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参考某百万千瓦级核电厂设计,针对堆内熔融物滞留(IVR)策略投入后晚期(即压力容器下封头已形成熔融池的情况下)可能的一回路再注水场景开展分析,研究晚期再注水的一回路压力响应。通过与不实施再注水事故工况的对比分析,综合评估实施再注水时间、再注水流量及严重事故泄压阀开启数量对一回路的压力影响,得到了各措施的影响规律,并针对严重事故管理策略提出建议。   相似文献   

严重事故缓解策略熔融物堆内滞留(IVR)有效性评价方法中,关于压力容器下封头内的熔池结构是最具争议的问题。本工作对目前国际上采用的稳定熔池2层和3层结构,以及在熔池形成过程中可能形成的4层结构进行了比较研究,建立了这3种结构下的熔池分层传热模型,并分析了3种结构在不同反应堆功率水平下对压力容器有效性的影响。结果表明,压力容器安全裕量随反应堆功率的升高而减小,在4层熔池结构下发生压力容器熔穿失效的可能性最大。  相似文献   

CRP1000的IVR有效性评价中堆芯熔化及熔池形成过程分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在发生堆芯熔化的严重事故后,通过容器外冷却将熔融物滞留在容器内(IV)是一种重要的核电站严重事故缓解措施.本文通过选取与IVR有效性评价相关的严重事故序列,用一体化严重事故计算程序进行堆芯熔化过程计算及下封头中熔池的形成过程分析,得出下封头中分层熔池的结构和成分及其对金属层热聚集效应的影响.通过有、无容器外冷却模型的对比计算,评价CPR1000堆型的IVR的有效性.结果表明:在下封头熔池的金属层所在的高度上存在明显的热集中效应;而容器外冷却能保证压力容器的完整性.  相似文献   

华龙一号反应堆采用堆腔注水冷却系统作为严重亊故的关键缓解措施,通过压力容器外部冷却实现熔融物压力容器内滞留(IVR)。针对系统的安全特性开展了深入的研究论证,包括严重亊故序列分析、熔融物失效迁移行为研究、临界热流密度(CHF)试验以及基于CISER程序的热工有效性论证。结果表明,华龙一号堆腔注水冷却系统(CIS)具有足够安全裕量,在严重亊故下可保证压力容器的完整性。  相似文献   

华龙一号(HPR1000)设计了堆腔注水冷却系统(CIS)以实现严重事故期间熔融物的堆内滞留(IVR),该系统分为能动与非能动两列子系统,其中非能动CIS应对的是全厂断电(SBO)始发的严重事故工况。本文对非能动CIS的事故缓解能力进行评估。首先开发了下封头熔池换热计算程序并予以验证,使用MAAP程序对SBO严重事故序列及SBO叠加不同尺寸一回路破口始发的严重事故序列进行计算,并结合熔池换热计算程序得到不同事故序列下的压力容器外壁面最大热流密度,进而评估不同事故序列下非能动CIS的有效性。评估结果表明,非能动CIS可有效应对SBO始发的严重事故序列以及SBO叠加一回路破口尺寸小于60 mm始发的严重事故序列,实现IVR策略。评估结果可应用于HPR1000的严重事故管理。  相似文献   

海洋核动力平台严重事故下熔融物堆内滞留分析程序开发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对海洋核动力平台的设计特点,分析了严重事故下压力容器外冷却实现熔融物堆内滞留技术的可行性。根据海洋核动力平台功率密度较低和压力容器下封头尺寸较小的特点,建立了压力容器下封头内熔池传热理论模型,编制了分析程序SR-IVR,进行了基准例题验证。结果表明,本文所建分析模型和程序可用于海洋核动力平台严重事故下熔融物堆内滞留分析。  相似文献   

