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中国的电力产业改革已经进入新一阶段,作为典型的自然垄断产业,其市场化改革进程和产物受到社会、经济、政治、资源等因素的影响。为提高中国电力产业改革效率,明确具体实施过程和方案,通过综合分析与比较美国、英国、日本、澳大利亚4个发达国家以及巴西、阿根廷和印度3个国家的电力产业市场化改革的差异性,梳理主要国家的电力市场化改革进程、现行市场机制和市场模式的特点。根据国际经验对我国的电力改革方案和市场机制发展进行思考,并针对我国未来的电力改革从立法、改制、市场机制建立和清洁化发展4个方面提出建议。  相似文献   

张驰 《浙江节能》2005,(2):15-22
我国电力改革从2002年开始采取了电力市场竞争的新模式,国内主要学术观点认为,电力市场竞争代表了世界电力工业的新潮流,中国可以借鉴这种模式改革电力工业体制。同时,不少专家学者也指出,我国不能照搬国外经验,而应该立足本国实际,审时度势,稳步推进电力市场化改革。本文比照国外电力改革的动因、目的和结果,探讨我国电力改革所面对的问题,改革困难的根本原因和政策取向,其目的是对国内外电力改革的原因进行比较说明,深入分析中外电力改革的异同,吸取经验与教训,促进我国电力改革持续健康稳定进行。  相似文献   

毕慧 《节能》2014,(5):7-9
在未来能源新格局中,电能在终端能源消费的比重将持续上升。通过分析重庆市电力行业发展趋势,预测全市电力在终端能源消耗中比重的趋势和能源消费结构的趋势,在工业化、城镇化过程中,提高电能在终端能源消费中的比重,对提高重庆市能源效率具有积极意义。  相似文献   

电力规划是此轮电力体制改革的重要任务之一,也是保证电力行业高质量发展的内在要求。本文回顾了近20年来中国电力规划工作的进展及问题,阐释了如何理解电力市场化改革背景下的电力规划工作,分析了中国传统规划的特征并就根据电力市场化改革阶段提供了两种电力市场规划模式。本文指出,电力规划要明确规划政策定位、合理配置规划权、把握规划重点、做好监管配套、约束地方政府不当干预等;电力市场改革探索阶段宜选择集中优化式规划模式,而市场成熟阶段则应采取市场化投资模式。  相似文献   

电力需求侧管理,是指通过提高终端用电效率和优化用电方式。在完成同样用电功能的同时减少电量消耗和电力需求,达到节约能源和保护环境。实现低成本电力服务进行的用电管理活动。其主要内容是对终端用户进行负荷管理、提高能源使用效率及实现综合资源规划等。  相似文献   

不能靠拆分电网来衡量改革成败 电力改革首先要从更有效地配置电力资源,有利于生产力发展,有利于社会经济发展和安全出发。电力体制作为生产关系的一种,是由生产力决定的,需要不断提高能源的使用效率,这才是电力改革的核心要素。改革不能只顾眼前利益,需要从能源大局出发,不能靠简单的拆分电网来衡量改革的成败。仅仅依靠拆分电网,未见得可以形成真正的竞争关系。  相似文献   

随着我国经济体系的持续发展,以及市场化经济的深入,社会对于电力行业提出了全新的要求.在电力市场化改革的大背景之下,我国电力行业的进一步发展需要着重围绕电力规划工作,综合电力企业自身的发展需求和市场导向,调整电力规划思路,以适应市场化发展的基本要求.本文结合电力市场化改革背景,简要分析了电力规划的基本内容和市场化改革对电力规划的影响,并着重探究了电力规划工作的调整策略,以期为我国的电力企业带来一定的工作参考.  相似文献   

1电力需求侧管理(DSM)概念:电力需求侧管理,是指通过提高终端用电效率和优化用电方式,在完成同样用电功能的同时,减少电量消耗和电力需求,达到节约能源和保护环境、实现低成本电力服务而进行的用电管理活动。其主要内容是对终端用户进行负荷管理、提高能源使用效率及实现综合资源规划等。  相似文献   

王睿 《能源》2014,(10):94-95
发刃于2002年的中国电力市场化改革,在经历了十余年的反复甚至沉寂后,似乎显示出重启的迹象:2013年伊始,国家能源局和国家电监会机构整合,组建成立新的国家能源局,被市场普遍认为是电力市场化改革迎来转机的重要标志;转年6月,中央财经领导小组第六次会议明确提出要“还原能源商品属性,构建有效竞争的市场结构和体系。形成主要由市场决定能源价格的机制”,则同样被视为电力市场化改革即将重开序幕的强烈信号。  相似文献   

