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A resilient US dairy industry will be underpinned by forage and crop production systems that are economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable. Land use for production of perennial and annual forages and grains for dairy cattle must evolve in response to multiple food security and environmental sustainability issues. These include increasing global populations; higher incomes and demand for dairy and other animal products; climate change with associated temperature and moisture changes; necessary reductions in carbon and water footprints; maintenance of soil quality and soil nutrient concerns; and competition for land. Likewise, maintaining producer profitability and utilizing practices accepted by consumers and society generally must also be considered. Predicted changes in climate and water availability will likely challenge current feed and dairy production systems and their national spatial distribution, particularly the western migration of dairy production in the late 20th century. To maintain and stabilize profitability while reducing carbon footprint, particularly reductions in methane emission and enhancements in soil carbon sequestration, dairy production will need to capitalize on genetic and management innovations that enhance forage and grain production and nutritive value. Improved regional and on-farm integration of feed production and manure utilization is needed to reduce environmental nitrogen and phosphorus losses and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Resilient and flexible feed production strategies are needed to address each of these challenges and opportunities to ensure profitable feeding of dairy cattle and a sustainable dairy industry.  相似文献   

果蔬冷链过程由于管控粗放、损耗大等问题易造成果蔬内部结构损伤,引起品质劣变;同时,果蔬内部的水分和热量会发生动态迁移,不利于果蔬的贮藏和销售。因此,明确果蔬冷链过程多尺度热质传递机理是目前该领域亟待解决的问题。本文阐述了用于果蔬多尺度建模的数值成像技术,探讨果蔬冷链过程热质传递机理的多尺度计算流体动力学建模方法,以及建模中存在的基本问题和解决方案,并优化现有的热质传递模型,设计更高效合理的冷却系统,以期为果蔬冷链过程多尺度热质传递机理研究和减损保鲜提供理论依据。  相似文献   

饲料标签是饲料生产企业展示产品质量和标示其他信息的一种重要途径,也是使用者选择和正确使用饲料产品的重要依据。饲料标签不仅标示产品的各项指标,也是体现一个企业的社会责任,对客户、对产品的态度。近年来,随着人们对畜禽产品和饲料质量安全的日益关注,对饲料标签的关注度也日益提高,正确标示和使用标签尤为重要,但由于部分饲料生产企业经验不足,法律意识淡薄,对标准的解读不透彻,造成了部分饲料标签的标示不规范,从而对饲料产品的质量安全以及政府监管带来诸多不便。本文列举了饲料质量安全监管过程中发现的饲料标签存在的问题,从生产企业、消费者和监管部门等多方面对问题存在的原因进行综合分析,并对标签制定和管理提出合理化的建议和改进措施,从而使标签的制定逐渐规范化、标准化。  相似文献   

Percentage fat and moisture values for beef longissimus steaks (trimmed completely of all subcutaneous fat, epimysium, and peripheral muscles) from 518 steer and heifer carcasses of A and B maturity over a wide range in marbling were as follows: Moderately Abundant = 10.42 and 68.14, Slightly Abundant = 8.56 and 69.56, Moderate = 7.34 and 70.35, Modest = 5.97 and 71.35, Small = 4.99 and 72.36, Slight = 3.43 and 73.61, Traces = 2.48 and 74.29, and Practically Devoid = 1.77 and 75.37.  相似文献   

活化、催化过氧化氢漂白与脱木素体系的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用过氧化氢活化剂能活化或催化过氧化氢漂白与脱木素,进一步提高试剂与木素及其发色基团的反应活性,从而提高其漂白效率与效果.文章简要介绍了近年来新型高效过氧化氢/活化、催化漂白/脱木素新体系的发展状况.  相似文献   

