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采用干压擦筛造粒法制备了炭黑造粒颗粒,研究了炭黑造粒颗粒含量(质量分数)对Cu-Fe摩擦材料显微组织、力学性能、摩擦性能的影响。结果表明:炭黑造粒颗粒易被压制成条状形态,当炭黑造粒颗粒质量分数较低时,其与金属基体能形成完整的界面,而含量较高时界面易出现孔洞和裂纹;随着炭黑造粒颗粒质量分数的增加,摩擦材料的力学性能先增加后降低、摩擦系数和磨损量均先降低后增加。当炭黑造粒颗粒质量分数为5%时,摩擦材料的力学性能最大,摩擦系数最低,磨损量最小,材料的综合性能最佳。  相似文献   

目的 研究二硫化钼(MoS2)颗粒粒径对热塑性聚氨酯(TPU)高分子材料的自润滑性能和耐磨性能的影响规律,提升TPU的摩擦学性能。方法 选用4种不同粒径(50、500 nm和5、50 μm)的MoS2颗粒,通过物理共混的方式制备新型MoS2/TPU复合材料,基于RTEC多功能摩擦磨损实验机,开展水润滑条件下的摩擦磨损试验。通过分析比较改性TPU的力学性能、摩擦系数、磨痕轮廓、表面形貌及其摩擦副接触面的元素组成与分布情况,揭示MoS2不同粒径尺寸对TPU的摩擦磨损机理的影响机制。结果 MoS2虽然削弱了TPU的部分力学性能,但摩擦过程中形成的MoS2润滑膜有效降低了TPU的摩擦系数和磨损程度。改性TPU的拉伸强度和断裂伸长率随着MoS2粒径减小呈现先增高、后降低的趋势。500 nm MoS2改性的TPU拉伸强度和断裂伸长率最大,分别为33.80 MPa和334.55%。改性TPU的平均摩擦系数和体积行程磨损率均随着MoS2粒径的减小呈现先降低、后增高的趋势,500 nm MoS2改性TPU的平均摩擦系数和体积行程磨损率最小,当载荷为40 N时分别降低了58.1%和97.8%。长时的摩擦磨损试验表明,Al2O3陶瓷球与500 nm MoS2改性的TPU磨损之后的表面S、Mo元素质量分数之和最高,为34.95%,说明小粒径MoS2更加有利于持续转移并稳定吸附在磨损表面。结论 适当粒径MoS2有利于磨损界面MoS2润滑膜的形成和抑制TPU力学性能的削弱,降低改性TPU摩擦系数和磨损量。该研究可为设计具有优异低摩擦、耐磨损性能的新型水润滑轴承复合材料提供参考。  相似文献   

采用干法混料、一次成型模具制备不同含量Cu-Sn合金粉的摩擦材料,对样品进行理化性能、力学性能、摩擦性能及制动噪音的检测,借助SEM、XRD对试样摩擦表面进行表征,研究分析不同Cu-Sn合金粉含量对摩擦材料性能的影响。结果表明:随着铜锡合金粉含量的增加,摩擦材料的密度逐渐增加、气孔率略微升高、pH值基本保持不变;硬度先增后减,压缩量先减后增,剪切强度变化不大。低能载条件下,Cu-Sn合金粉对材料的摩擦因数影响不大,高能载条件下,适量Cu-Sn合金粉的加入能提高材料摩擦因数,降低磨损量,改善制动噪音。当铜锡合金粉含量为9%(质量分数)时,摩擦材料的综合性能最佳。  相似文献   

采用干法混料、一次成型模具制备不同含量Cu-Sn合金粉的摩擦材料,对样品进行理化性能、力学性能、摩擦性能及制动噪音的检测,借助SEM、XRD对试样摩擦表面进行表征,研究分析不同Cu-Sn合金粉含量对摩擦材料性能的影响。结果表明:随着铜锡合金粉含量的增加,摩擦材料的密度逐渐增加、气孔率略微升高、pH值基本保持不变;硬度先增后减,压缩量先减后增,剪切强度变化不大。低能载条件下,Cu-Sn合金粉对材料的摩擦因数影响不大,高能载条件下,适量Cu-Sn合金粉的加入能提高材料摩擦因数,降低磨损量,改善制动噪音。当铜锡合金粉含量为9%(质量分数)时,摩擦材料的综合性能最佳。  相似文献   

