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蝶形细分面片的光顺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
使用蝶形细分法细分一般的初始控制网格得到的细分面片光滑而不光顺 ,面片的视觉效果很差 ,而运用现有的光顺技术 ,又只能直接光顺细分以后的结果 ,其需要保存的数据不仅量大 ,而且会引入误差 .针对这一问题 ,提出了一种新的光顺方法 ,即通过调整初始网格顶点位置来光顺细分以后的结果 .在添加合适的约束后 ,该方法不仅可以在光顺细分面片的同时 ,降低细分面片和三维真实物体表面之间的逼近误差 ,而且由于最终输出的是初始控制网格 ,故需要保存的数据量小 .  相似文献   

传感网络中误差有界的分段逼近数据压缩算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张建明  林亚平  傅明  周四望 《软件学报》2011,22(9):2149-2165
无线传感器网络通常能量、带宽有限.一个关键而实用的需求是,在保证数据质量的情况下,对持续到达的采样数据进行在线式压缩.主要贡献:①利用传感器节点内置的缓冲区,提出了单传感器节点上基于分段常量逼近的准在线式数据压缩算法(PCADC-sensor),并给出了在无穷范数误差度量下的实现;②提出了单传感器节点上基于分段线性逼近的在线式数据压缩算法(PLADC-sensor).分别在无穷范数和2范数误差度量的情况下给出了计算PLA的两种简单快速算法,推导了分段线性一致逼近的充要条件;③簇头或基站无需接收原始采样数据,提出了基于原始数据的分段线性表示的压缩算法(PLRDC-cluster),推导了同一节点不同时段、不同节点相同时段两种情况下的计算公式.实验结果表明,这些算法较好地匹配了传感器数据流模型,显著减少了冗余数据传输.  相似文献   

为了实现物体间的快速碰撞检测,提出一种三维模型球体逼近表示方法.首先在三维模型体素化基础上构建了模型内部球逼近,以改进内部球数目和球体连续性效果;接着通过基于测地距离的改进计算对内部球进行聚类,得到有意义的分类结果,可用于模型内部球的层次结构树构造和模型语义分割等.实验结果表明,该方法是可行和有效的.  相似文献   

采用非均匀纹理层的短毛实时绘制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出一种采用非均匀纹理层来实时绘制真实感短毛的方法,通过混合绘制多层次半透明纹理层来表示物体表面的毛发效果,根据视点位置以及物体表面各部位毛发形态的不同,自适应地采用不同的层数来表示物体各部位的毛发.这种非均匀层数的方式可以在保证绘制质量的情况下尽量减少绘制的面片数,从而加快绘制速度.该方法对中等规模的模型达到了实时的处理速度,并可以有效地表现物体表面的局部性长毛或倒伏毛发等各式毛发形态.  相似文献   

散乱分布数据曲面重构的光顺-有限元方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蔡中义  李明哲 《软件学报》2003,14(4):838-844
提出了一种基于散乱分布的数据点重构三维曲面的有限元方法.根据最佳逼近与数据光顺理论建立正定的目标泛函,采用有限元最佳拟合使泛函极小化,求得最优解.通过八节点等参数有限元插值计算,重新构造出三维曲面.这种光顺-有限元方法有效地抑制了输入数据上误差噪声的影响,与有限元拟合方法相比,所需的输入数据点少,重构的曲面逼近精度高、光顺性好.数值实验表明,该方法简单,便于应用.  相似文献   

基于散乱点的增量式曲面逼近   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对用接触式三维点数据获取设备快速输入的物体表面散乱点云数据,提出了增量式B样条曲面快速逼近算法.该算法首先要获得重建曲面的边界数据,以生成初始曲面;然后对输入的散乱数据点云用投影法计算出其参数值;再用模板子块在曲面上移动,反算出模块子块的控制点;最后更新整个曲面的相应控制点,实现边输入、边逼近,即增量式曲面逼近.在输入过程中可看到曲面逐渐逼近目标曲面的过程,在误差大的区域可以增加输入点来改善曲面逼近效果.对于复杂曲面进行多次投影计算散乱数据点参数及曲面逼近,可达到良好效果.  相似文献   

