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陈杰  许春香  张源  蒋昌松  韩云霞  曹辰辰 《软件学报》2023,34(12):5787-5806
图形口令既可以减轻用户记忆传统文本口令的负担, 又可以简化用户输入口令的步骤, 近年来, 广泛应用于移动设备的用户认证. 现有的图形口令认证方案面临严峻的安全问题. 首先, 图形口令容易遭受肩窥攻击: 用户的登录过程被攻击者通过眼睛或者摄像头等方式偷窥导致图形口令泄露. 更为严重的是, 这类认证方案不能抵抗凭证泄露攻击: 服务器存储与用户图形口令有关的认证凭证并利用其验证用户身份, 攻击者如果得到服务器保存的凭证就可以通过离线口令猜测攻击恢复用户图形口令. 为了解决上述问题, 提出了一个安全的图形口令认证方案(GADL). GADL方案通过将随机的挑战值嵌入到用户的图形口令来抵御肩窥攻击, 因此攻击者即使捕获了用户的登录信息也无法得到用户图形口令. 为了解决服务器凭证数据库泄露问题, GADL方案采用了一种确定性的门限盲签名技术来保护用户图形口令. 该技术利用多个密钥服务器来协助用户生成凭证, 使得攻击者即使获得凭证也无法实施离线猜测攻击来获得用户口令. 给出的安全性分析证明了GADL方案可以抵抗上述攻击. 此外, 给出了全面的性能分析表明GADL方案在计算、存储和通信开销这3个方面性能较高, 且在移动设备上易于部署.  相似文献   

基于对称密钥的认证协议需要通信双方拥有共同的密钥,共享密钥的更新存在安全问题。针对上述问题,提出一个以数字信封技术注册图像口令的图像口令认证方案,利用基于身份加密算法的密钥分配协议解决共享密钥的更新问题,采用动态图像序列的登录方式抵抗肩窥攻击,且用户可以自由选择图像口令。理论分析结果证明,该方案可以抵抗重放攻击等常规攻击,并节省通信带宽。  相似文献   

凌振  杨彦  刘睿钊  张悦  贾康  杨明 《软件学报》2022,33(6):2047-2060
移动终端在飞速发展的同时也带来了安全问题,其中,口令是用户信息的第一道安全防线,因此针对用户口令的窃取攻击是主要的安全威胁之一.利用Android系统中Toast机制设计的缺陷,实现了一种基于Toast重复绘制机制的新型口令攻击.通过分析Android Toast机制的实现原理和功能特点,发现恶意应用可利用Java反射技术定制可获取用户点击事件的Toast钓鱼键盘.虽然Toast会自动定时消亡,但是由于Toast淡入淡出动画效果的设计缺陷,恶意应用可优化Toast绘制策略,通过重复绘制Toast钓鱼键盘使其长时间驻留并覆盖于系统键盘之上,从而实现对用户屏幕输入的隐蔽劫持.最后,攻击者可以通过分析用户点击在Toast钓鱼键盘上的坐标信息,结合实际键盘布局推测出用户输入的口令.在移动终端上实现该攻击并进行了用户实验,验证了该攻击的有效性、准确性和隐蔽性,结果表明:当口令长度为8时,攻击成功率为89%.发现的口令漏洞已在Android最新版本中得到修复.  相似文献   

徐渊 《计算机应用研究》2020,37(7):2108-2111
针对现有口令认证密钥交换协议易受各种网络攻击,影响用户私密信息安全的问题,提出一种基于移动端协助的硬口令认证密钥交换协议,在移动端的辅助下,允许用户使用单一口令建立与服务器之间的安全会话。协议中,用户无须记忆任何复杂的私钥信息,即使移动设备丢失、被盗或遭受恶意软件侵袭,也不会损害用户信息。安全性和性能分析表明,协议明显降低了服务器的计算消耗,大大提高了用户私密信息的安全性,可以抵御字典攻击、中间人攻击等的影响,减轻用户记忆负担,缓解存储压力,易于部署。  相似文献   

