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婴幼儿辅食营养包中脂肪含量高,在贮藏过程中易发生氧化变质,产生哈喇味,这是普遍存在的质量问题。依据2014年贫困地区儿童营养改善项目方案对婴幼儿辅食营养包配料要求,对不同原料配方组合进行加速氧化实验,如:速溶豆粉、碳酸钙、铁剂等。通过感官评价营养包气味的变化,同时测定加速氧化过程中营养包的过氧化值,研究不同婴幼儿辅食营养包原料配方对产品稳定性的影响,优化婴幼儿辅食营养包原料配方。同时结合抗氧化工艺实验,提高产品的稳定性,为贫困地区儿童营养改善项目营养包的质量安全提供保障。  相似文献   

正辅食喂养期是婴幼儿营养干预的关键窗口期,通过营养干预可有效预防儿童期的高发病率和生长发育迟缓等问题,并减少成人期慢性病的发生。据贫困地区儿童营养改善项目对监测地区6个月~24个月婴幼儿营养状况的调查结果显示:婴幼儿生长迟缓发生率10.1%,贫血率32.9%。分析其辅食添加中存在的问题,食物种类不足占44.48%,  相似文献   

《辅食营养补充品通用标准》(GB/T22570-2008)颁布后,营养包产品在我国早期儿童营养改善项目得到广泛应用。但由于存在标准适应性、我国标准体系的变化、营养科学的发展以及国际标准的进步等问题,需要修订。本文对该标准深入研究并进行修订。通过汇集结合相关进展和数据,包括国际相关标准、我国婴幼儿营养状况、膳食营养素摄入量、营养包应用干预效果及干预项目需求建议,对比研究CAC/GL8辅食营养补充品指南、我国基础性食品安全国家标准,采用我国2013年版DRIs进行有效性和安全性的评估分析,进行专家意见征求和社会意见广泛征求,进行本标准的修订。主要修订内容为:标准名称由推荐性标准变更为强制性食品安全国家标准;适宜人群扩展扩大至60月龄儿童;调整蛋白质含量要求为不低于25g/100g;调整锌、叶酸、烟酸的每日份含量要求;可选择成分增加二十二碳六烯酸;调整污染物、微生物限量及脲酶活性;修订标识要求。修订后的《食品安全国家标准辅食营养补充品》(GB 22570-2014)已于2014年11月01日正式实施。  相似文献   

生命早期膳食营养均衡充足,是保障儿童大脑、体格和免疫力健康发育的关键。该阶段婴幼儿营养状况受多种因素的共同作用,其中辅食喂养是主要的影响因素。本文结合近年来国内外关于婴幼儿辅食喂养与营养状况的研究,综述了辅食结构的定义和评估方法、我国辅食结构现状及存在问题、辅食结构与儿童营养状况研究进展和目前辅食结构研究的不足及前瞻。已有研究结果显示,贫困地区婴幼儿辅食喂养仍存在问题,营养不良状况和辅食结构合格状况有待提高。当前对于不同种类具体食物添加、食物种类数添加状况和喂食量等的研究几近空白。今后可开展辅食结构及其对婴幼儿营养状况作用的研究,辅食结构成因的研究,如母乳和非母乳喂养婴幼儿辅食结构状况及影响因素、婴幼儿辅食特征与营养状况关系、辅食风险因素整体分析等。  相似文献   

目的分析国内外贫困地区6~24月龄婴幼儿营养状况并提出合理建议。方法收集国内外关于儿童营养不良的研究报告,整理并分析中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所开展的贫困地区儿童营养改善项目监测数据,论述贫困地区6~24月龄婴幼儿营养状况及相关风险。结果我国贫困地区农村儿童营养问题较为突出,6~24月龄婴幼儿生长迟缓率为7.6%,贫血问题较普遍存在,超重和肥胖问题日益凸显。结论我国贫困地区6~24月龄婴幼儿的营养状况亟待重视和改善。  相似文献   