三维激光扫描点云数据的空间压缩   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴杭彬  刘春 《遥感信息》2006,(2):22-24,28
三维激光扫描获得的点云数据,其数据量比较大。采用点云数据建立物体模型,存在模型分辨率的问题。模型的多分辨率表示是指对于同一模型,存在着由简到繁、由粗到精的集中表示。本文分析激光扫描数据的特点,基于其线扫描的特点,提出了扫描线斜率变化为准则实施数据压缩,其次对于密集数据又给出格网数据压缩方法。最后通过实例给出了压缩结果,并对压缩率和压缩效果作了比较分析。  相似文献   

讨论的是基于摄影原理的三维物体表面纹理的重建技术.该技术从国内外研究现状和主要不足出发,对三维物体表面纹理的采集和映射方法进行研究和改进,提出了较为合理的算法.纹理采集过程中分析了回转工作台的结构、纹理采集的原则并建立相关的坐标系;根据拍照和投影变换的原理建立三个坐标系对应点间的关系、推导出坐标变换关系式和转换矩阵;对模型表面微小面片法向量进行均匀化处理;通过计算面片的法向量与纹理采集方向向量的位置关系确定其最佳纹理,最后通过多角度映射达到三维物体表面纹理重建的目的.  相似文献   

将三维模型的三角面片表示与基于体素的链码技术相结合,提出一种基于体素的三维模型面片链码表示方法.首先对三维模型进行基于体素空间的切分,将获得的面片顶点归一化在体素顶点上,构造基于体素三角面片的模型表示;然后依据构造的体素三角面片间连接边与第3顶点的位置关系定义面片链码的数据结构;再根据连接边的类型和方向计算层次三角面片法向量的大小和方向;最后通过逐层遍历体素内归一化的三角面片,获得三维模型的面片链码表示.相应地,给出了面片链码的解码方法.文中比较了面片链码与其他三维模型压缩算法的压缩效率和时间开销,计算了不同体素粒度切分的三维模型与被切分的原始模型之间以及与体素切分模型具有同级别面片数量的原始模型之间的误差,结果表明,该方法能够有效地表达三维模型.  相似文献   

章勤  李光明 《计算机仿真》2003,20(6):60-61,46
三维表面重建是计算机视觉领域中的一个重要课题,也是计算机视觉中最困难的问题之一。该文提出了一种用线性逼近方法、基于灰度信息从图像获取物体深度信息,从而实现物体三维表面重建的算法。该算法原理简单,容易实现,速度快,具有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   

三维图像数据量极大,要实现快速有效的交互应用,有必要进行压缩,而视觉效果不变。该文提出了一个快速、有效的表面数据压缩算法,可使对象描述的三角形个数大为减少,解决三维图像交互困难。软件实现采用最新的软件技术设计为组件对象,可直接应用于需要图像数据压缩的任何场合。脸部图像和乳房图像数据压缩例证所提算法是合理的,且快速有效,软件实现是成功的。三维数据压缩将是生物医学影像等应用领域中必不可少的手段。  相似文献   

袁方  唐杰  武港山 《微机发展》2011,(10):14-18
提出一种基于三维Delaunay三角化的区域增长式曲面重建方法。该方法以空间点云的Delaunay三角化为基础,结合局部区域增长的曲面构造,较以往方法具有人为参与更少、适用范围更广的优点。算法采用增量式插入点的方式构建空间Delaunay划分,采用广度优先算法,以外接圆最小为准则从Delaunay三角化得到的四面体中抽取出合适的三角片构成曲面。该算法的设计无须计算原始点集的法矢,且孔洞系数对重建的结果影响很小,重建出的三角网格面更符合原始曲面的几何特征。无论待建曲面是否是封闭曲面,本算法均可获得较好的重建效果。  相似文献   