仇溢  种详远  甄明晖  王傅巍 《表面技术》2021,50(3):276-283, 322
目的 提高树脂基摩擦材料和对偶件刹车盘的摩擦磨损性能.方法 采用摩擦材料预混料装置,结合犁耙式混料机,将氧化石墨烯(GO)均匀分散到酚醛树脂基制动摩擦材料中.对材料进行物理性能和力学性能测试,采用LINK2900惯量台架试验机进行摩擦磨损研究,采用SEM和EDS进行摩擦界面微观形貌和成分分析.结果 当GO体积分数从0增加到1.00%时,摩擦材料的比热容、摩擦界面切向热导率和剪切模量显著增大,摩擦材料的弹性模量减小.确定了GO的最佳体积分数为0.75%,此体积分数下,名义摩擦系数和一衰系数达到最大,分别为0.437和0.363,摩擦材料和对偶件刹车盘的耐磨性最佳.相比未添加GO配方,摩擦材料的磨损量减小13.70%,对偶件刹车盘的磨损量减小12.32%.结论 适宜体积分数的GO提高了基体树脂的热结构稳定性、耐热性和系数稳定性,摩擦材料和对偶件刹车盘表面发生材料转移形成摩擦层,有效改善了摩擦材料表面裂纹和对偶盘表面孔洞.GO改变了摩擦片和盘之间的热流分配以及垂向传导散热和切向对流散热比例,可有效提高摩擦材料和对偶件的摩擦磨损性能.  相似文献   

将纳米氮化钛颗粒分散到水基础液中,加入适量的分散剂,采用两步法可制备出具有良好分散稳定的水基纳米氮化钛流体。在此基础上,采用单一变量法,用M-200磨损试验机研究了这种纳米流体对钢环的磨损性能,并对其摩擦润滑机理进行了分析。结果表明:摩擦系数与磨损量随负荷的增加表现出先减小后增大的趋势,并且当质量分数为1%的PVP与CTMAB混合液作为分散剂、粒径为20nm且质量分数为1%的氮化钛颗粒、分散介质为去离子水时表现出最佳的润滑性能。  相似文献   

采用溶胶-凝胶法制备氧化铝颗粒增强的钼基复合材料.测定了钼基体的显微硬度;用SEM,TEM及XRD分别对混合粉体与坯体进行了微观分析;用销盘式摩擦磨损试验机测定了复合材料的滑动磨损性能.结果表明:在复合粉体及其材料中,Al2O3作为分散相具有细化晶粒的作用,随氧化铝体积分数增加,钼基体显微硬度增加,复合材料摩擦系数缓慢降低,磨损量先增加后减少,一定程度上改善了材料的磨损性能.  相似文献   

以碳纤维为增强体,以树脂为粘结剂,运用模压成型-无压烧结法制备了Cf/SiC陶瓷基制动材料.研究了碳纤维分布、碳纤维长度和纤维体积分数对Cf/SiC复合材料摩擦磨损性能的影响.结果表明:当碳纤维以纤维单丝状态分布时,纤维与基体结合界面增多,纤维能充分发挥增强增韧作用,使材料的摩擦磨损性得到提高;随着碳纤维长度的增加,磨损量先减小后增加;随着碳纤维含量的增加,磨损量先减小后增大.  相似文献   

