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随着居民消费水平的升级,产品的精细化和个性化成为配方设计新趋势,如何根据不同地区消费者的感官 喜好差异性指导产品配方设计成为新型消费形式下的需求。本研究以不同配方的液态乳产品为对象,开展评价小组 和消费者对风味液态乳产品关键感官属性的感官评价,采用偏相关分析、Penalty分析等多元统计分析方法,多角度 进行风味特征关联性分析,并利用偏好图对分析型感官分析(感官属性强度测量)和情感型感官分析(消费者喜好度 测量)结果进行综合处理,针对不同地区消费人群的喜好差异确定液态乳样品的关键感官属性改进方案。通过配方模 型优化结果可知,上海地区消费者喜欢偏甜的样品,相对的,北京和成都地区消费者偏爱酸甜适中的样品,三个地区 消费者都喜欢乳香味较大、口感细腻的样品,北京地区消费者对稠厚感的要求没有成都和上海地区消费者高。  相似文献   

王博  曹振霞  刘登勇  沙磊 《食品科学》2019,40(15):15-22
以8 个不同省市的红烧肉为研究对象,通过网络爬虫获取消费者对其关键感官属性的评价数据,绘制食品风味图谱,建立红烧肉感官分析描述词汇表,采用大数据分析和相关性分析等多元统计分析方法,从多维角度探究消费者的喜好性和不同省市间红烧肉感官属性特征的相关性和差异性规律。结果表明:近两年来消费者更加倾向于追求肉质入口即化、烂糊、肥而不腻、滋味新鲜、香且味道稍甜的红烧肉,不同省市间红烧肉感官属性的主体特征明显且差异较大,肥而不腻(不腻)是所有省市红烧肉感官属性的主体特征,烂和糯是“腻口性”的标度词,甜味、辣味和咸味对该标度词影响显著(P<0.05),具体表现为甜味与烂的相关系数为0.707,辣味、咸味与糯的相关系数分别为0.815和-0.654,说明消费者喜好具有甜味、质地较烂或者具有辣味、质地软糯且咸味适宜的红烧肉。  相似文献   

对中国三大风味消费区域中代表性消费城市的消费者进行风味液态乳关键感官属性测试,分析影响液态乳市场接受性的关键感官属性,并采用Penalty分析对消费者感官评价结果进行分析,为样品感官品质改进方向提供指导。结果表明,北京地区和成都地区消费者口味喜好比较相近,不喜欢偏酸的乳制品,而3个城市消费者均认为乳香味和稠厚感对样品整体口感影响较大。  相似文献   

对中国北方三大常温酸奶消费区域中代表性较强的消费城市进行常温酸奶感官喜好性及关键感官属性测试,采用多元统计分析、方差分析、偏相关分析、Penalty分析对感官评价结果进行分析,研究表明:青岛、石家庄、西安的消费者对常温酸奶喜好度认知趋势整体一致。青岛消费者更倾向于酸味偏弱、乳香味偏弱、粘稠度偏弱的产品,石家庄消费者更倾向于粘稠度偏弱、乳香味偏弱、酸味偏强的产品,西安消费者更倾向于乳香味偏强、粘稠度偏弱的产品。三个地区对于4种常温酸奶的整体喜好度排序稍不同,整体上,样品A、C的喜好性显著高于样品B、D(p<0.05)。结果发现不同地区的常温酸奶口味存在差异,根据Penalty分析,可对不同地区的样品进行调整,确定调整方向并确定调整程度,以满足不同地区消费口味的需求。  相似文献   

