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在增压缸内直喷汽油机上发现了与普通爆震不同的异常燃烧模式——超级爆震,阐述了超级爆震的特征,对比分析了超级爆震与常规爆震和正常燃烧的基本不同.发生超级爆震时,最大爆压达到正常燃烧的2倍以上,并且通过推迟点火角不能抑制超级爆震的发生.在此基础上,初步研究了冷却水温度、进气温度、进气相位和过量空气系数等对超级爆震的影响.试...  相似文献   

针对1台增压直喷汽油机在低速全负荷工况进行了台架试验,并利用自行搭建的供水系统向发动机进气歧管内喷入一定压力的水量,通过降低缸内燃烧温度抑制爆震强度,最终探究了进气歧管喷水技术对改善燃油经济性和排放的潜力。结果表明:进气歧管喷水的最佳喷水时刻位于进气门打开前后一小段区间内,此时喷水使得同一爆震强度的点火角提前、燃烧相位改善、燃烧持续期延长、排温降低、有效燃油消耗率减小、颗粒物数量(PN)与NOx的排放降低,并且在20%~80%喷水比例范围内,喷水量越大上述影响越显著。  相似文献   

对一台被动预燃室增压直喷汽油机的燃烧过程进行了三维数值模拟分析,研究了预燃室的不同设计参数如预燃室容积、射流孔数量、射流孔直径、射流孔结构等对当量燃烧时燃烧特性的影响。结果表明,预燃室射流点火优于常规火花塞点火的重要原因是主燃烧室内着火点增多,同时点火后预燃室内产生的高速冲击射流会提升主燃室内的湍流强度,从而加快湍流火焰的传播。在2 000 r/min转速和1.2 MPa平均指示有效压力工况下预燃室发动机的50%燃烧角相对火花塞发动机提前约8.5°。不同结构参数的预燃室模拟分析表明燃烧初期预燃室喷入主燃室射流的动量越大,对主燃室湍流强度的提升效果会越大,燃烧相位也会更优,在上述工况下不同结构预燃室50%燃烧角的差异最高可达约5.8°。变更预燃室结构造成的燃烧相位差异主要体现在燃烧前中期,随着转速和负荷升高,该差异有降低的趋势。  相似文献   

基于单缸试验机研究了过量空气系数对射流点火发动机性能的影响。通过分析发动机性能曲线、缸内燃烧情况及爆震特性探究射流点火最佳运行区间,并与火花点火燃烧方式进行对比。结果表明,射流点火可以有效提升瞬时放热率并拓展发动机稀燃极限,缩短缸内混合气滞燃期与燃烧持续期,同时燃油经济性有一定提升。在稀燃条件下氮氧化物排放极低。爆震方面,随着点火提前角增大,射流火焰的多点点火效应会在缸内产生明显压力震荡,继续增大点火提前角会诱导末端混合气自燃。因此射流点火爆震缸压表现为两阶段压力震荡,爆震因子集中性高。提升过量空气系数可以降低射流点火爆震因子幅值,使发动机工作在轻微爆震或无爆震状态。  相似文献   

火花点火激发自燃着火稳定燃烧边界条件的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火花点火激发自燃着火(SIAI)燃烧具有火花点火和自燃着火两段着火特性,能够有效控制燃烧过程的压升率,可以显著拓展HCCI燃烧方式的可适用负荷范围.但SIAI燃烧的稳定燃烧比较困难,需要对混合气状态进行精确控制.在一台双缸汽油机上通过控制进气温度和喷油量实现了对混合气状态和能量密度的灵活控制,研究了SIAI稳定燃烧的边界条件.结果表明,SIAI燃烧的稳定实现需要满足:理论空燃比附近的空燃比以保证点火稳定;压缩上止点处的混合气温度在950~1,050,K内以保证自燃的实现;压缩上止点处混合气能量密度在12.5~22.5,MJ/m3内以实现自燃并抑制爆震.  相似文献   

针对用于城市道路交通的单一燃料稀燃天然气发动机进行了深入研究.通过多维燃烧数值模拟计算,设计出直口碗型燃烧室;通过一维燃烧数值模拟设计计算,设计出0°CA气门重叠角的配气相位;通过气道稳流试验设计出较原柴油机涡流比低15%的进气道.通过对进气空气量的控制设计、燃气供气量的控制设计和点火控制设计进行了满足高排放要求的控制系统设计.通过对适应火花点火天然气发动机燃烧过程的燃烧系统设计、燃烧系统的试验研究、工作过程的优化研究、发动机控制策略的研究,开发出了满足国家第Ⅳ阶段(国Ⅳ)排放标准的火花点火稀燃天然气发动机.  相似文献   

