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天基物联网(Space-Based Internet of things)为全球用户提供了广覆盖、全天候、大容量等物联网服务[1],是未来6G物联网的重要部分。 然而当前天基物联网下的稀疏码多址接入技术(Sparse Code Multiple Access, SCMA)[2]的多用户检测算法面临诸多问题,也存在一些技术挑战。 例如各个用户距离基站及卫星距离较远而产生的时间延迟,异步多用户检测算法的计算复杂度较大且收敛性能较差等等;为了解决以上天基物联场景下多用户检测出现的问题,文中对SCMA多用户检测算法进行了研究;首先设计了免授权[3]信息传输框架,并利用盲检测识别出发送端活跃用户的用户数据;然后采用异步置信传播检测算法(Belief Propagation Message Passing Algorithm, BP-MPA),在存在时间延迟的情况下进行多用户检测;最后利用优化后的压缩感知领域中的自适应子空间追踪算法(Adapted-Subspace Pursuit, A-SP)对多用户检测算法进行优化,通过仿真对天基物联场景的多用户检测算法在工程上的应用进行可行性验证;仿真结果表明在天基物联免授权场景下,所提出的算法能有效提升上行异步SCMA系统的多用户检测算法的误符号率,并且相对于串行BP-MPA算法,大幅提高了算法的收敛速度。  相似文献   

OSAF-tree--可迭代的移动序列模式挖掘及增量更新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
移动通信技术和无限定位技术的发展积累了海量的、动态增长的时空数据.利用数据挖掘技术从移动用户的时空行为轨迹当中挖掘用户移动序列模式,在移动通信、交通管理、基于位置服务等领域有着广泛的应用前景.由于移动环境网络资源珍贵、数据量大的特点,传统的序列模式挖掘方法在效率上很难满足需求.OSAF-tree算法基于投影的概念,只需要对数据库进行一遍扫描,就可以很好地处理移动序列模式的挖掘及其增量更新和迭代挖掘问题,这是一个非常高效的算法.与已有的方法相比,OSAF-tree算法在性能和I/O代价等方面都具有明显的优势.  相似文献   

The mobile wireless market has been attracting many customers. Technically, the paradigm of anytime-anywhere connectivity raises previously unthinkable challenges, including the management of million of mobile customers, their profiles, the profiles-based selective information dissemination, and server-side computing infrastructure design issues to support such a large pool of users automatically and intelligently. In this paper, we propose a data mining technique for discovering frequent behavioral patterns from a collection of trajectories gathered by Global Positioning System. Although the search space for spatiotemporal knowledge is extremely challenging, imposing spatial and temporal constraints on spatiotemporal sequences makes the computation feasible. Specifically, the mined patterns are incorporated with synthetic constraints, namely spatiotemporal sequence length restriction, minimum and maximum timing gap between events, time window of occurrence of the whole pattern, inclusion or exclusion event constraints, and frequent movement patterns predictive of one ore more classes. The algorithm for mining all frequent constrained patterns is named cAllMOP. Moreover, to control the density of pattern regions a clustering algorithm is exploited. The proposed method is efficient and scalable. Its efficiency is better than that of the previous algorithms AllMOP and GSP with respect to the compactness of discovered knowledge, execution time, and memory requirement.  相似文献   

