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狄少丞  王庆  薛彦卓  李佳霖 《工程力学》2018,35(11):249-256
针对浮冰区与平整冰区中航行船舶冰阻力与操纵性的预报问题,采用冰-水-船相互作用数值模型对“雪龙”船在浮冰区与平整冰区中的回转运动特性进行了数值分析。在数值模型中,采用具有黏结破碎特征的球形离散元模型来模拟冰盖的破坏过程,采用球体-三角形接触模型来模拟船-冰之间的碰撞过程,建立了考虑船舶桨力、舵力及水动力的六自由度操纵运动方程。在此基础上对船舶在不同厚度(1.2 m~1.7 m)、不同密集度(40%,60%,80%)浮冰区与不同厚度(0.8 m~1.2 m)平整冰区行进时的破冰阻力及回转特性进行了数值模拟。模拟结果表明:在相同厚度的浮冰区航行时冰阻力小于平整冰区航行的阻力值;浮冰区中回转圈直径约为敞水中回转直径的1倍~2倍;平整冰中回转直径约为敞水中回转直径的2倍~6倍。  相似文献   

船体结构冰载荷监测系统中的载荷识别算法是对船舶在冰区安全运行进行实时评估的关键环节,而常用的影响系数矩阵法尚未考虑冰载荷的动力效应。在时域内将动冰载荷离散为诸多时间元,在每个时间元内利用线性形函数的组合形式逼近构造动冰载荷;通过结构的动力响应分析得到形函数的响应矩阵,并以此建立船体结构冰载荷识别的正问题。利用共轭梯度最小二乘迭代型正则化算法和终止迭代准则对冰载荷识别问题中的不适定性进行控制。该数值算例和试验验证均表明,该冰载荷识别模型具有良好的识别精度、求解速度及稳定性。  相似文献   

冰载荷是极地船舶在冰区航行时受到的一种极端环境载荷,而对船体结构的现场监测是研究冰载荷的重要途径。一般通过在船体结构上安装应变传感器直接测量冰载荷引起的应变响应;采用影响系数矩阵法根据应变响应反演识别冰载荷。然而当应变传感器无法正常工作时,识别结果的准确性将难以得到保障。通过对典型极地船舶舷侧板架结构的有限元分析,研究了测点失效对识别结果的影响。基于对“天恩号”多用途冰级船实测应变数据以及典型极地船舶舷侧板架结构有限元应变数据的深入分析,确定了测点应变的空间分布规律,并进一步提出了失效测点影响下基于最小二乘拟合的冰载荷识别方法。在此基础上,较为准确地识别出7种典型工况下的冰载荷,大幅降低了识别误差,最终验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于非线性有限元数值方法,对含初始缺陷的平整冰与锥体结构碰撞场景进行了模拟。将标记为初始缺陷的实体冰单元从平整冰模型中删除,并将黏聚单元插入到实体冰单元之间。在实尺度下对平整冰与锥体碰撞场景进行了数值模拟,分析了平整冰的断裂破坏模式并预报了锥体所受冰载荷,并将数值模拟结果与不考虑初始缺陷的数值模拟结果进行了比较。分别分析了初始缺陷分布位置和含量对锥体所受冰载荷的影响。结果表明,初始缺陷对于平整冰的断裂破坏模式和冰载荷均有重要的影响。  相似文献   

通过建立重冰区特高压线路连续7档导线-绝缘子脱冰跳跃分析模型,考虑阻尼、脱冰模式和覆冰厚度等因素影响,计算脱冰工况下导线跳跃高度、张力、挂点不平衡张力及垂直荷载等动力响应,研究不同因素对悬垂型杆塔动力响应的影响规律,确定重冰区特高压线路悬垂型杆塔不平衡张力及垂直荷载取值。阻尼比5%、单档100%脱冰时,脱冰跳跃产生的不平衡张力百分数均小于重冰区设计规定值,垂直荷载动力放大系数在1.28~1.40之间。20 mm、30 mm冰区导线上拔力占最大使用张力百分数取10%,40 mm、50 mm冰区取5%。  相似文献   