为了增强用户身份认证机制的安全性,在传统的口令认证方式的基础上,提出了一种基于模糊逻辑的击键特征用户认证方法。该方法利用模糊逻辑对用户输入口令的键盘特征进行分析鉴别,并结合用户口令进行用户身份认证。该方法有效弥补了传统的口令机制易被攻击的缺点,有一定的实用性。  相似文献   

基于模糊提取的远程双向生物认证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的远程生物认证采用安全信道或者生物认证过程本地化的方法,具有较多的局限性.模糊提取可从生物特征输入中以容错的方式可靠地提取出均匀分布的随机密钥,当输入发生变化且变化很小时,该密钥保持不变.基于这一重要工具,给出了一个零存储的非安全信道双向生物认证方案.该方案无需存储和传输用户的生物特征,有效保护了用户隐私,并能够抵抗假冒攻击和多服务器合谋攻击.此外,所给方案还具有良好的可扩展性,集成口令和智能卡可产生多因素认证方案,并支持用户注册更新.  相似文献   

基于Android的移动终端安全管理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对Android移动终端设备安全和敏感数据泄露的问题,设计并实现基于Android的移动终端安全管理系统,允许用户远程对移动终端设备和其存储的数据进行安全管理。该系统采用C/S架构,客户端允许用户将移动终端注册到服务端,并通过在移动终端嵌入可信平台模块实现基于口令、设备和SIM卡三因素的本地用户身份识别。服务端允许用户通过Web平台对已注册的移动终端进行定位、锁定、数据加解密、数据擦除等远程安全管理。为防止用户的远程操作指令受到假冒攻击,以椭圆曲线加密和零知识证明为基础,实现移动终端对服务端的远程身份认证。实验结果表明,该系统能保障移动终端设备通信安全,防止假冒攻击。  相似文献   

移动互联网单服务器环境下传统身份认证方案存在用户需要针对不同的服务器记忆相应的不同口令,以及传统认证方式中的口令泄漏等安全问题。为解决以上问题,文章提出一种移动互联网单服务器环境下基于SM9算法的身份认证方案。用户针对不同的应用系统,仅需记忆统一的标识和口令,即可在不同的应用系统中通过身份认证,从而获得应用服务和访问资源的权限。文章方案将SM9标识密码算法与口令隐藏相结合,采用一次一密的方式实现密文传输、双向认证,达到了更高的安全性和健壮性,并能减轻用户的记忆负担,给用户带来更好的应用体验。通过安全性分析,文章方案能抵抗重放攻击、仿冒攻击、智能设备丢失攻击等常见攻击。通过性能对比,文章方案比同类方案具有更强的鲁棒性、更高的安全性、更好的便捷性和更少的计算成本,在移动支付、非接触门禁等高安全性需求场景中有较大的应用价值。  相似文献   

研究了图形密码的身份认证方式。在详细分析移动Web服务特点的基础上,设计了面向移动Web服务的图形密码认证方案。经分析可得:该方案可有效抵御针对移动终端的肩窥攻击和木马攻击,也可有效抵御网络传输信息的拦截攻击,同时,该方案不要求移动终端在每次认证时进行复杂的运算。  相似文献   

介绍一种利用蓝牙手机实现口令管理的方法。该方法既具有一般口令管理给用户带来的方便高效的优点,又避免了一般传统口令管理工具由于安装在易受攻击的个人电脑上而产生的不安全因素。同时该方法提供了登录界面的验证方法,可以确保在登录时将口令准确地输入到合法的界面中,从而可以有效地抵御常见的钓鱼攻击。  相似文献   

