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为考察直链淀粉含量对淀粉/瓜尔胶复配体系性质的影响,以不同直链淀粉含量的玉米淀粉(蜡质玉米淀粉、普通玉米淀粉和高直链玉米淀粉)为原料,加入瓜尔胶,研究复配体系的糊化、流变及凝胶特性。结果表明:瓜尔胶与直链淀粉之间的相互作用是引起淀粉复配体系黏度和稠度系数增加、成糊温度和流体指数降低的主要原因。动态流变实验结果表明淀粉中直链淀粉含量不同对复配体系的动态模量的影响也不同。在糊化过程中,随着直链淀粉含量增加,直链淀粉分子与瓜尔胶间的相互作用增强,阻碍了直链淀粉分子间的聚集重排,使得复配体系硬度值减小,3种玉米淀粉形成了质地更为柔软的凝胶。  相似文献   

为考察直链淀粉含量对淀粉/瓜尔胶复配体系性质的影响,以不同直链淀粉含量的玉米淀粉(蜡质玉米淀粉、普通玉米淀粉和高直链玉米淀粉)为原料,加入瓜尔胶,研究复配体系的糊化、流变及凝胶特性。结果表明:瓜尔胶与直链淀粉之间的相互作用是引起淀粉复配体系黏度和稠度系数增加、成糊温度和流体指数降低的主要原因。动态流变实验结果表明淀粉中直链淀粉含量不同对复配体系的动态模量的影响也不同。在糊化过程中,随着直链淀粉含量增加,直链淀粉分子与瓜尔胶间的相互作用增强,阻碍了直链淀粉分子间的聚集重排,使得复配体系硬度值减小,3种玉米淀粉形成了质地更为柔软的凝胶。  相似文献   

为探索菊糖作为非淀粉多糖添加物对小麦淀粉的影响,以小麦淀粉为原料,采用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)、快速黏度分析仪(RVA)以及流变仪分析了不同添加量的菊糖对小麦淀粉糊化、回生以及流变学等特性的影响。试验结果显示:随着菊糖添加量的增加(0%~20%),复配体系的糊化温度不断升高,在4℃环境下贮藏一定时间后,其老化速率随着菊糖添加量的增加不断降低。静态剪切流变测试结果表明:复配体系黏度不断下降,其流变学特性均符合幂率模型,为假塑性流体;动态黏弹性测试结果表明不同菊糖添加量的淀粉凝胶均为弱凝胶。添加适量的菊糖不仅可以改善淀粉糊的糊化和流变特性、推迟淀粉糊的糊化时间,对淀粉的回生也有一定程度的抑制作用。  相似文献   

以玉米淀粉为原料,通过流变仪、差式量热扫描仪、质构分析仪、傅里叶红外光谱仪和低场强核磁共振等分析添加不同浓度大豆异黄酮对玉米淀粉老化特性及体系水分迁移的影响。结果表明:在储存期间淀粉老化程度加大,加入大豆异黄酮,降低了淀粉凝胶弹性模量变化率,延缓了玉米淀粉的短期老化。在相同储存期内,随大豆异黄酮浓度的增加,淀粉回生率显著降低;凝胶硬度值下降,质地更加柔软;氢键吸收峰发生红移,R1047/1022、R995/1022值逐渐降低,相对有序度降低;结合水和不易流动水含量增加,自由水含量降低,表明大豆异黄酮可有效抑制淀粉的长期老化。研究结果丰富了黄酮类化合物对淀粉老化性质影响的基础数据。  相似文献   

