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准确地估算信道失真是视频通信系统中联合功率率失真(P-R-D)优化的重要基础,提出了一种基于MPEG-4视频编码流的信道失真模型,采用帧间递归,根据信道平均误比特率和视频编码信息在编码器端实时估算视频序列的信道失真,仿真结果表明,对于不同的视频编码序列,在不同信道误比特率和信源编码率下,模型估算的平均相对偏差和绝对偏差较小,准确度高,为基于P-R-D优化的失真估算提供一个有力的工具。  相似文献   

本文提出了在丢包网络传输过程中,针对FGS分级编码视频流的优先级差异,提供非均匀FEC编码保护,同时考虑采用一致的信源信道联合统计率失真模型作为约束,根据一定的传输信道带宽和平均丢包率,联合优化信源编码码率和非均匀FEC编码码率的分配.该方法应用于丢包网络的视频传输,可以有效地适应网络传输条件的变化,提高信道带宽利用率,增强视频的传输质量.  相似文献   

胡云蜂  王嘉 《计算机工程》2008,34(21):205-207
针对差错信道下视频信源的不等差错保护问题,设计一个新的信道码码率分配策略,对一个图片组中不同位置的帧给予不同强度的保护。该策略考虑了视频信源的误码扩散问题,分析了差错掩盖方法与信道失真计算的关系,通过在编码端有效估计信道差错所引入的失真并建立最优码率分配问题,利用遗传算法快速得到最优的信道码码率分配方案。实验采用H.264视频编码标准,结果证明该策略能较好地提升视频传输系统性能。  相似文献   

传统码率控制方法常常引起视频编码器的率失真性能降底。为了在满足码率控制精度的同时改善编码器率失真性能,提出一种基于改进R-λ模型的帧级码率控制算法。根据帧率把待编码视频序列划分成多个控制单元,并为当前控制单元分配目标比特;根据控制单元层的可用比特数为当前GOP分配目标比特;根据GOP层的可用比特数为当前待编码帧分配目标比特,再利用改进的R-λ模型计算得到拉格朗日乘子λ进行编码。在通用测试条件下的实验结果显示,该算法具有较高的码率控制精度,同时改善了编码器的率失真性能。其平均码率相对误差为0.095%;以不开启码率控制的HM16.7作为基准,平均码率节省(BD-Rate)达到了2.6%。  相似文献   

甘勇  周兵  李晓强  钱德沛 《计算机工程》2008,34(23):230-231
根据甚低带宽信道的远程视频传输的应用需求,提出一种甚低码率控制策略,通过在视频编码器增加I帧码率控制,引入二阶率失真模型,以及改进P帧的码率控制算法,提高了视频编码器码率控制的精度和传输图像的质量,有效地解决了甚低带宽下视频编码器的码率控制问题。实验结果表明,该算法既降低了编码缓冲区延迟,又提高了重建图像的质量。  相似文献   

基于Cauchy分布的H.264/AVC码率控制优化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于通信信道带宽有限,有必要对视频编码的输出码率进行控制。通过引入能量均方误差(EMSE),进行视频序列统计分析,建立了一种简单的线性图像失真模型,并基于编码器中量化系数的概率分布特性,提出了改进的Cauchy分布码率模型,然后利用Lagrangian方法实现了率失真优化的位分配。实验结果表明,与H.264参考软件所采用的JVT-G012算法相比,该算法提高了码率控制精度和峰值信噪比,从而改善了解码图像的质量。  相似文献   

码率控制是在低带宽信道上传输低延迟、高质量视频的关键技术之一.根据基于PSTN信道的远程视频监控应用需求,提出一种甚低码率控制策略,通过为视频编码器增加Ⅰ帧码率控制,改进P帧的位率控制算法,以及引入二阶率失真模型,较好地解决了甚低带宽下视频编码器的码率控制问题.实验结果表明,算法降低了编码缓冲区延迟同时提高了重建图像的质量。  相似文献   