为研究婴幼儿辅食营养包中哈喇味的主要成分,采用静态顶空与顶空固相微萃取技术提取婴幼儿辅食营养包中的气味成分,通过气相色谱-质谱联用技术进行定性分析,对两种方法所得的气味成分进行比较分析。结果表明:加速氧化实验后,样品中醛类含量变化最明显,两种检测方法中严重组和中度组挥发性成分都以醛类化合物为主。推测己醛、2-戊基呋喃、(E,E)-2,4-壬二烯醛、(Z)-14-甲基-8-十六碳烯-1-缩醛可能是婴幼儿辅食营养包中产生哈喇味的主要因素,而哈喇味可能是由其中几种物质相互作用而产生的。  相似文献   

本文主要对5种辅食营养补充品(1种辅食营养素撒剂和4种辅食营养补充食品)在货架期内营养素的稳定性及叠加风险进行了分析。稳定性试验结果表明,对于辅食营养素撒剂,维生素B1的平均衰减率最高,为34.62%,其次是维生素D (30.77%)、B12(30.14%)、B6(29.41%)和A (29.10%),相对稳定的是钙(5.22%)。对于4种辅食营养补充食品,相对稳定的营养素均为蛋白质(0~0.93%)和钙(2.17%~11.30%),相对不稳定的营养素有维生素A (25.77%~30.74%)、D (22.37%~33.82%)、B1(17.81%~25.93%)、B2(25.00%~28.00%)、B6(26.03%~33.33%)和B12(13.11%~21.54%)。不同的品种其营养素的平均衰减率有一定的差异性。营养素叠加风险研究结果表明,婴幼儿在食用婴幼儿配方奶粉的同时摄入辅食营养补充品,需要根据食用的婴配粉营养素含量,科学选取适合的辅食营养补充品,以免产生某些营养素摄入过量风险。对于未食用婴幼儿配方奶粉的目标人群,同时选择婴幼儿米粉及辅食营养补充品食用则无摄入过量风险,反而对目标人群是一个很好的营养补充。  相似文献   

适用于6个月龄至36个月龄婴幼儿辅食中添加的辅食营养补充品国家标准,已由卫生部、中国国家标准化管理委员会联合发布,将于3月1日正式实施。这是我国首次颁布婴幼儿辅食营养补充品通用标准,也是世界上首个婴幼儿辅食营养补充品通用标准。据介绍,辅食营养补充品是用于6个月龄至36个月龄婴幼儿辅食中添加的含各种高密度维生素和矿物质的补充品。  相似文献   

目的 了解我国市售婴幼儿谷类辅助食品(以下简称谷类辅食)脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(DON)污染情况并评估婴幼儿来源于谷类辅食的DON暴露风险。方法 在我国6省共采集了360份市售谷类辅食样品,包括米粉类183份、饼干类91份、面条类67份、其他类19份,检测每份样品中DON、3-乙酰脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(3-Ac-DON)和15-乙酰脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(15-Ac-DON)含量。分别采用点评估和简单分布评估方法估计3岁以下婴幼儿来源于谷类辅食的DON急性和慢性暴露风险。结果 谷类辅食DON检出率为60.3%(217/360),平均含量为116.3 μg/kg,最大值为1 198.7 μg/kg;面条类DON平均含量最高(342.7 μg/kg),其次为饼干类(173.0 μg/kg),米粉类最低(12.0 μg/kg)。3岁以下婴幼儿食用面条类辅食的DON急性暴露量可能超过成组急性参考剂量(ARfD)。食用谷类辅食的婴幼儿DON平均暴露量为0.27 μg/(kg·d),其中7.3%(243/3 320)的个体来源于谷类辅食的DON暴露量超过成组暂定每日最大耐受摄入量。不同年龄组谷类辅食食用者DON平均暴露量分别为0~<1岁0.22 μg/(kg·d)、1~<2岁0.31 μg/(kg·d)、2~<3岁0.37 μg/(kg·d)。面条类辅食对DON平均暴露量的贡献率最高,达77.8%。结论 在当前谷类辅食DON污染水平下,3岁以下婴幼儿来源于谷类辅食的DON暴露量可能存在健康风险,需要关注。  相似文献   