周秀亚  韩连任  徐震 《柴油机》2017,39(4):18-23
为解决某大型气体燃料发动机燃烧不稳定、燃烧速率慢、热效率下降甚至失火等问题,采用预燃室式燃烧系统并以预燃室混合气加浓的方式实现点火燃烧。应用三维CFD软件CONVERGE对该发动机的排气、进气、压缩和燃烧过程进行了三维CFD数值模拟分析,得到了燃烧室压力、温度、放热率曲线及温度场变化过程等参数;并比较分析了不同点火时刻对燃烧性能的影响。  相似文献   

柴油机预混合燃烧滞燃期的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滞燃期是柴油机预混合燃烧当中一个极为重要的参数.在电控共轨柴油机上进行了EGR率、喷油始点、喷油压力、负荷、转速和进气温度等单一参数对预混合燃烧滞燃期的试验研究.结果表明,名义过量空气系数能够帮助解释各试验参数对柴油机预混合燃烧滞燃期的影响.混合气的温度、压力和混合气中O2浓度影响柴油机预混合燃烧的滞燃期.提高进气温度...  相似文献   

稀薄燃烧汽油机爆震特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的是确定稀薄燃烧对于汽油机爆震倾向的影响,为稀燃发动机中增压的应用提供参考依据.试验在一台模拟增压的汽油机上进行,试验时通过改变燃料的辛烷值,直到出现轻微爆震的方法来确定发动机的爆震特性.结果表明,稀薄燃烧对于汽油机爆震的影响,根据关注目标的不同而有所差异:保持进气量不变,汽油机的爆震倾向会随着空燃比的增加而减小;输出功率保持不变,发动机的爆震倾向会随着空燃比的增加而略有增大.因此,为保证稀燃汽油机的动力输出而采用增压进气会使得发动机的爆震倾向增加,应用中需要同时采用其他技术措施抑制爆震的发生.  相似文献   

基于一台单缸汽油发动机,设计了主动预燃室系统,试验了预燃室混合气状态对燃烧及排放的影响,通过对比不同点火能量的火花塞点火和预燃室点火,明确预燃室射流点火对燃烧过程影响机理.结果表明:随着预燃室内喷油量的增加,颗粒物数量(PN)排放增加;预燃室内浓混合气能改善燃烧相位、加快燃烧速度,提高点火性能,但预燃室内当量比附近的混合气有更大的节油潜力.当全局过量空气系数φglobal小于1.4时,预燃室点火燃油消耗率恶化;当φglobal大于1.4时,预燃室改善热效率的能力开始凸显.当预燃室中燃油量占总循环油量的分数为2%时,预燃室点火能将稀燃极限扩展至φglobal为2.1,在φglobal为1.8时总指示热效率达到48.5%的最大值.  相似文献   

对一台增压直喷汽油机进行低速早燃(low-speed pre-ignition,LSPI)试验研究,在转速为1 750r/min和转矩为320N·m这一典型的低速早燃工况下,早燃的着火时刻越早,爆震发生倾向越高,并且强度也越大。试验同时研究了发动机运行参数和机油物理化学性质对早燃的影响,研究结果表明随着中冷温度和冷却液温度的提高,早燃频次增加;高黏度的机油可以抑制超级爆震频次和发生倾向;机油添加剂中钙元素对超级爆震的发生起极大促进作用,磷元素起较大抑制作用,镁元素的抑制作用最小。  相似文献   

Preignition or backfire occurs easily in hydrogen internal combustion engines (HICE) of manifold injection type, especially, the bigger equivalence ratio is, the more serious backfire happens. And decreasing equivalence ratio will reduce engine's power output. So to analyze and resolve the contradiction between abnormal combustion and power output in HICE is the key of promoting the progress of research on HICE. Postponing ignition timing is helpful to reducing the occurrence degree or inclination of pre-ignition, and water injection of intake manifold can be used to eliminate backfire. But postponement of ignition has a lesser effect on power output and brake thermal efficiency than water injection of intake manifold, That is to say water injection would bring power output to drop obviously, and water injection will also has many disadvantages, such as, the worse corrosion degree of cylinder and deteriorated lubrication performance. It is necessary to combine postponing ignition timing with water injection of intake manifold to give full play to their advantages, and avoid their disadvantages to the greatest extent. In the paper, the concept of pre-ignition strength and backfire strength were presented, and the inhibition degree of pre-ignition and the elimination degree of backfire was introduced. The functional relationship between inhibition degree of pre-ignition and ignition timing was established, and the functional relationship between the elimination degree of backfire and water injection rate was also established for quantitative analysis and research into inhibiting pre-ignition and eliminating backfire. A optimal control method was put forward about resolving contradiction between eliminating backfire and improving performance of HICE, which not only eliminates backfire, but also take into account the power output and economy.  相似文献   

