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上海国歌广场热舒适研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要讨论上海国歌广场夏秋冬三季物理环境及广场使用者的热感知和偏好。现场进行小气候实测和问卷调查,21个测试日共获得问卷878份。研究采用主观评价与客观评价结合的形式评价热舒适。客观评价指标采用预测平均投票(PMV)、生理等效温度(PET)和标准有效温度(SET*)3个指标。结果表明:1)广场夏季热舒适问题相较秋冬两季更为突出;夏季,80%受访者期望空气温度降低、风速升高;秋冬两季,近半数的人希望温度升高、风速降低、太阳辐射增强;夏季,居民太阳辐射偏好与空气温度值呈显著负相关;秋冬两季,居民风速偏好与空气温度呈正相关,与太阳辐射呈负相关;2)预测PMV不适合评估上海广场户外热舒适;使用PET计算的热中性温度为16.2℃,热舒适范围为7~25℃;使用SET*计算的热中性温度为17.1℃,热舒适范围为10~24℃。本研究成果可为风景园林师优化上海高密度环境下的户外热环境提供评判依据。  相似文献   

为研究被动式低能耗建筑(简称被动房)的人体热舒适度分析模型,文中结合灰色聚类分析方法,将被动房室内温度、相对湿度、辐射温度和风速、衣服热阻作为人体热舒适性的影响因素。借助典型被动房部分实测数据,进行箱型图法归一化处理后,建立累计百分频率函数,确定热舒适性指标PMV的计算模型;并推算出室内温度、相对湿度、辐射温度和风速、衣服热阻等影响因素的灰色白化权函数。最后确定聚类权重和聚类权重系数,最终完成样本分类。取该被动房的一月内实测样本数据进行灰色聚类分析,结果表明室内温度对热舒适性的影响效果最大,相对湿度影响次之,衣服热阻值影响效果最小,室内温度、相对湿度、辐射温度和风速、衣服热阻这5个影响因素,可作为对被动式低能耗建筑进行热舒适性的评价标准。  相似文献   

在相同的外界条件下,测试外保温房和未保温房室内的温度和湿度,分析室内的热舒适性。分析结果表明,外保温房的室内舒适性评价指标PMV-PPD(Predicted Mean Vote—Predicted Percent Dissatisfied)值在舒适值附近波动的幅度明显小于未保温实验房,外墙外保温系统提高了室内的热舒适性。  相似文献   

室外热舒适性一直是城市环境研究的热点问题。针对室外微气候环境利用主客观现场调查研究,明确影响人体室外热感觉的影响因素。为确定户外环境的设计策略、营造具有吸引力的良好公共空间提供重要研究基础。文中研究通过对寒冷地区过渡季节的确定,利用热舒适主观问卷调查和同步微气候数据现场调查,获取了1050份有效主观问卷及相对应气象参数。通过主客观拟合分析获取了基于通用热气候指数UTCI(Universal Thermal Climate Index)的热中性温度为20.7℃。同时对室外三种不同环境分别探究其热舒适性变化规律,在阳光直射下的人体热感觉较为敏感,而在树荫和建筑阴影下较不敏感。建筑阴影下热舒适更容易受到影响。明确了空气温度与平均辐射温度是影响过渡季节下人体室外热感觉的主要因素。研究结果为寒冷地区城市的室外公共空间的场地规划和环境设计提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

王健  郭红霞 《园林》2023,(4):118-124
为了挖掘扬州古典园林的生态智慧,对小盘谷园林空间进行现场测试,运用热环境评估模型RayMan计算生理等效温度(PET)进行热舒适评价,分析了空气温度、相对湿度、风速等气候要素在夏季白天的变化规律,并结合天空视域因子(SVF)探讨了古典园林的空间形态对夏季热环境的影响。结果表明,扬州古典园林开敞空间因受到更多的太阳辐射,导致夏季白天炎热且热舒适性较差;半闭合空间具有较强的空间适应性,应合理配置园林构成要素改善热环境;闭合空间因受到较少的太阳辐射,主要应考虑风环境对热舒适的影响。另外,SVF也是热环境评价的重要指标之一,但不是精确指标,天空视域的形态以及方向也对热舒适有较大影响。  相似文献   