利用摩擦磨损试验机(UMT-2)对铜基粉末冶金材料进行研究,得到不同对偶摩擦副、摩擦速度、压力对摩擦系数和磨损量(深度)的影响;利用白光干涉仪和扫描电镜观察磨痕,分析其磨损机理。结果表明,当材料硬度低于粉末冶金材料中基体组元硬度时不适合用作对偶摩擦副;摩擦副材料对磨损机理有显著影响,钢与铜基粉末冶金材料间磨损机理以磨粒磨损和疲劳磨损为主,陶瓷与铜基粉末冶金材料间摩擦会先在陶瓷表面形成氧化黏着层再进行摩擦;压力一定时,随速度增加,钢/陶瓷-铜基粉末冶金材料的摩擦系数呈下降趋势,磨损量(深度)呈上升趋势;速度一定时,随压力增加,钢-铜基粉末冶金材料摩擦副的摩擦系数降低,磨损量(深度)增大。  相似文献   

采用粉末冶金法制备了亚微米SiC_p增强Al基复合材料,通过扫描电镜(SEM)观察复合材料的微观结构。结果表明,随着亚微米SiC_p的体积分数增加,Al基复合材料的相对密度减小,硬度和摩擦因数增大,抗拉强度先增大后减小,同时复合材料的磨损量先减小后增大。当亚微米SiC_p的体积分数为6.0%时,Al基复合材料具有最大的抗拉强度,磨损量较小。当添加少量亚微米SiC_p时,由于SiC_p本身具有较高的硬度和强度,可承受一定的载荷,对晶界的滑移具有阻碍作用,从而通过颗粒强化作用提高Al基复合材料的力学性能和磨损性能。  相似文献   

采用机械合金化和放电等离子烧结法制备了不同碳含量的Fe-Cr-C/TiCN复合材料。通过扫描电镜、X射线衍射、维氏硬度和球-盘式摩擦试验,系统地研究了碳含量对Fe-Cr-C/TiCN复合材料组织和磨损性能的影响。结果表明,在含碳量为1.0%~5.0%(质量分数,下同)的烧结样品中形成了(Cr, Fe)7C3碳化物,而当碳含量达到4.0%~5.0%时,出现了(Cr, Fe)3C相。碳含量对Fe-Cr-C/TiCN复合材料的组织均匀性和致密化有着较为重要的影响,当烧结温度为~1000 ℃时,致密度由未加碳时的95.0%提高到的99.7%(含碳量为3.0%),说明已实现了完全致密化。当含碳量为3.0%时,维氏硬度达到11 940 MPa。此外,添加适量的碳(3.0%)有助于获得良好的磨损性能,即摩擦系数波动范围小,平均摩擦系数为0.320,磨损率为6.8×10-4 mm3·N-1·m-1。  相似文献   

Tribological properties of TiAlN-coated cermets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ti(C,N)-based cermets were coated with TiAlN using multi-arc ion plating technology. Sliding wear tests were performed on the coated cermets. The microstructure and morphologies of the coated cermets before and after friction and wear tests were characterized. The results show that the TiAlN coating surface was smooth and its root mean square roughness was 16.6 nm. The hardness (HK) of TiAlN coating layers reached approximately 3200 and the critical load (L c) under which the coating failure occurred was 59 N. The sliding wear test results show that the friction coefficients of the TiAlN-coated cermets were lower than that of the cermets without any coating. Under the same load, the adhesion phenomenon of the counterpart materials on the specimens was improved and the mean friction coefficient increased with increasing sliding velocity. When the sliding velocity was 0.26 m·s−1, the mass of the coated cermets reduced. At the same sliding velocity, the average friction coefficient of the TiAlN-coated cermets was lower under a higher load. The wear mechanisms of the TiAlN-coated cermets were mainly adhesive and abrasive wear.  相似文献   

