss during the process, and extended operating times. These challenges require attention and specific methods for optimization and to increase efficiency. A promising strategy to enhance industry efficiency and sustainability is the use of enzymatic pre-treatment with the enzyme transglutaminase (TGase). This enzyme plays a crucial role in protein modification, catalyzing covalent cross-links between lysine and glutamine residues, increasing the molecular weight of proteins, facilitating their retention on membranes, and contributing to the improvement of the quality of the final products. The aim of this study is to review the application of the enzyme TGase as a pretreatment in whey protein filtration. The scope involves assessing the enzyme's impact on whey protein properties and its relationship with process performance. It also aims to identify both the optimization of operational parameters and the enhancement of product characteristics. This study demonstrates that the application of TGase leads to improved performance in protein concentration, lactose permeation, and permeate flux rate during the filtration process. It also has the capacity to enhance protein solubility, viscosity, thermal stability, and protein gelation in whey. In this context, it is relevant for enhancing the characteristics of whey, thereby contributing to the production of higher quality final products in the food industry. © 2023 Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

Lactose is the natural carbohydrate source and prebiotic compound found in the milk of mammals, but large variations in lactase activity in the small intestines of adult populations can cause problems with its use. The value of lactose can be increased by hydrolysis, but even more valuable products can be made by changing the structure of lactose and preventing its absorption in the gut. Some of these nonabsorbable lactose derivatives are already used in medical and functional food applications.
Calcium phosphate precipitation to the heat-transfer surfaces is one of the oldest problems of the dairy industry, but if precipitation is carried out in controlled conditions, the precipitate can be further processed to form milk calcium powder. Milk calcium can be used as a natural source of calcium in calcium-fortified dairy products.
The mineral and salty taste of whey has reduced its use as a food ingredient. The use of modern membrane technology offers a means of producing whey salt as a by-product of whey demineralization. These otherwise wasted minerals can then be used as a natural mineral salt. Especially interesting is the possibility of recycling the whey salt into cheese, improving its nutritional status.  相似文献   

As U.S. dairy farms continue to become more productive, increasing demand is a key to improved economic prospects for the dairy industry. One way to expand demand for dairy products is to find new, economically viable uses for milk. Ex ante economic analysis of new uses for agricultural products anticipates the potential market effects of innovations, and provides a basis for evaluating investment in research and development and setting research priorities. This study evaluated potential economic effects of new applications of films and coatings made from whey protein. An economic simulation model was used to predict the likely effects of the innovations on dairy markets. Cost comparisons with existing technologies and interviews with industry officials were the basis for evaluating potential for commercial adoption of the innovations. The economic simulation model traces the projected increased demand for whey through the markets for dairy products and milk. The associated increased demand for milk could result in benefits to U.S. milk producers of $123.0 million in present value terms, compared to a research cost of $ 4.9 million, with the dairy industry, consumers, and taxpayers all contributing. Interpreting the cost of the research program as an investment on behalf of milk producers, the benefits to producers from development of new whey uses represent an annual rate of return between 28 and 33%. These results are useful for evaluating further investment in the whey research program. The methods illustrated here are applicable to the evaluation of a wide range of research and promotion efforts.  相似文献   

Growth of psychrotrophic bacteria in nonfat dry milk at refrigeration temperatures was shown previously in our laboratory to cause a shift in plasmin (a native milk protease) from the casein to the whey fraction. The whey fraction from cheesemaking is commonly used to make whey protein concentrates and isolates, which then are used as functional ingredients in various food systems. Plasmin activity in whey protein products may cause breakdown of food proteins to have desirable or undesirable effects on food quality. This raised questions about the level of plasmin in commercial whey protein products and factors that affect this plasmin level. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine: 1) plasmin concentrations in sweet and acid whey protein products as influenced by Pseudomonas growth during storage of fresh milk, and 2) plasmin concentrations in commercial whey protein products. Whey type (sweet or acid) had a significantly (P < 0.05) greater effect on whey-associated plasmin activity than did Pseudomonas fluorescens M 3/6 growth. Acid whey protein products had significantly (P < 0.05) higher plasmin concentrations than sweet whey. Plasmin activities associated with acid and sweet whey protein products were both significantly (P < 0.0001) affected by the growth of Pseudomonas fluorescens M 3/6. The interaction effect between bacterial growth and whey type on plasmin activity was not significant (P = 0.2457). Plasmin activity in the reconstituted commercial whey protein concentrates (i.e., sweet and acid) varied considerably (16.3 to 330 micrograms/g of protein), but was significantly lower (2.1 to 4.4 micrograms/g of protein, P < 0.05) in whey isolates. These quantitative data were supported by plasmin activity visualized by casein SDS-PAGE.  相似文献   

<正> 一、美国乳业及乳清粉行业近况 1.美国乳业近况在过去的二十年中,美国奶牛的存栏量总体呈下降趋势,但牛奶产量却稳步攀升,在2008年达到了860亿升。牛奶单产的不断提升得益于基因技术的不断进步、动物营养的不断改善以及养殖操作技术的不断改进。今年,美国奶牛的存栏量及牛奶的产量与2008年相比有所下降,这主要是由国内外市场的需求减少所造成的。在经济危机的影响下,美国奶牛养殖的损失较为严重,奶农纷纷减少了奶牛养殖数量。未来,美国经济的复苏直接  相似文献   

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