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本文进行了微肋管内R134a两相流动冷凝换热实验,分析了实验工况、微肋管结构参数对管内压降的影响,并使用关联式对管内压降进行了预测。实验结果显示:管内压降与质量速率、肋片螺旋角呈正相关,与冷凝温度、冷却水雷诺数Re呈负相关;Cavallini et al关联式、Haraguchi et al关联式、Pierre关联式可实现对管内压降的高精度预测,预测平均误差均在17%以内,而Goto et al关联式高估了管内压降;参考Goto et al关联式拟合机理,基于微肋管内R134a压降实验数据,对气相/液相折算系数Φv/Φl与参数Xtt之间关系进行重新拟合,进而提出适用于预测管内压降的关联式,经验证:新关联式预测误差在±30%以内,预测平均误差小于10%。  相似文献   

本文选用表面传热系数为评价指标,对外径为6.35 mm的微肋管内R134a两相流动冷凝换热特性进行实验研究,分析了水力工况、测试管结构参数等对管内表面传热系数的影响,还选用Cavallini et al.关联式、Miyara et al.关联式和Oliver et al.关联式对微肋管内表面传热系数进行预测,发现Cavallini et al.关联式对微肋管内换热性能的预测能力最好,关联式预测值与实验值的平均误差、标准误差分别为-21.47%和21.94%。虽然Miyara et al.关联式预测值与实验值的平均误差、标准误差分别为16.21%、30.65%,但两者之间的误差范围为-47.12%~82.32%,说明在部分工况下Miyara et al.关联式对管内换热性能的预测仍存在较大误差。三个关联式中,Oliver et al.关联式的预测能力最差,预测值与实验值之间平均误差高达-54.93%,因此,实验根据现有实验数据对Oliver et al.关联式进行了修正,修正Oliver et al.关联式对管内换热性能的预测能力大大提高,预测值与实验值的平均误差、标准误差分别为-2.37%和10.77%。  相似文献   

在1根光管、2根微肋管内运行了R1234yf两相流动冷凝换热实验,工况设定中冷凝温度为40℃、43℃、45℃,质量流量为500—900 kg/(m~2·s),换热管进出口处制冷剂干度分别为0.8—0.9、0.2—0.3。实验结果显示:传热系数随冷凝温度的降低、质量流量的增加而增大,且微肋管内传热系数均大于光管内传热系数,其中8°和15°肋片螺旋角微肋管换热强化倍率分别为2.51—2.89、3.11—3.57,均大于其面积增加比;使用关联式对管内传热系数预测时:Cavallini et al关联式对光管内传热系数预测精度最高,其预测误差范围在±8%以内,预测平均误差为0.56%;Cavallini et al关联式和Koyama et al关联式对微肋管内传热系数预测精度较高,其预测误差范围在±25%以内,两者的平均预测误差小于6%。  相似文献   

针对R404A的冷凝传热与压降关联式不少,但都是基于7 mm或者9.52 mm等大管径光管或者强化管,针对5 mm管径的关联式也都是适用于其它制冷剂,没有R404A小管径冷凝直接适用的关联式。本文通过实验测试与理论计算结合论证的办法,利用控制变量法、性质相似制冷剂优先法筛选出一批关联式,大量对比由关联式计算与由实验数据计算得出的传热系数与压降的偏差,研究关联式的适用性及可修正性。结果表明:Dobson and Chato冷凝换热关联式乘以修正系数2.13,能很好预测R404A在内螺纹管中的冷凝传热系数,与实验值正偏差为+15.51%,负偏差为﹣14.13%。黄翔超提出的摩擦压降关联式能很好预测R404A在小管径内螺纹管内冷凝的摩擦压降,与实验值的正偏差为+12.56%,负偏差为﹣13.58%,两者均可为换热器设计计算提供较准确的理论指导。  相似文献   