分别在小麦粉中添加黄原胶-卡拉胶复配胶和α-淀粉酶制备馒头,通过测定冷藏过程中水分、水分活度、水分分布状态、质构特性,以及馒头离心上清液的干物质含量和直链淀粉的吸光值,研究冷藏过程中馒头的品质变化。结果表明:在冷藏过程中,3种馒头水分均呈现降低趋势;水分活度先升高,后降低;水分状态分布由强结合水向弱结合水转化;离心上清液中干物质含量上升,直链淀粉含量上升;硬度增加,弹性降低。亲水胶体与水分相结合,使更多的水分保持在馒头中,抑制淀粉老化;α-淀粉酶将淀粉水解成糊精和短链的糖,阻止了淀粉与麦谷蛋白作用,从而减缓馒头老化。  相似文献   

为了探讨复配改良剂对糯米淀粉老化特性的影响,以低温储存后凝胶硬度的变化为评价指标,通过单因素实验,研究改良剂对糯米淀粉老化的抑制效果;采用响应面法确定复配改良剂的最佳添加量。结果表明,复配改良剂的最佳添加量为:黄原胶0.53%、单甘脂0.43%、β-淀粉酶0.18%。延缓糯米淀粉老化效果的改良剂顺序为β-淀粉酶黄原胶单甘脂。对糯米淀粉凝胶进行TPA、FT-IR和DSC分析,结果表明,添加复配改良剂的凝胶硬度、红外吸光度比值、热焓△H均显著低于空白样品。说明复配改良剂能有效控制水分迁移,抑制直链淀粉双螺旋结构形成和分子交联聚合,缩短直链淀粉及支链淀粉直线分支长度,降低支链淀粉晶种源浓度,阻碍其重结晶,有效延缓糯米淀粉凝胶的老化。  相似文献   

为了改善玉米淀粉的加工特性,提升产品品质,研究了黄原胶和3种不同链长的脂肪酸(肉豆蔻酸、棕榈酸和硬脂酸)的组合对玉米淀粉糊化性质、流变性质、凝胶性质、热性质和凝胶微观结构的影响。快速黏度分析结果表明,添加黄原胶-棕榈酸和黄原胶-硬脂酸组合后玉米淀粉糊的峰值黏度和最终黏度分别增加了123~131 m Pa·s和64~94 m Pa·s,回生值降低了16~18 m Pa·s,而添加黄原胶-肉豆蔻酸组合的淀粉糊峰值黏度和最终黏度降低,回生值增加。静态流变结果表明,加入黄原胶和3种不同链长脂肪酸组合的玉米淀粉均表现出非牛顿剪切稀化行为(流动行为指数n1)。动态流变结果显示,加入黄原胶-棕榈酸和黄原胶-硬脂酸组合后,玉米淀粉的储能模量G′和损耗模量G″增加,表明加入这两种组合可有效的改善玉米淀粉的黏弹性,而加入黄原胶-肉豆蔻酸组合的玉米淀粉的G′和G″值降低。添加黄原胶和3种不同链长脂肪酸组合后,玉米淀粉凝胶硬度降低了65~77g,差示扫描量热仪结果显示在89~110℃出现吸热峰,表明形成了直链淀粉-脂肪酸复合物;扫描电镜观察到淀粉凝胶网络结构断裂程度增加,呈现碎片化结构,表明加入黄原胶和脂肪酸的组合后,淀粉的凝胶结构被弱化。  相似文献   

为考察亲水性胶体对淀粉性质的影响,以莲藕淀粉为原料,加入不同比例的魔芋胶,研究两者复配后莲藕淀粉的糊化、流变、质构特性及微观结构的变化。结果表明,魔芋胶提高了莲藕淀粉的黏度、回生值、崩解值,降低了糊化温度。莲藕淀粉/魔芋胶复配体系为假塑性流体,并且随着魔芋胶添加量的增加,稠度系数K增加,流体指数n减小,复配体系有更好的增稠性;魔芋胶的加入使体系黏性比例提高,具有优越的黏弹性;同时加速了莲藕淀粉凝胶体系的回生。淀粉复配体系的硬度、弹性、内聚性降低,黏着性升高,其中莲藕淀粉与魔芋胶质量配比为8.5∶1.5时,形成的凝胶质地最柔软。同时通过扫描电镜观察到魔芋胶的添加使淀粉内部形成更加均匀紧凑的网络结构。  相似文献   