本文首先对地板辐射采暖房间进行现场测试,得到房间布点位置的温度和湿度,为数值模拟边界条件的设置提供依据.利用CFD对房间进行了数值模拟,得出了房间的温湿度分布、气流的运动状态和房间热舒适性评价指标(PMV-PPD)等,对房间的热舒适性进行了总体分析评价.  相似文献   

岭南传统庭园是应对湿热气候的智慧结晶,目前学界对其遮阳设计要素的研究仍有待深入。以岭南传统庭园典型案例之一——四大名园中的余荫山房为例,基于夏季现场微气候测试和热感觉问卷调研,运用SPSS量化分析人体主观热感觉和庭园客观微气候测试指标之间的关系,并结合数据比较各测点空间的遮阳设计要素,尝试挖掘夏季人体热感觉和遮阳设计要素间的内在联系。结论如下:(1)在夏季余荫山房中,约84.5%的游客表示庭园中太阳辐射可以接受;(2)黑球温度与热舒适投票、太阳辐射舒适和太阳辐射可接受投票都有较好的相关性;(3)夏季庭园中,对应热舒适的黑球温度约28.48~37.16℃;对应太阳辐射热舒适的黑球温度约27.60~39.11℃;(4)遮阳设计要素包括遮阳分区、遮阳覆盖率、遮阳类型、遮阳构造,其中:遮阳分区、遮阳覆盖率对热感觉投票和微气候测试指标有整体性影响;水平遮阳进深显著影响热感觉(TSV);遮阳类型影响黑球温度(Tg),从降低庭院Tg值的角度,复合遮阳最佳,其次是水平遮阳;空间高宽比显著影响遮阳效果稳定性;(5)余荫山房实测中,长波辐射占总辐射能的极小部分,几乎可忽略不计。本研究以期为岭南传统庭园遮阳设计及遮阳要素导控提供研究方法和设计目标的参考。  相似文献   

周志强  董靓 《中国园林》2022,38(11):100
户外热舒适对城市景观空间的使用具有显著影 响。目前对户外热舒适的研究较少考虑感知控制(Perceived Control)的影响作用。通过在选定实验区域内对志愿者进行 问卷调查,分析感知控制对庭园空间热舒适的影响。结果表 明:1)感知控制对湿热地区庭园空间的夏季中性温度具有一定 影响,但对秋、冬季中性温度影响微弱;2)感知控制受限会导 致热感觉的敏感程度增强,热舒适范围变窄;3)在中性温度范 围附近,感知控制对热舒适感的影响十分微弱,而在热感觉为 “冷”“凉”“暖”“热”的热环境中,感知控制对不适感具 有一定缓解作用;4)感知控制在一定程度上扩大了人们对庭园 热环境的可接受范围,当感知控制受限时,人们对热环境的接 受度会有所下降。  相似文献   

基于投影寻踪的热舒适性评价模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据4个影响热舒适的主要因素(环境温度、风速、相对湿度和平均辐射温度),研究建立了热舒适评价的投影寻踪模型,利用该模型可将影响热舒适的多个指标转换为反映各指标综合信息的投影特征值,并根据投影特征值的差异性大小对热舒适进行客观评价。通过与实际环境的主观评价相比较,表明其评判结果与主观感受是一致的。这种方法计算简单、方便实用,为室内环境热舒适的评价问题提供了一条新的方法与思路。  相似文献   

一、从房间的热舒适性指标看冷(暖)辐射空调的优势房间的热舒适性除了与干球温度有关外,还与风速、相对湿度、平均辐射温度、服装热阻和新陈代谢率等因素有关。  相似文献   

This paper aims to clarify the handling technique of the solar radiation in an element of the thermal environment evaluation indices and to add expansions and improvements to conduction-corrected modified effective temperature ETF (Kurazumi et al., 2009) that can quantify the comprehensive effect on sensational and physiological sense and the effect of individual meteorological elements on the same evaluation axis applicable to an outdoor environment. Mean radiant temperature and radiant heat transfer coefficient of the outdoor space was defined. Enhanced conduction-corrected modified effective temperature ETFe that is ETF including short-wave solar radiation in outdoor space was defined. This sensational and physiological climatic environment index can make temperature convert each effect of difference in posture; air velocity; long-wave radiation in the outdoor space; short-wave solar radiation; contact surface temperature and humidity into individual meteorological elements. The addition of each temperature-converted factor is possible and quantifying the composite effect on sensational and physiological sense in the outdoor spaces as well as the discrete effect of each meteorological element is possible on the same evaluation axis. Consequently, it is possible to make the climate modification effects due to tree shade and areas of water that improve the urban thermal environment quantitatively explicit.  相似文献   