针对分布式视频编码系统的关键帧在无线信道中传输受到噪声污染的情况,提出一种基于无线噪声信道的编码端码率控制算法。首先对解码端边信息携带的无线信道噪声进行了理论和实验分析,建立了边信息中无线信道噪声的分布模型;然后结合相关噪声模型推导出编码端的噪声联合模型,并根据分布式视频编码的率失真理论,提出了在无线信道下WZ帧不同系数带的码率控制算法,同时将新的码率控制算法引入基于无线噪声信道的Wyner-Ziv编码器中。实验表明,与现有的编码端码率控制算法相比,所提出的算法在不同无线信道噪声下可使解码重构视频的PSNR值平均提高约0.1~1.8 dB,且未增加复杂度。  相似文献   

可伸缩多媒体传输错误保护算法综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
可伸缩多媒体对传输中的丢包和误码极为敏感,需要有效的错误保护.主要讨论基于前向纠错的错误保护算法,其核心是利用率失真优化和信源信道联合编码等技术在信源和信道之间合理分配码率,以使接收方重构信号质量最好.依据信道的错误统计特性,将传输信道分为丢包信道和无线误码信道两种,对每种信道模型的错误保护模式和优化目标都给出了统一的形式化问题描述,对主流算法的技术特点和性能指标等进行了分析和比较,最后讨论了下一步研究方向.  相似文献   

率失真(R-D)优化是视频编码器中一项关键技术,然而当前广泛采用的独立率失真优化远未达到全局最优性能。为了进一步提升高效视频编码(HEVC)的压缩性能,提出了一种结合率失真依赖性和率失真特性的二次编码优化算法。首先,采用原始HEVC的方法对当前帧进行第一次编码,从而得到当前帧消耗的比特数和每个编码树(CTU)单元的率失真模型参数;然后,结合时域依赖率失真优化,根据当前帧比特预算和率失真模型参数计算每个CTU的最佳拉格朗日乘子及量化参数;最后,对当前帧中每个CTU采用不同的优化目标重新编码。实验结果表明,在低延迟B帧和P帧编码配置下,与HEVC基准相比,所提视频编码优化算法在同样编码质量下节省了3.5%和3.8%的码率,获得了显著的率失真性能提升。  相似文献   

H.263的发展及应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
田栋  姚志恒  沈兰荪 《测控技术》2001,20(5):5-8,12
H.263是一种面向低比特率视频通信应用的视频压缩标准,它具有较高压缩比、较强鲁棒性,尤其适用于PSTN及无线/Internet网络环境下的视频传输。介绍了H.263的基本框架和关键技术、所包含的各种高级模型,并结合典型应用场合,对纷繁的高级模式做了归类。  相似文献   

该文提出并实现了一个基于MPEG4的快速高效存储的视频编码器,用它把一个MPEG2视频数据流转换为一个低比特率、低空间分辨率的MPEG4流,并进行无线视频处理。与现有编码器相比,它不仅能够大大地节省实际需要存储空间,计算复杂度也降低了许多,实验结果表明该编码器得到的视频质量与像素领域方法得到的视频质量相当。  相似文献   

The development of compression techniques is crucial for several applications that require efficient storage and transmission of large data volumes. Fractal theory has been used in image and video compression due to advantages such as resolution independence, high compression rate, fast decoding, among others. Fractal compression approaches explore the presence of self-similarity to remove data redundancy, allowing high compression while maintaining low quality degradation. Early fractal compression methods presented prohibitive encoding time related to the search for similar regions in the image or video. This work describes a low bit-rate 3D searchless fractal video encoder to perform fast compression with high visual fidelity. Experiments demonstrate that the results of the proposed approach are superior when compared to those obtained by state-of-the-art x264 video encoder at very low bit rates in high motion video sequences.  相似文献   

将小波变换与分形理论相结合成为一种具有可伸缩性的混合视频编码算法FEZW(分形-嵌入式零树小波编码),该算法在嵌入式零树小波编码的基础上,应用分形理论进行帧间预测,不需运动估计和补偿.实验结果表明,该算法具有较好的视频质量可伸缩性,能有效改进图像码率下降时视频质量下降迅速的情况,适合于无线网络等高差错网络的视频传输.  相似文献   

基于MPEG4高效视频DCT编码器的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出并实现了一个基于MPEG4的快速高效存储的DCT视频编码器,用它把H.261视频数据流转换为低比特率、低空间分辨率的MPEG4流,并进行无线视频处理。和现有编码器相比,它不仅能够大大地节省存储空间,计算复杂度也降低了许多,实验结果表明用该编码器得到的视频质量与用象素领域方法得到的视频质量相当。  相似文献   