当今社会智能手表的使用越来越广泛,其中存储了用户大量的个人信息,需要设计合适的方法对其进行保护.PIN是密码是使用广泛的一种方式,但存在抗泄露性不足的问题.提出了一种智能手表身份认证方案,基于传统的数字密码认证设计,通过震动语义提示输入的密码位数.开展了3个实验来研究这种方法的表现.首先研究了能否被用户快速并且准备判别的震动时长组合.结果显示400ms和100ms的组合使用效果最好.随后设计了一组震动提示方案,并建立了震动和密码第几位的映射关系,经由实验证实了该方案能够被有效地记忆与实践.最后测试了在模拟真实情况下的密码输入.结果表明,设置5位密码进行4位输入可以导致保证较快的输入速度和较高的准确度,同时,能够保证较高的密码抗泄露性.为智能手表的身份认证设计提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

在详细分析链路密钥生成过程基础上,通过对PIN码攻击原理的剖析,提出并实现了一种通过对用户输入的PIN码进行增加复杂度的变换来防御PIN码攻击的解决方法。经过测试,该方案能够有效抵御PIN码的攻击,保证在用户输入较短PIN码的情况下蓝牙网络的安全。  相似文献   

Upcoming mobile devices will have flexible displays, allowing us to explore alternate forms of user authentication. On flexible displays, users can interact with the device by deforming the surface of the display through bending. In this paper, we present Bend Passwords, a new type of user authentication that uses bend gestures as its input modality. We ran three user studies to evaluate the usability and security of Bend Passwords and compared it to PINs on a mobile phone. Our first two studies evaluated the creation and memorability of user-chosen and system-assigned passwords. The third study looked at the security problem of shoulder-surfing passwords on mobile devices. Our results show that bend passwords are a promising authentication mechanism for flexible display devices. We provide eight design recommendations for implementing Bend Passwords on flexible display devices.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new scheme that uses digraph substitution rules to conceal the mechanism or activity required to derive password-images is proposed. In the proposed method, a user is only required to click on one of the pass-image instead of both pass-images shown in each challenge set for three consecutive sets.While this activity is simple enough to reduce login time, the images clicked appear to be random and can only be obtained with complete knowledge of the registered password along with the activity rules. Thus, it becomes impossible for shoulder-surfing attackers to obtain the information about which password images and pass-images are used by the user. Although the attackers may know about the digraph substitution rules used in the proposed method, the scenario information used in each challenge set remains. User study results reveal an average login process of less than half a minute. In addition, the proposed method is resistant to shoulder-surfing attacks.  相似文献   

The pattern password method is amongst the most attractive authentication methods and involves drawing a pattern; this is seen as easier than typing a password. However, since people with visual impairments have been increasing their usage of smart devices, this method is inaccessible for them as it requires them to select points on the touch screen. Therefore, this paper exploits the haptic technology by introducing a vibration-based pattern password approach in which the vibration feedback plays an important role. This approach allows visually impaired people to use a pattern password through two developed vibration feedback: pulses, which are counted by the user, and duration, which has to be estimated by the user. In order to make the proposed approach capable to prevent shoulder-surfing attacks, a camouflage pattern approach is applied. An experimental study is conducted to evaluate the proposed approach, the results of which show that the vibration pulses feedback is usable and resistant to shoulder-surfing attacks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the actual risks of stealing user PINs by using mobile sensors versus the perceived risks by users. First, we propose PINlogger.js which is a JavaScript-based side channel attack revealing user PINs on an Android mobile phone. In this attack, once the user visits a website controlled by an attacker, the JavaScript code embedded in the web page starts listening to the motion and orientation sensor streams without needing any permission from the user. By analysing these streams, it infers the user’s PIN using an artificial neural network. Based on a test set of fifty 4-digit PINs, PINlogger.js is able to correctly identify PINs in the first attempt with a success rate of 74% which increases to 86 and 94% in the second and third attempts, respectively. The high success rates of stealing user PINs on mobile devices via JavaScript indicate a serious threat to user security. With the technical understanding of the information leakage caused by mobile phone sensors, we then study users’ perception of the risks associated with these sensors. We design user studies to measure the general familiarity with different sensors and their functionality, and to investigate how concerned users are about their PIN being discovered by an app that has access to all these sensors. Our studies show that there is significant disparity between the actual and perceived levels of threat with regard to the compromise of the user PIN. We confirm our results by interviewing our participants using two different approaches, within-subject and between-subject, and compare the results. We discuss how this observation, along with other factors, renders many academic and industry solutions ineffective in preventing such side channel attacks.  相似文献   

