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CAD/CAPP/MRPⅡ/GT信息集成的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实现CIMS的关键技术之一是动态信息集成。本文论术字一CIMS系统中CAD/CAPP/MRPⅡ/GT之间的信息集成技术及其实现方法,提出了在CAD系统中通过建立与工艺设计工步内容相匹配的、基于设计基本特征和工艺基本特征的特征建模技术及处理来实现CAD/CAPP之间信息共享的方法;论述了CAPP系统通过与MRPⅡ系统中工艺路线管理模式块之间信息传递来实现并行CAPP设计的步骤,提出了GT与MRPⅡ之  相似文献   

CIMS环境下C/S与B/S混合模式系统的研究与开发   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
以CIMS环境下CAPP子系统为实例,基于CIMS环境下CAPP不仅需要与CAD/CAM的集成,而且也必须与ERP/MRPⅡ/MIS等分子系统集成的思想,分析了CAPP与CAD/CAM、ERP/MRPⅡ/MIS,CAQ、FMS/FMC等分了系统之间的关系和数据流,指出CIMS环境下不同用户对象对CAPP的要求及其用户权限各不相同。并据此提出基于C/S与B/S混合模式的CAPP系统设计方法。结合具体  相似文献   

CIMS环境下C/S与B/S混合模式CAPP系统的研究与开发   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
在基于CIMS环境下,CAPP不仅需要与CAD/CAM的集成,而且也必须与ERP/MHPII/MIS等分系统集成的思想,该文分析了CAPP与CAD/CAM、ERP/MRPII/MI 、CAQ、FMS/FMC等分系统之间的关系和数据流,指出CIMS环境下不同用户对象对CAPP的要求及用户权限的差异。并据此提出基于C/S与B/S混合模式的CAPP系统设计方法。结合具体 CIMS环境,开发了以 Web和数据库为支持环境的混合模式集成化 CAPP系统。  相似文献   

基于STEP的CAD/CAPP集成工具的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
长期以来,CAD/CAPP信息集成一直是CIMS系统的难点之一,且没有得到较好的解决。STEP标准的发展和应用,使其成为CAD/CAPP/CAM系统信息集成的基础。随着越来越多的CAD系统支持STEP标准,开发基于STEP的CAD/CAPP集成工具成为当务之急。  相似文献   

CAD/CAPP/CAM系统的一体化是计算机智能制造管理系统和计算机集成制造系统等的核心部分和重要研究课题,本文论述一个基于知识的柔性电路板模具CAPP/CAM系统-MEKCAM。首先讨论MEKCAM的结构及功能,然后介绍该系统所使用的有关知识和算法,最后,我们给出MEKCAM的实现方法及系统评价。  相似文献   

计算机辅助工艺过程设计(CAPP, Computer Aided Process Planning)的研究与开发始于20世纪60年代。最早提出CAPP技术的国家是前苏联,当时这一技术被称作“生产(工艺)准备系统”。具有里程碑意义的CAPP产品是设在美国的国际性组织CAM-I于1976年开发的CAPP(CAM-I' s Automated Process Planning)系统。国内 CAPP的研究始于20世纪80年代初, 1986年以后逐步形成了研发高潮。 经过二十多年的发展,国内外科研人员对CAPP技术进…  相似文献   

机械CAD软件精品XTMCAD公司产品XTMCAD特征化参数化集成机械CAD/CAPP/CAM系统板金CAD/CAPP/CAM系统模具CAD/CAM冷冲模CAD/CAM数控冲床、铣床、线切割图形自动编程系统图纸光栅、矢量混合编辑及矢量化系统工程图纸光...  相似文献   

CAD/CAPP/GAM是计算机集成制造系统中的关键环节,集中体现了物质流和信息流的集成。本文首先讨论CAD/CAPP/CAM系统开发的几种类型,然后对三个子系统进行功能分析,最后着重介绍了目前开发CAD/CAPP/CAM系统的重点技术,即并行工程哲理的运用和实现信息集成和共享的产品模型数据交换标准。  相似文献   