牛奶演变为生活中常见的食品,离不开成熟的常温奶生产技术。随着人们对健康生活和营养食品的追求,牛奶的销量呈稳步上升趋势。近年来的乳制品事件使国人对国产牛奶的信心较为薄弱,纯牛奶的进口量逐年增长,“进口牛奶优于国产牛奶”观念盛行。本文以典型的2款国产纯牛奶和4款进口纯牛奶为研究对象,采用固相微萃取结合气相色谱-质谱联用技术对国产纯牛奶和进口纯牛奶中的风味物质进行定性、定量分析,结果发现进口纯牛奶挥发性风味组分中酮类、酸类和含硫化合物含量较高,其中2-庚酮、2-壬酮和2-十一酮含量约为国产纯牛奶的2倍,结合智能感官和描述性感官评价进行整体滋气味的评估(1~7分制),发现国内的纯牛奶样品感官轮廓相似,且乳香味和乳脂味较浓,异味(牛膻味、金属味和青草味)和蒸煮味较弱,整体喜好度评分较高,分别为5.8和5.9分,而进口纯牛奶样品的乳香味和乳脂味较弱且异味较重,整体喜好评分不超过4.0分。  相似文献   

本研究采用check-all-that-apply(CATA)法与喜好9点标度法相结合的消费者快速感官评价方法,对马尾松、淡竹叶、桑叶、菊花、桂花、薄荷、紫苏、桦树汁露8种草本植物近水饮料的感官特征进行分析。消费者在19个口感和24个气味属性描述词中勾选,对8款近水饮料样品进行感官和喜好度评定。喜好度分析结果表明,消费者对8款植物近水饮料的喜好度存在差异,消费者对薄荷露和桂花露整体喜好度较高,两者差异不显著(P<0.05)。Cochran’s Q test分析结果表明,样品在41个感官属性中均存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。对应分析(Correspondence Analysis,CA)结果说明了8种植物近水饮料之间感官特征的差异,薄荷露感官特征突出,具有清凉、薄荷的特征属性;桂花露感官属性主要表现为桂花香、桃香、甜香;菊花露、紫苏露、桑叶露具有相似的绿茶、甘草、菊花等感官属性;马尾松与淡竹叶露感官特征相似;桦树汁露感官特征不明显。结合消费者李克特量表数据进行惩罚分析(Penalty Analysis,PA),本研究发现注重健康人群并未对产品中草药气味表现出显著的不接受;有饮水添加助饮物习惯的人群更偏好甜香、清凉、金银花的感官特征。因此,消费者快速感官评价CATA法能够有效测试产品的感官属性和消费者偏好,并在新产品开发和市场调研方向展现出广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

超高温瞬时杀菌法(UHT)、巴氏杀菌法和浸入式杀菌技术(INF)等是应用较为广泛的牛乳杀菌方法,本研究利用溶剂辅助风味蒸发法(SAFE)对生牛乳和3类杀菌乳中挥发性风味组分差别进行研究,结果表明:从4种牛乳中共检出挥发性香气物质48种,包括脂肪酸类11种、酮类5种、醛类6种、含硫化合物2种、酯类6种、醇类5种、芳香及杂环类化合物13种。在此基础上结合阈值进一步确定了上述风味组分的香气活性值(OAV)。4种牛乳样品中共有23种OAV值大于1的关键风味化合物,其中十六酸甲酯、2-壬酮和己醛等对牛乳整体风味的贡献度较大。基于偏最小二乘回归(PLS)对4种牛乳中关键风味组分和牛乳感官特征之间的相关性进行分析,结果表明:INF乳和巴氏杀菌乳的感官特征更为相似,具有较强奶香味与甜味,其对应的化合物为2-壬酮、2(5H)-呋喃酮和乙酸丁酯。UHT乳的感官特征为具有蒸煮味、浓厚感较强。该感官特征与二甲基砜、二甲基硫、2-乙基-1-己醇和2-十三酮等组分相关性较大。此外,生牛乳风味组分相对较少。  相似文献   

