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在研究器件建模和粒子群优化算法的基础上,提出了基于粒子群优化算法的器件模型表面势求解,从而建立整套模型参数。在粒子群优化算法的程序实现上,采用JAVA面向对象语言,封装粒子对象,进化中的粒子个体不断接近最优解。之后对经典的器件模型表面势方程进行了测试,证明了粒子群优化算法在器件建模方面的可行性。  相似文献   

分析量子计算的特点,对量子旋转门进行研究,给出了新的量子旋转门调整策略,并与离散二进制粒子群优化算法进行组合,提出了二进制量子粒子群优化算法。该算法具有收敛速度快、全局寻优能力强的特点。用典型复杂函数对其进行测试,测试结果表明,算法的优化质量和效率都优于离散二进制粒子群优化算法。将二进制量子粒子群优化算法与阈值法相结合应用于图像分割,结果表明了基于二进制量子粒子群优化算法的二维熵图像分割法用于阈值寻优具有更快的收敛速度和更好的全局寻优能力。  相似文献   

提出一种新的模糊粒子群优化算法--收敛模糊粒子群优化算法.重点研究了收敛因子的确定和模糊隶属度函数的选择对算法性能的影响,在考虑计算效率的同时,提高了算法的精度.利用4个基准函数测试了收敛模糊粒子群优化算法的性能,并与模糊粒子群优化算法、收敛粒子群优化算法以及基本粒子群优化算法进行了对比.实验结果表明,新算法具有很好的性能.  相似文献   




为克服粒子群优化算法容易陷入局部最优值的缺点,提出了基于变异思想的粒子群优化算法,为提高粒子群优化算法的计算精度,利用混沌运动随机性、遍历性的特点,提出了一种基于混沌思想的改进粒子群优化算法,进而提出了基于混沌变异的改进粒子群优化算法(CMPSO).基于几种典型benchmark函数的测试研究结果表明,该算法与基本PSO算法和遗传算法相比,较好地克服了早熟收敛,提高了算法的搜索精度.将该算法应用于水库优化调度问题中,所得结果优于标准粒子群优化算法和遗传算法,这也验证了混沌变异粒子群优化算法的有效性.  相似文献   

粒子群优化算法,起源于鸟群行为的研究,是一种基于群智能的进化计算技术,通过粒子之间的协作与竞争以实现对多维复杂空间的高效搜索。提出了基于Petri网的并行粒子群算法,并采用经典测试函数验证算法的有效性。测试结果表明,算法能很好地控制粒子群优化过程中的早熟问题,并能够较好地得到群落全局最优解。  相似文献   

粒子群优化算法(PSO)是一种新兴的优化技术,它的思想来源于人工生命和演化计算理论。PSO通过粒子追随自己找到的最好解和整个群的最好解来完成优化。粒子群算法简单容易实现,可调参数少,已经得到了广泛研究和应用。提出了一种结合有限元方法求解偏微分方程反问题的混合粒子群算法,在对多个抛物型方程反问题模型测试的数值模拟中都得到了较好的结果,体现了该算法的有效性、通用性和稳健性。  相似文献   

刘彬  张仁津 《计算机应用》2013,33(12):3375-3379
为了让多目标粒子群优化算法在运行过程中保持粒子的多样性,提出了一种初始化方法和动态多粒子群协作的多目标优化算法。根据粒子群在决策空间中的分布情况动态增加或者减少粒子群数量;为避免粒子收敛速度过快,改进了决定粒子飞行速度的因素,速度值依赖于粒子当前速度惯性、粒子最优值,群最优值和所有群最优值。用五个测试函数对算法进行了测试并与多目标粒子群优化进行了比较,测试结果表明提出的算法优于多目标粒子群优化算法。  相似文献   

类集成测试序列的确定是面向对象类集成测试技术中的一个重要课题。合理的类集成测试序列可以降低为其构造测试桩的总体复杂度,从而减小测试代价。针对粒子群优化算法容易早熟的缺陷,文中提出一种基于梦境粒子群优化算法的类集成测试序列生成方法。首先把每个类集成测试序列映射为一维空间中的一个粒子,然后将粒子看作有做梦能力的个体。每个迭代周期分为白天和夜间两个阶段,在白天阶段粒子正常移动,而在夜间阶段粒子根据各自的做梦能力扭曲当前位置。如此,粒子有机会在当前位置附近进行搜索,使得算法减缓收敛速度,避免过早陷入局部最优。实验结果表明,多数情况下该方法可以得到测试代价更小的类集成测试序列。  相似文献   

