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叶岚 《内燃机车》2001,(10):17-21
介绍东风4D型系列内燃机车(速度为145km/h装滚动抱轴轴承箱的东风4D型客运、速度为100km/h装滚动抱轴轴承箱的东风4D型货运及速度为170km/h装牵引电机全悬挂转向架的东风4D型准高速客运机车)研制任务的由来,机车结构和主要技术参数,整车和主要部件铁道部部级鉴定试验结果,机车线路运用考核,机车质量改进情况及东风4D型客运内燃机车大修及技术改造与用户评价意见等.  相似文献   

为适应铁路旅客列车提速的需要,根据铁道部科技研制开发计划,大连机车车辆厂研制开发了速度为145km/h、装用滚动抱轴箱的东风4D型客运内燃机车,并经运用考核和不断改进完善.在此基础上,又根据铁路运输需要开发了速度为100km/h的东风4D型货运内燃机车及速度为170km/h、装用牵引电动机全悬挂转向架的东风4D型准高速客运内燃机车.这三种机车均按铁道部要求完成了整车和主要部件的型式鉴定试验及运营考核,并经过铁道部科学技术信息研究所对东风4D型客运内燃机车和东风4D型准高速客运内燃机车进行了科技查新,通过了铁道部的标准化审查.铁道部科教司认为,东风4D型系列内燃机车进行部级鉴定的条件已成熟,决定于2001年4月16日在大连召开东风4D型系列内燃机车部级科技成果鉴定会,聘请上海铁路局、大连内燃机车研究所、铁道部科学研究院、北方交通大学、戚墅堰机车车辆厂、北京二七机车厂、沈阳铁路局、铁道部产品质量监督检验中心,及铁道部驻大连机车车辆厂验收室等单位9名专家组成鉴定委员会,由上海铁路局副局长顾秉刚任组长,大连内燃机车研究所副所长李敦康任副组长.铁道部运输局装备部、铁道部计划发展司、铁道部质检中心、中车北方集团公司、三棵树机务段、济南机务段、丰台机务段、西南交通大学、永济电机厂均派出领导和专家到会. 开幕式由铁道部科教司吴新民处长主持,成果鉴定由顾秉刚副局长主持.鉴定会上首先由大连机车车辆厂向大会汇报东风4D型系列内燃机车研制工作总结及滚动抱轴转向架和全悬挂转向架的研制情况,铁道部质检中心向大会通报东风4D型系列内燃机车部级鉴定试验情况和结果,济南机务段介绍被部抽定作为运用考核的东风4D型0366号机车的运用考核情况和结果,丰台机务段介绍东风4D型货运内燃机车的运用情况,三棵树机务段介绍全悬挂准高速的东风4D型客运内燃机车的运用情况. 经过答辩及鉴定委员会讨论鉴定意见后,由鉴定委员会组长顾秉刚向大会宣读了鉴定委员会的鉴定意见:一致认为东风4D型系列内燃机车是在东风4B、东风4c型机车的基础上改进提高的,其装用的240系列柴油机功率上了一个新台阶,并在国产内燃机车上首次采用了牵引电动机滚动抱轴承悬挂结构;电气室外进风过滤正压通风设计,技术上具有开创性;东风4D型系列内燃机车认真吸收了国内交直流电传动大功率内燃机车的成功经验,也积极借鉴了国外内燃机车的先进技术,使产品的继承性和技术先进性得到较好的结合,方便了机车的运用和维修;东风4D型系列内燃机车具有较好的燃油经济性和工作可靠性,机车油耗较低,故障较少,在国产内燃机车中是领先的,受到用户好评;东风D型系列内燃机车的主要技术参数和技术性能达到了设计任务书的要求和有关标准的规定,采用的新技术是有效的,研制是成功的,机车达到了国内先进水平;它的投入运用,为我国铁路提速作出了贡献.研制单位提供的鉴定资料基本齐全,符合科技成果鉴定的要求,鉴定委员会一致同意通过鉴定.同时鉴定委员会建议:进一步提高柴油机钢顶铝裙活塞的性能,认真把住钢顶铝裙活塞的制造质量,确保其可靠工作,并密切注意已经装车运用的钢顶铁裙活塞的状态及其对柴油机的影响,切实做好状态跟踪,及时作好运用考核总结;对机车运用和试验中暴露的问题,如轴重超差、滚动抱轴箱裂、紧固螺栓松动、闸瓦不耐用、全悬挂转向架齿轮箱漏油、整流二极管烧损等问题进行认真分析,在已经采取措施的基础上继续整改,务求彻底解决,以进一步提高机车质量.  相似文献   

1问题的提出 沈阳机务段配属东风4D型机车43台、东风4H型机车32台,合计台数达到75台,占段配属机车总数(136台)的55%,主要担当沈阳至大连、长春、哈尔滨等主要干线客运列车牵引任务.经过两次机车提速后,最高时速由过去的113km/h,提高到现在的120km/h,部分区间达到140km/h.机车运行速度的提高,要求机车本身有较大的恒功率调速范围.  相似文献   