The experimental study was carried out on a multi-cylinder spark ignition engine fueled with hydrogen for analyzing the effect of knocking on backfire and its control by varying operating parameters. The experimental tests were conducted with constant speed at varied equivalence ratio. The equivalence ratio of 0.82 was identified as backfire occurring equivalence ratio (BOER). The backfire was identified by high pitched sound and rise in in-cylinder pressure during suction stroke. In order to analyze backfire at equivalence ratio of 0.82, the combustion analysis was carried out on cyclic basis. Based on the severity of in-cylinder pressure during suction stroke, the backfire can be divided into two categories namely low intensity backfire (LIB) and high intensity backfire (HIB). From this study, it is observed that there is frequent LIB in hydrogen fueled spark ignition engine during suction stroke, which promotes instable combustion and thus knocking at the end of compression stroke. This knocking creates high temperature sources in the combustion chamber and thus causes HIB to occur in the subsequent cycle. A notable salient point emerged from this study is that combustion with knocking can be linked with backfire as probability of backfire occurrence decreases with reduction in chances of knocking. Retarding spark timing and delaying injection timing of hydrogen were found to reduce the chances of backfire occurrence. The backfire limiting spark timing (BLST) and backfire limiting injection timing (BLIT) were found as 12 0bTDC and 40 0aTDC respectively.  相似文献   

Hydrogen addition is an effective way for improving the performance of spark-ignited (SI) engines at stoichiometric and especially lean conditions. Spark timing also heavily influences the SI engine performance. This paper experimentally investigated the effect of spark timing on performance of a hydrogen-enriched gasoline engine at lean conditions. The experiment was carried out on a four-cylinder, port-injection gasoline engine which was modified to be an electronically controlled hybrid hydrogen–gasoline engine (HHGE) by adding a hydrogen port-injection system on the intake manifolds while keeping the original gasoline injection system unchanged. A hybrid electronic control unit (HECU) was developed to govern the injection timings and durations of hydrogen and gasoline to enforce the timely mixing of hydrogen and gasoline in the intake ports at the expected blending levels and excess air ratios. During the test, the engine speed was fixed at 1400 rpm and the manifolds absolute pressure (MAP) was kept at 61.5 kPa. The hydrogen volume fraction in the intake was increased from 0% to 3% through adjusting the hydrogen injection duration. For a specified hydrogen addition level, gasoline injection duration was reduced to ensure the engine operating at two excess air ratios of 1.2 and 1.4, respectively. The spark timing for a specified hydrogen addition level and excess air ratio was varied from 20 to 50 °CA BTDC with an interval of 2 °CA. The test results showed that the indicated mean effective pressure (Imep) first increased and then decreased with the increase of spark advance. The optimum spark timing for the max. Imep (OST) was retarded for the HHGE at a specified excess air ratio. The max. indicated thermal efficiency appeared at the OST. Flame development period was shortened whereas flame propagation period was prolonged with the decrease of spark advance. The coefficient of variation in indicated mean effective pressure generally gained its minimum value at the OST. HC and NOx emissions were continuously decreased with the retarding of spark timing. However, the effect of spark timing on CO emission was found insignificant.  相似文献   

Abnormal combustion is an important factor in the development process of hydrogen engine and it mainly includes pre-ignition, backfire and knocking, among which pre-ignition has the most serious impact on hydrogen engine. In this paper, it is divided into four types: normal combustion, slight pre-ignition, moderate pre-ignition and severe pre-ignition according to different crankshaft rotation angles. In order to identify different combustion types, this paper proposes a fault diagnosis model based on the fusion of SOM neural network and Multi-Agent System (SOM-MAS). Firstly, different combustion types are identified by SOM. Secondly, the abnormal combustion is tracked and located mainly through the Multi-Agent System, and the location of the abnormality is identified. Finally, based on 44 sets of pressure data samples collected from the in-cylinder combustion of a hydrogen engine on the experimental bench, different combustion types were diagnosed and identified, and the location of abnormal combustion faults was tracked, which verifies the effectiveness of the proposed method shows that the method has certain feasibility and superiority for the diagnosis of hydrogen engine pre-ignition.  相似文献   