冰区导线脱冰振动会引起绝缘间隙减小,严重时甚至导致闪络和跳闸等电气事故。首先利用数值方法模拟得到各种参数条件下导线的脱冰动力响应,获得导线的最大脱冰跳跃高度。进而基于数值模拟结果和BP神经网络构建导线脱冰跳跃高度预测模型,将线路的导线分裂数、导线型号、档距、高差等结构参数以及初始应力、覆冰厚度和脱冰率等载荷参数作为输入,最大冰跳高度作为输出,通过机器学习,并采用评价指标评估其准确性,对模型进行优化。该模型可以方便快捷地确定导线的最大脱冰跳跃高度,为冰区输电线路绝缘间隙设计提供参考。  相似文献   

基于非线性有限元数值方法,引入粘聚单元模型并结合线性软化弹塑性本构模型,对平整冰与竖直固定圆柱体碰撞进行了数值模拟,研究了碰撞过程中平整冰的破坏模式和柱体所受冰载荷。数值模拟结果与实际观测到的冰层撞击灯塔时的破坏模式进行了比较,两者吻合良好;随后分别分析了粘聚单元破坏准则和碰撞速度对圆柱体所受水平冰载荷的影响。结果表明:柱体所受水平冰载荷受粘聚单元破坏准则影响有限,与碰撞速度呈正相关且平均冰载荷的增长速度稍高于线性增长。  相似文献   

船舶在冰区航行时,破碎冰块沿船体侧面和底部滑动至船尾,不可避免地与螺旋桨发生冰桨碰撞。瞬态的冰桨碰撞作用对螺旋桨水动力性能产生影响,且会随时间和空间变化。因此在冰桨碰撞螺旋桨水动力性能模型试验中,除采集螺旋桨水动力的时历变化曲线外,获取冰块运动位置和冰桨碰撞过程的时空变化信息对于综合分析冰桨碰撞影响尤为重要。通过多个高速图像采集设备与螺旋桨水动力测量装置组成的同步测试和分析系统可有效实现这一目的。试验结果表明:高速摄像和水动力同步测试在冰桨碰撞模型试验中的应用效果良好,信号误差在1 ms以内;同步测试结果能够为分析不同冰桨碰撞过程对螺旋桨水动力性能影响提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

宋子杰  胡志强 《工程力学》2018,35(8):245-256
该文介绍一个综合性解析计算程序,可用于预测船舶在碰撞和搁浅场景下的强非线性结构动力响应,包括结构变形阻力及能量耗散。解析计算方法具有使用方便,计算速度快,计算结果相对可靠的优点,易于工程应用。预测船舶碰撞与搁浅结构动力响应的程序包含两个模块,分别是船舶碰撞场景模块和船舶搁浅场景模块。船舶在碰撞和搁浅场景中,船体外板和内板等构件在外载荷作用下会出现弯曲、膜拉伸和撕裂的变形模式;船体桁材构件在外载荷作用下会出现弯曲和褶皱压溃变形模式。船体构件损伤失效所产生的结构变形阻力和能量耗散以解析的方式表达。此外,采用LS_DYNA程序开展数值仿真,验证解析计算程序的准确性和合理性。综合解析计算程序在结构设计阶段,对船体结构的耐撞性和船舶风险评估,都具有一定的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

为研究破冰船在层冰中运动的特点与海冰的破坏方式,该文建立了包含冰载荷、敞水阻力、螺旋桨推力与舵力的六自由度动力学方程。考虑海冰的弹性弯曲对破冰力的影响,引入海冰的二次断裂与动态弯曲破坏准则,提出了更加精确、完善的船-冰动态接触模型。在此基础上,对瑞典破冰船Tor Viking Ⅱ在层冰中的直航与回转运动进行了数值模拟,并与全尺寸试验数据对比,验证了数值模拟结果的合理性。结果表明:模拟运动轨迹与真实运动轨迹相符,最大回转直径的相对误差仅为3.32%,因此本文建立的数值模拟方法能够真实地模拟破冰船在层冰中的运动。  相似文献   

