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何菲  杨坚  奚宏生  范铭娜 《计算机工程》2010,36(22):222-224
针对视频播放中因缓冲区下溢带来的抖动问题,提出一种基于PID控制的自适应播放算法。算法结合PID控制和自适应播放算法,根据网络信道状态和缓冲区状态控制视频播放速率,并对播放速率的范围和相邻帧播放速率的突变进行控制,在减少缓冲区下溢概率的同时实现视频的平滑播放。该算法在减小缓冲区下溢概率、实现视频的平滑播放以及减少播放延迟方面均优于固定因子自适应播放算法。  相似文献   

针对无线网络中可伸缩视频传输存在的问题,提出一种基于客户端下溢概率估计的传输算法.算法通过统计当前播放缓冲区容量的变化情况,计算出缓冲区下溢的概率,以此为根据选择合适的视频发送层数,从而在充分利用有效带宽的同时尽可能减少视频下溢频率.仿真结果表明,该算法能够保证在无线网络中视频传输具有较低的下溢概率和较高的视频质量.  相似文献   

从信宿端的角度来解决视频媒体的同步连续播放,提出了一种自适应的动态媒体播放算法.分析了马尔可夫调制的泊松到达情况下的排队模型,给出了缓冲区门限的选取原则,最后提出了通过用不连续性和播放失真的方差来衡量同步性能方法,实验结果表明,该算法的同步性能优于Yuang的算法.通过选择合适的参数,可有效地防止缓冲区下溢造成的播放停顿以及缓冲区上溢造成的播放跳跃,从而实现同步平滑播放.  相似文献   

提出基于下溢概率估计的AMP算法(简称AMP-UPE算法),以下溢概率作为播放速率调整的指示,同时考虑了当前缓存队列长度和缓存队列长度的变化。基于G/G/1排队系统提出下溢概率估计模型,并通过滑动窗口法估计帧到达时间间隔的均值和方差,从而实现下溢概率的在线估计。仿真实验结果表明,AMP-UPE算法性能优于AMP-RB算法和AMP-SC算法;且AMP-UPE算法的性能受下溢概率阈值影响,下溢概率阈值越小,播放中断的频率越低,帧间隔的短期标准差越大。  相似文献   

自适应播放(AMP)是一种通过动态调整播放速率减少这种中断的技术。多数AMP算法都基于缓存的满溢度或者其变化调整播放速率,其难点在于如何选择合适的调整门限值。本文算法,利用滑动窗口估计到达帧率的经验分布,再利用统计计算方法估计多步缓存下溢概率,然后根据一步和多步下溢概率调整播放速率。仿真实验证明在一般的信道假设和多种片源的测试中,本算法较其他同类算法有更好的表现。  相似文献   

陈瑞  焦良葆 《计算机工程》2009,35(24):225-228
针对AMP-Live模型中存在的问题,提出一种基于报文延迟预测的自适应媒体播放算法(NEWAMP),采用未来信道和缓冲状态的预测值作为视频报文播放速率调整的依据,将速率变化的程度进一步细化,同时考虑应用要求的最大端到端延迟,提高算法性能,与传统播放算法相比,NEWAMP在保证报文因下溢和上溢而丢弃的概率足够小的前提下,缓冲延迟减小了约50%,而与普通AMP-Live方法相比,NEWAMP不仅减小了报文因下溢和上溢而丢弃的概率,还将缓冲延迟减小了约40%。实验结果证明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

无线信道时变特性引起的缓冲区占用度波动对视觉质量的影响,使得自适应视频播放算法不仅需要考虑缓冲区的占用度,还要考虑缓冲区占用度的波动。提出一种面向安全区域的平滑自适应播放算法SAO-AMP,采用缓冲区的占用度及其波动程度作为触发条件。首先,根据预估接收速率和缓冲区的预期波动情况设置播放速率的调整期,达到平滑视频播放速率的目的。其次,调整播放速率的同时监测缓冲区的占用度,使缓冲区占用度处于预设的安全区域内。实验结果表明,SAO-AMP算法不仅平滑了播放速率的变化,还能控制缓冲区占用度的波动范围。与基于缓冲区占用度的AMP算法相比,SAO-AMP算法的速率调节次数和丢包率均减小了30%,且算法在信道状态变化较大的情况下,依然能很好地工作。  相似文献   

沈勇  张新荣 《微处理机》2007,28(5):89-91
网络时延抖动以及时钟偏移等问题,会对媒体流播放是否流畅产生重要影响。从客户终端的角度来讨论如何优化设置和管理缓冲区,以及平滑媒体流的播放,并提出了以SLOW-START为启动模型的动态缓冲控制算法。该算法可以有效地减小起始状态的播放延迟,并有效防止缓冲区上溢造成的播放跳跃以及缓冲区下溢造成的播放停顿。  相似文献   

近年来,基于HTTP的动态自适应流媒体技术,已经被各种网络视频播放服务广泛采用.针对客户端缓冲区受限和网络环境不稳定的情况,提出一种基于客户端缓冲区长度的动态自适应码率选择算法.该算法通过对缓冲区进行分级实现了带宽的不同比例的缩放,并采用滑动窗口技术对带宽进行平滑处理.同时,通过设置每个缓冲区等级的带宽持续上升或下降时间的限制和采用高低带宽的中间码率等级,使码率等级不会剧烈变化.实验结果表明,该算法能在带宽利用和视频质量的平滑之间取得较好的平衡,提供良好的视频播放用户体验.  相似文献   

