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近年来,非洲在全球能源供应格局中的地位大幅提升,由干开采成本"冷落;非洲数十年之后,美国重新在非洲大陆活动起来,并宣称非洲石油已成为美国国家利益的一部分.  相似文献   

目前,多国已经在非洲开始布局,纷纷加大了对当地油气、矿产等资源的投资力度.其中,俄罗斯对非洲的重视正在逐渐加强.近日,俄罗斯非洲经济合作协调委员会(AFROCOM)与非洲石油、电力网站(Africa Oil & Power,简称AOP)签署了战略合作协议,旨在扩大俄企在非洲大陆的影响力,促进俄方与非洲政府和企业在能源投资等领域开展合作.  相似文献   

随着苏丹于1999年成为近30年来非洲大陆涌现出的第一个新的内陆石油出口国,利比亚将于2000年下半年新的石油法,以及阿尔及利亚对天然气开发的重视,非洲的油气开发引起了广泛的关注,非洲将成为21世纪新的油气产区。  相似文献   

2005年9月25~29日在南非号称黄金之都的约翰内斯堡召开了第十八届世界石油大会,会上共有埃及、南非、阿尔及利亚、肯尼亚、安哥拉、摩洛哥、莫桑比克、尼日利亚、加蓬、利比亚等10个非洲国家举办了国家论坛,介绍了大量非洲石油工业发展现状及其前景的信息,说明非洲的油气勘探开发已步入蓬勃兴起阶段,有望成为今后一个时期世界石油工业增长的新亮点。 非洲大陆方兴未艾的油气事业使我们看到了希望,非洲将成为世界石油工业的后期之秀。本刊拟自本期起对非洲石油工业作一系统概述供读者参阅。[编者按]  相似文献   

地理概况 这个被称之为阿非利加的非洲.位于东半球的东南部,赤道横穿大陆,目前非洲有56个国家和地区,面积约3020万平方千米(包括附近岛屿),约占世界陆地总面积的20.2%.为世界第二大洲,人口74800万,占世界人口总数12.9%,位居世界第二。世界最大的,面积达945万平方千米的撒哈拉沙漠就在这里.沙漠面积约占非洲大陆面积的40%。从地理区分来看,人们通常将非洲分为东南西北中五个地区,  相似文献   

非洲大陆对全球赞同我们举办第十八届世界石油大会感到无比的荣幸。非洲人民为有机会举办这样富有影响力和威望的活动而感到骄傲,并自豪地说:我们已经成为世界大家庭不可缺少的一员。  相似文献   

非洲油气资源及主要生产国概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非洲是世界上油气产量增长较快的地区,但其油气勘探开发程度却比较低。介绍了非洲大陆的地层与盆地类型、主要油气产区和盆地、天然气开发前景以及9个主要油气生产国的情况。指出:非洲大陆5类盆地中有4类为含油气盆地,石油主要分布在非洲北部和西部,储量为140.52×10^8t;天然气主要分布在非洲北部和东部,储量为14.18×10^12m^3。2005年非洲石油产量为4.42×10^t,天然气产量为1408.12×10^8m^3中国目前与非洲的关系表明,未来非洲在中国能源战略格局中将占有举足轻重的地位。  相似文献   

非洲目前已进入世界油气勘探的前列,勘探活动达到了以往30年所未有的水平。自2000年以来,世界三分之一的油气发现都位于非洲。非洲大陆为大型跨国石油公司以及小型独立石油公司提供了机遇。  相似文献   

尼日利亚因其丰富的黑色资源一直被誉为非洲大陆的“黑珍珠”。目前,尼日利亚是非洲最大的石油,生产国和世界第八大石油出口国,同时也是石油输出国组织(欧佩克)成员国之一,  相似文献   

中国是一个人口众多但资源相对贫乏的发展中大国,而广袤的非洲大陆拥有丰富的待开发的矿产资源和石油资源,双方的贸易往来具有巨大的互补性。这几年到非洲做生意的中国人越来越多,到非洲搞开发建设的中国企业越来越多,到非洲旅游观光的中国人也越来越多,我们每一个人都肩负着为中非友谊添砖加瓦的责任。  相似文献   

《Food Control》2000,11(3):181-194
International food trade rules, as established and agreed under the auspices of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), have enhanced the role of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). However, the increased recognition has also led to increased pressure for the Codex to define more clearly the approach to the setting of international food standards. The paper provides an account of the discussions in Codex on three complex debates: the setting of residue limits for hormones in meat and in milk and the adoption and use of four `statements of principle' on the role of science in the Codex decision-making process. Arising from these debates, the paper looks at the role of science in the adoption of Codex standards and considers those issues, known as `other legitimate factors', which also figure in the process.  相似文献   