以可可液块和可可脂为原料,以脂肪模拟物部分取代可可脂来生产低脂巧克力,具有热量低、营养丰富等特点,更符合人们对于健康的需求。以脂肪取代比、糖粉添加量、纯牛奶添加量为单因素变量,以感官评分为响应值,优化低脂巧克力的配方。研究结果表明,最佳配方为可可液块添加量50%、可可脂添加量25%(脂肪取代比23.471%)、糖粉添加量22.5%、纯牛奶添加量2.65%。在此配方下制作出来的巧克力有纯正的可可香气,色泽均一,口感丝滑,感官评分最高,且具有良好的质构特性。  相似文献   

采用定量描述分析法对15种市售蒸蛋糕的感官特征进行了评价。经过培训的感官评价小组建立了7个气味描述词、8个风味描述词、8个质地/口感描述词和2个余味描述词,并确定了各感官描述词的定义、参照物及其标度。通过方差分析和主成分分析可以得到,整体香气、奶油、谷物、烘焙、油腻、蒸煮味6个香气指标,整体风味、蒸蛋味、谷物、奶油、奶5个风味指标,粗糙度、吸水性、黏附、硬度、成团性、颗粒6个口感/质地指标,是蒸蛋糕的主要感官特征,能较好地区分蒸蛋糕样品间的感官差异。  相似文献   

根据获取的消费者测试数据的类型,可将消费喜好测试分为定性测试和定量测试;根据消费者对产品感官品质的态度,可将消费偏好测试分为接受性测试和偏爱性测试。主要介绍了国内外消费喜好测试主要技术方法的基本原理和实施过程,并对各方法的特点进行分析,可为企业实施消费者感官测试提供指导。  相似文献   

This study was set out to establish artificial neural networks (ANN) as an alternative to regression methods (multiple linear, principal component and partial least squares regression) to predict consumer liking from trained sensory panel data. The sensory profile and acceptability of 10 market samples of beef bouillon products were measured. The products were distinct as evaluated by the trained sensory panel. A total of 100 regular beef bouillon product users from Manila measured overall liking, flavour, aftertaste and mouthfeel of the products. Curve fitting method was applied to identify sensory drivers of consumer liking. The sensory drivers of consumer liking were used as explanatory variables in artificial neural networks and regression methods. To overcome the limitations of regression methods we have used artificial neural network techniques to model consumer liking score as a function of trained sensory panel scores and achieved quite encouraging results. Our simulation experiments show that though the regression methods such as multiple linear regression (MLR), principal component regression (PCR) and partial least square (PLS) give an accurate prediction of consumer liking scores, this approach is not robust enough to handle the variations normally encountered in trained sensory panel data. ANNs were trained using the sensory panel raw data and transformed data. The networks trained with sensory panel raw data achieved 98% correct learning, the testing was in a range of 28–35%. Suitable transformation method was applied to reduce the variations in trained sensory panel raw data. The networks trained with transformed sensory panel data achieved about 80–90% correct learning and 80–95% correct testing. It is shown that due to its excellent noise tolerance property and ability to predict more than one type of consumer liking using a single model, the ANN approach promises to be an effective modelling tool.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the sensory properties and acceptability of lab developed prototypes of conventional, diabetic (with no sugar), and diabetic/reduced calorie milk chocolates (no sugar and 25% calorie reduction) with high-intensity sweeteners, sucralose and stevioside, and partial fat replacement with whey protein concentrate (WPC). PLS was performed in order to relate sensory properties and consumer acceptability and to determine drivers of liking and disliking. There was no difference between conventional, diabetic and diabetic/reduced calorie milk chocolates for brightness, cocoa aroma, cocoa butter aroma, and cocoa flavor (p > 0.05). Acceptability was higher for sucrose substitution by sucralose than by stevioside and partial fat replacement reduced acceptability of flavor even more (p ? 0.05). Crucial attributes which determine consumer acceptability in samples are sweet aroma, melting rate, and sweetness, whereas bitterness, bitter aftertaste, adherence, and sandiness were drivers of disliking.  相似文献   