DF4D型机车滚动抱轴箱裂损原因分析及改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简述了DF4D型机车滚动抱轴装配的发展过程,对滚动抱轴箱的运用情况及裂损部位作了说明,对滚动抱轴箱作了简单的受力分析及有限元分析,从结构上对滚动抱轴箱的主要设计参数与相对成熟的8K、6K、SS6B等型机车的滚动抱轴箱进行对比。通过受力分析、有限元计算及结构对比,提出了既有DF4D型机车滚动抱轴箱改进的措施。  相似文献   

1故障统计 目前,内燃机车牵引电动机的悬挂方式基本上采用轴悬式或架悬式.东风4型机车的牵引电动机采用的是刚性轴悬式驱动机构.牵引电动机的一端由两个抱轴轴承刚性地支承在抱轴颈上;另一端弹性地悬挂在转向架构架上.  相似文献   

浅析东风5型机车牵引电机滚动抱轴箱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对东风5型机车牵引电机滚动抱轴箱进行了静强度和疲劳强度的有限元分析,指出在抱轴箱与电机垂直配合面上加工凹槽有利于减小抱轴箱的应力,而采用电机滚动抱轴悬挂结构的机车能否适应较高速度的要求,主要取决于机车簧下垂向加速度值和牵引电机的自重.  相似文献   

乌克兰鲁岗斯克ΤЭП150型交直流电传动内燃机车2004年,乌克兰鲁岗斯克工厂研制成单节6节的ΤЭП150型交直流传动客运内燃机车。该机车轴式为30-30,粘着重量为135t,轴重为22.5t,机车最高设计速度为160km h。机车装用5Д49型柴油机,功率为3100kW。机车牵引电动机采用架悬式,控  相似文献   

东风4D型客运内燃机车的运用、改进和启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍东风4D型客运内燃机车截止到1998年6月底在各段的保有量、走行公里、1998年上半年机破和临修件数及10万公里件数;对上海机务段、石家庄机务段及沈阳机务段1998年上半年,长沙机务段及济南机务段自配属以来截止到1998年6月底东风4D型机车的机破、临修进行了统计,从中总结出东风4D型机车的惯性故障为活塞碎裂、踏面剥离、轮箍裂纹及从动齿轮断齿等,指出了故障原因.介绍了大连机车车辆厂为解决上述问题所采取的措施.最后由东风4D型机车机破率逐年降低,机车逐渐走向成熟的过程归纳出了几点启示.  相似文献   

郭瑞军  韩斗 《内燃机车》2001,(10):41-42
1 引言 为了满足铁路运输发展的要求,铁道部于2000年10月21日再次调图提速,京九线作为新建贯穿南北的主要干线,经测试客运速度定为120km/h、货运速度定为80km/h.聊城北机务段作为京九线上的一个新建段,配属东风4B型机车44台、东风7c型机车4台,担负着北至衡水、南至商丘500多km的客、货运输和调车牵引任务.新线为短轨,且我段机车担当运行区段线路土方基础普遍偏高,震动大,随着机车运行速度的提高,机车走行部,特别是机车轮箍的质量问题,作为行车安全的关键所在,引起了各级领导和检修部门的高度重视和关注.  相似文献   

[15 ] 国外早期的 2 0 0km/h内燃机车知多少目前 ,国外最高速度达 2 0 0km/h的早期客运内燃机车 ,已经批量运行及样车试运的有下列 3种型号 :一是加拿大原Bombardier公司MLW工厂于 1972年开始生产的、用于牵引LRC(轻快稳 )列车的MPA2 7型交直流电传动内燃机车。该机车设计速度  相似文献   

D. A. Tillman   《Biomass & bioenergy》2000,19(6):4594-384
Cofiring, the practice of supplementing a base fuel with a dissimilar fuel, is an extension of fuel blending practices common to the solid fuels community. Recently, there has been considerable emphasis on cofiring biomass opportunity fuels with coal in pulverized coal (PC) and cyclone boilers owned and operated by electricity generating utilities in order to address such issues as potential portfolio standards, voluntary actions to reduce fossil CO2 emissions, customer service, and the generation of green power within the context of deregulation. Biomass fuels considered for cofiring include wood waste, short rotation woody crops, short rotation herbaceous crops (e.g., switchgrass), alfalfa stems, various types of manure, landfill gas and wastewater treatment gas. Of these, the solid biofuels such as sawdust, urban wood waste and switchgrass have received the most attention. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), along with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), GPU Genco, Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO), Central and South West Utilities (C&SW), Southern Company, Madison Gas & Electric (MG&E), New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) and others developed a concerted effort to commercialize direct combustion cofiring of biomass with coal. The USDOE joined the program with a cooperative agreement between the Federal Energy Technology Center (FETC) — now the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) and EPRI; this agreement was extensively supported by the energy efficiency and renewable energy (EERE) element of USDOE. European cofiring programs also have been extensive and include gasification-based cofiring in Lahti, Finland and straw cofiring in Denmark. Three general techniques comprise the cofiring technology family: blending the biomass and coal in the fuel handling system and feeding that blend to the boiler; preparing the biomass fuel separately from coal, and injecting it into the boiler without impacting the conventional coal delivery system; and gasifying the biomass with subsequent combustion of the producer gas in either a boiler or a combined cycle combustion turbine (CCCT) generating plant. Commercialization has proceeded on the direct combustion approaches to cofiring, beginning with engineering and economic studies, parametric testing and the construction of demonstration projects. The direct combustion cofiring techniques are now ready for commercial deployment. This paper reviews the key projects, and details some of the influences of cofiring on the combustion process.  相似文献   