CAD/CAPP/CAM是计算机集成制造系统中的关键环节,集中体现了物质流和信息流的集成。本文首先讨论了CAD/CAPP/CAM系统开发的几种类型然后对三个子系统进行功能分析,最后着重介绍了上前开发CAD/CAPP/CAM系统的重点技术,即并行工程哲理的运用和实现信息集成和共享的产品模型数据交换标准。  相似文献   

本文具体论述了基于PDM的产品集成开发体系结构及系统集成框架。依据并行工程的产品开发哲理及细化设计循环的思想,分析了CAD/DFM/CAPP/CAM并行集成的实现方法。通过ODBC标准接口的方式实现了与MIS、MRPⅡ系统的集成,有效地达到了企业内部信息资源的共享。基于PDM框架来实现CAD/CAPP/CAM的并行集成是一种较为理想的模式。  相似文献   

The user-computer interface for color selection is of great significance for the use of colors incomputer graphics, particularly in some fields where the used colors have to be selected carefully. Thispaper discusses what factors have to be considered to design an effective user interface for color selec-tion. It also presents a method which shows how to represent 3D color spaces according to the psychol-ogy of color perception. Two examples of user interface for color selection are given. One is based onthe CLELUV uniform color space, the other is based on RGB-rotated color model.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a new approach for color transfer. Rather than transferring color from one image to another globally, we propose a system with a stroke‐based user interface to provide a direct indication mechanism. We further present a multiple local color transfer method. Through our system the user can easily enhance a defect (source) photo by referring to some other good quality (target) images by simply drawing some strokes. Then, the system will perform the multiple local color transfer automatically. The system consists of two major steps. First, the user draws some strokes on the source and target images to indicate corresponding regions and also the regions he or she wants to preserve. The regions to be preserved which will be masked out based on an improved graph cuts algorithm. Second, a multiple local color transfer method is presented to transfer the color from the target image(s) to the source image through gradient‐guided pixel‐wise color transfer functions. Finally, the defect (source) image can be enhanced seamlessly by multiple local color transfer based on some good quality (target) examples through an interactive and intuitive stroke‐based user interface.  相似文献   

Color is one of the primary elements of artistic expression. Its design and collocation play a very important role in image processing. While the number of people using the Internet is increasing, more attention is being paid to the user’s experience including the color design and matching of the Internet web interface, in order to reach the color design of the web interface with image processing as the core. This thesis firstly discusses the importance of web interface color design and matching in image processing from the image processing appeal of the web interface and the color characteristics of the web interface. Secondly, through a simulation experiment, the characteristics and emotional color of the web interface colors are analyzed. The function of interface color design and the application of the web interface color design, color matching and color emotion are summarized. This paper discusses the concept of the web interface color design with image processing as the core, provides theoretical guidance for implementing color design for web interface designers and related parties, and provides content for further exploring the color design of web interface in image processing.  相似文献   

空间是无形的,但围合空间的界面是具有材质、色彩、形状、纹理的实体。文章分析了底界面的各表现要素以及底界面具备的限定、提示、审美及隐喻等重要意义。并通过案例分析归纳总结出材料并置、材料拼贴、局部凸起或下沉、卷曲、倾斜等底界面处理手法在室内设计中的运用。  相似文献   

以网上书店为例,基于所发现的DeepWeb数据源,针对其查询接口,提出了一种基于领域知识的DeepWeb接口抽取方法,该方法采用正则表达式的规则提取查询接口,包括与控件相邻的文本语义词汇的提取和控件的提取,然而部分查询接口抽取出的文本语义信息比较繁琐,需借助页面中的字体颜色等特征,过滤非需要的信息,达到文中的目标。该方法获得了较好的结果,具有良好的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