The NiCrBSi–Y2O3 composite coatings were prepared on the surface of 45 carbon steel by plasma spray, the microstructure and tribological properties of the coatings were investigated. The results show that the NiCrBSi–Y2O3 composite coatings are mainly composed of γ-Ni, CrB, Cr7C3 and Y2O3. With addition of Y2O3, hard phases such as CrB, Cr7C3 emerge in composite coating, and the density of the composite coatings also increases. The NiCrBSi–0.5Y2O3 composite coating presents excellent tribological properties. Its friction coefficient is 0.175, which is about 37% of that of the pure NiCrBSi coating. The mass wear loss is 1.2 mg, which is reduced by 43% compared with the pure NiCrBSi coating. When the loads are 6–10 N, the NiCrBSi–0.5Y2O3 composite coating suffers from slight wear and the wear mechanisms are mainly adhesive wear accompany with slight micro-cutting wear and micro-fracture wear. As the load increases to 12 N, the wear mechanisms are adhesive wear and severe micro-cutting wear.  相似文献   

采用温压?原位反应法制备C/C-SiC复合材料,利用QDM150型摩擦试验机研究短炭纤维(SCF)长度和纤维体积分数对C/C-SiC制动材料摩擦磨损性能的影响。结果表明:C/C-SiC制动材料能够保持较高且稳定的摩擦因数;SCF的体积分数将影响C/C-SiC制动材料的摩擦磨损性能,纤维体积分数为10%时,材料具有适中的摩擦因数和较低的磨损率;SCF长度对C/C-SiC制动材料的摩擦磨损性能有显著影响,炭纤维长度为12 mm时,材料具有最佳的摩擦磨损性能。  相似文献   

运用等离子喷涂技术制备了TiC颗粒增强镍基合金复合涂层,分析了TiC颗粒增强镍基合金复合涂层的微观结构,研究了其摩擦磨损行为与机理。结果表明:TiC颗粒增强镍基合金复合涂层主要由γ-Ni,CrB,Cr7C3和TiC构成;复合涂层与基底材料间形成了厚度为9.4μm的过渡层,达到了冶金结合。当TiC颗粒含量为30%(体积分数)时,复合涂层的摩擦系数和磨损率均最低,即其摩擦系数为0.33,较纯镍基合金涂层降低了30%;其磨损率为0.3×10-3mm3/m,是纯镍基合金涂层的1/3。当载荷在6~10N的范围内时,复合涂层呈轻微磨损,其磨损机理主要为粘着磨损;当载荷达到12N时,复合涂层产生严重磨损,其磨损机制转变为硬质相的脱落和转移层的层脱剥落。  相似文献   

In the present study, the effects of process parameters (output voltage x, nitrogen flux l and specific strengthening time s) on the microstructure and wear resistance properties of TiN coatings prepared by electrospark deposition (ESD) were investigated systematically. The microstructure of the coatings was characterized for thickness (TOC), content of TiN (CON) and porosity (POC). A statistical model was developed to identify the significant factors affecting the microstructure and wear resistance of the coatings. The results show that the output voltage x and nitrogen flux l present significant effects on majority of the evaluation indexes such as TOC, friction coefficient (COF) and wear mass loss (Id), while the specific strengthening time s has a significant effect on POC and a small effect on the other indexes. The optimal process parameters were obtained as follows: output voltage (x, 60 V), nitrogen flux (l, 15 L/min) and specific strengthening time (s, 3 min/cm2). The variation of wear mass loss (Id) by the variation of the output voltage (x) and nitrogen flux (l) is attributed to the change of wear mechanisms of TiN coatings. The main wear mechanism of TiN coating prepared under optimal process parameters is micro-cutting wear accompanied by micro-fracture wear.  相似文献   