房子蔚  王雨生  于真  陈海华 《食品科学》2022,43(20):109-116
为探究油酸和麦芽糖醇混合物抑制玉米淀粉老化的效果,通过快速黏度分析、差示扫描量热分析、质构分析、动态流变分析、低场核磁共振分析、红外光谱分析和X射线衍射分析等方法比较不同复配比例的油酸和麦芽糖醇混合物对玉米淀粉糊化特性、老化特性、流变学特性、质构及结晶结构等的影响。结果显示:添加油酸和麦芽糖醇混合物后,玉米淀粉的糊化温度升高,回生值和老化速率降低,且当油酸和麦芽糖醇质量比为0.5∶1.5时,糊化温度最高(77.80 ℃),回生值最低(1 218 cP),老化速率比原淀粉降低了60%;油酸和麦芽糖醇混合物的添加能增大玉米淀粉的损耗角正切值和横向弛豫时间(T2),形成较弱的凝胶结构,降低玉米淀粉凝胶的硬度、短程有序度和相对结晶度;当油酸和麦芽糖醇为0.5∶1.5质量比复配时,混合物对延缓玉米淀粉老化存在协同作用。这可能与麦芽糖醇能抑制淀粉体系中水分子运动、油酸能与淀粉形成淀粉-脂质复合物从而有效抑制淀粉重结晶有关。研究结果可为改善玉米淀粉加工特性、提高淀粉基食品品质提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

为探究超声改性蛋白对玉米淀粉凝胶结构及消化特性的影响规律,将不同超声时间处理的大豆分离蛋白分别添加至玉米淀粉中,利用傅里叶红外光谱仪、差示扫描量热仪、X-射线衍射仪及流变仪等表征超声改性蛋白与玉米淀粉复配凝胶体系结构,并对其体外消化特性进行分析。结果表明:与原玉米淀粉相比,当淀粉中添加不同超声时间处理的大豆分离蛋白后,玉米淀粉的短程有序性、分子内和分子间氢键强度、糊化焓值(ΔH)均降低,且随着超声时间的延长,呈逐渐降低趋势,当超声时间达到30min时,复配体系的ΔH降低了27.27%;超声改性蛋白与玉米淀粉间相互作用主要通过疏水作用力;复合凝胶体系的X-射线衍射图显示出典型Ⅴ型结构特征,说明改性蛋白的加入改善了淀粉消化特性,与原淀粉相比,慢消化淀粉和抗性淀粉含量均随着超声时间的延长逐渐升高,慢消化淀粉和抗性淀粉质量分数分别提升了7.01%和3.41%。研究结果旨在为改性蛋白在淀粉基食品中的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

亲水性胶体对大米淀粉流变与回生性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为改善基于大米淀粉的食品品质和抑制其回生,系统研究了卡拉胶、阿拉伯胶和果胶对大米淀粉糊化、流变和回生性的影响。卡拉胶和果胶的添加显著增大了大米淀粉峰值与谷值黏度;所有胶体均降低淀粉的最终黏度和回生值,果胶最为明显。动态黏弹性结果表明,淀粉凝胶为典型弱凝胶体系,卡拉胶和果胶对储能模量G’和损耗模量G’’的影响大于阿拉伯胶。采用幂率模型拟合了稳态流动曲线,淀粉与亲水性胶体共混体系表现为典型的假塑性流体特性。差示扫描量热结果表明,所有胶体均提高了大米淀粉凝胶在冷藏条件下的稳定性,阿拉伯胶降低凝胶长期回生度的趋势最为明显。综合来看,果胶和卡拉胶可能与直链淀粉分子形成氢键作用和相互缠绕,减弱体系流动性;阿拉伯胶在结构上形成阻隔作用并减弱分子间氢键,减缓淀粉分子的缔合和回生。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Starch pastes act as protective systems of the solid elements in precooked frozen foods, minimizing their dehydration and chemical changes during storage. the effect of xanthan gum (0.3 % w/w) on corn starch and wheat flour pastes (10 % w/w), frozen at different freezing rates and stored between -5 and -20C, was analyzed. Freezing modified the quality attributes of the starch pastes increasing exudate production, structure deterioration and rheological changes compared to the unfrozen samples. Starch pastes showed a pseudoplastic behavior and apparent viscosities decreased in frozen samples. High freezing rates led to smaller ice crystals (indirect microscopic observation) and the absence of starch retrogradation. Starch retrogradation and ice recrystallization, both contributed to the deterioration of the frozen paste during storage (spongy structure, marked decrease of apparent viscosity and increase of syneresis). the addition of xanthan gum minimized spongy structure formation, exudate production and rheological changes; however, no protective effect was observed on ice crystal sizes and on amylopectin retrogradation by Differential Scanning Calorimetry.  相似文献   