一种适于求解离散问题的二进制粒子群优化算法è   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
分析了二进制粒子群优化算法(BPSO)的缺陷.为克服此缺陷提出了"粒子位置的双重结构编码"的概念,以此为基础给出一种新的二进制粒子群优化算法--具有双重结构编码的二进制粒子群优化算法(简称DS_BPSO).DS_BPSO算法既保留了PSO的优点,又非常适用于求解离散优化问题.对随机3-SAT测试实例的数值计算表明:该算法的性能远远超过BPSO算法.  相似文献   

Hyperledger Fabric区块链平台作为一种经典代表广泛应用于各种现实场景,其性能及其指标的量化影响成为众多科研人员的关注焦点。本文针对基于Hyperledger Fabric区块链平台的交通产品质量控制系统,通过性能测试过程模型及架构的明确,基于平台性能基准测试,研究建立以选取吞吐率、读写吞吐量、响应时间、区块生成速率以及交易延迟来分析出块时间、区块最大交易条数、区块首选字节数、区块最大字节数以及总连接数等因素对平台性能影响的方法体系,其研究和分析应用源于工程领域典型案例,具体化、针对性和可移植性特征明显。结果表明该方法体系可有效测试区块链平台的服务性能,并能对各指标的影响进行量化分析,测试评估工作质量和效率明显提升,对平台服务性能优化提升具有实际指导意义。  相似文献   

There exists a gap between control theory and control practice, i.e., all control methods suggested by researchers are not implemented in real systems and, on the other hand, many important industrial problems are not studied in the academic research. Benchmark problems can help close this gap and provide many opportunities for members in both the controls theory and application communities. The goal is to survey and give pointers to different general controls and modeling related benchmark problems that can serve as inspiration for future benchmarks and then specifically focus the benchmark coverage on automotive control engineering application. In the paper reflections are given on how different categories of benchmark designers, benchmark solvers and third part users can benefit from providing, solving, and studying benchmark problems. The paper also collects information about several benchmark problems and gives pointers to papers than give more detailed information about different problems that have been presented.  相似文献   

The transport protocols for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) play vital role in achieving the high performance together with longevity of the network. The researchers are continuously contributing in developing new transport layer protocols based on different principles and architectures enabling different combinations of technical features. The uniqueness of each new protocol more or less lies in these functional features, which can be commonly classified based on their proficiencies in fulfilling congestion control, reliability support, and prioritization. The performance of these protocols has been evaluated using dissimilar set of experimental/simulation parameters, thus there is no well defined benchmark for experimental/simulation settings. The researchers working in this area have to compare the performance of the new protocol with the existing protocols to prove that new protocol is better. However, one of the major challenges faced by the researchers is investigating the performance of all the existing protocols, which have been tested in different simulation environments. This leads the significance of having a well-defined benchmark for the experimental/simulation settings. If the future researchers simulate their protocols according to a standard set of simulation/experimental settings, the performance of those protocols can be directly compared with each other just using the published simulation results. This article offers a twofold contribution to support researchers working in the area of WSN transport protocol design. First, we extensively review the technical features of existing transport protocols and suggest a generic framework for a WSN transport protocol, which offers a strong groundwork for the new researchers to identify the open research issues. Second we analyse the experimental settings, focused application areas and the addressed performance criteria of existing protocols; thus suggest a benchmark of experimental/simulation settings for evaluating prospective transport protocols.  相似文献   

随着光学分子影像研究的不断深入及相关实验的不断改进,越来越多的研究人员迫切需要一种仿真平台来辅助研究光传输过程。介绍了一种集成多种光学分子成像模态前向仿真的软件平台MOSE(Molecular Optical Simulation Environment)。该平台以光学分子成像实验为基础,实现了光在混沌介质及自由空间中的传输仿真算法,并在统一的光学分子成像仿真框架上整合了图形显示与数据分析等功能。给出了整个平台的结构设计、仿真算法、图形显示及其他设计细节,并给出了应用示例来展示MDSE的仿真功能。实验结果表明,相关研究人员通过该平台可快速实现光学成像研究中的实验仿真及数据分析,提高研究效率并降低研究成本。  相似文献   

