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王军 《中外能源》2011,16(8):91-94
Aspen Plus是对生产装置进行稳态模拟的大型通用流程模拟系统。应用Aspen Plus流程模拟软件,对中国石化青岛炼油化工有限责任公司4.1Mt/a柴油加氢装置、0.6Mt/a航煤加氢装置进行装置分馏系统流程模拟,得到了与装置实际操作相吻合的理想模型。通过对模型进行综合分析,以装置节能优化和经济效益最大化为目标,通过降低柴油加氢分馏塔顶部压力及调整航煤加氢分馏塔顶部操作温度等优化手段,柴油加氢装置燃料气消耗量由1500m3/h降至1100m3/h,节能效益达到604.8万元/a;航煤加氢装置通过调整分馏塔顶温度及重沸器热负荷,降低航煤与石脑油组分的重叠度,提高石脑油收率,增产石脑油0.72t/h,增加装置效益172.8万元/a。应用流程模拟技术优化加氢装置分馏系统,共计降本增效777.6万元/a,提升装置的综合效益,实现装置的节能优化生产。  相似文献   

针对不同领域国家标准中安全距离计算的差异性问题对某典型加氢站配置模型进行定量风险分析(QRA),计算出加氢站设施与站外防护目标安全距离和个人风险,实现多领域(氢能领域与危险化学品领域)标准交叉验证并通过揭示加氢站氢能标准和危化品标准的适配性差异,为加氢站的设计、建设和风险控制提供多维度参考。  相似文献   

蜡油加氢为加氢处理工艺的一类,是指通过加氢反应,原料油的分子大小不发生变化,或者只有小于10%的分子变小的那些加氢工艺。蜡油加氢装置主要以常减压蒸馏装置的减压蜡油(VGO)、焦化蜡油(CGO)为原料,通过加氢处理,脱除原料中的硫化物,以及部分脱除氮化物、氧化物及金属杂质。蜡油加氢装置是加工含硫及高硫原料、生产清洁燃料的重要装置之一,但其典型工艺流程能耗较高。优化蜡油加氢分馏系统流程,蜡油加氢操作能耗下降5kg标油/t,产品质量稳定。在中国石化系统11套蜡油加氢装置中,已经有6套装置对分馏系统进行了优化,某些装置更是改造成了蜡油及柴油可以互相切换的原料流程,半成品精制蜡油符合催化装置低硫原料要求,加工柴油时产品质量达到国Ⅳ标准。以某厂1.8Mt/a蜡油加氢装置流程优化为例,停用的较大设备有产品分馏塔、柴油汽提塔、分馏塔进料加热炉,共节约设备费用2090万元,每年节约燃料费用3700万元,每年实际创效2407.29万元。  相似文献   

综合加氢站类别及特点、未来发展需求、城市建设用地紧张等因素,提出了"近期示范阶段以固定式加氢站主,且布局在城区外围;发展推广阶段以撬装式加氢站为主(固定式加氢站为辅)向城区内部渗透;远期成熟阶段以固定式和撬装式相结合,逐步形成网络布局"的城区内加氢站规划发展方式,可以满足加氢站与城区用地的兼容发展。  相似文献   

秦小虎 《中外能源》2009,14(9):65-68
九江分公司催化重整装置由于用氢流程的安排、预加氢增压机能力、原料杂质、系统的含铁物质等原因.预加氢反应系统存在压降上升过快现象,影响了装置长周期稳定运行。由重整原料油氯含量相对较高引起的铵盐沉积.预加氢反应器入口处的低压操作(1.70~1.75MPa)和气油体积比的低限操作(100)加速了催化剂的生焦积炭,这些因素不仅影响装置的处理量,而且引起重整系统压力上升,致使重整反应深度降低、产氢减少.成为限制重整装置稳定运行的瓶颈。通过对反应器顶部催化剂床层的“撇头”、氮气吹扫处理,再对空冷器E106和水冷器E107进行热水冲洗,并在反应器顶部装填级配剂后,预加氢反应系统总压降由0.48MPa降至0.2MPa.  相似文献   

加氢反应器是各种加氢工艺过程或加氢装置的核心关键设备,其制造工艺复杂、检验项目繁多、运行服役条件苛刻,操作危险性极高,是石化产品中的高端设备。本文主要介绍了加氢反应器各制造工序的流程及各关键工序的质量控制要点,通过一些列的质量控制手段,较好地保证了产品质量。  相似文献   