氨制冷剂存在可燃性和毒性,因此减少其在制冷系统中的充注量极为重要。小管径换热管通常可以提供更高的表面传热系数,这可以作为提升换热器紧凑性同时减少系统中充注量的有效方法。本文搭建了氨制冷剂管内流动沸腾换热及压降测试实验装置,测试了氨制冷剂在4 mm水平光管内的流动沸腾换热及压降,并分析了干度、质量流速及热流密度对换热及压降特性的影响。结果表明:流动沸腾换热表面传热系数随着干度的增加而增大,同时质量流速和热流密度越高,流动沸腾换热表面传热系数越大。此外,氨制冷剂在管内的两相摩擦压降也随着干度的增加而增大,在固定干度下,质量流速的升高导致压降增大。  相似文献   

冯光东  柳建华  张良  何宽 《制冷学报》2020,41(1):140-145
本文搭建了冷凝换热实验台,对R410A和R22管内冷凝换热系数性能进行对比研究,实验工况为质量流速200~800kg/(m^2·s)、饱和温度40℃、干度0~1、5 mm外径水平光滑铜管,分析了质量流速和干度对管内冷凝换热的影响,并将应用于传统管道的关联式与实验所得数据进行对比。结果表明:冷凝换热表面传热系数与质量流速和干度呈正相关,高干度区域时的冷凝换热表面传热系数增幅显著;M. M. Shah[4]关联式来预测实验数据的效果并不理想,与实际值相比偏差最大可达60%,但是预测低质量流速和低干度区的数据较为理想;当质量流速较小(G=200 kg/(m^2·s))时,R410A的冷凝换热表面传热系数要低于R22;随着质量流速的增大(G=400 kg/(m^2·s)),二者冷凝换热表面传热系数的差距减小;当达到中高质量流速(G=600kg/(m^2·s))时,R410A的冷凝换热表面传热系数与R22的相似;当质量流速继续增大(G=800 kg/(m^2·s))时,R410A的冷凝换热表面传热系数随着干度的增大开始高于R22的。  相似文献   

本文在35、40和45℃三种冷凝温度下,对R134a在微肋管内的冷凝换热进行了实验研究。选用质量流量、冷凝温度、微肋管结构参数为变量,以总传热系数、水侧传热系数、制冷剂侧表面传热系数及压降为评价指标。结果表明:总传热系数、制冷剂侧表面传热系数、压降均随着质量流量的增加、冷凝温度的降低和管径的减小而增大,而水侧传热系数随质量流量的增加而稍有降低,冷凝温度对其值影响并不大。热阻分析时发现:随着质量流量的增加,水侧热阻占总热阻比值逐渐增加,而制冷剂侧热阻所占比值逐渐减小,但制冷剂侧热阻总小于水侧热阻;对换热器进行综合性能进行评价时,以表面传热系数与压降的比值(单位压降表面传热系数)为指标,发现该比值均随质量流量的增加呈先减小后增大的趋势,并随着冷凝温度的降低、管径的减小而增大。  相似文献   

针对R404A的冷凝换热与压降关联式有很多,但均为基于7 mm或者9.52 mm等大管径光管或者强化管,针对5 mm管径的关联式也都是适用于其它制冷剂,没有R404A小管径冷凝直接适用的关联式。本文采用实验测试与理论计算结合论证的方法,利用控制变量法、性质相似制冷剂优先法筛选出一批关联式,大量对比由关联式计算与由实验数据计算得出的换热系数与压降的偏差,研究关联式的适用性及可修正性。结果表明:M.K.Dobson等提出的冷凝换热关联式乘以修正系数2.13,能很好预测R404A在内螺纹管中的冷凝换热系数,与实验值正偏差为+15.51%,负偏差为-14.13%。X.C.Huang等提出的摩擦压降关联式能很好预测R404A在小管径内螺纹管内冷凝的摩擦压降,与实验值的正偏差为+12.56%,负偏差为-13.58%,两者均可为换热器设计计算提供较准确的理论指导。  相似文献   