在发生堆芯熔化的严重事故后,通过容器外冷却将熔融物滞留在容器内(IVR)是一种重要的核电站严重事故缓解措施。本文通过选取与IVR有效性评价相关的严重事故序列,用一体化严重事故计算程序进行堆芯熔化过程计算及下封头中熔池的形成过程分析,得出下封头中分层熔池的结构和成分及其对金属层热聚集效应的影响。通过有、无容器外冷却模型的对比计算,评价CPR1000堆型的IVR的有效性。结果表明:在下封头熔池的金属层所在的高度上存在明显的热集中效应;而容器外冷却能保证压力容器的完整性。  相似文献   

大功率先进压水堆IVR有效性评价分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
熔融物堆内滞留-压力容器外部冷却(IVR-ERVC)是核电厂重要的严重事故预防和缓解措施。目前IVR有效性的评价方法主要基于集总参数模型对下封头熔池的换热分析。通过计算大功率压水堆在典型严重事故序列中的堆芯熔化过程并参考相关法规,确定IVR-ERVC评价所需的输入参数概率密度函数,然后使用集总参数程序抽样计算以评价大功率堆IVR-ERVC有效性。结果表明:根据目前参数设计,大功率先进压水堆的IVR-ERVC有效性超过98%;最后分析各种不确定参数对IVR-ERVC有效性的影响程度并对堆内构件的设计提出建议。  相似文献   

三层熔融池结构情况下反应堆压力容器外水冷有效性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过反应堆压力容器外水冷(ERVC)实现熔融物压力容器内滞留(IVR)是300 MW压水堆核电厂重要的严重事故管理特征。在过去IVR分析中通常对反应堆压力容器(RPV)下封头内两层熔融池结构进行分析,然而核电厂还可能出现一种底部为重金属层的3层熔融池结构,它可能对RPV完整性带来更大的威胁。本文根据建立的模型假设300 MW压水堆核电厂出现的该熔融池结构,并进行分析。结果表明,形成的底部重金属层不会威胁RPV完整性,但厚度变薄的顶部金属层失效裕度较小,可能威胁RPV完整性。  相似文献   

先进压水堆熔融物堆内滞留参数不确定分析研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
压水堆核电厂在严重事故下将发生堆芯熔化事故而形成熔融池。形成熔融池的过程具有很大的不确定性,这影响到反应堆压力容器熔融物堆内滞留(IVR)策略的有效性。本工作以AP1000核电厂两层IVR模型为研究对象,对成功实施反应堆压力容器外部冷却(ERVC)的假想严重事故进行了熔融池参数不确定性分析,包括参数的敏感性分析和使用拉丁超立方抽样的概率分析。结果表明:衰变功率对IVR评价参数影响最大,应采取措施(如上堆腔注水)尽量延缓堆芯熔化的时间;熔融物中不锈钢的质量将对金属层参数造成较大影响,可考虑在压力容器内布置牺牲性材料来减小金属层的集热效应;氧化物层外压力容器失效的概率仅为1.2%,但金属层外压力容器失效的概率高达20%。本结果对今后IVR策略研究和设计具有一定的指导意义,同时也为压水堆核电厂安全评审提供理论支持。  相似文献   

目前国际上普遍采用堆芯熔融物压力容器内滞留(IVR)策略来缓解严重事故后果。本文基于日本应用能源研究所开发的核电厂事故分析程序SAMPSON,对其压力容器内熔融物冷却分析(DCA)模块进行改进,增加了熔池内金属和氧化物分层模型,开发了熔融物三维直角坐标网格与压力容器三维曲面坐标的交界面几何参数前处理程序,改进了压力容器外冷却的传热关系式。通过AP1000核电机组严重事故下的IVR对改进后的程序进行分析验证,并与实验结果进行对比。结果表明,改进后的SAMPSON程序可对核电厂严重事故下下封头内的熔融物冷却滞留开展有效的模拟分析。  相似文献   