Staling of breads baked in different ovens (microwave, infrared-microwave combination and conventional) was investigated with the help of mechanical (compression measurements), physicochemical (DSC, X-ray, FTIR) and rheological (RVA) methods. The effect of xanthan-guar gum blend addition on bread staling was also studied. Xanthan-guar gum blend at 0.5% concentration was used in bread formulation. The gums were mixed at equal concentrations to obtain the blend. After baking, the staling parameters of breads were monitored over 5 days storage. During storage, it was seen that hardness, retrogradation enthalpies, setback viscosity, crystallinity values, and FTIR outputs related to starch retrogradation of bread samples increased, whereas FTIR outputs related to moisture content of samples decreased significantly with time. The hardness, retrogradation enthalpy, setback viscosity, and crystallinity values of microwave-baked samples were found to be highest among other heating modes. Using IR-microwave combination heating made it possible to produce breads with similar staling degrees as conventionally baked ones in terms of retrogradation enthalpy and FTIR outputs related to starch retrogradation. Addition of xanthan-guar gum blend decreased hardness, retrogradation enthalpy and total mass crystallinity values of bread samples showing that staling was delayed.  相似文献   

We present for the first time the interactions of starch and cassia gum – a novel galactomannan recently approved for use in food processing. Viscoelastic, pasting and microstructural characterization of various starches (waxy; high amylose; normal; cross-linked waxy corn starch; potato starch) containing different levels of the cassia gum was carried out. Significant changes were observed in the morphology of granule remnants formed during gelatinization in the starch pastes prepared with and without the addition of cassia gum. The freeze-dried starch–cassia gum pastes presented a shrunken and tight arrangement of the starch granule remnants, when studied by scanning electron microscopy. A significant reduction in the granule remnant size was also calculated using laser diffraction particle size analysis. The extent of interaction with cassia gum differed significantly among the various starch types. All the unmodified corn starches recorded an increase in peak viscosity at all levels of the cassia gum addition. An increase in the final viscosity of these starches was also observed by the addition of cassia gum, with high amylose and normal corn starch showing the maximum. Similarly, the extent of breakdown and setback viscosity also differed among the different starch types. Ranges of dynamic rheological measurements (temperature, time and frequency sweeps) were performed within the viscoelastic zones. Rheological parameters, such as storage modulus (G′), loss modulus (G″) and the gelatinization temperature (Tgel), of the corn starches during the heating cycle were observed to increase, when cassia gum was present at lower levels. The starch–gum systems also exhibited higher tan δ values during both the heating and the cooling cycles, indicating the dominance of the viscous modulus. The G′ and G″ of all the corn starch gels containing cassia gum showed higher values throughout the frequency sweep range. However, the increase in G′ and G″ of different starches was not always consistent with the increase in cassia gum levels. The changes in rheological behaviour during storage of the starch gels, aged on the plate of the rheometer and then studied through time sweeps at 5 °C and frequency sweeps at 25 °C, suggested that the starch gels containing cassia gum had less pronounced changes in the rheological parameters than had their control counterparts.  相似文献   