Preliminary experimental results are reported for the structure of the flow due to the collision of a pair of boundary layers driven towards each other by buoyant forces along a vertical wall. Of the possible parameters characterizing the flow, a Rayleigh number ratio, R, and a dimensionless temperature difference, n, emerge as important. When 0.6 < R 2.0: if n < 0.20, the approaching streams merge in a two-dimensional streamlined manner; if n > 0.20 “fingering” of fluid between the streams and cross-stream secondary flows occur.  相似文献   

We consider the sub-Riemannian motion planning problem defined by a sub-Riemannian metric (the robot and the cost to minimize) and a non-admissible curve to be ε-approximated in the sub-Riemannian sense by a trajectory of the robot. Several notions characterize the ε-optimality of the approximation: the “metric complexity” MC and the “entropy” E (Kolmogorov-Jean). In this paper, we extend our previous results. 1. For generic one-step bracketgenerating problems, when the corank is at most 3, the entropy is related to the complexity by E = 2πMC. 2. We compute the entropy in the special 2-step bracket-generating case, modelling the car plus a single trailer. The ε-minimizing trajectories (solutions of the “ε-nonholonomic interpolation problem”), in certain normal coordinates, are given by Euler's periodic inflexional elastica. 3. Finally, we show that the formula for entropy which is valid up to corank 3 changes in a wild case of corank 6: it has to be multiplied by a factor which is at most 3/2. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53C17, 49J15, 34H05. The second author is supported by grants RFBR 050100458 and UR 0401128.  相似文献   

In the present study, correlations of the solar radiation for the Athens area are provided, based on hourly measurements over the period 1955–1980. These correlations are of two kinds: The first, which provide the average total radiation incident on a horizontal surface in terms of hour, day, and month of the typical year, is suitable for solar energy collection applications. The correlations of the second kind provide the maximum radiation and are suitable for use in the design of air-conditioning installations or other applications requiring knowledge of maximum values. The correlations of this kind are based on the calculation of the solar constants A, B, and C, i.e. the “apparent solar irradiation at zero air mass,” the “atmospheric extinction coefficient,” and the “diffuse radiation factor,” respectively. These solar constants permit the calculation of the maximum direct normal radiation and of the maximum diffuse radiation as well as of the total radiation on surfaces of various orientations and inclinations. The solar heat gain through fenestration of various orientations (needed in air-conditioning applications) is calculated, as an example of the applications of the solar constants A, B, and C.  相似文献   

The curbing of greenhouse gases (GHG) is an important issue on the international political agenda. The substitution of fossil fuels by renewable energy sources is an often-advocated mitigation strategy. Wind energy is a potential renewable energy source. However, wind energy is not reliable since its electricity production depends on variable weather conditions. High wind energy penetration rates lead to losses due to power plant operation adjustments to wind energy. This research identifies the potential energetic benefits of integrated hydrogen production in electricity systems with high wind energy penetration. This research concludes that the use of system losses for hydrogen production via electrolysis is beneficial in situations with ca. 8 GW or more wind energy capacity in the Netherlands. The 2020 Dutch policy goal of 6 GW will not benefit from hydrogen production in terms of systems efficiency. An ancillary beneficial effect of coupling hydrogen production with wind energy is to relieve the high-voltage grid.  相似文献   

Fabio Milani   《Energy Economics》2009,31(6):827-837
This paper estimates a structural general equilibrium model to investigate the changing relationship between the oil price and macroeconomic variables. The oil price, through the role of oil in production and consumption, affects aggregate demand and supply in the model. The assumption of rational expectations is relaxed in favor of learning. Oil prices, therefore, affect the economy through an additional channel, i.e. through their effect on the formation of agents' beliefs.The estimated learning dynamics indicates that economic agents' perceptions about the effects of oil prices on the economy have changed over time: oil prices were perceived to have large effects on output and inflation in the 1970s, but only milder effects after the mid-1980s. Since expectations play a large role in the determination of output and inflation, the effects of oil price increases on expectations can magnify the response of macroeconomic variables to oil price shocks. In the estimated model, in fact, the implied responses of output and inflation to oil price shocks were much more pronounced in the 1970s than in 2008. Therefore, through the time variation in the impact of oil prices on beliefs, the paper can successfully explain the observed weakening of the effects of oil price shocks on real activity and inflation.  相似文献   

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