不同品种马铃薯全粉蛋白质营养品质评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了解我国不同品种马铃薯全粉中蛋白质的营养品质,收集我国马铃薯主栽品种22个,分别制备成全粉,采用国际通用的WHO/FAO氨基酸评分模式及化学评分等评价方法对其蛋白质营养品质进行评价,并比较了不同品种间的差异。结果表明,22个品种马铃薯全粉粗蛋白含量范围为6.57~12.84 g/100 g DW,除色氨酸外,第一限制性氨基酸是亮氨酸;平均必需氨基酸含量占总氨基酸含量的41.92%,高于WHO/FAO推荐的必需氨基酸组成模式(36%),接近标准鸡蛋蛋白。从氨基酸评分、化学评分、必需氨基酸指数、生物价和营养指数可综合反映出大西洋蛋白的营养价值最高,夏波蒂、一点红次之;青薯9号、陇薯3号、中薯9号和中薯10号的蛋白营养价值较低,中薯11号最低。  相似文献   

《Journal of food engineering》2003,56(2-3):171-179
In Western countries marginal deficiencies of micronutrients are still observed. Risk groups can be defined with data from groups (food balance sheets) and individuals. In Switzerland a comprehensive dietary survey is still lacking.Based on the results of food balance sheets the vitamin recommendations with the exception of folate, vitamin D and pantothenic acid seem to be met. But data from individuals reveal that in many subgroups of the Swiss population marginal deficiencies of the vitamins B1, B2, and B6 are present. For the primary prevention of neural tube defects the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health recommends that women capable of becoming pregnant consume 400 μg of folic acid daily from supplements. To improve the limited compliance with this recommendation a new strategy is now being evaluated (education program, fortification of a staple food, fortification of several foodstuffs with folic acid). Due to the fact that the concentration of iodine in the fortified salt was increased several times in the last decades and due to the import of wheat rich in selenium from Northern America, at present requirements of iodine and selenium are met. Calcium and iron requirements on the other hand are insufficiently met by women.Based on the scientific literature and Swiss surveys on consumer knowledge and attitudes about diet, other risk groups for vitamin and mineral deficiencies are expected. People with a low intake of calories and/or with high requirements of micronutrients as well as people with special food habits or inadequate food choice and/or handling are especially at risk. Governmental and non-governmental efforts are made to monitor and improve the micronutrient status of the Swiss population.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the occurrence and exposure assessment of multiple mycotoxins in corn-based food products from Shandong Province, China. Results demonstrated that the mean level of total mycotoxins in test samples was 197.2 µg/kg. The most frequently found mycotoxins were deoxynivalenol (96.7%) and fumonisin B1 (94.4%), with mean contamination levels of 65.24 and 128.2, respectively. Among these corn-based food products, thin corn pancake had the highest mean contamination (886.7 µg/kg), followed by wotou (143.7 µg/kg), corn cake (135.4 µg/kg) and mantou (63.73 µg/kg). The average exposure values to total fumonisins and deoxynivalenol were 0.05 and 0.02 µg/kg bw/day, which were lower than the provisional maximum tolerable daily intake values of 2 and 1 µg/kg bw/day, respectively, as established by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. In the future strict control and systematic monitoring are needed to secure food safety and human health.  相似文献   