For the most part, gasoline engines operate close to stoichiometry because of the high power density and the easy after treatment through the very well established three-way catalytic converter technology. The lean burn gasoline engine suffers major disadvantages for the after treatment still requiring aggressive research and development to meet future emission standards more than for the lower power density compensated by the better fuel conversion efficiency running lean. Hydrogen engines are usually run ultra-lean to avoid abnormal combustion phenomena and possibly to avoid the emission of nitrogen oxides without the difficult non-stoichiometric after treatment. While the ultra-lean combustion of hydrogen may reduce the formation of NOx within the cylinder but makes the power density very low, the only lean combustion of hydrogen requires after treatment for NOx reduction. The suppression of abnormal combustion in hydrogen engines has been a challenge for the three regimes of abnormal combustion, knock (auto ignition of the end gas region), pre-ignition (uncontrolled ignition induced by a hot spot prior of the spark ignition) and backfire (premature ignition during the intake stroke, which could be seen as an early form of pre-ignition). Direct injection and jet ignition coupled to port water injection are used here to avoid the occurrence of all these abnormal combustion phenomena as well as to control the temperature of gases to turbine in a turbocharged stoichiometric hydrogen engine.  相似文献   

Potential and knocking characteristics of a hydrogen-natural gas blend (HCNG) engine with a high compression ratio were examined from a commercial viewpoint since lean combustion with HCNG under a wide-open throttle (WOT) condition requires a high-charging-capacity turbocharger. Supercharging of intake air to extend the lean limit was investigated for a turbocharged, heavy-duty natural gas-fueled engine. Effects of compression ratio changes on fuel economy were assessed in terms of thermal efficiency and torque characteristics. Extension of the lean limit to an excess air ratio of 1.8 for an HCNG engine under WOT conditions is realizable using a supplementary supercharging system. Thermal efficiency improvement at high compression ratios is reduced under relatively rich mixture conditions because spark timing is retarded to avoid knocking. The excess air ratio corresponding to maximum thermal efficiency decreases to 1.6 for an HCNG engine due to the decrease in exhaust gas energy for intake-air charging.  相似文献   

Backfire is one of the major technical issues in a port injection type hydrogen fuelled spark ignition engine. It is an abnormal combustion phenomenon (pre-ignition) that takes place in combustion chamber and intake manifold during suction stroke. The flame propagates toward the upstream of the intake manifold from combustion chamber during backfire and thus can damage the intake and fuel supply systems of the engine, and stall the engine operation. The main cause of backfire could be the presence of any hot spot, lubricating oil particle's traces (HC and CO due to evaporation of the oil) and hot residual exhaust gas present in the combustion chamber during suction stroke which could act as an ignition source for fresh incoming charge. Monitoring the temperatures of the lubricating oil and exhaust gas during engine operation can reduce the probability of backfire. This was achieved by developing an electronic device which delays the injection timing of hydrogen fuel with the inputs of engine oil temperature (Tlube oil) and exhaust gas temperature (Texh). It was observed from the experimental results that the threshold values of Tlube oil and Texh were 85 °C and 540 °C respectively beyond which backfire occurred at equivalence ratio (φ) of 0.82. The developed device works based on the algorithm that retards the hydrogen injection to 40 0aTDC whenever the temperatures (Tlube oil and Texh) reached to the above mentioned values and thus the backfire was controlled. Delaying injection of hydrogen increased the time period at which only air is inducted during the early part of the suction stroke, this allows cooling of the available hot spots in the combustion chamber, hence the probability of backfire would be reduced.  相似文献   

This research presents the test results carried out in a diesel engine converted to spark ignition (SI) using gaseous fuels, applying a geometry change of the pistons combustion chamber (GCPCC) to increase the turbulence intensity during the combustion process; with similar compression ratio (CR) of the original diesel engine; the increase in turbulence intensity was planned to rise turbulent flame speed of biogas, to compensate its low laminar flame speed. The research present the test to evaluate the effect of increase turbulence intensity on knocking tendency; using fuel blends of biogas with natural gas, propane and hydrogen; for each fuel blend the maximum output power was measured just into the knocking threshold before and after GCPCC; spark timing (ST) was adjusted for optimum generating efficiency at the knocking threshold. Turbulence intensity with GCPCC was estimated using Fluent 13, with 3D Combustion Fluid Dynamics (CFD) numerical simulations; 12 combustion chamber geometries were simulated in motoring conditions; the selected geometry had the greatest simulated turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and Reynolds number (Re) during combustion. The increased turbulence intensity was measured indirectly through the periods of combustion duration to mass fraction burn 0–5%, 0–50% and 0–90%; for almost all the fuel blends the increased turbulence intensity of the engine, increased the knocking tendency requiring to reduce the maximum output power to keep engine operation just into the knocking threshold. Biogas was the only fuel without power derating by the conditions of higher pressure and higher turbulence during combustion by GCPCC and improve its generating efficiency. Peak pressure, heat release rate, mean effective pressure and exhaust temperature were lower after GCPCC. Tests results indicated that knocking tendency was increased because of the higher turbulent flame speed; fuel blends with high laminar flame speed and low methane number (MN) had higher knocking tendency and lower output power.  相似文献   

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