Sliding wear tests against monolithic Si3N4 and austenitic stainless steel, respectively, were performed on Si3N4 ceramic with the addition of hBN solid lubricants. The friction coefficients and wear rates were measured. The wear surface features were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and laser scanning microscopy (LSM), and the chemical characterization of worn surface was made by Energy disperse spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Results showed that the friction coefficient and the wear rate decreased with the increase of hBN up to 20 vol% at high relative humidity (RH95%). When Si3N4-hBN ceramic composites sliding against stainless steel, with further increases in hBN content, the wear rate increased rapidly. The mechanism responsible were determined to be an in-situ formed tribo-chemical film composed of B-O and Si-O compounds between the pin-disc sliding couple. SEM observations showed that a black surface film is formed on the wear surface depending on the hBN content. The surface film associated with small friction coefficient of 0.03 and low wear rate with the magnitude of 10 6 mm3/Nm was formed by the releasing and smearing of the tribo-chemical reaction products of hBN and moisture on the wear surface when with 20 vol%hBN content. This tribo-chemical film acted as solid lubricant film between the sliding couple, and thus the couple entered to a state of boundary lubrication. Hence, the friction coefficient and the wear rate were significantly reduced. For Si3N4-hBN/stainless steel sliding pair, even at high relative humidity, no tribo-chemical film was observed on samples with 30 vol%hBN content, just because of a large degradation of mechanical properties of the composite with higher hBN content. At low relative humidity (RH25%), the wear mechanism for Si3N4-hBN sliding couple was mainly dominated by mechanical wear (abrasive or adhesive wear) due to the absence of tribo-chemical film on the wear surfaces, and higher friction coefficient and wear rate were obtained.  相似文献   

NiCr/Cr3C2-hBN composite coatings with different contents of hBN were prepared by atmospheric plasma-spray technology. The microstructural, mechanical, and tribological properties of the coatings were systematically investigated. The results show that the flowability and apparent density of NiCr/Cr3C2-hBN composite powders, as well as the microhardness and tensile strength of the NiCr/Cr3C2-hBN composite coating, gradually decrease with the increase of hBN in the composite powders. The addition of hBN is benefit to the friction coefficient of the coatings, but it is positive to the wear rate. When the content of hBN is up to 20%, the friction coefficient of the composite coating is lowest, but the wear rate of the composite coating is highest.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous multilayer interface of VN/Ag coatings and transition multilayer interface of VN/Ag coatings were prepared on Inconel 781 and Si(100), and the microstructures, mechanical and tribological properties were investigated from 25 to 700 °C. The results showed that the surface roughness and average grain size of VN/Ag coatings with transition multilayer interface are obviously larger than those of VN/Ag coatings with heterogeneous multilayer interface. The coatings with transition multilayer interface have higher adhesion force and hardness than the coatings with heterogeneous multilayer interface, and both coatings can effectively restrict the initiation and propagation of microcracks. Both coatings have excellent self-adaptive lubricating properties with a decrease of friction coefficient as the temperature increases, but their wear rates reveal a drastic increase. The phase composition of the worn area of both coatings was investigated, which indicates that a smooth Ag, Magnéli phase (V2O5) and bimetallic oxides (Ag3VO4 and AgVO3) can be responsible to the excellent lubricity of both coatings. To sum up, the coatings with transition multilayer interface have excellent adaptive lubricating properties and can properly control the diffusion rate and release rate of the lubricating phase, indicating that they have great potential in solving the problem of friction and wear of mechanical parts.  相似文献   

The influence of surface roughness on the tribological performance, i.e. friction, wear and material pick-up tendency, of two different commercial PVD coatings, TiN and WC/C, in sliding contact with ball bearing steel has been evaluated using two different types of sliding wear laboratory tests. Post-test characterisation using SEM/EDS, AES, ToF-SIMS and XPS was used to evaluate the prevailing friction and wear. The results show that the surface roughness of the coating is of importance in order to control the initial material pick-up tendency and thus the friction characteristics in a sliding contact. Once initiated, the material pick-up tendency will increase, generating a tribofilm at the sliding interface. For steel-TiN sliding couples a FeO-based tribofilm is generated on the two surfaces and FeO/FeO becomes the sliding interface (interfilm sliding) resulting in a high friction coefficient. For steel-WC/C sliding couples the WC/C displays a pronounced running-in behaviour which generates a WO3-based tribofilm on the steel surface while a carbon rich surface layer is formed on the WC/C surface, i.e. WO3/C becomes the sliding interface (interface sliding) resulting in a low friction coefficient.  相似文献   

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