针对一种双侧强化换热管,实验测试和分析了制冷工质R404A在管外凝结与水在管内对流的传热规律,采用"Wilson图解法"和"Gnielinski法"两种不同的方法对实验数据进行了处理。经理论分析和实验研究表明,Wilson图解法对于双侧强化换热管管内、管外表面传热系数实验容易产生较大误差,"Gnielinski法"是更合适的方法。实验得出了管内对流传热和管外凝结传热的计算关联式及传热的强化倍率。对于制冷剂R404A,在强化管外凝结的表面传热系数随着壁面过冷度的增加而增大,呈现出与纯工质光滑管外冷凝时不同的变化趋势。  相似文献   

一种冷凝强化换热管传热性能的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以目前广泛使用的R22为工质,对一种冷凝强化换热管管外冷凝换热性能进行了实验研究.管内以乙二醇为冷却介质.在恒定热流密度、变乙二醇流速与乙二醇流速不变条件下,改变乙二醇进口温度得到一系列实验数据,再通过威尔逊(Wilson)图解法同时得到管内外换热关联式.给出了不同管内流速时管外冷凝换热性能对比图.该冷凝强化换热管管外冷凝换热性能与普通光管相比,传热强化倍率为4.48.由于管内表面有细微的凹凸形状,使管内对流换热系数达到光滑管的1.33倍.  相似文献   

采用特殊形状和表面的管子是最为常用、有效的强化换热手段。本文基于滴形管换热器回收天然气锅炉排烟余热,提出了烟气侧的换热系数实验关联式。通过改变换热管间的排列间距,在不同烟气流量下,对圆管和滴形管的换热性能及影响因素进行了分析。与实验数据比较,验证了实验关联式可正确反映凝结换热的特性。结果表明:不同烟气量通过滴形换热管的压损小于圆管,约为圆管的0.33~0.38倍;烟气温度降大于圆管;冷却水通过滴形管的温升高于圆管;换热系数滴形管比圆管的提高约7%,表明滴形管的换热性能优于圆管。因此对于有凝结换热过程发生时,滴形换热管具有强化换热的作用。  相似文献   

The condensation heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop of CO2 in a multiport microchannel with a hydraulic diameter of 1.5 mm was investigated with variation of the mass flux from 400 to 1000 kgm−2s−1 and of the condensation temperature from −5 to 5 °C. The heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop increased with the decrease of condensation temperature and the increase of mass flux. However, the rate of increase of the heat transfer coefficient was retarded by these changes. The gradient of the pressure drop with respect to vapor quality is significant with the increase of mass flux. The existing models for heat transfer coefficient overpredicted the experimental data, and the deviation increased at high vapor quality and at high heat transfer coefficient. The smallest mean deviation of ±51.8% was found by the Thome et al. model. For the pressure drop, the Mishima and Hibiki model showed mean deviation of 29.1%.  相似文献   

制冷设备对换热器紧凑化和小型化的需求促使人们开发新型的强化传热技术,而管内扭带插入件是一种廉价且易于制造的被动强化传热技术,在制冷系统蒸发器中具备良好的应用潜力。扭带插入两相沸腾换热的管中能够增大表面传热系数,但同时也增大了管内压降。分析发现,通常情况下,质量流量、干度的变化与表面传热系数和压降的变化呈正相关,而管径、扭率、饱和温度的变化与表面传热系数和压降的变化呈负相关。沸腾换热过程复杂、评价指标选取不一、实验工况数量有限等因素是导致各学者总结的扭带插入的最佳条件不一致的主要原因。本文收集了各作者预测的内插扭带管内沸腾换热的表面传热系数和压降的关联式,认为管内扭带插入件还需要进一步明确最佳使用条件,并需要结合蒸发器整机或变频压缩机加以研究。  相似文献   