Approximating digital 3D shapes by rational Gaussian surfaces   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A method for approximating spherical topology digital shapes by rational Gaussian (RaG) surfaces is presented. Points in a shape are parametrized by approximating the shape with a triangular mesh, determining parameter coordinates at mesh vertices, and finding parameter coordinates at shape points from interpolation of parameter coordinates at mesh vertices. Knowing the locations and parameter coordinates of the shape points, the control points of a RaG surface are determined to approximate the shape with a required accuracy. The process starts from a small set of control points and gradually increases the control points until the error between the surface and the digital shape reduces to a required tolerance. Both triangulation and surface approximation proceed from coarse to fine. Therefore, the method is particularly suitable for multiresolution creation and transmission of digital shapes over the Internet. Application of the proposed method in editing of 3D shapes is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Fat conic section and fat conic spline are defined. With well established properties of fat conic splines, the problem of approximating a ruled surface by a tangent smooth cone spline can then be changed as the problem of fitting a plane fat curve by a fat conic spline. Moreover, the fitting error between the ruled surface and the cone spline can be estimated explicitly via fat conic spline fitting. An efficient fitting algorithm is also proposed for fat conic spline fitting with controllable tolerances. Several examples about approximation of general developable surfaces or other types of ruled surfaces by cone spline surfaces are presented.  相似文献   

给出了基于一元对称幂基的等距曲面蒙面逼近新算法。利用一元对称幂基逼近张量积Bézier曲面u向曲线的等距曲线,得到一组等距逼近曲线,取固定的v值,得到一组数据点,用反算控制顶点的方法得到过这组数据点的v向曲线。对这两组曲线用蒙面算法得到逼近的有理等距曲面。该算法计算简单,将二元等距曲面有理逼近转化为一元曲线有理逼近,同时方便地解决了整体误差问题,随着对称幂基阶数的升高,可以得到较理想的逼近效果。  相似文献   

《Graphical Models》2002,64(3-4):183-198
We present an algorithm which splits a 3D surface into reliefs, relatively flat regions that have smooth boundaries. The surface is then resampled in a regular manner within each of the reliefs. As a result, we obtain a piecewise regular mesh (PRM) having a regular structure on large regions. Experimental results show that we are able to approximate the input surface with the mean square error of about 0.01–0.02% of the diameter of the bounding box without increasing the number of vertices. We introduce a compression scheme tailored to work with our remeshed models and show that it is able to compress them losslessly (after quantizing the vertex locations) without significantly increasing the approximation error using about 4 bits per vertex of the resampled model.  相似文献   

A semiautomatic algorithm for segmenting organ surfaces from 3D medical images is presented in this work. The algorithm is based on a deformable model, and allows the user to initialize the model by combining and molding primitive shapes such as cylinders and spheres to form an initial approximate model of the organ surface. The initial model is automatically deformed to better fit organ boundaries. The algorithm was applied to segment the carotid bifurcation from 3D black blood magnetic resonance (MR) images of 5 subjects. The algorithm-segmented surfaces were compared to surfaces segmented manually by an experienced user. On average, approximately 3 min were required to segment an image using the algorithm, whereas 1h was required for manual segmentation. The average distance between corresponding points on the manually and algorithm-segmented surfaces was 0.37 mm, whereas the average maximum distance was 2.03 mm. Moreover, algorithm-segmented surfaces exhibited less intra-operator variability than those segmented manually.  相似文献   

A pyramidal data structure for triangle-based surface description   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A hierarchical model for approximating 2-1/2-dimensional surfaces is described. This model, called a Delaunay pyramid, is a method for compression of spatial data and representation of a surface at successively finer levels of detail. A Delaunay pyramid is based on a sequence of Delaunay triangulations of suitably defined subsets of the set of data points. A triangle-oriented encoding structure for a Delaunay pyramid is presented, and its storage complexity is evaluated. An algorithm for constructing a Delaunay pyramid is described, and a method for solving the point location and evaluation on such a model is discussed  相似文献   

This paper presents a tetrahedra based adaptive polygonization technique for tessellating implicit surface patches. An implicit surface patch is defined as an implicit surface bounded by its intersections with a set of clipping surfaces and which lies within an enclosing tetrahedron. To obtain the polygonization of an implicit surface patch, the tetrahedron containing the patch is adaptively subdivided into smaller tetrahedra according to the criteria introduced in the paper. The result is a set of tetrahedra each containing a facet approximating the surface. The intersections between the facets and the clipping surfaces are used to locate the surface patch boundary. Ambiguous results in generating the facets for highly curved surfaces or surfaces with singular points are also addressed. The result of the polygonization is a set of triangular facets that can be used for visualization and numerical analysis. The proposed method is also suitable for locating the intersection of two implicit surfaces.  相似文献   

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