宁德臣  尹洪 《中外能源》2010,15(1):104-106
氢气是石化企业加氢工艺的重要原料。为了缓解近年来由于油品升级带来的用氢矛盾,中国石油克拉玛依石化公司对氢气系统进行了优化:①对氢气进行了分类运行管理,形成了A、B两套氢气系统(其中,A系统为天然气制氢系统,主要为2套高压加氢装置供氢;B系统为催化重整副产氢气以及其他各临氢装置回收的氢气,主要为加氢精制装置供氢),理顺了氢气系统运行方式,提高了系统的平稳率。②通过对循环氢、低分氢的回收利用,提高了氢气资源的综合利用率,降低了制氢成本。③通过对氢气品质和压力能的梯级利用,在生产环节上简化了氢气流程,提高了压缩机的利用率,降低了运行成本。④通过加强管理,实现了氢气资源的零排放,杜绝了氢气资源的浪费。上述措施实施后,克拉玛依石化公司基本达到了优化氢气资源的目标。  相似文献   

预冷装置是70 MPa加氢站的核心设备之一,其确保加氢站加氢温度满足标准要求.因此,介绍了加氢站用预冷装置的基本结构、工作原理,对国内外预冷装置技术特点进行对比.目前常见的有2种预冷方式,其中液氮预冷装置结构复杂,但适用于周围液氮丰富的加氢站,制冷机组预冷装置适用场景多,但初期成本大.但上述2类预冷装置均缺乏温度的精准控制,需进一步修改、完善.  相似文献   

王军  姚立松 《中外能源》2011,16(Z1):44-47
应用Aspen Plus软件,对青岛炼化3.2Mt/a蜡油加氢装置进行流程模拟,得到与实际工况相吻合的稳态流程模拟模型,通过对模型进行综合分析,以节能优化和经济效益最大化为目标,对分馏塔侧线抽出量及分馏加热炉出口温度进行操作参数优化,降低全厂柴汽比,年增产汽油7000t。以汽油与柴油差价300元/t折算,优化操作后,每年可多创造经济效益270万元。加氢装置高压空冷器运行工况具有高温高压、油气(氢气)、水三相混合的工艺特点,根据装置实际生产数据以及化验分析数据(主要用来计算NH3浓度),应用流程模拟软件自带的物性方法,对该装置高压空气冷却器进行模拟,准确计算出高压空冷器的物流腐蚀系数,以模拟数据为指导,提出腐蚀预防措施,主要包括:根据原料氮含量,调整注水量;保证缓蚀剂的加入量,减少NH4HS的结垢与沉积。  相似文献   

叶立峰 《中外能源》2011,16(Z1):52-54
镇海炼化4号柴油加氢装置设计处理能力为300×104t/a,进料由焦化汽柴油、催化柴油、直馏柴油组成,装置反应部分采用炉前混氢流程,设置热高分、热低分流程。热低分油、冷低分油混合后进入脱硫化氢汽提塔(T-2101)。装置分馏部分为双塔汽提流程。从2002年开工至今,运行情况总体良好。装置希望通过流程模拟,对目前运行参数和换热流程进行优化,改善装置运行工况。应用Aspen Plus软件,对装置分馏部分进行流程模拟,得到了与装置实际操作工况接近的理想模型,为装置优化操作、节能降耗及寻找生产瓶颈提供依据。本次模拟目标为初步应用,主要以模型为指导,研究增产石脑油时分馏塔顶回流比对汽油干点、柴油闪点温度的影响,以及提高T-2101塔汽提蒸汽量对塔顶硫化氢量的影响,实现了汽油产量增加2.37%和T-2101塔汽提蒸汽降低0.1t/h的目标。实施流程模拟优化后,装置全年共产生经济效益132.6万元,表明镇海炼化4号柴油加氢装置流程模拟优化取得成功。  相似文献   

The construction of hydrogenation infrastructure is important to promote the large-scale development of hydrogen energy industry. The technical performance of hydrogen refueling station (HRS) largely determines the refueling efficiency and cost of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. This paper systematically lists the hydrogen refueling process and the key equipment applicable in the HRS. It comprehensively reviews the key equipment configuration from the hydrogen supply, compression, storage and refueling of the HRS. On the basis of the parameter selection and quantity configuration method, the process optimization technology related to the equipment utilization efficiency and construction cost was quantitatively evaluated. Besides, the existing problems and prospects are put forward, which lays the foundation for further research on the technical economy of HRSs.  相似文献   

