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比较稻谷热风与真空干燥特性及对其加工品质的影响,为有效改善稻谷加工品质提供依据。通过对初始水分为26.5%的稻谷进行热风和真空干燥试验,研究热风干燥和真空干燥对稻谷的干燥特性和其加工品质的影响。结果表明:干燥温度越高,稻谷的平均降水速率越大,且真空干燥平均最大降水速率大于热风干燥平均最大降水速率;热风干燥在干燥开始后的5~10min降水速率出现最大值,真空干燥在干燥开始后的5~15min降水速率出现最大值。随着干燥温度的升高,稻谷的爆腰率上升,出糙率和整精米率下降;相同的干燥温度下,真空干燥稻谷的加工品质优于热风干燥稻谷的,其中爆腰率最为明显。对于高水分稻谷采用真空干燥可以提高稻谷的加工品质。  相似文献   

研究流化床和薄层热风干燥在干燥温度50、60、70 ℃条件下对高水分稻谷水分变化的影响,分析稻谷加 工品质(爆腰率)和稻米质构品质(硬度、黏着性、咀嚼性)的变化规律。结果表明:初始含水率相同的稻谷, 在同一干燥温度条件下流化床干燥速率大于薄层热风干燥,但是加工品质略差,对发芽率没有影响。干燥温度为 50 ℃时,流化床和薄层热风干燥稻米的品质较好。稻谷干燥温度和整精米率之间呈显著的负相关。流化床干燥后 稻米的硬度、黏着性、胶性与爆腰率呈显著性相关,薄层热风干燥后稻米黏着性、胶性与爆腰率呈显著性相关,其 他质构指标相关性均不显著。  相似文献   

以不同干燥温度、相对真空度为因素对稻谷进行真空干燥-常压缓苏实验,研究其干燥后稻米爆腰增率、整精米率及蒸煮质构品质变化,分析其相关性,并通过扫描电镜观察不同干燥条件对稻谷籽粒显微形态的影响。结果表明:干燥温度和真空度对稻谷干燥后爆腰增率及整精米率影响极显著(p0.01)。干燥温度、真空度且二者交互作用对米饭质构特性有极显著影响(p0.01)。经过对稻谷干燥后各品质相关性分析,得出稻谷爆腰增率与其蒸煮硬度、胶黏性及胶着性呈极显著的正相关性(p0.01),稻谷整精米率与硬度、胶黏性、胶着性呈极显著负相关性(p0.01),且二者均与弹性、咀嚼性及内聚性没有相关性。干燥温度越高,相对真空度越大,干燥速率越大,淀粉粒与蛋白质的结合度越小,结构越稀松,干燥裂纹越粗大,数量越多。  相似文献   

三种干燥方式处理对稻谷品质的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以旋转通风仓干燥、自然干燥和机械干燥3种方式对新收获稻谷进行降水处理。对干燥后稻谷脂肪酸值、发芽率、爆腰率、出糙率、整精米率及食味值的变化规律进行研究。结果表明:烘干稻谷脂肪酸值为19.9 mg/100 g,低于旋转仓干燥稻谷的25.3 mg/100 g和晾干稻谷的25.1 mg/100 g;高温影响稻谷种子活力,烘干稻谷发芽率为58.0%,远低于旋转仓干燥稻谷的86.5%和晾干稻谷的87.5%;另外,烘干稻谷加工成大米的爆腰率、出糙率、整精米率和食味值分别是5.33%、79.23%、57.9%、83.7,对比旋转仓稻谷的1.33%、80.27%、61.10%、87.0和晾干稻谷的2.33%、76.83%、58.9%、89.3,其加工品质和食味品质更差。利用变异系数法对3种干燥稻谷综合评分,结果表明,旋转通风仓干燥稻谷品质最优,自然干燥次之,机械干燥稻谷品质最差。实验表明,旋转通风仓干燥能很好地保护稻谷品质,适合在中国农村地区推广应用。  相似文献   

1稻谷的整精米率 由于原水稻质量标准,仅根据其出糙率就可以确定等级,因此,使一些质脆的垩白大米、爆腰率高的水稻仍有可能定为一等,这在收粮检质工作中,就会出现低质量高等级的稻谷被购进国家粮库,给购储企业带来了很大经济损失。为此,新标准对稻谷检验增加了以整精米率作为定等基础,既防止陈化水稻充作好粮出售,同时又使农民不断提高稻谷新品种的开发与种植。  相似文献   

固定床深层干燥稻谷爆腰增率及发芽率试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对固定床深层干燥后稻谷的爆腰增率和发芽率进行了试验研究。研究表明,干燥速率越大,干燥温度越高,干燥过程中稻谷爆腰增率越大,稻谷含水率达15.0%后,继续加热稻谷爆腰会明显增加,缓苏干燥工艺可有效控制干燥过程中稻谷的爆腰,而且缓苏越充分,爆腰越少。研究还表明,干燥温度低于50℃的低温干燥对稻谷的发芽率不会产生显著影响。  相似文献   