Climate dependency of optimum thermal building insulation. Calculation methods of economically optimum U‐values of opaque and transparent building elements are treated. Hereby, methods of precise and of simplified approximate calculation are discussed. The dependency of climatic conditions is studied in detail. For the calculation of economically optimum U‐values of opaque and transparent elements only the knowledge of the climatic data annual mean outdoor temperature and indoor temperature is necessary for a simple approximation. The applied concept of economical optimization based on heat demand may be used in climatic regions, where the lowest value of the smoothed outdoor temperature is not higher than 12 °C. Isolated optimization of building envelope elements is justified as long as the highest value of the smoothed outdoor temperature is not substantially higher than the indoor temperature, applicable in Europe for cold and temperate climate regions.  相似文献   

Outdoor spaces are important to sustainable cities because they accommodate pedestrian traffic and outdoor activities, and contribute greatly to urban livability and vitality. In the global context of climate change, outdoor spaces that provide a pleasurable thermal comfort experience for pedestrians effectively improve the quality of urban living. The influence of thermal comfort on outdoor activities is a complex issue comprising both climatic and behavioral aspects; however, current investigations lack a general framework for assessment. This paper presents a review of research over the past decade on the behavioral aspects of outdoor thermal comfort. The article focuses on perceptions of outdoor thermal comfort and the use of outdoor space in the context of urban planning. We further discuss a general framework for assessing outdoor thermal comfort based on behavioral aspects and the need for predicting tools in the design and planning of outdoor thermal comfort.  相似文献   


Design days are the fundamental parameters for design cooling load calculations. At present, the coincidence and coupling relationship of meteorological elements are ignored by the design-day selection methods provided in the current standards, which results in conservative and unreasonable designs. This research proposes a method of selecting design days for design cooling load calculation that considers the coincidence and correlation of meteorological elements. First, a joint distribution function is constructed; on this basis, the coincident near-extreme meteorological parameters are selected. Then three meteorological elements from a 30-year meteorological record are integrated into one single normalization parameter. Finally, a design day reflective of the variation trend of near-extreme climate conditions is selected from the meteorological record. This paper uses Tianjin in China as an example to generate the research design day. It was found that the outdoor non-guaranteed rate of the research design day is roughly consistent with the corresponding indoor thermal environment risk level. Compared with the standard Chinese design day, the peak values of the research design day are reduced effectively, and the gap between the indoor thermal environment risk level and the outdoor non-guaranteed rate is narrowed.  相似文献   

“水”作为重要的造园要素之一,对调节庭园微气候起着不可忽视的作用。本次研究期冀通过现代方法尽量真实的描述岭南庭园空间环境特征,探索岭南传统庭园中水体的微气候效应,传承蕴藏其中的生态智慧。以广东四大名园之一余荫山房为研究对象,借助微气候模拟软件ENVI—met,对其夏季热环境进行数值模拟,分析温度、湿度、风速、平均辐射温度等气候要素的空间分布特征和时间变化规律,在此基础上选用标准有效温度综合评价夏季庭园室外热环境质量。研究表明,水体在白天对庭园中近地面空气有一定的降温增湿作用,园中水体与植物相结合的空间室外热环境质量最高。故在庭园设计中重视理水的作用,可以更有效的改善夏季庭园热环境,营造舒适的室外活动场所。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is made to clarify that the relationship between the human physiological and psychological responses and the enhanced conduction-corrected modified effective temperature ETFe as the outdoor thermal environment evaluation index upon the human body. Environmental factors and human physiological and psychological responses were measured. It was made clear that the variables by which summer outdoor environmental factors influence the thermal sensation vote are heat conduction, humidity and short-wave solar radiation. The variables that affect the thermal comfort vote are air velocity, heat conduction and humidity. ETFe, into which the environmental factors that are the variables for human response are incorporated, showed good correspondence with the thermal sensation vote. Similarly, ETFe has a good correspondence with thermal comfort vote. The usage of ETFe as a thermal environment evaluation index for summer outdoor spaces is valid. The threshold for the human body with regards to thermal environment stimuli in an outdoor space is higher than the thermal environment stimuli in a summer indoor space.  相似文献   