We present a computational model and algorithm for detecting diffuse and specular interface reflections and some inter-reflections. Our color reflection model is based on the dichromatic model for dielectric materials and on a color space, called S space, formed with three orthogonal basis functions. We transform color pixels measured in RGB into the S space and analyze color variations on objects in terms of brightness, hue and saturation which are defined in the S space. When transforming the original RGB data into the S space, we discount the scene illumination color that is estimated using a white reference plate as an active probe. As a result, the color image appears as if the scene illumination is white. Under the whitened illumination, the interface reflection clusters in the S space are all aligned with the brightness direction. The brightness, hue and saturation values exhibit a more direct correspondence to body colors and to diffuse and specular interface reflections, shading, shadows and inter-reflections than the RGB coordinates. We exploit these relationships to segment the color image, and to separate specular and diffuse interface reflections and some inter-reflections from body reflections. The proposed algorithm is effications for uniformly colored dielectric surfaces under singly colored scene illumination. Experimental results conform to our model and algorithm within the liminations discussed.  相似文献   

为研究在低光照度情景下不同明度背景色人机界面的视觉工效,从而为此情景下的人机界面设计提供一定的参考,针对1.0~3.5 lux光照条件下的低光照度情景,对两个不同明度背景色的汽车中控人机界面设计方案进行视觉目标捕捉的眼动测试与主观感受评测,筛选出视觉工效较好的设计方案。在此过程中,对设计方案进行眼动测试,并收集用户主观评分,最后通过评价指标数据与权重进行计算,并依据两个设计方案的加权得分对其进行比较。结果表明,在1.0~3.5 lux的光照条件下,低明度背景色人机界面的视觉工效优于高明度背景色人机界面。  相似文献   

秦刚  段晨东  李磊  代杰 《电子技术应用》2012,38(3):54-56,59
为了使低端MCU获取高性能的实时监视界面,研究了基于彩色液晶模块的字符串、静态与动态图像的显示方法。以微控制器为核心,采用8 bit总线方式开发了彩色TFT液晶模块的智能仪表界面。在论述图像转换像素矩阵原理的基础上,研究了图文混合显示的方法和实现步骤,建立了测量参数与显示模块像素之间的坐标转换关系,并且利用滚屏刷新的方法实现实时曲线的动态显示。用实例验证了文本、图形和实时曲线显示方法的可行性。  相似文献   

为提升自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)儿童干预 APP 的康复效果,为设计师提供合理有效的参考,提出 一种基于 PCCS 色彩体系的 ASD 儿童干预 APP 界面配色评价方法。首先通过文献分析和焦点小组法,构建基 于 PCCS 色彩体系的 ASD 儿童干预 APP 界面配色评价体系;其次运用 AHP 法获取各项评价指标的权重;再 次筛选得到 8 个基于 PCCS 色彩体系的界面配色设计方案,邀请专家对其打分,得到初始评判矩阵;然后通过 TOPSIS 法获得各方案的排序结果;最后对结果进行解析。研究表明,ASD 儿童对绿色、蓝色等冷色调及明度、 纯度较高的色彩具有较高的认可度;在 PCCS 色调图中,ASD 儿童更喜爱轻柔色调、浅色调、邻近色与互补色 的搭配;在界面配色设计中应更趋于明快、清晰、和谐、稳重的色彩搭配。将该评价方法应用于干预 APP 界 面配色实验方案评价中,可以提高设计评价过程中的客观性、科学性,为设计师进行决策提供参考,更好地促 进 ASD 儿童干预 APP 的发展。  相似文献   

学前儿童教育软件是现代学前教育中不可缺少的一项辅助工具。对学前儿童来说,色彩不但更具吸引力,并且会对其身心发育产生一定影响,因此学前儿童软件界面色彩较其它界面元素的设计更为重要。论文讨论分析了学前儿童色彩感受力与色彩偏好,以及色彩对学前儿童智力和性情的影响作用,并在此基础上总结出了适合学前儿童发展特点的软件界面色彩运用规律,以期对当前的学前软件色彩设计有所启发,更好促进学前儿童的身心健康发展。  相似文献   

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