稻米爆腰主要有两方面的原因:一是稻谷自身的因素,包括收割、脱粒、干燥和贮藏方式不当等;二是在加工过程中产生,主要在砻谷、谷糙和碾米抛光阶段。推行分级砻谷工艺,合理选配加工设备可以减少稻谷加工中爆腰与破碎问题。  相似文献   

稻谷平床深层干燥的干燥品质初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以干燥后稻谷的爆腰率 ,作为稻谷干燥品质的评价指标。用平床干燥机 ,在不同干燥条件下进行了 5批稻谷深层干燥 ,测定干燥后稻谷的爆腰率 ,结果表明 ,稻谷的爆腰率主要受热风温度及稻谷终了含水率的影响 ,其中稻谷爆腰率随着稻谷终了含水率的降低显著增大  相似文献   

以干燥后稻谷的爆腰率,作为稻谷干燥品质的评价指标。用平床干燥机,在不同干燥条件下进行5批稻谷深层干燥,测定干燥后稻谷的爆腰率,结果表明,稻谷的爆腰率主要受热风温度及稻谷终了含水率的影响,其中稻谷爆腰率随着稻谷终了含水率的降低显著增大。  相似文献   

为提高稻谷干燥速率和改善干燥后品质,将玻璃化转变理论应用于稻谷变温干燥工艺,分析变温和恒温干燥工艺中初始含水率、变温幅度和热风风速对稻谷干燥速率和干燥后品质(爆腰增率和整精米率)的影响。结果表明:相比于恒温干燥工艺,橡胶态变温干燥工艺的干燥速率高,稻谷干燥后品质明显改善;玻璃态变温工艺干燥速率最慢,其干燥后品质优于稻谷橡胶态变温干燥和恒温干燥的。综合考虑稻谷干燥速率和干燥后品质变化,橡胶态变温干燥工艺可有效提高稻谷干燥速率,改善稻谷干燥后品质。  相似文献   

以收集自三省的66份稻谷为研究对象,通过加工研磨获得糙米和精米,通过ICP-MS获得并筛选出包含铅、镉和砷在内的17种无机元素,结合出糙率和整精米率数据,并研究其在稻谷不同部位(颖壳、米糠层和精米)中的分布规律,并探讨形成原因。通过实验发现,58.3%~73.2%的铅分布在颖壳层,米糠层和精米中铅含量总量相近,分别在15.9%~22.8%和9.8%~18.9%范围内;对于镉元素,44.3%~54.5%分布在精米,而在米糠层含量范围是22.8%~44.1%。对于砷元素,在精米中的残留率为18.6%~22.8%。对于其他的无机元素,大部分在精米加工过程留存率不高于30%。  相似文献   

The effects of processing and cooking on the levels of pesticide residues in rice samples were investigated for 11 pesticides in pre-harvest (9 pesticides) and post-harvest (4 pesticides) samples. In the polishing process, the transfer ratio (%, total pesticide residue amount in product/that in brown rice) of rice bran ranged from 40% to 106%, and the transfer ratio of polished rice ranged from 9% to 65% in pre-harvest samples. These values varied from pesticide to pesticide. The processing factor (the concentration (mg/kg) of pesticide in product/that in the brown rice) of polished rice ranged from 0.11 to 0.73. The loss of pesticides during processing and/or cooking did not correlate to any single physical or chemical property. Investigation of changes of pesticide residues during processing and/or cooking is useful not only to establish MRLs, but also to recognize actual levels of pesticide residues in food.  相似文献   

目的 比较京西稻糙米和精米中9种微量矿物质元素的含量差异。方法 20份京西稻稻谷样品脱壳而成的糙米和进一步加工得到的精米经微波消解法前处理后, 由电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定样品中钙、铜、铁、钾、镁、锰、钠、磷、锌9种微量矿物质元素的含量, 并对数据进行分析。结果 分析20份样品各元素的平均含量, 糙米中的镁、磷、钾、锰、钙、钠、铁、锌、铜元素含量分别的是精米的174.5%、147.1%、143.0%、138.2%、115.7%、113.2%、106.7%、96.6%、95.8%。结论 京西稻糙米中镁、磷、钾、锰的含量远高于精米, 糙米中钙、钠、铁的含量略高于精米, 而糙米中锌和铜的含量略低于精米。  相似文献   

糙米质量直接影响稻米的加工品质和食用品质,快速准确的糙米质量评价技术对糙米的贸易、加工以及安全储藏具有重要意义。综述了糙米颜色、气味、千粒重、体积质量(容重)、比容、不完善粒、黄粒米、爆腰粒、垩白等质量指标及评价技术现状,具体阐述了图像处理和近红外技术在糙米质量检测中的应用进展,为糙米质量以及糙米质量评价技术的研究提供技术支持.  相似文献   