为降低智能交通系统中车辆的能量消耗,该研究以智能网联汽车为研究对象,提出了一种车 辆速度优化控制方法。该方法以车辆的能量消耗模型为依据,综合考虑了其他车辆以及交通信号灯配 时对车速的影响。通过瞬时优化算法实时计算出经济车速,从而降低车辆的能量消耗并减少车辆的信 号灯等待时间。为验证其有效性,该研究提出了 3 种基准测试方法,并在 Vissim/Autonomie 联合仿真平 台上对几种方法进行了比较。结果显示,该方法分别实现了 14.32%、9.74% 和 73.72% 的能耗降低。  相似文献   

Fault-tolerant control combines fault detection and isolation techniques with supervisory control, to achieve the autonomous accommodation of faults before they develop into failures. While fault detection and isolation (FDI) methods have matured during the past decade, the extension to fault-tolerant control is a fairly new area. This paper presents a ship propulsion system as a benchmark that should be useful as a platform for the development of new ideas and a comparison of methods. The benchmark has two main elements. One is the development of efficient FDI algorithms, and the other is the analysis and implementation of autonomous fault accommodation. A benchmark kit can be obtained from the authors.  相似文献   

Android apps share resources, such as sensors, cameras, and Global Positioning System, that are subject to specific usage policies whose correct implementation is left to programmers. Failing to satisfy these policies may cause resource leaks, that is, apps may acquire but never release resources. This might have different kinds of consequences, such as apps that are unable to use resources or resources that are unnecessarily active wasting battery. Researchers have proposed several techniques to detect and fix resource leaks. However, the unavailability of public benchmarks of faulty apps makes comparison between techniques difficult, if not impossible, and forces researchers to build their own data set to verify the effectiveness of their techniques (thus, making their work burdensome). The aim of our work is to define a public benchmark of Android apps affected by resource leaks. The resulting benchmark, called AppLeak, is publicly available on GitLab and includes faulty apps, versions with bug fixes (when available), test cases to automatically reproduce the leaks, and additional information that may help researchers in their tasks. Overall, the benchmark includes a body of 40 faults that can be exploited to evaluate and compare both static and dynamic analysis techniques for resource leak detection.  相似文献   

Feedback control systems are vulnerable to faults within the control loop, because feedback actions may cause abrupt responses and process damage when faults occur. Such faults can be detected by model-based methods for fault detection and isolation (FDI) but research results have not been widely accepted in industry. One reason has been a scarcity of realistic examples for testing FDI methods against industrial systems. These special section papers focus on a common benchmark example, an electro-mechanical position servo, used in speed control of large diesel engines. The result is a platform for comparison of FDI methods and a gathering together of design experience on a simple, yet very realistic, industrial example. This paper introduces the benchmark problem, overviews the FDI methods used within the papers and discusses the results.  相似文献   

This paper presents the prototype of an advanced platform for production analysis and optimization, referred to as ProOpter. The platform was developed to support the recently derived concept of holistic production control (HPC), which relies on model-based control. The prototype is comprised of a set of off-line and on-line modules. The off-line modules support the definition of key performance indicators (KPIs), the selection of the most influential input (manipulative) variables, and the identification of a simple production model from historical data. The on-line modules enable KPI prediction and suggest actions to the production manager, employing model-based production control and/or optimization techniques. In this way, a new decision-support reasoning based on historical production data can be introduced. ProOpter has a modular design and can be used as an add-on to existing production IT systems since it relies on established industrial communication standards. The use of the platform is validated on the well-known Tennessee Eastman benchmark simulation process and on two industrial case studies.  相似文献   

梁海英  张有光 《微计算机信息》2007,23(25):261-262,311
针对指纹算法研究中测试工作的重要性和复杂性,设计并开发了一个指纹算法辅助开发平台。指纹算法的研究者能够利用该平台按三种模式测试不同的算法或算法组合,并能方便地利用所得的各项数据尽早发现算法的缺陷,或得出算法的各项性能指标。实际应用表明,该平台具有一定的通用性和灵活性,能够很好地辅助指纹算法的研究者完成其研究、测试工作,从而提高其工作效率。  相似文献   

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