摘 要:介绍了舰船轴系冲击激励的类型、基于有限元法建立的轴系冲击动力学模型以及基于有限元法在MATLAB平台上开发的舰船轴系动力学及冲击性能仿真平台(SHAFTFE)的基本功能,用SHAFTFE建立了一个包括推进轴系、推进电机和推进电机隔振器在内的整个动力轴系模型,计算了在不同冲击强度和动力轴系参数条件下整个动力轴系的冲击性能,分析了动力轴系的结构设计参数对动力轴系冲击性能的影响。结果表明,动力轴系在冲击作用下会出现较大的位移,因此在舰船动力轴系的设计中必须对轴系的冲击特性引起足够的重视,以增强整船的可靠性和生存能力。  相似文献   

海冰与直立结构相互作用的离散单元数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在冰区油气开发中,海冰会导致海洋结构的强烈振动,并对结构累积疲劳损伤、上部油气管线和设备,以及操作人员健康构成很大的威胁。在海冰与直立海洋结构的相互作用中,冰荷载的幅值和频率一直是海冰工程研究的重要内容。该文针对海冰与直立海洋结构作用中的破碎过程,建立了海冰的离散单元模型。它将海冰离散为若干个规则排列且具有粘接-破碎功能的颗粒单元,并通过海冰单轴压缩试验对单元间的粘接强度进行确定;在此基础上对直立海洋平台结构的作用过程进行了数值计算,获得了不同桩径下的冰荷载和结构冰振响应,为冰区平台结构设计和现役海洋结构的疲劳寿命评估提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

采用传递矩阵法,将船舶推进轴系简化为质量点单元、弹性支承单元和具有分布参数的梁单元。基于修正的Timoshenko梁理论,推导出推进轴系的场传递矩阵表达式。然后,引入相应的边界条件,形成方程组并实现不同轴承刚度下推进轴系轴承处的力和位移响应求解。最后,从能量的角度,对推进轴系各轴承传递路径处的功率流进行分析,并与有限元结果比较。结果表明:基于修正Timoshenko梁理论的传递矩阵法在计算推进轴系弯曲振动时是可行有效的;艉后轴承刚度对轴系振动传递影响最大,艉前轴承次之,推力轴承影响最小。  相似文献   

This paper considers the maximum roll motion of a ship in confused sea waves. The ship motion is described by a nonlinear differential equation including quadratic damping and cubic restoring force. The excitation of the ship is represented by a stationary mean-zero Gaussian process of a given power spectral density function. It is shown that a reliable estimate of the maximum roll motion is found considering the ship response to an approximate deterministic representation of an appropriately large and adequately rich (frequency-wise) load. Specifically, the time variation of the load is approximated by a normalized autocovariance function; the maximum amplitude of the load is taken as a certain multiple of the standard deviation of the stochastic load process. This approximation relates to the method of quasi-deterministic representation of extreme realizations of a stationary Gaussian process; the method is interpreted as a tool for generating deterministic time histories of the load which are compatible with a certain power spectral density function. The efficacy of this perspective is shown by comparison with the results from pertinent Monte Carlo simulations.Next, the paper addresses the ship stability problem in the space of initial conditions. In this context, it shows that the proposed approximation can be adequately utilized for a ship safety assessment.  相似文献   