If cooling is inadequate during a reactor accident, a significant amount of core material could become molten and relocate to the lower head of the reactor vessel, as happened in the Three Mile Island Unit 2 accident. In such a case, concerns about containment failure and associated risks can be eliminated if it is possible to ensure that the lower head remains intact so that relocated core materials are retained within the vessel. Accordingly, in-vessel retention (IVR) of core melt as a key severe accident management strategy has been adopted by some operating nuclear power plants and planned for some advanced light water reactors. However, it is not clear that currently proposed external reactor vessel cooling (ERVC) without additional enhancements can provide sufficient heat removal to assure IVR for high power reactors (i.e., reactors with power levels up to 1500 MWe). Consequently, a joint United States/Korean International Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (I-NERI) has been launched to develop recommendations to improve the margin of success for in-vessel retention in high power reactors. This program is initially focussed on the Korean Advanced Power Reactor—1400 MWe (APR1400) design. However, recommendations will be developed that can be applied to a wide range of existing and advanced reactor designs. The recommendations will focus on modifications to enhance ERVC and modifications to enhance in-vessel debris coolability. In this paper, late-phase melt conditions affecting the potential for IVR of core melt in the APR1400 were established as a basis for developing the I-NERI recommendations. The selection of ‘bounding’ reactor accidents, simulation of those accidents using the SCDAP/RELAP5-3D© code, and resulting late-phase melt conditions are presented. Results from this effort indicate that bounding late-phase melt conditions could include large melt masses (>120,000 kg) relocating at high temperatures (3400 K). Estimated lower head heat fluxes associated with this melt could exceed the maximum critical heat flux, indicating additional measures such as the use of a core catcher and/or modifications to enhance external reactor vessel cooling may be necessary to ensure in-vessel retention of core melt.  相似文献   

通过压力容器外部冷却(ERVC)以实现堆内熔融物滞留(IVR)作为反应堆严重事故缓解管理的一项重要举措一直以来广泛受到关注和研究。本文使用严重事故分析程序MELCOR,从瞬态角度对大型先进压水堆进行了IVR-ERVC相关研究。过程中重点关注了堆芯熔毁和重新定位,熔池形成、生长及其传热过程,并且对压力容器外部流动传热进行了分析。MELCOR计算所得下封头热流密度分布的瞬态结果与临界热流密度(CHF)比较和分析表明,1700 MWe大功率压水堆发生严重事故后在IVRERVC条件下能够保证压力容器的完整性,即,IVR-ERVC能够有效带出下封头熔融物的衰变热量,缓解严重事故后果。  相似文献   

The TMI-2 accident demonstrated that a significant quantity of molten core debris could drain into the lower plenum during a severe accident. For such conditions, the Individual Plant Examinations (IPEs) and severe accident management evaluations, consider the possibility that water could not be injected to the RCS. However, depending on the plant specific configuration and the accident sequence, water may be accumulated within the containment sufficient to submerge the lower head and part of the reactor vessel cylinder. This could provide external cooling of the RPV to prevent failure of the lower head and discharge of core debris into the containment.This paper evaluates the heat removal capabilities for external cooling of an insulated RPV in terms of (a) the water inflow through the insulation, (b) the two-phase heat removal in the gap between the insulation and the vessel and (c) the flow of steam through the insulation. These results show no significant limitation to heat removal from the bottom of the reactor vessel other than thermal conduction through the reactor vessel wall. Hence, external cooling is a possible means of preventing core debris from failing the reactor, which if successful, would eliminate the considerations of ex-vessel steam explosions, debris coolability, etc. and their uncertainties. Therefore, external cooling should be a major consideration in accident management evaluations and decision-making for current plants, as well as a possible design consideration for future plants.  相似文献   

In-vessel retention (IVR) of core melt is a key severe accident management strategy adopted by most operating nuclear power plants and advanced light water reactors (ALWRs), AP600, AP1000, etc. External reactor vessel cooling (ERVC) is a novel severe accident management for IVR analysis. In present study, IVR analysis code in severe accident (IVRASA) has been developed to evaluate the safety margin of IVR in AP1000 with anticipative depressurization and reactor cavity flooding in severe accident. For, IVRASA, the point estimate procedure has been developed for modeling the steady-state endpoint of two core melt configurations: Configuration I and Configuration II. The results of benchmark calculations of AP600 by IVRASA were consistent with those of the UCSB and INEEL. Then, IVRASA is used to calculate the heat transfer process caused by two core melt configurations of AP1000. The results of calculations of Configuration I indicate that the heat flux remains below the critical heat flux (CHF), however, the sensitivity calculations show that the heat flux in the metallic layer could exceed the CHF because of the focusing effect due to the thin metallic layer. On the other hand, the results of calculations of Configuration II suggest that the thermal failure of the lower head at the bottom location is highly unlikely, but the heat flux in light metallic layer could be higher than that of base case due to the portion of metal partitioning into the lower head. This work also investigated the effect of the uncertainties of the CHF correlations on the analysis of IVR.  相似文献   