In the present study, the local characteristics of pressure drop and heat transfer are investigated experimentally for the condensation of pure refrigerant R134a in two kinds of 865 mm long multi-port extruded tubes having eight channels in 1.11 mm hydraulic diameter and 19 channels in 0.80 mm hydraulic diameter. The pressure drop is measured at an interval of 191 mm through small pressure measuring ports. The local heat transfer rate is measured in every subsection of 75 mm in effective cooling length using heat flux sensors. It is found that the experimental data of frictional pressure drop agree with the correlation of Mishima and Hibiki [Trans. JMSE (B) 61 (1995) 99], while the correlations of Chisholm and Laird [Trans. ASME 80 (1958) 227], Soliman et al. [Trans. ASME, Ser. C 90 (1998) 267], and Haraguchi et al. [Trans. JSME (B) 60 (1994) 239], overpredict. As a trial, the data of local heat transfer coefficient are also compared with correlations of Moser et al. [J. Heat Transfer 120 (1998) 410] and Haraguchi et al. [Trans. JSME (B) 60 (1994) 245]. The data of high mass velocity agree with the correlation of Moser et al., while those of low mass velocity show different trends. The correlation of Haraguchi et al. shows the trend similar to the data when the shear stress in their correlation is estimated using the correlation of Mishima and Hibiki.  相似文献   

Condensation heat transfer and pressure drop of R170 were studied experimentally in a horizontal tube with inner diameter of 4 mm. The tests were conducted at saturation pressures from 1 MPa to 2.5 MPa, mass fluxes from 100 kg (m2∙s)−1 to 250 kg (m2∙s)−1 and average heat fluxes from 55.3 kW m−2 to 96.3 kW m−2 over the entire vapor quality range. The effects of vapor quality, mass flux and saturation pressure on condensation heat transfer and pressure drop were examined and analyzed. The experimental data were compared with various well-known correlations of condensation heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop. The comparison results showed that Koyama et al. correlation agreed with the experimental heat transfer coefficient with a mean absolute relative deviation less than 25%, and the Yan and Lin correlation can accurately predict the experimental pressure drop with a mean absolute relative deviation less than 18%.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation on flow visualization of adiabatic and condensation conditions as well as condensation heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop of methane in a horizontal smooth tube was carried out. The tests were conducted at saturation pressure of 2–3.5 MPa with mass flux of 99–255 kg m−2 s−1 and fluid-to-wall temperature difference of 4.8–20.2 K throughout the vapor quality range. The effects of mass flux, saturation pressure, vapor quality and temperature difference were studied and discussed. In order to expand the range of temperature difference, some condensation heat transfer coefficients of ethane with larger temperature differences (19.7–39.2 K) were also reported in this paper. The experimental data were compared with many well-known correlations of condensation heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop. An improved heat transfer correlation for different flow patterns was proposed and predicted the experimental results well with a mean absolute relative deviation of 6.86%.  相似文献   

A model to predict the behaviour of finned tube evaporators and condensers working with R134a has been developed. For modelling of the refrigerant phase change, evaporation or condensation, the heat transfer and the pressure drop for the two-phase flow have to be calculated. Therefore, a number of correlations, the most recommended ones in the reviewed literature, have been analysed and compared. The results of this comparison are presented for the evaporation and condensation heat transfer coefficients and for the evaporator frictional pressure drop. Once the correlations have been implemented in the model and compared with the experimental results, the ones that work best for the studied heat exchangers have been ultimately selected.The experimental study to validate the model has been carried out in a small airconditioning unit with cross-flow air-refrigerant type heat exchangers. The results are compared with model predictions for thermal capacity, refrigerant superheat or subcooling, and tube-side pressure drop.  相似文献   

本文针对5 mm微肋管内R404A流动沸腾换热进行实验研究,并将研究结果与筛选出的一批换热模型进行适配性验证。实验工况:热流密度5~25 kW/m^2、饱和温度0℃、质量流率200~500 kg/(m^2·s)、干度为0.1~0.9。结果表明:Zhang Xiaoyan等的模型由于工质热物性差异较大,过高的预测了部分数据;Liu Zhongliang等的模型低估了热流密度对传热系数的影响,过低的预测了实验数据;S. M. Kim等的模型不能体现高干度区域传热系数的衰减,整体预测精度不高;K. E. Gungor等的模型能够很好的解释管内传热的过程,同时预测精度较高,平均绝对偏差仅27.46%。乘以修正系数1.372后的模型平均绝对偏差仅为8. 95%,落在30%偏差带上的数据多达98.18%。  相似文献   

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