A video encoder has to make many mode decisions in order to achieve the goal of a low bit rate, high quality, and fast implementation. We propose a general classification based approach to making such mode decisions accurately and efficiently. We first illustrate the approach using the Intra-Inter coding mode decision. We then focus on the decision to skip or code a frame for rate control of video over networks. Using the classification used approach we show improvement in the rate-distortion sense. We then extend the work to scalable video coding in choosing between scalability modes and examine the performance of our approach over error prone networks, using simulated packet losses  相似文献   

Content-based scalable H.263 video coding for road traffic monitoring   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For sending video data through very low bit-rate mobile channels, video codec with high compression rate is the pre-requisite. Although the H.263 video codec is recommended as one of the candidates due to its simplicity and efficiency, it is generally believed that its compression efficiency can be further improved if the content-based scalable video coding technique can be applied. In this paper, we propose a modified H.263 encoder which supports real-time content-based scalable video coding. The proposed technique is applied to real-time video surveillance systems for road traffic monitoring. For the proposed approach, the moving objects, i.e. cars, are first extracted from the steady background. Their activities are then further classified as fast or slow by assessing the regularity of their motion. The information is then passed to a modified H.263 encoder to reduce the temporal and spatial redundancies in the video. As compared with the conventional H.263 encoder using for the same application, the proposed system has a 20% increase in compression rate with negligible visual distortion. The proposed system fully complies with the ITU H.263 standard hence the encoded bit stream is completely comprehensible to the conventional H.263 decoder.  相似文献   

在易错环境如因特网、无线通信网中传输视频流,误码率相当高。讨论了一种有效的在易错网中传输视频信号时,提高空域差错恢复能力的方法。同步标记可限制空域差错在视频帧之问传播。但是,如果其使用太频繁,会导致不必要的开销。为优化同步标记插入过程,给出一个同步标记插入算法。最后,为验证该算法,提供了仿真实验结果。  相似文献   

In video communications over error-prone channels, compressed video streams are extremely sensitive to bit errors. Often random and burst bit errors impede correct decoding of parts of a received bitstream. Video decoders normally utilize error concealment techniques to repair a damaged decoded frame, but the effectiveness of these error concealment schemes relies heavily on correctly locating errors in the bitstream. In this paper, we propose a fragile watermark-based error detection and localization scheme called "force even watermarking (FEW)". A fragile watermark is forced onto quantized DCT coefficients at the encoder. If at the decoder side the watermark is no longer intact, errors exist in the bitstream associated with a particular macro-block (MB). Thanks to the watermark, bitstream errors can accurately be located at MB level, which facilitates proper error concealment. This paper describes the algorithm, model and analysis of the watermarking procedure. Our simulation results show that compared to the syntax-based error detection schemes, the proposed FEW scheme significantly improves the error detection capabilities of the video decoder, while the peak signal-to-noise ratio loss and additional computational costs due to watermark embedding and extraction are small.  相似文献   

With the technological advancement, entertainment has become revolutionized and the high-definition (HD) video has become an integral feature of our modern amusement system. The demand for wireless transmission of HD video is rapidly rising for its ubiquitous nature, easy installation and relocation. Such wireless transmissions of HD video streams require very high bandwidth. The ultra-wideband (UWB) offers a large bandwidth, and short-range high-speed data transmission at low cost and low power consumption. In this paper, we present the feasibility study to transmit HD video wirelessly using H.264/AVC compression over the UWB communication channel. Simulations are carried out by controlling key H.264/AVC encoder parameters such as, in-loop deblocking filter, group of pictures, and quantization parameter. Based on the analysis, an optimum setting of these parameters is proposed for different bandwidth requirements, as well as acceptable video quality. The bandwidth achieved is restricted between 1.5 and 20?Mbps with a minimum reconstruction quality of 34?dB. The HD bit stream is then transmitted over the UWB communication channel and the demonstration shows that the overall encoder performance is satisfactory with the transmission bit-error-rate (BER) in the range of 10?5?C10?8.  相似文献   

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