目的 降水是影响全球气候变化和系统环境的重要因素,面向降水数据开展时空关联分析,对于区域气候特征探索及异常情况监测具有重要的意义。然而,降水时空关联特征的分析是一个复杂且耗时的过程,与气象站点的空间分布以及降水的时间序列密切相关。本文综合考虑降水的时空变化特征,研究和设计面向降水数据时空关联特征分析的可视化系统工具。方法 利用地图和矩阵图呈现降水数据的空间分布和周期变化特征,设计径向盒须图对降水数据的时空变化异常特征进行捕获;通过局部Moran''s I指数的计算和热力图的呈现表达降水的空间相关性,支持用户交互式地探索空间相关性的时序变化特征;利用普通克里金插值模型获得降水空间插值图,并对插值结果的准确性进行可视化评估。结果 以中国安徽省1971-2014年气象观测站长时间序列月降水数据集为例进行分析,实验结果证明本研究可视化交互系统能够直观高效地探索区域降水长时间序列时空变化特征和极端降水情况;有效探究区域降水空间分布模式、不同站点降水信息间空间依赖性和异质性,并快速发现降水奇异点;分析区域不同时间尺度降水气候特征空间变化。结论 系统工具集成便捷的交互模式,支持用户探索式地分析降水数据的时空关联特征,进而有效地探究区域气候变化规律和特征分布关系。基于真实降水数据的实验结果以及降水领域专家的反馈,进一步验证了本文系统工具的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

The goal of analyzing a time series database is to find whether and how frequent a periodic pattern is repeated within the series. Periodic pattern mining is the problem that regards temporal regularity. However, most of the existing algorithms have a major limitation in mining interesting patterns of users interest, that is, they can mine patterns of specific length with all the events sequentially one after another in exact positions within this pattern. Though there are certain scenarios where a pattern can be flexible, that is, it may be interesting and can be mined by neglecting any number of unimportant events in between important events with variable length of the pattern. Moreover, existing algorithms can detect only specific type of periodicity in various time series databases and require the interaction from user to determine periodicity. In this paper, we have proposed an algorithm for the periodic pattern mining in time series databases which does not rely on the user for the period value or period type of the pattern and can detect all types of periodic patterns at the same time, indeed these flexibilities are missing in existing algorithms. The proposed algorithm facilitates the user to generate different kinds of patterns by skipping intermediate events in a time series database and find out the periodicity of the patterns within the database. It is an improvement over the generating pattern using suffix tree, because suffix tree based algorithms have weakness in this particular area of pattern generation. Comparing with the existing algorithms, the proposed algorithm improves generating different kinds of interesting patterns and detects whether the generated pattern is periodic or not. We have tested the performance of our algorithm on both synthetic and real life data from different domains and found a large number of interesting event sequences which were missing in existing algorithms and the proposed algorithm was efficient enough in generating and detecting periodicity of flexible patterns on both types of data.  相似文献   

在数据挖掘的关联规则挖掘算法中,传统的频繁模式挖掘算法需要用户指定项集的最小支持度。引入Top-k模式挖掘概念的改进算法虽然无需指定最小支持度,但仍需指定阈值k。针对上述问题,对传统挖掘算法进行改进,提出一种新的频繁模式挖掘算法(TNFP- growth)。该算法无需指定最小支持度或阈值,按照支持度降序排列进行模式挖掘,有序地返回频繁模式给用户。实验结果证明,该算法的执行效率更高,具有更强的伸缩性。  相似文献   

黑洞模式是人类移动模式研究中的标志性成果,但在移动模式的演化建模方面存在局限性,因此研究具有时间演化特性的黑洞模式。新模式定义需要满足群体规模性、空间区域性和时间持续性3方面要求。提出具有时间演化特性的动态空间网络模型,基于此模型定义新的黑洞模式,并提出相应的挖掘算法。为了提升模式挖掘算法的效率,设计了基于时空划分的候选模式剪枝算法,有效降低了挖掘算法在时空维中的搜索代价。最后,基于真实数据的实验结果表明了该黑洞模式及其挖掘算法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

分析实际应用中有效访问序列的特点,提出了一种采用自底向上策略快速挖掘最大频繁项集的OUS算法。该算法首先对用户项集进行重叠操作统计浏览次数,然后合并,依据用户给出的最小支持度删除原项集中的非频繁页面元素,并对两两用户项集筛选生成候选频繁项集,最后扫描数据库,统计各个候选频繁项集的支持度计数。实验结果表明,该算法能有效地发现用户最大频繁项集。  相似文献   