The Effects of hsian‐tsao leaf gum (HG) on the rheological/textural properties of non‐waxy starches were studied. Pronounced interactions between starch and HG were observed. The rheological properties, including pseudo‐gel viscosity in the rapid visco‐analyser test, storage and loss moduli in the dynamic rheological test, as well as firmness in the texture analyser test, of the mixed gels generally improved with increasing gum concentration to a certain level, then deteriorated with further increase in gum concentration. The critical gum concentration for the development of optimal rheological properties depended on the starch type and concentration. Within the concentration range studied, mixed systems with wheat starch could generally reach the highest pseudo‐gel viscosity, firmness, and storage modulus if the starch/HG ratio was appropriate, followed by those with corn and tapioca starch. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The starch digestibility and rheological properties of gels were evaluated in the presence of three non-starch polysaccharides (agar, xanthan gum and konjac glucomannan) with rice starch. Each polysaccharide was added to 30% (w/w) rice starch suspension at defined concentrations and starch gels were prepared. The extent of starch gel digestibility was determined by an in vitro method and rheological properties by a dynamic oscillatory test and a compression test. The added polysaccharides suppressed starch hydrolysis in the gels compared with the control, and a concentration dependency of this suppressive effect was observed. Adding agar and xanthan gum increased the storage shear modulus (G′) of starch gels, while adding konjac glucomannan decreased G′ values. The results indicate that the suppressive effect of non-starch polysaccharides on starch digestibility appears to be not only due to the rigidity of the gel, but also the interaction between starch and non-starch polysaccharides.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to determine the thermal, functional and rheological properties of maize (Zea mays) starch isolated from seven varieties. Chemical analysis was undertaken in all starch samples. The gelatinization and retrogradation temperature at different storage times, as well as the enthalpy of the isolated starches, were determined using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Swelling and solubility were also measured in individual samples. Dynamic oscillatory tests (amplitude and frequency sweeps) were undertaken on starch samples with 10% (w/v) of total solids during a cycle of three stages (kinetics) of heating/cooling, using a strain‐controlled rheometer. The samples presented an amylose content which ranged from 22% to 29%, typical in normal starches, the lipid values were under 1%, while the protein contents were just over 1%. The calorimetric profile for the studied starches showed a peak temperature (gelatinization) over the temperature range from 72.5 to 75.7 °C and enthalpy values between 13.68 and 17.58 J g?1. Four starches presented enthalpy values of the retrogradation transition that increased with the storage time, showing differences among the starches analysed. Maximum swelling and solubility were usually found at the second stage of the above‐mentioned cycle. The rheological profile showed that the gels formed during the first stage of the above‐mentioned kinetics presented the behaviour of weak viscoelastic gels with the storage or elastic modulus (G′) higher than the loss or viscous modulus (G″) over the applied strain and frequency ranges. All samples showed a more elastic character as the kinetics progressed. Starches isolated from diverse maize varieties showed differences in their characteristics studied, and might produce different functional properties in the products where they are used. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effect of flaxseed gum (FG) on the retrogradation of maize starch (MS) gels under different storage temperatures. In this work, MS‐FG gels with 0–0.4% FG were stored under different temperatures (–20, 4 and 20 °C). Under all storage temperatures, the addition of FG inhibited the retrogradation process of MS, suppressed the recrystallisation of starch molecules, reduced the water loss of starch gels and improved the texture of the gels. Among the three storage temperatures, ?20 °C could almost stop the starch retrogradation but leading it results in the hardest gel texture. The retrogradation of MS‐FG gels stored under 4 °C was most serious with the fastest rate of recrystallisation. When stored at 20 °C, the gels had a retrogradation degree that was lower than when they were stored at 4 °C and also had the softest texture.  相似文献   

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