部分国家及国际组织食品用酶制剂管理现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
世界各国对食品用酶制剂的管理非常重视,特别是对微生物及转基因微生物生产的酶制剂的管理。为给我国的食品用酶制剂的管理提供借鉴,详细介绍了美国、欧盟和FAO/wHO食品添加剂联合专家委员会(JECFA)对食品用酶制剂的管理、安全评价,以及目前各国普遍认可并采用的安全评价转基因微生物生产食品用酶制剂的判断树。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Innerhalb der weltweiten Bemühungen, technische Schranken des Lebensmittelverkehrs abzubauen, wird auf das Codex-Alimentarius-Projekt der FAO/WHO besonders hingewiesen. Außerdem werden Möglichkeiten und Grenzen lebensmittelrechtlicher Harmonisierungsmaßnahmen sowie wirtschaftspolitische Probleme für die Weiterentwicklung des Welthandels mit Lebensmitteln diskutiert.
Present problems of international food legislation and nutrition II. International harmonization of laws for foodstuff trade
Summary World wide activities in removing unintended obstacles to international foodstuff trade are presented, especially the Codex Alimentarius project of FAO/WHO. Furthermore possibilities and boundries of harmonization of food law as well as economical and political problems of international development of foodstuff trade are being discussed.

The intake of total aflatoxins (AFT) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) from food in Japan was estimated from AFT and AFB1 concentration and frequency data in 24 foods (884 samples) from a 3-year retail market survey from the summer of 2004 to the winter of 2006, and by food consumption data from the National Health and Nutrition Survey performed in 2005. The AFT and AFB1 survey revealed that peanut, peanut products, cocoa, chocolate, pistachio, white pepper, red pepper, almond, job's tears, buckwheat and corn grits are considered to be contributors of AFT (or AFB1) intake in Japan (maximum AFB1 (AFT) levels ranged from 0.21 to 28.0 µg kg?1 (from 0.21 to 9.0 µg kg?1)) in AFT-contaminated food. A probabilistic approach using the Monte Carlo method was carried out to simulate an estimate of the AFT (or AFB1) intake distributions in each age group in Japan. In this study, AFB1 intake ranged from 0.003 to 0.004 ng kg?1 body weight day?1 (from lower to upper limits), and the potential risk for cancer using a formula devised by the Joint Food and Agricultural Organization/World Health Organization (FAO/WHO) Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) was estimated at 0.00004–0.00005 person/year/100,000 persons, even though this was in the higher levels (95.0th percentile) of the consumer population. The results suggest that the current dietary intake of AFB1 in Japan has no appreciable effect on health.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to identify and assess the critical control points (CCPs) in groundnut‐based food production in southern Brazil in order to reduce or eliminate aflatoxin contamination. This methodology has been suggested by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Reception of prime matter, groundnut storage, roasting and thermal treatment were the main CCPs identified. Critical factors were the determination of aflatoxin, moisture content and water activity (Aw) during groundnut reception and storage, control of temperature, roasting time and thermal treatment in the groundnut‐based food manufacturing. The critical limit for moisture was 8.2% and 0.6 was established for Aw. In Brazil, the limit for aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 has been established at 20 ppb. Temperatures of 180 °C/1 h and 80 °C/40 min were established for roasting and thermal treatment stages of groundnut‐based food, respectively.  相似文献   