为了应对H.264可伸缩视频编码(SVC)应用中网络特性的波动,提出了一种预测播放中断与缓冲区溢出风险进行及早调节的自适应媒体播放(AMP)算法。该算法估算网络流量与视频图像组(GOP)结构中各帧长度用于风险预测,通过K步调节过程实现良好的调节平滑性与速度,并利用SVC的可伸缩性尽量减少溢出带来的质量损失。仿真结果表明,该算法在抑制播放中断、处理缓冲区溢出与抖动性能等方面,优于现行的平滑AMP与常规AMP算法。  相似文献   

To improve the playout quality of video streaming services, an arrival process-controlled adaptive media playout (AMP) mechanism is designed in this study. The proposed AMP scheme sets three threshold values, denoted by P n , L and H, for the playout controller to start playback and dynamically adjust the playout rate based on the buffer fullness. In the preroll period, the playout can start only when the buffer fullness n is not less than the dynamic playback threshold P n ,?which is determined by the jitters of incoming video frames. In the playback period, if the buffer fullness is below L or over H,?the playout rate will slow down or speed up in a quadratic manner. Otherwise, the playback speed depends on the instantaneous frame arrival rate, which is estimated by the proposed arrival process tracking algorithm. We employ computer simulations to demonstrate the performance of the proposed AMP scheme, and compare it with several conventional AMP mechanisms. Numerical results show that our AMP design can shorten the playout delay and reduce both buffer underflow and overflow probabilities. In addition, our proposed AMP also outperforms traditional AMP schemes in terms of the variance of distortion of playout and the playout curve. Hence, the proposed arrival process-controlled AMP is really an outstanding design.  相似文献   

This paper aims to reduce the amount of prebuffering required to ensure a maximum video continuity in streaming. Current approaches do this by slowing the playout frame rate of the decoder, this is known as adaptive media playout (AMP). However, doing this introduces playout distortion to the viewers as the video is played slower than its natural playout rate. We approach this by proposing a frame rate control scheme that jointly adjusts the encoder frame generation rate of the encoder and the playout frame rate of the decoder. In addition to using AMP to improve video continuity, we also allow the encoder to increase the encoder frame generation rate. This means the encoder will be sending more frames to the decoder to quickly increase the number of frames available at the playback buffer, thus lowering the chance of buffer underflow which causes discontinuity in video playback. At the same time, the increase in the number of frames at the playback buffer may mean that the decoder does not need to use AMP to delay the playback, thus lowering the playback distortion. However, the increase in encoder frame generation rate comes at a price because frame quality will need to decrease in order to meet the constraint on available network bandwidth. This implies that the scheme needs to find the optimal trade-off between frame quality, playout distortion and video continuity. To do that, we characterize the frame rate control problem using Lyapunov optimization. We then systematically derive the optimization policies. We also show that these policies can be decoupled into separate encoder and decoder optimization policies, thus allowing for a distributed implementation. Simulation results show significant reductions in the prebuffering requirements over a scheme that perform no frame rate control and lower playout distortions compared to the AMP schemes, while exhibiting a modest drop in frame quality.  相似文献   

吴炜  沙丽娜  苏兵 《计算机工程》2006,32(20):224-226
提出了一种MPEG1/MPEG2视频流的自适应播放算法。算法根据播放缓冲区的占用情况来调整视频帧的播放持续时间,并在播放缓冲区上溢时判断到达视频帧的类型,以决定是暂时存储还是丢弃,使得不会造成帧内编码帧和前向预测编码帧的丢失,从而保证视频流平滑地播放。实验结果表明,在播放不连续性和播放失真上新算法都优于Yuang算法,并实现了视频流的平滑播放。  相似文献   

Client-side data buffering is a common technique to deal with media playout interruptions of streaming video caused by network jitters and packet losses of best-effort networks. However, stronger playout interruption protection inevitably amounts to larger data buffering and results in more memory requirements and longer playout delay. Adaptive media playout (AMP), also a client-side technique, can reduce the buffer requirement and avoid buffer outage but at the expense of visual quality degradation because of the fluctuation of playout speed. In this paper, we propose a novel AMP scheme to keep the video playout as smooth as possible while adapting to the channel condition. The triggering of the playout control is based on buffer variation rather than buffer fullness. Experimental results show that our AMP scheme surpasses conventional schemes in unfriendly network conditions. Unlike previous schemes that are tuned for a specific range of packet loss and network instability, the proposed AMP scheme maintains consistent performance across a wide range of network conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a resource-aware and quality-fair video content sharing system. When a video sharing server has insufficient uplink bandwidth and needs to serve multiple video content sharing services via streaming or downloading to other client peers using TCP transport, each service shares the limited uplink bandwidth equitably, due to the fair sharing characteristics inherent in TCP. However this bandwidth fair sharing cannot always guarantee quality fairness among the services, due to the specific requirements for video-streaming services, such as the playout rate and the size of the playout buffer. In our system, the server uses multiple TCP connections adaptively, depending on the anticipated status of each client playout buffer, to guarantee the bandwidth of each video-streaming session. By guaranteeing the quality of each video-streaming session, without the quality loss of other service sessions, the proposed system can successfully achieve service quality fairness. Simulation results show that our proposed algorithm can dramatically enhance the quality of each streaming session and thus provide service quality fairness among simultaneous multiple heterogeneous video-streaming services and content download services.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Adaptive Media Playout (AMP) controls adapt playout rate to prevent buffer outage and to reduce delay in playout. Most AMP techniques use buffer fullness or its...  相似文献   

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