This work aimed to evaluate the impact of buffalo milk and nondairy ingredients on sensory properties and acceptability of custards intended for children. For this, a consumer study with 100 children aged 8 to 12 was performed. Three custard models were formulated using buffalo milk and variable amounts of corn starch, sucrose and colourant/flavouring. Compositional, mechanical and chromatic properties of custards were related to sensory characteristics and overall liking scores. Obtained results allowed understanding the consumers' preferences and identifying the drivers of liking. Buffalo milk constitutes a promising raw material for the formulation of custard intended for children.  相似文献   

Light exposure can damage the sensory properties of milk, leading to adverse consumer responses. This is presumed to be through the action of photosensitive compounds such as riboflavin, present in milk and capable of releasing energy when irradiated, leading to damage of proteins and fats in the milk. Light-emitting diode (LED) lighting is assumed to be less damaging to milk due to lower inherent power consumption. In this study, fat-free milk was exposed to LED and fluorescent light at 2,000 lx to compare the sensory thresholds of exposure, the flavor profile of milk produced by these exposures, and resultant consumer acceptance of the samples. Additionally, the effectiveness of light-protective packaging and supplementation with antioxidants was evaluated. The sensory threshold from LED exposure was no longer than from fluorescence, whereas with antioxidants (tocopherols and ascorbic acid), the majority of the panelists failed to discriminate milk exposed to LED light even at 48 h of exposure. Trained panelists described light-exposed milk as significantly higher in cardboard, old oil, and plastic, with LED exposure resulting in a marginally more plastic aroma, and fluorescent marginally more cardboard. Consumers reported higher liking for fluorescent-exposed samples versus those exposed to LED. The antioxidant-supplemented samples, and those exposed to LED light engineered to eliminate wavelengths below 480 nm (thus most of riboflavin's absorption peaks), resulted in significantly higher old oil aroma; however, the former received higher liking scores than LED-exposed samples. Light-protective packaging offered near-complete protection from LED exposure, with a similar flavor profile as unexposed milk, and the best liking scores of any treatment. Nevertheless, consumers disliked its appearance, due to unfamiliarity, suggesting some consumer education may be needed if this were to be an efficient protective strategy.  相似文献   

Kefir is a fermented milk product that is a good source of protein and health-promoting bacteria. It has the potential to improve recovery from exercise and the health and well-being of cancer survivors. The purpose of this study was to explore cancer survivor attitudes about and acceptance of a kefir recovery beverage made from cultured milk, whole fruit, natural sweeteners, and other natural ingredients. Kefir was made by inoculating and fermenting milk with kefir grains. The kefir was then mixed with a fruit base and given to cancer survivors (n = 52) following a bout of exercise. Participants evaluated the acceptability of the beverage samples (overall appearance, aroma, taste, mouthfeel, and overall liking) using a 9-point hedonic scale, and they evaluated the smoothness using a 3-category just-about-right scale (not enough, just about right, and too much). They also expressed their physical and psychological feelings about the beverage using a 5-point scale (1 = not at all to 5 = extremely) and indicated their purchase intent using a binomial (yes/no) response. The health benefits of kefir were then explained, and participants sampled a second beverage (the same product), answering the same questions related to overall liking, feeling, and intent to purchase. We used a paired Student's t-test to compare beverage liking and emotion scores before and after participants learned about the health benefits of kefir. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviations. The beverage scored significantly higher for overall liking after the health benefits were explained (6.5 ± 1.8 and 7.0 ± 1.7 out of 9 before and after the explanation of health benefits, respectively). Participants showed a high intent to purchase before they learned about the health benefits (75% of participants indicated an intent to purchase, and 89% after they learned about the health benefits). The beverage received high scores overall and, except for an improvement in overall liking, we observed no significant differences in physical and psychological feelings before and after participants learned that it contained kefir and had potential health benefits. We found the beverage to be acceptable for consumption by cancer survivors, and the majority of participants showed an interest in purchasing for after exercise.  相似文献   

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