中国低碳电力发展取得了巨大成绩,主要是采取了提高非化石能源比重、淘汰小火电机组、提高发电效率等措施。在低碳电力发展方面采取了强制性能效标准、财政补贴及节能评估等手段,碳排放交易也开展了广泛试点。在电力碳减排中,存在着法规政策不协调,各种目标交叉矛盾,系统优化不够的问题。面对中国所处的发展阶段、资源禀赋、经济新常态以及能源利用过程中的环境问题,电力既要进一步发展,还要承担起能源优化利用的艰巨任务,同时要发挥促进中国碳排放达到峰值及在低碳能源生产和低碳能源消费中的作用。要建立以电力为中心、以碳减排为统领的节能减排新制度,发挥市场经济机制的决定性作用。  相似文献   

Electricity regulation and electricity market reforms in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The electricity industry of China has been in a process of reforms since the 1980s. This paper gives a review on the three main stages of reforms in China so as to trace out key features of various reform measures including those for power investment financing, the separation between government and power enterprises, and the division between power generation firms and power grids. The findings suggest that further regulatory change in China's electricity market reform is necessary when integration of the electricity markets and increased competition are paving the way ahead for a market-oriented structure. Prospective electricity regulation in the form of a strong legal system and effective institutions that protect market competition and promote appropriate incentives for efficiency are suggested in the paper.  相似文献   

This study estimates the electricity demand function for the residential sector of South Korea with the aim of examining the effects of improved energy efficiency, structural factors and household lifestyles on electricity consumption. In the study, time series data for the period from 1973 to 2007 is used in a structural time series model to estimate the long-term price and income elasticities and annual growth of underlying energy demand trend (UEDT) at the end of the estimation period. The result shows a long-term income elasticity of 1.33 and a long-term price elasticity of −0.27% with −0.93% as the percentage growth of UEDT at the end of the estimation period. This result suggests that, in order to encourage energy efficiency in the residential sector, the government should complement the market based pricing policies with non-market policies such as minimum energy efficiency standards and public enlightenment.  相似文献   

The last two decades have witnessed widespread power market reforms in both developed and developing countries that have cost billions of dollars. Among the key aims (and assumptions) of these reforms, there has always been realization of improvements in power sector efficiency. This paper questions the validity of this hypothesis. Using panel data from 92 countries covering the period 1982–2008, empirical models are developed and analyzed. The research findings suggest that the impact of the reforms on electricity industry performance is statistically significant but also limited. The results imply that, after controlling for country-specific variables, application of liberal market models in electricity industries slightly increases efficiency in power sector. Besides, we detect a positive relationship between reform process and the percentage share of network (transmission and distribution) losses in total electricity supplied, meaning that as countries take more reform steps the network losses as a fraction of power generated tend to increase. Moreover, the study puts forward that income level and other country specific features are more important determinants of industry efficiency than the reform process. Overall, contrary to expectations of substantial increases in sector efficiency, the paper concludes that introducing a decentralized market model with competition in the electricity sector has a limited increasing effect on power industry performance.  相似文献   

Regional and global integration initiatives push for more electricity sector integration everywhere in the world, including West Africa. The creation of the West African Power Pool (WAPP) in 2000 and important investments under this new structure in 2006 are concrete actions that will result in a more integrated West African electricity sector. But will this integrated sector be more functional than the previous ones? Will the identified electricity sector problems be solved with the new power pool? This paper analyzes how power sector integration is presented by international institutions (the UN Economic Commission for Africa, World Energy Council and World Bank) and identifies three problematic issues with the current integration approach: lack of African ownership, unclear and conflicting reform objectives and uncertainty of integration outcomes.  相似文献   

