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在国内外各类文具博览会,在文具连锁超市,在百货大楼文具柜……琳琅满目的中国学生文具正在展示她们的英姿,目前,我们行业生产的学生文具大致有:文具盒,笔袋,书包,橡皮,卷笔刀,削笔机,削笔刀,油画棒,笔类,裁纸刀,彩泥,学生用尺,学生教具,组合学生文具,涂改制品,墨水,固体胶,胶水,学生算盘等。绚丽多彩的学生文具吸引着众多的经销商,吸引着我国2亿学生和世界各地学生的眼球,孕育着巨大的商机。  相似文献   

王金华 《中国宝石》2005,14(2):137-137
中国素有衣冠之国的美称,中国各民族的服饰文化多种多样,令世界瞩目,服饰上的吉祥图案,无论是人物,山水,楼台亭阁,花卉,动物,植物,器物,活灵活现,仿佛跟真的一样,精细的做工,美丽的图案,都是一针一线用手工做的。  相似文献   

郭嘉 《北京纺织》2009,(4):214-215
T台上,她自信美丽,奔放洒脱,宛如一朵盛开的玫瑰,娇艳欲滴。T台下,她却害羞的不知所措,静静的坐在一边,像个涉世未深的孩子,满眼的惊恐。她的世界就是T台,只要站在上面,在巨大的聚光灯的照射下,穿着设计师们设计的一件件华服,面对无数整装待发的摄影相机,无论台下的她多么害羞,只要在登上T台的一霎那,她仿佛变了一个人,眼睛明亮,神采飞扬。她就是刘思彤,一个双面伊人。  相似文献   

在韩国,文具每年都有数万种新品上市,而此商品的专卖店也经营的非常火爆,发展得相当成熟,备受大、中、小学生,年轻人青睐,眯着一双小眼睛,满脸坏笑,以卡通文具,毛绒玩具,手机套等产品形式遍布北京大街小巷的“流氓兔”早已深入人心,这次他们推出的是小鸡系列文具礼品套装,有笔座,曲别针盒,储蓄罐等。  相似文献   

阿伟 《中国酒》2014,(10):32-43
时光已然是中秋,月到中秋分外明。这晚,圆月高悬,明澄如镜,清光如水。拜月之果饼糕点一应什物早已摆上桌案:西瓜柚子石榴苹果梨,月饼螃蟹莲藕桂花酒,一时间,果香飘飘,酒香四溢,把盏高歌,喜悦不尽。家家团圆的欢声,户户聚合的笑语,穿过层层月波,袅袅而来,声声可闻;兼之蝈蝈鸣唱蛐蛐作响,如梦如幻,不似在人间——好一阙盛世清歌,好一个花好月圆夜!  相似文献   

刘昂 《烹调知识》2014,(5):80-80
中国中心:包括中国的中部和西部山区及低地,最许多温带,亚热带作物的起源地,也是世界农业最古老的发源地和栽培植物起源中心。起源的蔬菜主要有大豆,竹笋,山药,东亚大型萝卜,牛蒡,荸荠,莲藕,芋,百合,白菜类,芥蓝,黄花菜,苋菜,韭菜,葱,苘蒿等。  相似文献   

冬天,寒风凛冽,冰雪交融,大自然露出了一副冷酷的面容。此时,适当食用火锅,不仅可用火锅“火热”之气,驱散冬日的“阴冷”,营造一个“热烈”的氛围,而且还能有效补充人体需要的能量和营养,增强免疫力,抵御严寒,顺利过冬。其实,火锅不光在天寒地冻的冬季,而是一年四季都可食用,在养生方面也有“天时”的讲究。  相似文献   

近日,笔者收到一封令人感慨万千的邮件,内容是:“你好,我是河北的一个养殖户,今年我们家的白貂大丰收,不仅产仔多,成活率高,而且因为种源好的原因,毛色非常不错,但是今年却遭到了白貂皮没人收的境地,让我们陷入了困境,很迷茫,明年还要不要养殖白貂,今年的这些怎么办,你能否给我们指一条明路,谢谢!”  相似文献   

冬季,天气寒冷,冷邪袭人,阳光少见,使老人的身体发生了较大的变化。这种变化比其它季节更加明显,老年人的抵抗力比较弱,各种疾病容易发生。因此在老年人的饮食安排上,要适宜这种变化进行调理。传统医学认为,冬季万物收藏,由于北风凛冽,大地封冻,老年人中的阳气偏弱,阴寒日盛,极易刺激身体,使抵抗力日益降  相似文献   

过去5年来,在英国生儿育女的开销增长大幅提高了33%。根据英国最大的互助组织Liverpool Victoria出版的调查报告.如今,一个典型的家庭平均要花费186,032英镑才能将一个孩子从出生抚养到21岁(每年8,859英镑,合12,000欧元或17,600美元)。目前为止,最大一笔花销是托儿费。平均每个家庭在保姆、托儿所和课后照管方面支出50,538英镑(合68,500欧元或100,000美元),而教育经费则紧随其后,列第二位,平均为47,310英镑。186,000英镑能买到:位于迪拜的一间豪华单人公寓;一辆1925劳斯莱斯古董车或者一艘12米长,6个船舱的豪华油艇。同时,该组织还预测,从现在起至2012年,育儿开支可能进一步提高42%,达到惊人的265,577英镑,即每年要花12,500英镑(合17,000欧元,25,000美元)。  相似文献   

