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丁要军 《计算机应用》2015,35(12):3348-3351
针对不平衡网络流量分类精度不高的问题,在旋转森林算法的基础上结合Bagging算法的Bootstrap抽样和基于分类精度排序的基分类器选择算法,提出一种改进的旋转森林算法。首先,对原始训练集按特征进行子集划分并分别使用Bagging进行样本抽样,通过主成分分析(PCA)生成主成分系数矩阵;然后,在原始训练集和主成分系数矩阵的基础上进行特征转换,生成新的训练子集,再次使用Bagging对子集进行抽样,提升训练集的差异性,并使用训练子集训练C4.5基分类器;最后,使用测试集评价基分类器,依据总体分类精度进行排序筛选,保留分类精度较高的分类器并生成一致分类结果。在不平衡网络流量数据集上进行测试实验,依据准确率和召回率两个标准对C4.5、Bagging、旋转森林和改进的旋转森林四种算法评价,依据模型训练时间和测试时间评价四种算法的时间效率。实验结果表明改进的旋转森林算法对万维网(WWW)协议、Mail协议、Attack协议、对等网(P2P)协议的分类准确度达到99.5%以上,召回率也高于旋转森林、Bagging、C4.5三种算法,可用于网络入侵取证、维护网络安全、提升网络服务质量。  相似文献   

针对目前运动想象脑电信号特征提取单一,分类识别准确率低等现象,结合卷积神经网络分类器,提出了一种多维度特征加权融合的特征融合算法来提高运动想象脑电识别率。对预处理后的脑电信号进行小波包变换,提取其共空间特征、能量特征、边际谱熵特征以及非线性动力学特征,然后加权融合,使用卷积神经网络分类器分类。为验证算法的合理性,使用BCI-IV Dataset 2a数据集对提出的特征融合算法进行验证分析,结果表明,所提出的加权特征融合算法结合CNN分类器可以有效提高运动想象识别准确率。实验中,9位志愿者平均分类准确率达到75.88%,平均Kappa系数为0.70。  相似文献   

朴素贝叶斯分类器是一种简单而高效的分类器,但是其属性独立性假设限制了对实际数据的应用。提出一种新的算法,该算法为避免数据预处理时,训练集的噪声及数据规模使属性约简的效果不太理想,并进而影响分类效果,在训练集上通过随机属性选取生成若干属性子集,并以这些子集构建相应的贝叶斯分类器,进而采用遗传算法进行优选。实验表明,与传统的朴素贝叶斯方法相比,该方法具有更好的分类精度。  相似文献   

基于GEP和神经网络的属性约简分类算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分类(Classification)是数据挖掘(DataMining)中的一个重要研究方向,目前传统的方法有神经网络,Fisher判别法等。神经网络缺乏对分类结果的直观解释;Fisher判别对于大数据集分类准确率大大下降,且不具有属性约简能力。为此,该文做了如下工作(1)提出了自动获取最佳阈值的思想;(2)对于错分的实例,提出了运用神经网络分类器二次分类的思想;(3)提出了基于基因表达式编程和神经网络的属性约简分类算法(AttributionReductionClassificationAlgo-rithmsBasedonGEPandNeuralNetwork,ARCA-GEPNN);(4)实验表明,ARCA-GEPNN的分类精度比Fisher判别提高了约25%,比GEP提高了约21%。  相似文献   

王莉莉  付忠良  陶攀  朱锴 《计算机应用》2017,37(8):2253-2257
针对超声图像样本冗余、不同标准切面因疾病导致的高度相似性、感兴趣区域定位不准确问题,提出一种结合特征袋(BOF)特征、主动学习方法和多分类AdaBoost改进算法的经食管超声心动图(TEE)标准切面分类方法。首先采用BOF方法对超声图像进行描述;然后采用主动学习方法选择对分类器最有价值的样本作为训练集;最后,在AdaBoost算法对弱分类器的迭代训练中,根据临时强分类器的分类情况调整样本更新规则,实现对多分类AdaBoost算法的改进和TEE标准切面的分类。在TEE数据集和三个UCI数据集上的实验表明,相比AdaBoost.SAMME算法、多分类支持向量机(SVM)算法、BP神经网络和AdaBoost.M2算法,所提算法在各个数据集上的G-mean指标、整体分类准确率和大多数类别分类准确率都有不同程度的提升,且比较难分的类别分类准确率提升最为显著。实验结果表明,在包含类间相似样本的数据集上,分类器的性能有显著提升。  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的朴素贝叶斯分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朴素贝叶斯分类器是一种简单而高效的分类器,但是其属性独立性假设限制了对实际数据的应用。提出一种新的算法,该算法为避免数据预处理时,训练集的噪声及数据规模使属性约简的效果不太理想,并进而影响分类效果,在训练集上通过随机属性选取生成若干属性子集,并以这些子集构建相应的贝叶斯分类器,进而采用遗传算法进行优选。实验表明,与传统的朴素贝叶斯方法相比,该方法具有更好的分类精度。  相似文献   