Previous studies on mining sequential patterns have focused on temporal patterns specified by some form of propositional temporal logic. However, there are some interesting sequential patterns, such as the multi-sequential patterns, whose specification needs a more expressive formalism, the first-order temporal logic. Multi-sequential patterns appear in different application contexts, for instance in spatial census data mining, which is the target application of the study developed in this paper. We extend a well-known user-controlled tool, based on regular expressions constraints, to the multi-sequential pattern context. This specification tool enables the incorporation of user focus into the mining process. We present MSP-Miner, an Apriori-based algorithm to discover all frequent multi-sequential patterns satisfying a user-specified regular expression constraint.  相似文献   

现有的时间序列异步周期模式挖掘方法是在获取1-pattern有效段及周期的基础上再以枚举法得到i-patterns,时间复杂度较高。为解决该问题,提出一种改进的异步周期模式挖掘方法。在时间序列符号化后,使用基于Sequitur的候选模式算法获取候选i-patterns及其事件位置序列,通过基于OEOP的i-patterns有效段生成算法得到1-pattern和i-patterns的有效段及周期,从而生成有效子序列。实验结果表明,该方法具有较高的挖掘效率。  相似文献   

Mining periodic patterns in time series databases is an important data mining problem with many applications. Previous studies have considered synchronous periodic patterns where misaligned occurrences are not allowed. However, asynchronous periodic pattern mining has received less attention and only been discussed for a sequence of symbols where each time point contains one event. In this paper, we propose a more general model of asynchronous periodic patterns from a sequence of symbol sets where a time slot can contain multiple events. Three parameters min/spl I.bar/rep, max/spl I.bar/dis, and global/spl I.bar/rep are employed to specify the minimum number of repetitions required for a valid segment of nondisrupted pattern occurrences, the maximum allowed disturbance between two successive valid segments, and the total repetitions required for a valid sequence. A 4-phase algorithm is devised to discover periodic patterns from a time series database presented in vertical format. The experiments demonstrate good performance and scalability with large frequent patterns.  相似文献   

空间关联规则挖掘可应用于发现空间数据库中大量空间谓词与非空间谓词之间的特定空间关系。论文针对区县道路交通数据提出了一种基于多最小支持度的空间关联规则挖掘算法,并给出了在GIS中进行空间关联规则挖掘的一般方法和流程。该挖掘算法可以从城市道路地理信息数据库中发现用户感兴趣的空间关联规则,经实际应用于城市道路规划管理系统,证明该算法是有效、可行的。  相似文献   

分组多支持度关联规则研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
关联规则是数据挖掘的重要任务之一,传统关联规则算法只有一个最小支持度,假设项出现的频率大致相同,而在谮实际中并非如此,由此产生了多支持度关联规则问题.该问题针对每个项给定不同的支持度,而在实际应用中项可以划分成若干个组,每组有一个支持度.由此提出了分组多支持度关联规则问题,针对该问题给出了基于多支持度性质对项进行分组的方法.该方法可以降低2-项候选集的数目.在此基础上,进一步给出了相应的多支持度关联规则发现算法,并通过实验证明了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

由于信息传播模型是社区挖掘、社区影响力研究的基础,文中提出结合用户兴趣的信息传播模型,设计基于频繁子树的信息传播微观模式挖掘方法.首先,基于微博社交网络图表示及用户多标签建模,将微观信息传播模式转换为频繁子树挖掘问题.然后,针对微博社交网络图单节点多标签特性,设计多标签节点树的频繁子树挖掘算法(MLTreeMiner).最后,结合主题提取方法,使用MLTreeMiner挖掘信息传播模式.在人工数据集上的实验表明,MLtreeMiner能高效地对多标签节点树进行频繁子树挖掘.针对新浪微博真实数据的实验也验证方法的有效性.  相似文献   