Hydrogen refueling station (HRS) capacity and location depend on the users, which makes it difficult to select the most favorable option before potential users are actually identified. As in Croatia, at least for now, there are no hydrogen users, this study considers a wide range of HRS capacities and their different configurations. These include hydrogen production and charging station within one existing wind farm in Croatia or both nearby the users, the hydrogen production within the wind farm and the charging station nearby the users, while hydrogen is delivered to the station with a tube trailer, and configuration of hydrogen production within the wind farm with a mobile charging station in case of several users in different locations. Each HRS configuration is evaluated by the obtained levelized cost of hydrogen depending on the capital, and operation and maintenance costs within the HRS techno-economic analysis provided.  相似文献   

Development of efficient hydrogen refueling station (HRS) is highly desirable to reduce the hydrogen cost and hence the life cycle expense of fuel cell vehicles (FCVs), which is hindering the large scale application of hydrogen mobility. In this work, we demonstrate the optimization of gaseous HRS process and control method to perform fast and efficient refueling, with reduced energy consumption and increased daily fueling capacity. The HRS was modeled with thermodynamics using a numerical integration method and the accuracy for hydrogen refueling simulation was confirmed by experimental data, showing only 2 °C of temperature rise deviation. The refueling protocols for heavy duty FCVs were first optimized, demonstrating an average fueling rate of 2 kg/min and pre-cooling demand of less than 7 kW for 35 MPa type III tanks. Fast refueling of type IV tanks results in more significant temperature rise, and the required pre-cooling temperature is lowered by 20 K to achieve comparable fueling rate. The station process was also optimized to improve the daily fueling capacity. It is revealed that the hydrogen storage amount is cost-effective to be 25–30% that of the nominal daily refueling capacity, to enhance the refueling performance at peak time and minimize the start and stop cycles of compressor. A novel control method for cascade replenishment was developed by switching among the three banks in the order of decreased pressure, and results show that the daily refueling capacity of HRS is increased by 5%. Therefore, the refueling and station process optimization is effective to promote the efficiency of gaseous HRS.  相似文献   

The rollout of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) requires the initial deployment of an adequate network of hydrogen refueling stations (HRSs). Such deployment has proven to be challenging because of the high initial capital investment, the risk associated with such an investment, and the underutilization of HRSs in early FCEV markets. Because the compression system at an HRS represents about half of the station's initial capital cost, novel concepts that would reduce the cost of compression are needed. Argonne National Laboratory with support from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO) has evaluated the potential for delivering hydrogen in high-pressure tube-trailers as a way of reducing HRS compression and capital costs. This paper describes a consolidation strategy for a high-pressure (250-bar) tube-trailer capable of reducing the compression cost at an HRS by about 60% and the station's initial capital investment by about 40%. The consolidation of tube-trailers at pressures higher than 250 bar (e.g., 500 bar) can offer even greater HRS cost-reduction benefits. For a typical hourly fueling-demand profile and for a given compression capacity, consolidating hydrogen within the pressure vessels of a tube-trailer can triple the station's capacity for fueling FCEVs. The high-pressure tube-trailer consolidation concept could play a major role in enabling the early, widespread deployment of HRSs because it lowers the required HRS capital investment and distributes the investment risk among the market segments of hydrogen production, delivery, and refueling.  相似文献   

The expected increase of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles has motivated the emergence of a significant number of studies on Hydrogen Refuelling Stations (HRS). Some of the main HRS topics are sizing, location, design optimization, and optimal operation. On-site green HRS, where hydrogen is produced locally from green renewable energy sources, have received special attention due to their contribution to decarbonization. This kind of HRS are complex systems whose hydraulic and electric linked topologies include renewable energy sources, electrolyzers, buffer hydrogen tanks, compressors and batteries, among other components. This paper develops a linear model of a real on-site green HRS that is set to be built in Zaragoza, Spain. This plant can produce hydrogen either from solar energy or from the utility grid and is designed for three different types of services: light-duty and heavy-duty fuel cell vehicles and gas containers. In the literature, there is a lack of online control solutions developed for HRS, even more in the form of optimal online control. Hence, for the HRS operation, a Model Predictive Controller (MPC) is designed to solve a weighted multi-objective online optimization problem taking into account the plant dynamics and constraints as well as the disturbances prediction. Performance is analysed throughout 210 individual month-long simulations and the effect of the multi-objective weighting, prediction horizon, and hydrogen selling price is discussed. With the simulation results, this work shows the suitability of MPC for HRS control and its significant economic advantage compared to the rule-based control solution. In all simulations, the MPC operation fulfils all required services. Moreover, results show that a seven-day prediction horizon can improve profits by 57% relative to a one-day prediction horizon; that the battery is under-sized; or that the MPC operation strategy is more resolutive for low hydrogen selling prices.  相似文献   