为提高泥石流预测预报的准确性,提出一种基于DBSCAN聚类的改进极限学习机(ELM)算法。首先,利用DBSCAN算法对泥石流发生训练的数据进行聚类处理;其次,将聚类得到的不同训练集分类训练ELM分类器;最后,利用ELM分类器对预测集数据进行预测。实验结果表明,利用改进ELM算法对泥石流发生预测的平均准确率达到91.6%,改进ELM算法的稳定性与传统ELM算法相比有明显提高,与传统ELM算法、BP神经网络和Fisher预测法相比,改进ELM算法的预测精度更高。  相似文献   

基于仿生模式识别的用户概貌攻击集成检测方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对有监督方法在检测用户概貌攻击时准确率不高的问题,通过引入仿生模式识别理论和集成学习技术提出一种集成检测方法.首先,通过计算被覆盖直线段与最近邻真实概貌的距离,提出一种自适应神经元超球半径计算算法,为每个神经元确定合适的超球半径;然后利用该超球半径对现有的一个3层神经网络进行重新设计,使其能够对攻击概貌样本进行更合理覆盖,以提高分类性能;最后,提出一种用户概貌攻击集成检测框架,通过组合多种攻击类型,利用提出的基训练集生成算法建立不同的基训练集,以训练新设计的神经网络生成基分类器,基于信息论得分(information theoretic score,ITS)算法提出一种选择性集成检测算法对基分类器进行筛选,并采用多数投票策略融合基分类器的输出结果.在MovieLens和Netflix两个不同规模的真实数据集上的实验结果表明,所提出的集成检测方法能够在保持较高召回率的条件下有效提高用户概貌攻击检测的准确率.  相似文献   

本文采用深度学习算法中的卷积神经网络对细胞图像进行识别, 实现对宫颈细胞图像的自动分类. 首先对宫颈细胞进行预处理, 通过细胞核裁剪解决图像输入尺寸不一的问题, 对图像进行翻转平移, 对数据集进行扩充, 并解决样本量不均衡的问题; 接着选取VGG-16网络进行改进, 使用改进后的VGG-16网络进行特征提取, 以及细胞分类; 并采用迁移学习的方法加载预训练网络参数, 进而加快参数收敛速度, 提高分类准确率; 最终通过对网络的训练, 得到了较好的分类结果, 将分类结果与人工提取特征设计分类器的方法相比, 分类的准确率有所提高, 二分类的准确率达97.3%, 七分类的准确率达89%. 实验结果表明: 卷积神经网络对宫颈细胞图像进行自动分类, 分类准确率相比较人工提取特征分类器效果较好, 且分类结果不受分割图像准确率的影响.  相似文献   

一种协同半监督分类算法Co-S3OM   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高半监督分类的有效性, 提出了一种基于SOM神经网络和协同训练的半监督分类算法Co-S3OM (coordination semi-supervised SOM)。将有限的有标记样本分为无重复的三个均等的训练集, 分别使用改进的监督SSOM算法(supervised SOM)训练三个单分类器, 通过三个单分类器共同投票的方法挖掘未标记样本中的隐含信息, 扩大有标记样本的数量, 依次扩充单分类器训练集, 生成最终的分类器。最后选取UCI数据集进行实验, 结果表明Co-S3OM具有较高的标记率和分类率。  相似文献   

This paper explores the potential of an artificial immune‐based supervised classification algorithm for land‐cover classification. This classifier is inspired by the human immune system and possesses properties similar to nonlinear classification, self/non‐self identification, and negative selection. Landsat ETM+ data of an area lying in Eastern England near the town of Littleport are used to study the performance of the artificial immune‐based classifier. A univariate decision tree and maximum likelihood classifier were used to compare its performance in terms of classification accuracy and computational cost. Results suggest that the artificial immune‐based classifier works well in comparison with the maximum likelihood and the decision‐tree classifiers in terms of classification accuracy. The computational cost using artificial immune based classifier is more than the decision tree but less than the maximum likelihood classifier. Another data set from an area in Spain is also used to compare the performance of immune based supervised classifier with maximum likelihood and decision‐tree classification algorithms. Results suggest an improved performance with the immune‐based classifier in terms of classification accuracy with this data set, too. The design of an artificial immune‐based supervised classifier requires several user‐defined parameters to be set, so this work is extended to study the effect of varying the values of six parameters on classification accuracy. Finally, a comparison with a backpropagation neural network suggests that the neural network classifier provides higher classification accuracies with both data sets, but the results are not statistically significant.  相似文献   

非限制场景下存在光照、遮挡和姿态变化等问题,这严重影响了人脸识别模型的性能和准确度.针对该问题,本文对facenet进行改进,提出了一种基于facenet皮尔森判别网络的人脸识别方法facenetPDN.首先,构建facenetPDN深度卷积神经网络,在facenet前端融合多任务级联卷积神经网络进行人脸检测提取目标人...  相似文献   