《Food Control》2002,13(1):57-60
The Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (the SPS Agreement) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO), working together as the WTO–SPS framework, seek to prevent the arbitrary and unjustified use of sanitary measures as barriers to trade. Using a bilateral trade issue between the US and Australia regarding meat inspection, this study examines the influence of the third WTO–SPS framework provision (the provision for equivalence determinations to accommodate the use of different measures that achieve the same health objectives). This analysis yields three conclusions regarding the influence of the provision in regulatory harmonisation and trade dispute resolution. First, the WTO–SPS framework's provision for equivalence determination is effective in promoting harmonisation and dispute resolution because it encourages bilateral collaboration – even in the absence of international guidelines for equivalence. Second, political considerations may hamper equivalence determination processes and therefore frustrate regulatory harmonisation and dispute resolution efforts. Finally, economic factors may actually promote regulatory harmonisation and, as in this case, encourage the pre-emption of trade disputes.  相似文献   

企业工会组织担负着联系职工、宣传职工、组织职工、团结职工的重要责任,是党和政府与职工联系的主渠道。工会组织要在企业战胜各种挑战,实现跨越式发展,构建和谐企业中发挥作用,必须认真贯彻党的十七大精神,在促进企业生产经营和人才素质的提高、维护职工合法权益、加强民主政治建设、抓好自身规范化建设等方面积极实践。  相似文献   

Bejing residents still remember the success of theSixth Beijing International Motor Show held in 2000,which attracted record-high 400,000 visitors. AutoChina 2002 (the Seventh Beijing International MotorShow), held June 6 to 13at the InternationalExhibition Center in Beijing, follows on the heels of  相似文献   

碱渣土工程性能的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
天津经济技术开发区和保税区的发展,需要对大量的低洼地进行回填,为了利用天津碱厂排出的大量工业废料取代价格较高的普通回填用土,自1992年以来对碱渣的性质做了大量研究工作,相继提出以不同材料,按不同配比拌和碱渣形成碱渣土进行低洼地填垫的方案,并对其物理力学指标通过室内和现场试验进行了检测,结果表明碱渣土可以用于低洼地的回填。  相似文献   

CQY-Ⅰ型测卡松扣仪研制及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了测卡松扣仪的研制目的及国内外发展现状,介绍了CQY-Ⅰ型测卡松扣仪的结构原理、技术参数、性能特点及其在卡钻事故井中的应用和该项技术达到的技术水平。  相似文献   

 自由基机理和正碳离子机理是烃类分子发生裂化时的主要机理。通过量子化学密度泛函(DFT)的计算方法,研究了按这2种裂化机理进行的反应所得中间产物自由基和正碳离子的结构与特性,从而解释它们均易发生β断裂的原因,并对两者的反应条件进行了比较。  相似文献   

页岩气测井评价研究——以川东南海相地层为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张培先 《特种油气藏》2012,19(2):12-15,135
页岩气主要以游离和吸附方式赋存于暗色泥页岩或炭质泥页岩中。其中,游离气一般赋存于泥页岩的孔隙或裂缝中,而吸附气主要赋存于泥页岩中的有机质或黏土颗粒表面。依据不同测井曲线的基本原理,结合实验测试,利用测井技术对页岩气进行识别分析与评价,并分别计算出游离气含量和吸附气含量。通过研究分析,提出了计算页岩游离气含量"四步法"和吸附气含量"三步法"。依据建立的页岩气测井评价模型,以川东南海相页岩地层为例进行技术应用,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

D. J. Jukes 《Food Control》1991,2(4):234-239
Food standards, chemicals in food and food trade were the three related topics considered by the international conference organized jointly by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The conference, held in the FAO headquarters in Rome from 18–27 March 1991, brought together delegations from over 70 countries to discuss the issues raised and to provide guidance for the sponsoring organizations as to the direction of their future work. The conference was of major importance for the organizers and, through them, the Codex Alimentarius Commision (CAC). However, it is important to appreciate that the conference took no actual decisions about future work. It was an advisory meeting and so any decisions will be taken by other bodies after considering the recommendations made.  相似文献   

《Food Control》2006,17(1):75-82
Free and glycosidically bound aroma compounds of the Narince wines and the effect of skin contact treatment (15 °C, 12 h) on aroma composition have been investigated during two vintages. Free and bound aroma compounds were extracted with dichloromethane and Amberlite XAD-2 resin, respectively, and then analysed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). According to the results obtained in both vintages, Narince wines were characterized by the presence of high level of fermentative aroma compounds (higher alcohols, fatty acids, and esters, respectively), and skin contact treatment increased the total concentration of free and bound volatiles.  相似文献   

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