Our goal was to determine the effect of pasteurization-homogenization, fat and protein concentration, proportion of milk protein that is casein and serum protein, and temperature on sensory and instrumental measures of viscosity and color of milk-based beverages. A second goal was to use instrumental measures of whiteness and yellowness to predict sensory measures of whiteness and yellowness. A complete balanced 3 factor (fat, true protein, and casein as a percentage of true protein) design was applied with 3 levels of fat (0.2, 1.0 and 2.0%), 4 levels of true protein (3.00, 3.67, 4.34, and 5.00%) within each fat level, and 5 levels of casein as a percentage of true protein (CN%TP; 5, 25, 50, 75, and 80%) within each protein level for beverage formulation. Instrumental color and viscosity, and visual sensory color analyses were done on each beverage formulation. For unpasteurized beverages across 3 fat levels (0.2, 1, and 2%), changes in CN%TP had the largest effect on L values, sensory whiteness, opacity, color intensity, and yellowness, whereas changes in fat concentration had a stronger influence on a and b* values. Increasing CN%TP from 5 to 80% increased L values, sensory whiteness, and opacity, and decreased sensory color intensity and yellowness. The a and b* values increased with increasing fat concentration. For unpasteurized milk protein beverages within each fat level, variation in CN%TP dominated the changes in L values, sensory whiteness, and opacity, and decreased a and b* values, sensory color intensity, and yellowness. The effect of heat (pasteurization and homogenization) and its interaction terms had the second largest effect on color of milk protein beverages with respect to instrumental color data and sensory appearance attributes. Heat increased L values, sensory whiteness, and opacity, and decreased a and b* values, sensory color intensity, and yellowness. Increases in temperature decreased instrumental viscosity and changes in protein concentration and CN%TP had a greater effect on instrument viscosity data within each temperature (4, 20, and 50°C) than fat. Sensory perception of yellowness was not highly correlated with b* values. Multiple linear regressions of L, a, and b* values produced more robust predictions for both sensory whiteness and yellowness than simple linear regression with L and b* values alone, and may be a useful instrumental approach for quality control of sensory whiteness and yellowness of milk protein beverages.  相似文献   

The content and the bioaccessibility of Se, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Fe were determined in unaged and aged meat (14days) from the Psoas major (PM), Gluteus medius (GM) and Longissimus dorsi (LD) muscles of Hereford (H) and Braford breed (B) steers fed pasture. Furthermore, the content of heme-Fe was determined in the same muscles. The H had a lower content of Cu and a higher content of Fe. Also, H had more heme-Fe than B. The bioaccessibility in unaged meat for Se, Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe ranged between 75 and 91%, 30 and 45%, 40 and 68%, 55 and 95%, and 60 and 70%, respectively. After aging, the bioaccessibility for the same minerals ranged between 58 and 80%, 30 and 48%, 40 and 58%, 75 and 95%, and 59 and 70%, respectively. Aging affected negatively the Se content and its bioaccessibility, in the two breeds. Also, the heme-Fe content was negatively affected by aging in all muscles and breeds.  相似文献   

鲜切果蔬因具有营养、便利、新鲜、可食率达100%等特点,越来越受到人们的关注。但鲜切果蔬由于受到机械损伤,其品质下降、易被微生物污染。短波紫外线作为一种非热力杀菌技术,近年来被研究者们用于鲜切果蔬保鲜,得到了良好的效果。本文介绍了鲜切果蔬及短波紫外线技术的特点,综述了短波紫外线处理对鲜切果蔬安全品质、营养品质及感官品质的影响及短波紫外线处理对鲜切果蔬抗氧化物质及抗氧化活性的作用,并讨论短波紫外线技术在鲜切果蔬中的应用前景,为短波紫外线处理鲜切果蔬的深入研究和推广应用提供重要的理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

Forty two samples each of raib (Moroccan traditional fermented milk) and jben (Moroccan traditional fresh cheese) were examined for their chemical composition and their microbiological profile. The average composition of raib and jben was respectively 10.7and37.5%solids, 2.22and 16.47%fat, 3.1and 15.8%protein, 4.2and4.1%lactose, 0.17 and 0.5% chloride and 0.54 and 1.26% ash. Both products had a low pH (4.2 and 4.1, respectively) and a high lactic acid content (0.67 and 1.04%, respectively). Their microbiological profiles were characterized by the predominance of lactic acid bacteria and high coliform counts.  相似文献   