为了研究狭小凹槽内室外机的热环境,结合具体工程,运用CFD软件包中的FLUENT软件模拟分析了夏季工况下某住宅建筑狭小凹槽结构内2台室外机的气流场和温度场,并根据原方案中存在的散热问题提出了改善方案,优化了室外机热环境。研究表明,在狭小凹槽内安装多台室外机的情况下,有必要对室外机的热环境进行优化;改善方案比原方案平均降低室外机回风温度8℃左右,优化了室外机热环境,空调的制冷性能得到了提升。  相似文献   

Shading effect on long-term outdoor thermal comfort   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Shading affects outdoor thermal environments and, therefore, influences the thermal perceptions of people in outdoor spaces. Since most field studies examining outdoor thermal comfort merely elucidated characteristics measured on a particular day, these studies may not represent annual thermal conditions accurately. Therefore, this study conducted 12 field experiments to analyze outdoor thermal conditions on a university campus in central Taiwan, and utilized RayMan model for predicting long-term thermal comfort applying meteorological data for a 10-year period. The physiologically equivalent temperature (PET) is employed as a thermal index. The thermal comfort range of Taiwanese residents obtained in a previous survey was applied as the criterion for determining whether a thermal environment is comfortable or uncomfortable. Analytical results indicate that the sky view factor (SVF), which represents the percentage of free sky at specific locations, significantly affects outdoor thermal environments. Analytical results indicate that a high SVF (barely shaded) causes discomfort in summer and a low SVF (highly shaded) causes discomfort in winter. As Taiwan has hot summers and mild winters, sufficient shading should be provided by trees and buildings to improve thermal comfort in summer. However, since the Taiwanese have poor tolerance of cold temperature, outdoor space planning should avoid creating areas with excessive shading. Therefore, the thermal requirements of residents and characteristics of the local climate and environment must be considered when creating shaded outdoor areas.  相似文献   

立足寒地城乡地域特征,修正室外热舒适预测指标,分析寒地高校教学楼组团形态对室外热舒适的影响并提出 优化设计策略,改善寒地室外热舒适性能。基于寒地校园热环境实测数据修正室外热舒适预测指标,通过模拟实验提 出基于室外热舒适的组团形态设计策略。当D/H=2.50 时,教学楼组团室外热舒适和空间感受较好;L 型围合式和三 面围合式是兼顾室外热舒适、节能和空间需求的较优组团形式。室外热舒适评价指标需结合地域特征进行修正,设计 者可通过优化教学楼组团形态改善寒地高校室外热舒适水平。  相似文献   

旨在探索湿热地区老年人夏季室外热舒适阈值。以课题示范工程、样本量集中的广州市老人院为研究案例,结合现场实测与问卷调研,获得各气象要素(空气温度、相对湿度、黑球温度、风速)的逐时数据及老年人室外热舒适状况;借助Rayman模型,计算生理等效温度PET,运用SPSS进行回归分析建立老年人室外热舒适评价模型;并评析不同类型测点空间的热环境情况与特点。结论如下:(1)湿热地区夏季老年人室外热环境中性PET值为25.60℃;台湾、香港、广州等湿热气候地区,老年人与混合年龄层中性PET值接近,人群中性PET值具有一定普适性;(2)老年人热感觉中性范围为23.79℃~27.41℃,较混合年龄层窄;老年人室外环境热舒适PET范围为22.70℃~32.53℃,老年人对偏凉感觉(PET=23.10℃)更感舒适;老年人达到90%可接受率的PET范围是22.62℃~31.15℃;(3)老年人夏季热敏感度为3.62PET(℃)/TSV,夏季老年人对室外热环境敏感度明显高于混合年龄层,因此室外热环境设计对老年人具有更大影响;(4)在适当遮荫条件(植物或建筑)下,老年人在夏季依然乐于接受室外阳光辐射;但需综合运用遮阳、通风、降温等设计策略才能满足老年人对热环境的舒适需求。以期为湿热地区室外环境适老设计提供研究方法和设计目标的参考。  相似文献   

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