The in-vessel retention (IVR) of core disruptive accident (CDA) is of prime importance in enhancing safety characteristics of sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs). In the CDA of SFRs, molten core material relocates to the lower plenum of reactor vessel and may impose significant thermal load on the structures, resulting in the melt-through of the reactor vessel. In order to enable the assessment of this relocation process and prove that IVR of core material is the most probable consequence of the CDA in SFRs, a research program to develop the evaluation methodology for the material relocation behavior in the CDA of SFRs has been conducted. This program consists of three developmental studies, namely the development of the analysis method of molten material discharge from the core region, the development of evaluation methodology of molten material penetration into sodium pool, and the development of the simulation tool of debris bed behavior. The analysis method of molten material discharge was developed based on the computer code SIMMER-III since this code is designed to simulate the multi-phase, multi-component fluid dynamics with phase changes involved in the discharge process. Several experiments simulating the molten material discharge through duct using simulant materials were utilized as the basis of validation study of the physical models in this code. It was shown that SIMMER-III with improved physical models could simulate the molten material discharge behavior, including the momentum exchange with duct wall and thermal interaction with coolant. In order to develop an evaluation methodology of molten material penetration into sodium pool, a series of experiments simulating jet penetration behavior into sodium pool in SFR thermal condition were performed. These experiments revealed that the molten jet was fragmented in significantly shorter penetration length than the prediction by existing correlation for light water reactor conditions, due to the direct contact and thermal interaction of molten materials with coolant. The fragmented core materials form a sediment debris bed in the lower plenum. It is necessary to remove decay heat safely from this debris bed to achieve IVR. A simulation code to analyze the behavior of debris bed with decay heat was developed based on SIMMER-III code by implementing physical models, which simulate the interaction among solid particles in the bed. The code was validated by several experiments on the fluidization of particle bed by two-phase flow. These evaluation methodologies will serve as a basis for advanced safety assessment technology of SFRs in the future.  相似文献   

大功率先进压水堆IVR有效性评价中熔池换热研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
熔融物堆内滞留-压力容器外部冷却(IVR-ERVC)是一种重要的核电厂严重事故缓解措施。当前针对IVR有效性评价的方法主要是基于集总参数模型对下封头熔池换热进行分析。在大功率先进压水堆熔池集总参数法计算中,堆芯重量变大、压力容器尺寸增加会导致熔池自然对流换热中的瑞利数Ra ′增大。通过使用集总参数分析程序,对比研究熔池氧化层各换热模型的适用范围,计算大功率先进压水堆高瑞利数条件下稳态熔池的自然对流换热,模拟两层稳态熔池模型中压力容器外壁面的热流密度分布,对其进行选定严重事故序列下的IVR-ERVC有效性评价,并对堆内构件设计提出建议。  相似文献   

熔融物堆内滞留是第3代核电技术重要的严重事故缓解措施之一,堆芯熔融池在压力容器下封头壁面的热流密度分布直接影响该策略的有效性。本文基于开源的数值计算流体力学软件平台OpenFOAM,应用相变模型和浮升力模型二次开发了用于模拟堆芯熔融物由内热源或温差驱动的自然对流传热与相变求解器。应用该求解器模拟了瑞典皇家理工学院开展的二维氧化池与金属层耦合传热试验,获得了氧化池和金属层硬壳的相场,以及熔融池内的温度分布及沿容器壁面的热流密度分布。计算结果表明,该模型可用于熔融物凝固与自然对流的模拟,为深入分析核电厂采用熔融物堆内滞留措施后熔融池的行为奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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