A total of 155 high yielding dairy cows were used to study the effect of dietary beta-carotene (carotene) on fertility. The diet of group 1 was supplemented with 69 mg retinyl acetate per cow daily before calving and 96 mg retinyl acetate after calving: diet of group 2 was supplemented with 500 mg carotene per cow before calving and 96 mg retinyl acetate after calving; and that of group 3 with 500 mg carotene before and 700 mg after calving. Conception rates were 53.9, 42.2, and 27.9% for cows of groups 1, 2, and 3. Days open were 110 and 112 for young (second and third lactation) and old (fourth and later lactations) cows of the group 1; 130 and 129 for young and old cows of group 2; and 133 and 166 for young and old cows of group 3. Number of inseminations per conception was 1.8 and 1.8, 2.2 and 2.2, and 2.5 and 3.4 for the same groups, respectively. Within group 3 the percent of cows pregnant 120 d after calving was 57 and 20 for the young and old cows. Correlation coefficients between plasma carotene of 53 old cows of all groups 4 and 8 wk after calving, and the number of open days and the number of inseminations per conception were significant. The intake of high carotene may have adverse effects on the fertility of dairy cows.  相似文献   

The effect of barbecueing and conventional cooking methods on moisture, fat and cholesterol content in brain, heart, kidney, liver, and tongue of local Iraqi; beef and mutton were studied. Moisture, fat and cholesterol content differed significantly (P ≤ 0.05) between raw and barbecued samples and between raw and cooked samples of both beef and mutton organ meats, except for those mentioned. The lower moisture in barbecued and cooked samples probably caused a relative increase in fat and cholesterol content. Minor differences were observed in raw, barbecued and cooked organ meats between beef and mutton in terms of moisture, fat and cholesterol content at similar animal ages.  相似文献   

笔者以原《食品卫生法》的废止和《食品安全法》及其实施条例的颁布实施为主线,通过认真分析检验检疫类别为“进出口食品卫生监督检验”的监管条件的历史沿革,并将其与现行出入境检验检疫实际业务操作之间做比较,提出了自己的一些见解和观点,希望出入境检验检疫部门能够与时俱进,重新界定并解释检验检疫类别为“进出口食品卫生监督检验”监管条件的内涵,使其能够与相应的部门规章和规范性文件做到无缝衔接。  相似文献   

随着我国工业活动强度的加大,节能减排政策与污染防治措施的结合日益紧密。本文阐述了节能减排政策与立体式污染防治措施的重要意义,并提出了五点节能减排政策合理推进污染防治的工作措施,形成立体式污染防治体系,以供相关工作人员借鉴分析。  相似文献   

中国油脂博物馆(简称“油博馆”)是一座全面、系统、真实记录我国油料油脂的文明史、制油史,弘扬我国悠久油脂文化,宣介现代辉煌油脂科技成果的博物馆。简略介绍了油博馆的总体情况,详细介绍了其建设历程。油博馆筹建于2016年,在全国油脂界、中国粮油学会油脂分会和武汉轻工大学的共同努力下,于2021年10月1日正式开馆。油博馆有古代油脂、近代油脂工业发展、油脂行业名家名人、油脂分会发展沿革、油脂名校名企、油脂标准、油脂科普、国家油脂安全等八大展区,以及一个临展区,每个展区均有丰富的藏品及相关油脂文化的展陈品。  相似文献   

Genetic parameters were estimated in a joint analysis of log(e)-transformed somatic cell count (TSCC) with either mastitis as a binary trait (MAS) or the number of mastitis cases (NMAS) in Holstein-Friesian cows for the first 3 lactations using a random regression model. In addition, a multi-trait analysis of MAS and NMAS was also implemented. There were 67,175, 30,617, and 16,366 cows with records for TSCC, MAS, and NMAS in lactations 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The frequency of MAS was 14, 20, and 25% in lactations 1, 2, and 3 respectively. The model for TSCC included herd-test-day, age at calving and month of calving, fixed lactation curves nested with calving year groups, and random regressions with Legendre polynomials of order 2 for animal and permanent environmental effects. The model for MAS and NMAS included fixed herd-year-season, age at calving and month of calving, and random animal and permanent environmental effects. All analyses were carried out using Gibbs sampling. Estimates of mean daily heritability averaged over a 305-d lactation were 0.11, 0.14, and 0.15 for TSCC for lactations 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Corresponding heritability estimates for MAS were 0.05, 0.07, and 0.09. The heritabilities for NMAS were similar at 0.06, 0.07, and 0.12, respectively, for lactations 1, 2, and 3. The genetic correlations between lactations 1 and 2, 1 and 3, and 2 and 3 were 0.75, 0.64, and 0.92 for computed 305-d lactation TSCC; 0.55, 0.48, and 0.89 for MAS; and 0.62, 0.42, and 0.85 for NMAS, respectively. The genetic correlations between MAS and TSCC were positive and generally moderate to high. The genetic correlations between computed 305-d lactation TSCC and MAS were 0.53, 0.61, and 0.68 in lactations 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Similar corresponding genetic correlations were obtained between computed 305-d lactation TSCC and NMAS in the respective parities. Mastitis as a binary trait and NMAS in the same lactation were very highly correlated and were genetically the same trait. It is intended that the new parameters will be used in setting up a national evaluation system for the joint analysis of TSCC and MAS.  相似文献   