A semi-empirical method for calculating local ice forces on moored ships was described in Part 1 and is implemented for a real hull in this article. The method splits the ice actions into actions in the vicinity of the waterline caused by breaking of intact ice and rotation of broken ice floes, and actions below the waterline caused by ice-hull friction. The hull was discretized into flat panels and ice forces were calculated for each panel and summed to obtain the total ice action. The resolution of the discretization was studied and stable results were obtained with relatively few panels.The model was compared with model test data and satisfactory agreement was found for the mean mooring forces. Surge oscillations were larger in the simulations than in the model tests, probably due to underestimated ice-induced damping forces in the simulations.The dynamic surge response of the ship was investigated by varying the ice drift speed and the surge natural period. The coefficient of variation for the surge motions was largest for speeds around 0.10-0.15 m/s for all surge natural periods. The importance of parameterizing the ice forces in terms of the penetration of the ship into the ice is highlighted, as this strongly affects the dynamic response of moored ships in level ice.The model can be applied in studies of dynamic response of moored ships in level ice with constant drift direction and it can be extended to variable ice drift direction.  相似文献   

A three-metre long model hull of a tanker ship with simplified bow shapes was towed through a simulated brash ice channel in the model-ice towing tank of the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research (IHR). The study was to investigate resistance forces encountered by commercial ships, with hulls characterized by a long parallel middlebody, transisting brash ice channels.The model hull was structurally divided into a bow portion and an aft portion, which were coupled and instrumented so that resistance forces exerted on the bow as well as the total towing force could be measured. Two bow forms were used; a wedge bow and a simplified icebreaker bow.From the results of the experiments, it is shown that resistance to hull motion through brash ice may consist of the following components: bow resistance due to internal friction and accumulation of brash ice; bow resistance due to submergence of brash ice beneath hull; bow resistance due to momentum exchange between hull and brash ice; parallel-part resistance due to friction between hull and brash ice; stern thrust due to ascension of brash ice at the hull's stern; and open-water resistance. The ratio of each component to the total resistance depends on bow shape, hull speed, brash-ice characteristics and channel dimensions. The effects of brash-ice layer thickness and channel width on resistance are discussed. Additionally, some insight into the effect of brash-ice refreezing on resistance is also offered.  相似文献   

R. Balevičius  Z. Mróz 《Acta Mechanica》2013,224(8):1659-1684
A simplified analytical model of tangential contact engagement, sliding and separation of two elastic, identical spheres is developed assuming the kinematically induced sphere motion trajectory or load controlled sliding motion. The evaluation of driving force during contact sliding motion is determined for both monotonic and reciprocal sliding motion. The analytical formulae and diagrams of driving force versus sliding path are specified for linear and circular paths. The sliding trajectories are also determined for the load controlled programs. The results presented can be applied in the experimental testing of frictional response of contacting bodies, in a wear study of rough surfaces or in the contact interaction analysis of granular material during flow. The results can also be relevant for the development of the discrete element method widely applied in simulation of granular material flow, where the sliding regime conditions prevail in grain contact interaction.  相似文献   

A GPU-based discrete element method (DEM) with bonded particles is investigated to simulate the mechanical properties of sea ice in uniaxial compressive and three-point bending tests. Both the uniaxial compressive strength and flexural strength of sea ice are related to the microparameters in DEM simulation including particle size, sample size, bonding strength, and interparticle friction coefficient. These parameters are analyzed to build the relationship between the material macrostrengths of sea ice and the microparameters of the numerical model in DEM simulations. Based on this relationship, the reasonable microparameters can be calculated by given macrostrengths in the applications of simulating the failure processes of sea ice. In this simulation, both uniaxial compressive strength and flexural strength of ice increase with the increasing ratio of sample size and particle size. The interparticle friction coefficient is directly related to the compressive strength but has little effect on the flexural strength. In addition, numerical simulations are compared with experimental data to show the performance of the proposed model, and a satisfactory agreement is achieved. Therefore, this microparameter validation approach based on macrostrengths can be applied to simulate the complicated failure process of sea ice interacting with offshore platform structures.  相似文献   

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