The fate of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), a mycotoxin known to occur in polished rice, during rice cooking was evaluated to determine reduction in AFB1 residues and mutagenic potentials. The amounts of AFB1 in three lots of naturally contaminated polished rice from Korea were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography after washing and after steaming. An in vitro mutagenicity assay with Salmonella Typhimurium TA100 was used to confirm the results of the chemical analyses. Cooking significantly reduced AFB1 (mean reduction, 34%) in naturally contaminated polished rice and reduced mutagenicity by ca. 27%. Processing factors (reflecting the removal of AFB1 residues during processing) for cooked rice were estimated at 0.66 to 0.73, as determined chemically and toxicologically, respectively. The revised Korean provisional daily intake of AFB1 from consumption of rice as a dietary staple (0.58 to 3.94 ng/kg of body weight per day) is still higher than that reported for foods in general in the United States (0.26 ng/kg of body weight per day). Thus, Koreans probably consume higher amounts of foodborne AFB1 than do Americans and thus are at higher risk for AFB1-induced health consequences.  相似文献   

The present work evaluated the concentration of total soluble phenolic compounds (TSPCs) and antioxidant activity (AOA) of rice grains with light brown, red and black pericarp colors and the processing effect on the concentration of TSPCs in the grain. Brown rice grains of ten ecotypes and six cultivars with red pericarp, one with a black pericarp and one with a light brown pericarp color, were evaluated. The concentration of TSPCs and AOA of rice grains with different processing (brown, polished, parboiled brown and parboiled polished) was determined, and the concentration of TSPCs was also determined in raw and cooked grains. Significant differences were observed in the concentrations of TSPCs and AOAs among genotypes with higher values obtained for grains with red and black pericarp colors, and a positive and significant correlation between these parameters was found. Parboiling reduced the TSPCs concentration in the grains due to the loss of part of them in the processing water, thermal decomposition and, possibly, interaction with other components. This reduction is related to the lower AOA in these grains. In a similar way, cooking also reduced the concentration of TSPCs, especially in brown and polished grains.  相似文献   

研究发芽对精白保胚米淀粉理化性质的影响。测定精白保胚发芽米淀粉的溶解度、膨胀度、透光率、冻融稳定性等理化性质;采用快速黏度分析仪和流变仪研究精白保胚发芽米淀粉RVA 特征值的变化和流变学特性;并与糙米、发芽糙米和精白保胚米淀粉的理化性质做比较。结果表明,精白保胚米发芽之后直链淀粉含量降低,溶解度、膨胀度和透光率增加,冻融稳定性得到改善;RVA 特征值表现为精白保胚发芽米的峰值黏度降低,最终黏度升高,崩解值降低,消减值和回升值升高;动态流变学表现为加热过程中精白保胚发芽米的储能模量(G')降低。  相似文献   

Ochratoxin A (OTA), a mycotoxin widespread in cereals, occurs in polished rice that is consumed as cooked rice after washing and steaming. Cooking decreases OTA levels in food to varying extents, but little is known about how cooking changes the biological activity of this mycotoxin. We therefore evaluated the fate of OTA during rice cooking to determine the OTA residues and cytotoxic potential in vitro. Water-washed rice, ordinary cooked rice, and pressure-cooked rice were prepared from three polished rice lots naturally contaminated with OTA. Residual OTA in each sample was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), whereas in vitro cytotoxicity of OTA to C6 glioma cells, susceptible to low levels (nanograms per milliliter) of OTA, was used to confirm the chemical analysis. OTA concentration, as determined by HPLC analysis, in the cooked rice by both types of cookers was significantly lower than (59 to 75%) in the raw polished rice and water-washed rice. The cytotoxicity of the OTA that remained in the pressure-cooked rice from three lots was markedly decreased (approximately 20%, P < 0.05) when compared with other samples in respective lots. This confirms that cooking lowers OTA residues. Although washing polished rice with water had little effect on OTA levels, pressure steaming appeared to be the critical cooking step not only to reduce OTA residues in polished rice before reaching the consumer as the dietary staple of cooked rice, but also to diminish cytotoxicity of OTA.  相似文献   

精白保胚米发芽的工艺优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精白保胚发芽米是一种营养丰富、富含保健功能成分的新型大米产品。通过单因素实验和响应曲面法对精白保胚米发芽的浸泡、发芽温度和时间及催芽方法进行了优化,获得精白保胚米发芽的最佳工艺为:在温度25℃条件下以0.5%的饱和碳酸钙溶液浸泡17h,再以超声波催芽10min,置于相对湿度90%、温度25℃的条件下发芽21h,在此条件下,发芽率可达94%以上。实验结果为精白保胚发芽米的研制和推广奠定了基础。  相似文献   

稻米片的加工技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着碾米精度的提高,成品大米的营养价值倍受人们关注,而稻米片由于营养价值较高,易消化、吸收,且具有良好的速食性、适口性,不含食品添加剂,相比其他产品有一定优势。因此,从分析糙米与精米营养价值入手,阐述了稻米片加工的必要性和可行性。介绍了加工稻米片的工艺流程和技术特点。  相似文献   

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