传统的分类算法大都默认所有类别的分类代价一致,导致样本数据非均衡时产生分类性能急剧下降的问题.对于非均衡数据分类问题,结合神经网络与降噪自编码器,提出一种改进的神经网络实现非均衡数据分类算法,在神经网络模型输入层与隐层之间加入一层特征受损层,致使部分冗余特征值丢失,降低数据集的不平衡度,训练模型得到最优参数后进行特征分类得到结果.选取UCI标准数据集的3组非均衡数据集进行实验,结果表明采用该算法对小数据集的分类精度有明显改善,但是数据集较大时,分类效果低于某些分类器.该算法的整体分类效果要优于其他分类器.  相似文献   

Artificial neural networks have been shown to perform well in automatic speech recognition (ASR) tasks, although their complexity and excessive computational costs have limited their use. Recently, a recurrent neural network with simplified training, the echo state network (ESN), was introduced by Jaeger and shown to outperform conventional methods in time series prediction experiments. We created the predictive ESN classifier by combining the ESN with a state machine framework. In small-vocabulary ASR experiments, we compared the noise-robust performance of the predictive ESN classifier with a hidden Markov model (HMM) as a function of model size and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The predictive ESN classifier outperformed an HMM by 8-dB SNR, and both models achieved maximum noise-robust accuracy for architectures with more states and fewer kernels per state. Using ten trials of random sets of training/validation/test speakers, accuracy for the predictive ESN classifier, averaged between 0 and 20 dB SNR, was 81plusmn3%, compared to 61plusmn2% for an HMM. The closed-form regression training for the ESN significantly reduced the computational cost of the network, and the reservoir of the ESN created a high-dimensional representation of the input with memory which led to increased noise-robust classification.  相似文献   

The vulnerabilities in the Communication (TCP/IP) protocol stack and the availability of more sophisticated attack tools breed in more and more network hackers to attack the network intentionally or unintentionally, leading to Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. The DDoS attacks could be detected using the existing machine learning techniques such as neural classifiers. These classifiers lack generalization capabilities which result in less performance leading to high false positives. This paper evaluates the performance of a comprehensive set of machine learning algorithms for selecting the base classifier using the publicly available KDD Cup dataset. Based on the outcome of the experiments, Resilient Back Propagation (RBP) was chosen as base classifier for our research. The improvement in performance of the RBP classifier is the focus of this paper. Our proposed classification algorithm, RBPBoost, is achieved by combining ensemble of classifier outputs and Neyman Pearson cost minimization strategy, for final classification decision. Publicly available datasets such as KDD Cup, DARPA 1999, DARPA 2000, and CONFICKER were used for the simulation experiments. RBPBoost was trained and tested with DARPA, CONFICKER, and our own lab datasets. Detection accuracy and Cost per sample were the two metrics evaluated to analyze the performance of the RBPBoost classification algorithm. From the simulation results, it is evident that RBPBoost algorithm achieves high detection accuracy (99.4%) with fewer false alarms and outperforms the existing ensemble algorithms. RBPBoost algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms with maximum gain of 6.6% and minimum gain of 0.8%.  相似文献   

BP算法(反向传播算法)以其良好的非线性逼近能力、泛化能力以及实用性成为了人工神经网络训练算法中应用最为广泛的算法.但同时使用BP算法又存在收敛速度较慢、易陷入局部极小值等问题.为了将BP算法用于大规模数据分类问题,采用MapReduce思想,将大数据集切分成若干小的数据集来并行加速处理,同时引入Bagging算法的思想来综合并行结果,提高分类的准确率.通过在各个节点上根据子数据集独立地训练各个BP神经网络,直至各网络收敛,再将各节点上的网络收集起来进行集成,形成最终的分类器.基于Spark平台的实验表明,本文提出的算法具有良好的并行加速性能,且具有较高的分类准确率.  相似文献   

This study investigates the potential of applying the radial basis function (RBF) neural network architecture for the classification of multispectral very high spatial resolution satellite images into 13 classes of various scales. For the development of the RBF classifiers, the innovative fuzzy means training algorithm is utilized, which is based on a fuzzy partition of the input space. The method requires only a short amount of time to select both the structure and the parameters of the RBF classifier. The new technique was applied to the area of Lake Kerkini, which is a wetland of great ecological value, located in northern Greece. Eleven experiments were carried out in total in order to investigate the performance of the classifier using different input parameters (spectral and textural) as well as different window sizes and neural network complexities. For comparison purposes the same satellite scene was classified using the maximum likelihood (MLH) classification with the same set of training samples. Overall, the neural network classifiers outperformed the MLH classification by 10–17%, reaching a maximum overall accuracy of 78%. Analysis showed that the selection of input parameters is vital for the success of the classifiers. On the other hand, the incorporation of textural analysis and/or modification of the window size do not affect the performance substantially.  相似文献   

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