社交事件发布参与平台越来越受到人们的关注,其主要功能是为对某个社交事件感兴趣的用户规划适合的社交活动.现有社交事件平台贪婪规划方法通常假设每个用户可以参与限定个数的事件,解决参加限定个数事件引起的时空冲突,但方法中没有考虑用户的特征,导致用户规划顺序不合理,同时,现有方法也没有考虑如何解决因资源占用出现用户无法获取事件的情况,导致用户对社交平台满意度下降.为解决上述问题,本文通过用户空闲时间与用户平均速度双重约束条件,提出一种基于用户特征的社交事件规划与饥饿问题处理方法,该方法首先提取用户特征排序的同时,结合贪心算法和Skyline思想再次排序,确定用户最佳处理顺序,在此基础上,针对社交网络事件规划中可能出现的用户饥饿问题提出救济算法,消除兴趣值不敏感的饥饿用户,在总效用值下降最小的前提下,保证了用户对社交网站的最大满意度.实验表明,本文提出的规划算法能够有效地进行社交事件规划并解决用户饥饿问题.  相似文献   

设计和实现了一种动态数据关联网络的表示及搜索方法和系统, 能够在数据实体较多、关联关系较复杂时, 帮助用户获得实体周边关联关系, 并通过引导式交互不断动态扩展; 在已知可能有关联的多个实体时, 采用分布式计算最小连通图算法, 搜索出其关联网络. 应用实例表明, 本方法和系统能够取得很好的实际效果, 采用本方法的应用系统已经在智慧城市、平安城市、城域物联网等多个工程项目中获得落地应用.  相似文献   

Periodic patterns and cyclic patterns have been used to discover recurring patterns in sequence databases. Toroslu (2003) proposed cyclically repeated pattern (CRP) mining, in which a new parameter called repetition support is considered in the mining process. In a data sequence, the occurrence of a subsequence must satisfy a single user-specified minimum repetition support. However, in real-life applications, items may occur at various frequencies in a database. The rare item problem may occur when all items are set to a single minimum repetition support. To solve this problem, we included the concept of multiple minimum supports to enable users to specify the multiple minimum item repetition support (MIR) according to the natures of items. In this paper, we first redefined CRPs based on the MIR and original form of the sequence minimum support. A new algorithm, rep-PrefixSpan, was developed for discovering a complete set of CRPs in sequence databases. The experimental results indicate that the proposed approach exhibits performance superior to that of conventional CRP mining. The proposed method can be applied in many application domains including customer purchase behavior, web logging, and stock analyses.  相似文献   

挖掘多粒度时间下异步周期的模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏卓群  程昱  梁涤青 《计算机应用》2006,26(12):2985-2987
把异步周期和多时间粒度下的时态模型结合起来研究,并利用异步周期的特点提出了一种有效的挖掘算法。算法先找到所有的有效时间节,再通过有效时间节求出最长的有效时间段。实验表明所提出的算法是稳定而有效的。  相似文献   

随着智慧物联体系的发展,物联网中应用程序的种类与数量不断增加.在移动边缘计算(mobile edge computing, MEC)中,通过允许移动用户将任务卸载至附近MEC服务器以加快移动应用程序的速度.本文通过考虑不同任务属性、用户的移动性和时间延迟约束模拟移动边缘场景.根据用户移动轨迹,将目标建模为寻找满足时延约束条件且在卸载过程中产生最小能耗MEC服务器优化模型,并提出一种最小能耗卸载算法求解该问题的最优解.仿真结果表明,在约束条件下,提出的算法可以找到在用户移动轨迹中产生最小能耗的MEC服务器,并显著降低任务卸载过程的能耗与时延,提高应用程序服务质量.  相似文献   

基于多最小支持度的空间关联规则发现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴安阳  赵卫东 《计算机应用》2005,25(9):2171-2174
空间关联规则挖掘可应用于发现空间数据库中大量空间谓词与非空间谓词之间的特定空间关系。论文针对区县道路交通数据提出了一种基于多最小支持度的空间关联规则挖掘算法,并给出了在GIS中进行空间关联规则挖掘的一般方法和流程。该挖掘算法可以从城市道路地理信息数据库中发现用户感兴趣的空间关联规则,经实际应用于城市道路规划管理系统,证明该算法是有效、可行的。  相似文献   

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