戴步忠  王胜 《纺织器材》2011,38(3):49-53
通过对关键梳理器材及专件结构与性能特点的分析,阐明了国内外精梳器材及专件的创新技术方向,并概括出精梳梳理器材及专件的优选配套总体原则;指出我国现代精梳梳理器材及专件的技术水平与国际先进水平的差距正在不断缩小,部分国产精梳器材、专件的性价比优于国外同类产品.  相似文献   

Jin C.  Shen T.  Liang H. 《丝绸》2022,(8):140-145
Embroidered shoes have a long history. They were popular in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and are still popular in the Republic of China. They are traditional folk clothing accessories in Jiangnan area. The folk embroidered shoes in modern Jiangnan have great regional characteristics in shape technology and color and are rich in profound cultural connotation. They are handicrafts that perfectly combine traditional costumes and embroidery technology reflecting the unique charm of the costumes in the water town of Jiangnan. At present the researches on embroidered shoes in Jiangnan area are mainly analyzed from the perspective of manufacturing technology artistic characteristics and cultural connotation and rarely expounds its aesthetic characteristics and influencing factors from the perspective of color. Therefore the research on the color of modern Jiangnan folk embroidered shoes can restore the beauty of regional culture and help to carry forward and inherit Chinese traditional clothing culture. This paper made physical color measurement quantitative and qualitative statistics on the color of modern Jiangnan folk embroidered shoes which were collected in the Folk Costume Museum of Jiangnan University. It summarized the color characteristics of Jiangnan folk embroidered shoes analyzed the color aesthetics from three angles color layout color composition form and color implementation technology and explored the influence factors of the color formation of modern Jiangnan folk embroidered shoes from four aspects natural environment history and culture ideological belief and living customs. The research shows that the color of folk embroidered shoes in modern Jiangnan has obvious regional characteristics. Most of the main colors are simple and elegant mostly black navy blue and blue and decorated with red blue yellow and green with high saturation and high brightness. They form a color combination of "great unity and small contrast". The overall patterns of embroidered shoes are full of rhythm which can reflect the interest of the material and spiritual life of the Han nationality and contain profound cultural connotation. Its exquisite embroidery technology also enhanced the visual impact of embroidered shoes and the aesthetic value of patterns. Modern Jiangnan folk embroidered shoes have harmonious color proportion unique form and exquisite implementation technology. The local regional environment has a certain impact on the color composition of embroidered shoes. The humid and rainy climate the realistic and pragmatic Wu cultural concept the fresh and inaction color concept and the living customs of rice farming create the simple and elegant color image of Jiangnan folk costumes and highlight the gentle and beautiful image of Jiangnan women. This paper payed attention to the combination of empirical research and mathematical statistics excavated the influence of regional environment on the color of folk embroidered shoes in modern Jiangnan integrated art science and geography to explore the regional characteristics of costume color. In the future research we can further explore the age and occupation of the people wearing embroidered shoes in Jiangnan so as to make the research content more perfect. © 2022 China Silk Association. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The European Commission's, Quality of Life Research Programme, Key Action 1—Health, Food & Nutrition is mission-oriented and aims, amongst other things, at providing a healthy, safe and high-quality food supply leading to reinforced consumer confidence in the safety of European food. Its objectives also include the enhancing of the competitiveness of the European food supply. Key Action 1 is currently supporting a number of different types of European collaborative projects in the area of risk analysis. The objectives of these projects range from the development and validation of prevention strategies including the reduction of consumers risks; development and validation of new modelling approaches; harmonization of risk assessment principles, methodologies, and terminology; standardization of methods and systems used for the safety evaluation of transgenic food; providing of tools for the evaluation of human viral contamination of shellfish and quality control; new methodologies for assessing the potential of unintended effects of genetically modified (genetically modified) foods; development of a risk assessment model for Cryptosporidium parvum related to the food and water industries; to the development of a communication platform for genetically modified organism, producers, retailers, regulatory authorities and consumer groups to improve safety assessment procedures, risk management strategies and risk communication; development and validation of new methods for safety testing of transgenic food; evaluation of the safety and efficacy of iron supplementation in pregnant women; evaluation of the potential cancer-preventing activity of pro- and pre-biotic ('synbiotic') combinations in human volunteers. An overview of these projects is presented here.  相似文献   