Hydrogen refueling stations (HRSs) are inevitable infrastructure for the utility of fuel cell vehicles, but they can raise people's safety concerns. We analyzed whether information on the risk/safety measures changed people's acceptance of HRSs. Respondents were provided those information and asked to rate their acceptance of an HRS placement either beside their home or at the gas station closest to their home. The respondents' perception of the risk of HRSs and their attitudes on environmental issues are analyzed by factor analyses. The results show that provision of the quantitative risk information and risk acceptance criteria increased the acceptability of HRS in proximity to the homes of respondents (P < 0.1) but decreased the acceptability of HRS at the nearest gas station. Factor analyses suggest that risk information on HRS alleviates the respondents' feelings of dread or uncertainty, leading to better acceptance. Our study should promote improved risk communication prior to HRS installation.  相似文献   

以光伏系统、氢燃料电池、电解槽、储氢罐构建的热电联供微电网为研究对象,制定初始投资成本等年值以及年运行成本最小的优化目标,提出热电联供微电网热负荷满足率评价指标,针对系统运行的基本约束设计微电网控制综合策略,并以某地历史源荷数据为参考,建立满足工程应用的数学模型,采用粒子群优化算法进行求解,得到氢气储能的孤岛型微电网热电需求基本方案。从应用层面论证氢气储能替代电池储能的可行性,并进行微电网系统容量优化配置,可满足居民负荷供能需求,提高系统运行经济性,预期具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

The layout of electric vehicles charging stations and hydrogen refueling stations (HRSs) is more and more necessary with the development of electric vehicles (EVs) and progress in hydrogen energy storage technology. Due to the high costs of HRSs and the low demand for hydrogen, it is difficult for independent HRSs to make a profit. This study focuses on the dynamic planning of energy supply stations on highways in the medium and long term, considering the growth of EV charging demand and the change in the proportion of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCVs). Based on the perspective of renewable energy generators (REGs), this study seeks the dynamic optimal configuration and comprehensive benefits of adding HRS and battery to existing EVCS considering the travel rules of new energy vehicles (NEVs). The results show that (1) It is profitable for REGs to invest in HRSs; (2) The economy of investment in batteries by REGs depends on the source-load matching. It is feasible only when the output of renewable energy is difficult to meet the demand. (3) The business model of REGs producing hydrogen on-site and supplying both electricity and hydrogen is feasible.  相似文献   

Numerous accidents in HRSs have been reported worldwide in accident databases; therefore, many researchers have performed quantitative risk assessments (QRAs) of HRSs to enable risk-informed decision making in determining the safety distances or risk mitigation measures. The HRSs, located in urban areas such as Tokyo in Japan, are situated in congested areas with tall buildings and high population density; thus, they have relatively narrow station areas. However, the QRAs are generally suitable for large plants such as nuclear power plants or chemical plants; therefore, relatively small plants or installations, such as HRSs, have not yet been considered as QRA objects. Hence, it is necessary to conduct detailed QRAs with risk analyses and reduce the applied uncertainties for relatively small plants or installations. We applied a model-based approach of risk assessment to model the HRS process using multi-physics system-level modeling and simulated a target system using Modelica—an equation-based, object-oriented modeling language that allows acausal modeling of complex cyber-physical systems The primary aim of this study was to conduct a QRA of an HRS based on multi-physics system-level modeling. First, we modeled the HRS components and physical relationships between the components using basic physical equations. Then, we elucidate a QRA based on the constructed model. The difference in the leakage rates due to the leak positions and dynamic behavior of the model parameters were calculated using the constructed model. Finally, we estimated the individual risks of all the scenarios and compared the resulting risk contours based on the constructed model that includes the hydrogen-fuel dynamic behavior with those based on the traditional model. These results indicate that it is possible to assess whether the risks around the station boundary are acceptable based on the scenario information obtained by evaluating the risks near the station.  相似文献   

Since 2003, the National Fuel Cell Research Center at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) has operated the first U.S. publicly accessible hydrogen refueling station (HRS). During this period, the UCI HRS supported all manufacturers in the early, pre-commercialization years of the fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV). This paper describes and analyzes the performance of the UCI HRS during the first five years of FCEV commercialization, over which time the station has dispensed the most hydrogen daily in the California network. The station performance is compared to aggregate data published by NREL for all U.S. HRSs. Using the Hydrogen Delivery Scenario Analysis Model, typical daily refueling profiles are analyzed to determine the effect on HRS design. The results show different daily refueling profiles could substantially affect HRS design and ultimately the cost of hydrogen. While technical issues have been reduced, the compressor, dispenser, and fueling rate are areas for improvement.  相似文献   

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