英、美、日电力改革之借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李果仁  李菡 《中外能源》2009,14(11):21-26
世界各国的电力市场化改革还处于不断探索阶段。目前国际上还设有一个公认的完美的电力市场模式可以适用于各国不同的国情和电网的实际情况。在世界各国的电力市场改革中,英国采用了自上而下的纵向分离的电力市场改革模式;美国采用了更接近于自然历史过程的纵向整合电力市场改革模式;日本则采用了引入有限竞争的单一买家电力市场改革模式。我国的电力市场改革才刚刚起步,英、美、日电力市场的运行实践对我国的电力市场改革有以下启示:①准备充分,先行立法;②统一规划,多方协调;③总体设计,分步实施;④要健全政府监管;⑤建立合理的电价形成机制;⑥电力市场建设要符合市场经济特征;⑦建立电力市场建设的动态调控机制。  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》2005,33(10):1339-1350
Turkey implemented the electricity sector reform by which the Electricity Market Law no. 4628 passed in February 2001. Recently, all segments of the Turkish electricity sector are dominated by a vertically integrated, public-owned monopoly—Türkiye Elektrik Kurumu—the Turkish electricity institution. The Turkish electricity reform involves vertical deintegration of generation, transmission and distribution, introduction of competition into generation and retail sale, establishment of an independent regulatory authority and privatization of public generation and distribution entities. This article provides an overview of the Turkish electricity sector reform and defines some problems that may affect the reform success.  相似文献   

The Indian power sector has grown to a large size in the last 60 years after the country's independence in 1947, and it has opened up with unbundling into distinctive entities of generation, transmission, and distribution. With both public and private participation, reliable load forecasting, planning, and system operation ensuring security to meet the demand at each instant have become the utmost necessities in the context of having electricity for all by the end of current five- year plan (March 2012). In this context adequacy as well as reliability of existing transmission systems have assumed a great significance in the entire power sector. Beyond this period, with continued growth in the economy, projection in power demand and commensurate addition in generation capacity also call for large network expansion for the Indian National Grid as a whole. Enhancement of voltage level of transmission, both with HVAC as well as HVDC, for hauling power from surplus to deficit regions poses challenges that need to be overcome through adoption of technologies.  相似文献   

朱成章 《中外能源》2011,16(4):7-13
1990年4月开始的英国电力体制改革是按照新自由主义理论来设计的,其主要内容是:所有权从国家向私人投资者转变;雇员向继承企业的转移;引入竞争性市场;形成独立管制系统。世界银行1992年政策报告介绍了美、英等国的电力体制改革经验之后,对发展中国家的电力改革提出了5项原则规定,这些规定实际上要求发展中国家按照美、英等国的电力体制改革模式进行改革。对于中国电力体制改革是否应采用英美的单一购买机制模式存在着争议。美国加州2000年采用单一购买机制模式进行的电力改革酿成了电力危机。英国经调查研究,决定从2001年3月起用新电力交易制度替代强制电力库,形成了英国电力体制改革的第二波。这使人们认识到,在英国已被认为不可行的单一购买机制不能继续照抄照搬。最近20年,世界能源发生了变化。英国原来发起的竞争性电力体制改革只能适应以化石能源发电为主的市场,为了应对气候变化,要实行节能减排,发展低碳能源发电,为此英国正在酝酿第三波新的电力体制改革。回顾英国20年的电力体制改革,我们应思考:为什么英国在20年里不断地调查研究,不断地创新电力体制改革模式?而我们在这20年里只是跟着英国亦步亦趋,不能创新电力体制改革模式呢?  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》2005,33(4):439-449
It has been suggested that reforms to the electricity sector in developing countries encouraging the entry of independent power producers (IPPs) are likely to result in environmental improvements similar to those recently made in a number of developed economies. The present paper evaluates this claim by examining the experience of the Indian power sector. It finds that recent investments by IPPs have reduced the pollution-intensity of electricity generation in the country. Yet they have not brought the significant gains seen in countries such as the UK, nor are they likely to in the foreseeable future. This is largely a product of the nature and context of electricity sector reform in India which is less favourable to environmentally beneficial outcomes. Accordingly, the paper concludes by suggesting that the environmental benefits of restructuring are not automatic, but depend on the existence of an enabling structural, institutional and regulatory framework.  相似文献   

The Islamic Republic of Iran currently manages an electricity sector with about 40,000 MW of installed capacity, which serves more than 13 million end users through a 36,000-km high-voltage transmission interconnected grid and a more than 50,000-km medium-voltage distribution network. This fairly large power system with an annual peak demand growth rate of about 10%, one of the highest rates in the world, makes the movement toward restructuring the electricity industry of Iran unavoidable, mainly for two reasons: 1) it is expected that the restructuring and consequently the privatization would improve the performance and efficiency of the present industry 2) it is expected that the development of a new competitive paradigm in the electricity industry could make the sector more attractive for potential independent investors. Based on these ideas, the restructuring studies primarily were begun in early 1990. The studies had two main directions: providing legal foundations and determining the main implementation steps. This article discusses these two directions  相似文献   

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