Smart wearables are body-worn small devices that require novel user interaction due to its compactness and wearability. Current UI/UX of smart wearables is rooted in a smartphone-like UI/UX that is inadequate in many cases constrained by such small form factors. To overcome these limitations, research efforts are invested for augmenting wearable devices with various sensors and improving efficiency of existing input modalities through careful orchestration. In this paper, we propose a new concept called lightful user interaction exploiting a readily available ambient light sensor as a novel and alternative user interface for smart wearables. We design and model lightful user interaction based on typical usages of representative smart wearables. Then, we demonstrate the proposed lightful user interaction through three implemented applications such as PIN entry, morse code, and control indicator, respectively. At the end, we evaluate the concept and applications in terms of occluded display area, input expressivity and lightweight implementation aspects to make a case for a promising novel and alternative UI for smart wearables.  相似文献   

Cognitive radio is an effective technology to alleviate the spectrum resource scarcity problem by opportunistically allocating the spare spectrum to unauthorized users. However, a serious denial-of-service (DoS) attack, named the ‘primary user emulation attack (PUEA)’, exists in the network to deteriorate the system performance. In this paper, we propose a PUEA detection method that exploits the radio channel information to detect the PUEA in the cognitive radio network. In the proposed method, the uniqueness of the channel impulse response (CIR) between the secondary user (SU) and the signal source is used to determine whether the received signal is transmitted by the primary user (PU) or the primary user emulator (PUE). The closed-form expressions for the false-alarm probability and the detection probability of the proposed PUEA detection method are derived. In addition, a modified subspace-based blind channel estimation method is presented to estimate the CIR, in order for the proposed PUEA detection method to work in the scenario where the SU has no prior knowledge about the structure and content of the PU signal. Numerical results show that the proposed PUEA detection method performs well although the difference in channel characteristics between the PU and PUE is small.  相似文献   

周慧娟  向荣 《计算机应用》2013,33(7):2067-2070
针对现有嵌入式中文输入系统输入设备种类支持单一、中文输入引擎效率低、用户体验差等问题,提出一种基于MicroWindows的智能中文输入系统。系统首先在前端的设备输入实现层模块式完成了不同类型的设备消息封装投递,然后在消息处理中心对各种输入设备的投递信息进行集中处理,通过统一分发处理的方式编码为输入法处理的消息类型,最后结合改进N元文法模型与用户模型实现中文输入引擎。MIPS等硬件平台的实际应用结果表明,该系统运行状态良好,汉字输入流畅快捷,比以往的中文输入方式提高了35%的输入效率。  相似文献   

唐奔宵  王丽娜  汪润  赵磊  陈青松 《软件学报》2019,30(8):2392-2414
针对移动设备中运动传感器侧信道的防御研究面临很多困难,已有的解决方案无法有效实现用户体验与防御能力之间的平衡,也难以覆盖各种类型的运动传感器侧信道.为了解决上述问题,系统地分析了运动传感器侧信道攻击的通用模型,针对侧信道构建过程,提出了一种基于差分隐私Laplace机制的传感器信号混淆方案.该方案实施于系统框架层,通过无差别地向传感器信号中实时注入少量受控噪声,干扰侧信道学习"用户行为-设备状态-传感器读数"之间的映射关系.构建了侧信道的通用模型,结合典型的侧信道,从理论层面详细地分析了信号混淆抵抗传感器侧信道攻击的原理,证明防御方案具有优异的普适性、可用性和灵活性,能够有效地对抗实验以外的已知或未知运动传感器侧信道攻击.最后,筛选出11种典型的运动传感器侧信道进行对抗实验,验证了该防御方案对抗实际攻击的有效性.  相似文献   

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