为提高蛋白酶与羊毛的作用效果,减少羊毛损伤和缩短酶处理时间,通过研究活化剂存在条件下蛋白酶的催化有效性及活化剂与羊毛的反应速率,验证了由蛋白酶和活化剂组成的生物酶协同催化体系的可行性。并通过比较减量率、处理液中蛋白含量变化及纤维表面鳞片形态,证明在生物酶协同催化体系中活化剂、蛋白酶的相互协同作用可明显促进羊毛角蛋白的水解速度。经过对染色性能、氨基酸组成变化、阿尔瓦登反应及X射线光电子能谱分析表明:生物酶协同催化体系的作用机制是活化剂和蛋白酶相互协同作用,其中活化剂作用于二硫键,蛋白酶作用于酰胺键,从而快速有效地实现羊毛纤维的鳞片剥除。  相似文献   

林伟锋  周艳  鲍志宁  夏枫耿 《食品科学》2018,39(16):140-146
通过测定发酵过程中发酵动力学参数变化,利用顶空-固相微萃取和气相色谱-质谱法测定发酵60?h体系中挥发性风味物质,并进行主成分分析和感官评定,研究单独添加及复配添加蛋白酶和脂肪酶对稀奶油-乳清体系发酵特性及风味的影响。结果表明:风味物质以挥发性羧酸类、酮类和酯类为主。蛋白酶促进pH值下降、乳酸菌增殖和产酸,明显促进酮类生成,可增强体系的风味,提高风味品质;脂肪酶可引起滴定酸度大幅度上升,抑制乳酸菌增殖和产酸,但明显促进羧酸类生成,并产生酯类,可明显改变风味,赋予体系丰富的风味;复配添加后,结合2?种酶的特点,酯类产量上升,增香效果更明显,可显著改变风味,具有缓和大量挥发性羧酸带来的刺激性酸味作用。  相似文献   

An investigation on the transformation paths of trehalose polymorphs and the interplay of water molecules is presented with the aim of underlining the role of trehalose structural and dynamic functions in the “protection” of biosystems and living organisms. To this end, physico-chemical studies have been carried out on water–trehalose interactions and on the structure and stability of the several forms, from the solution to the solid state (either amorphous or crystalline). In this paper the relevant results are critically presented and discussed with particular reference to most recent findings. The dehydration process performed under different confined conditions and controlled scan rates provides a dynamic phase diagram as a function of the time-scales of trehalose transformations and water effusion. A careful analysis of these data and of the stability of the glassy state in the presence of water evidences the reversibility of some trehalose transitions under the same conditions of natural processes of slow heating and controlled evaporation rate. This observation points at the hypothesis of the occurrence of these reversible paths at the basis of the bioprotection process.  相似文献   

近些年来,随着我国改革开放的深入和人民生活水平的提高,人们对食品安全提出了越来越严格的要求.同时由于人们环境意识的日益增强以及绿色化学的兴起,使新型绿色溶剂离子液体广泛应用于食品工业中并且逐渐发挥出巨大的作用,尤其是在淀粉和纤维素改性中的应用.结合国内外相关文献对离子液体在淀粉和纤维素改性中的应用进行总结.在总结的过程中,对淀粉和纤维素在离子液体中改性的发展历程、机理以及相关特点等方面进行论述,探讨了离子液体对淀粉和纤维素改性的影响,并阐述了离子液体在淀粉和纤维素的改性的发展前景和限制因素.  相似文献   

魏俊虎 《纺织器材》2012,39(2):27-28
为了稳定赛络集聚纺成纱质量,分析了专件器材对赛络集聚纺的影响和作用。分别对胶辊、胶圈、网格圈、钢领、钢丝圈、碳纤上销和压力棒隔距块及气动和板簧摇架等专件器材的选择和管理提出建议。通过对比,分析两种摇架的生产数据和普通上销及隔距块与碳纤上销及压力棒隔距块对赛络集聚纺的影响,最后强调加强赛络集聚纺专件器材的选用与管理,以进一步提高赛络集聚纺的成纱质量。  相似文献   

Quality of coffee is a complex trait and is influenced by physical and sensory parameters. A complex succession of transformations during the processing of seeds to roasted coffee will inevitably influence the in-cup attributes of coffee. Germination and fermentation of the beans are two bioprocesses that take place during post-harvest treatment, and may lead to significant modifications of coffee attributes. The aim of this review is to address the current knowledge of dynamics of these two processes and their significance for bean modifications and coffee quality. The first part of this review gives an overview of coffee germination and its influence on coffee chemistry and quality. The germination process initiates while these non-orthodox seeds are still inside the cherry. This process is asynchronous and the evolution of germination depends on how the beans are processed. A range of metabolic reactions takes place during germination and can influence the carbohydrate, protein, and lipid composition of the beans. The second part of this review focuses on the microbiota associated with the beans during post-harvesting, exploring its effects on coffee quality and safety. The microbiota associated with the coffee cherries and beans comprise several bacterial, yeast, and fungal species and affects the processing from cherries to coffee beans. Indigenous bacteria and yeasts play a role in the degradation of pulp/mucilage, and their metabolism can affect the sensory attributes of coffee. On the other hand, the fungal population occurring during post-harvest and storage negatively affects coffee quality, especially regarding spoilage, off-tastes, and mycotoxin production.  相似文献   

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