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that both breast‐fed and non‐breast‐fed children are fed micronutrient fortified complementary foods designed to meet their high nutrient requirements from aged 6 to 23 months of age. This paper summarises the steps recommended by WHO/FAO to identify the country‐specific micronutrient shortfalls in complementary diets and establish desirable levels of bioavailable fortificants for centrally processed plant‐based complementary foods for infant and young child feeding. The goal of the WHO/FAO guidelines is to achieve a desirably low prevalence of inadequate micronutrient intakes in the target group whilst simultaneously ensuring minimal risk of excessive intakes. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The present experiment was undertaken to determine the effects of dietary supplements of folic acid and vitamin B12 given from 3 wk before to 8 wk after calving on lactational performance and metabolism of 24 multiparous Holstein cows assigned to 6 blocks of 4 cows each according to their previous milk production. Supplementary folic acid at 0 or 2.6 g/d and vitamin B12 at 0 or 0.5 g/d were used in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. Supplementary folic acid increased milk production from 38.0 ± 0.9 to 41.4 ± 1.0 kg/d and milk crude protein yield from 1.17 ± 0.02 to 1.25 ± 0.03 kg/d. It also increased plasma Gly, Ser, Thr, and total sulfur AA, decreased Asp, and tended to increase plasma Met. Supplementary B12 decreased milk urea N, plasma Ile, and Leu and tended to decrease Val but increased homocysteine, Cys, and total sulfur AA. Liver concentration of phospholipids was higher in cows fed supplementary B12. Plasma and liver concentrations of folates and B12 were increased by their respective supplements, but the increase in plasma folates and plasma and liver B12 was smaller for cows fed the 2 vitamins together. In cows fed folic acid supplements, supplementary B12 increased plasma glucose and alanine, tended to decrease plasma biotin, and decreased Km of the methylmalonyl-coenzyme A mutase in hepatic tissues following addition of deoxyadenosylcobalamin, whereas it had no effect when cows were not fed folic acid supplements. There was no treatment effect on plasma nonesterified fatty acids as well as specific activity and gene expression of Met synthase and methylmalonyl-coenzyme A mutase in the liver. Ingestion of folic acid supplements by cows fed no supplementary B12 increased total lipid and triacylglycerols in liver, whereas these supplements had no effect in cows supplemented with B12. The increases in milk and milk protein yields due to folic acid supplements did not seem to be dependent on the vitamin B12 supply. However, when vitamin B12 was given in combination with folic acid, utilization of the 2 vitamins seems to be increased, probably more so in extrahepatic tissues. Metabolic efficiency seems also to be improved as suggested by similar lactational performance and dry matter intake for cows fed supplementary folic acid but increased plasma glucose and decreased hepatic lipids in cows fed folic acid and vitamin B12 together.  相似文献   

Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites of the fungi Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus, occur widely on many staple foods and cause a broad range of detrimental health effects in animals and humans. As a consequence, maximum tolerated levels (MTLs) have been legislated in many countries. However, in developing countries where food safety compliance can be low and significant levels of the food supply are locally consumed by the producers or purchased at local markets, more comprehensive strategies are required. In this regard, risk analysis with its components of risk assessment, risk management and risk communication, is an important tool in dealing with food safety issues. Risk assessment for aflatoxin B1 in Africa has been performed using the carcinogenic potency, established by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) and applying it to typical food products and consumption across the continent, to illustrate the significant health implications caused by the intake of high levels of contaminated foods. Highlighted in this assessment is the fact that even low levels of contamination, which might of themselves fall within legislated limits, can have serious health implications due to high levels of consumption, i.e. meeting a MTL does not of itself guarantee food safety. Recent developments have highlighted the growth retardation and immune suppression caused by aflatoxin exposure in human populations in west Africa. Using the limited data available on both these health effects, a first step has been taken to incorporate them into a risk assessment paradigm quantifying the risk of immunosuppression, malnutrition and stunting in children exposed to aflatoxins and highlighting again how excessive consumption of foods meeting MTLs can carry significant health risks.  相似文献   


Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) were determined in 51 milk powder samples purchased from different grocery stores located in the Caribbean region of Colombia. Analysis was conducted using QuEChERS extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Results from the analytical method showed recovery ranges from 65% to 110% and relative standard deviations lower than 20%. AFM1 was detected in 100% of the milk samples (0.20–1.19 µg/kg) and 55% exceeded the maximum level in milk (0.5 µg/kg) set by the Colombian and European regulations. AFB1 was not detected in any of the analysed samples. Considering the measured contamination the maximum AFM1 level that can be ingested by consumption of milk powder is 0.007–0.013 µg/person/day. These values are above the average dietary intake estimated in Latin America according to the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee, which is 0.0035 µg/person/day.  相似文献   

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