Improved agar diffusion method for detecting residual antimicrobial agents   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The improved agar diffusion method for determination of residual antimicrobial agents was investigated, and the sensitivities of various combinations of test organisms and assay media were determined using 7 organisms, 5 media, and 31 antimicrobial agents. Bacillus stearothermophilus and synthetic assay medium (SAM) showed the greatest sensitivity for screening penicillins (penicillin G and ampicillin). The combination of Bacillus subtilis and minimum medium (MM) was the most sensitive for tetracyclines (oxytetracycline and chlortetracycline), B. stearothermophilus and SAM or Micrococcus luteus and Mueller-Hinton agar (MHA) for detecting tylosin and erythromycin, B. subtilis and MHA for aminoglycosides (streptomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin, and dihydrostreptomycin), B. stearothermophilus and SAM for polyethers (salinomycin and lasalocid), and B. subtilis and MM or Clostridium perfringens and GAM for polypeptides (thiopeptin, enramycin, virginiamycin, and bacitracin). However, gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli ATCC 27166 and MM were better for screening for colistin and polymixin-B. For detecting the synthetic drugs tested, the best combination was B. subtilis and MM for sulfonamides, E. coli 27166 and MM for quinolones (oxolinic acid and nalidixic acid), B. subtilis and MM for furans (furazolidone), and the bioluminescent bacterium Photobacterium phosphoreum and luminescence assay medium for chloramphenicol and oxolinic acid. The results showed that the use of four assay plates, B. stearothermophilus and SAM, B. subtilis and MM, M. luteus and MHA, and E. coli 27166 and MM, was superior to the currently available techniques for screening for residual antimicrobial agents in edible animal tissues.  相似文献   

严佳  李刚 《纺织学报》2020,41(9):191-200
为开发生物相容性好、安全有效性能稳定的医用纺织品,对医用纺织品及其原材料的种类、构成形式、物理性能、生物性能和优缺点进行了阐述,介绍了医用纺织品的常见制备加工技术、表面处理和化学改性技术的研究进展,分析了医用纺织品的未来发展需求和趋势,以及面临的主要问题和机遇。最后指出:天然和人工合成的生物材料正在被广泛用于医用纺织品中,这些材料因其易于加工、可降解性、良好的力学性能以及生物相容性,使得医用纺织品能够用于体内植入、软组织修复、医疗保健和卫生等相关领域;医用纺织品涉及多学科交叉领域,需要生物材料、纺织和医学临床的多学科人才团队协同创新。  相似文献   

中国纺织服装企业传统的纺织加工模式已经不能适应目前成本的快速上涨,智能化、信息化、网络化的纺织加工必将替代传统纺织加工,这是我国纺织印染行业未来发展的必然趋势。文中主要介绍无缝内衣织造和染色智能化、信息化、网络化工厂的设计布局及管理,主要设计布局了织造车间智能化配送、中控系统,染色车间主要设计了自动进出产品的智能染色和烘干设备,设计布局了产品自动配送和传送、染料和助剂的自动称量和输送系统,为无缝内衣织造和染色工厂实现智能化信息化提供参考依据。  相似文献   

我国油脂工业的现状和新时期发展战略的思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
白美清 《中国油脂》2003,28(11):5-8
为了实现我国油脂工业的可持续发展,在调查研究的基础上,对我国油脂行业的跨越式发展和存在问题进行了详尽地分析,并对新时期我国油脂市场和产业的发展进行了展望,提出了我国油脂行业应向5个方向转变:向内涵式扩大再生产转变,要向走新型工业化道路转变,要向实施标准化、名牌化战略方向转变,要向实施纵横发展战略方向转变,向现代化企业制度和现代经营机制转变,以全面提升我国油脂行业和企业的竞争力。  相似文献   

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