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针对目前的D2D多播内容分发机制因冗余传输过高而导致簇头节点能量效率以及系统频谱效率低的问题,提出了一种基于用户需求感知的D2D视频分发机制。通过对用户视频服务请求进行预测,在为服务请求用户分发视频的同时将视频推送给潜在服务用户。首先,根据用户的兴趣、视频的流行度以及用户设备的剩余能量等估算出潜在服务用户接受视频推送的意愿;其次,提出视频分发服务效用值度量来衡量视频分发服务的价值,并对最优化簇头能量效率问题进行建模;最后,提出最优化簇头能量效率的D2D视频分发机制。实验结果表明所提出的D2D视频分发机制相较于传统分发机制其簇头的能量效率及系统吞吐量有着明显的优势。  相似文献   

面向移动社交网络的协作式内容分发机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在移动社交网络中,具有相似兴趣爱好的移动用户之间可通过移动计算设备连接起来,形成虚拟社区,它们常需要和基站及社区内其他用户间交互以实现数据内容的传送与分发.因此需要提供高效、低费用的内容分发机制,来及时更新移动社交网络中用户所携带的内容.该文将社区内当前处于邻近物理位置的用户组成临时的虚拟用户组,并以协作的方式通过基站从内容服务商处下载内容,然后在组内完成内容分发.在对用户组的内容传播时间和支付费用这两方面进行优化时,该文首先分析了面向内容分发完成时间的两种优化策略:用户组中内容分发的最大传播时间最小化策略、非服务性用户的内容平均传播时间最小化策略.在此基础上,综合考虑所需支付的内容获取费用与网络连接费用,来制定优化的内容分发机制.该文给出了相应的算法,并通过仿真实验分析了所提出方法的特点.  相似文献   

为解决高接入量、高数据速率需求下的频谱资源短缺问题,将D2D通信技术引入蜂窝网络,研究密集异构网络中D2D通信的多对多资源分配与功率控制问题.多对多频谱共享将显著提高频谱效率,但在密集场景下会产生干扰累积问题.针对干扰累积问题,提出基于集合划分的多对多资源共享方案,提高D2D用户接入率以及最大化系统吞吐量;设计基于连续凸逼近的功率优化算法,降低主次用户间的干扰,提高D2D用户的稳定性.将仿真结果与其它算法进行比较,验证了该算法可有效控制干扰,显著提高系统吞吐量和D2D用户接入率.  相似文献   

在D2D协作传输场景下,传统的协作方案忽略了节点的自私性及在每个时间点个性化需求的差异性,导致D2D用户配对成功率较低。为了解决上述问题,提出一种基于社交意识和支付激励的D2D协作传输策略。具体地,首先利用物理层终端用户间相遇的历史信息,计算不同时刻用户间的社会关系强度;接着通过节点属性、节点对内容兴趣度计算出内容对节点的重要程度;其次该方案采用熵定义用户服务属性等级,根据节点对内容的不同服务属性等级对不同服务主体进行区别定价,以激励自私节点参与协作;然后用以上因素来构造效用函数,使系统总效用最大化;最后采用模拟退火算法求解从而得到一个稳定的协作传输策略。仿真结果表明,所提策略可满足不同时间段终端个性化需求,有效提高用户满意度和吞吐量。  相似文献   

超密集网络中,严重的小区间干扰制约了终端用户尤其是边缘用户的数据速率。有效地对干扰进行管理、提升边缘用户的数据速率是超密集网络中的研究难点。在超密集网络架构的基础上,提出一种基于图论的不完全染色算法,对网络架构中的基站划分簇,同簇内的不同基站共享频带资源。同时,提出一种子载波分配算法,优先为边缘用户分配信道增益较优的子载波。通过仿真表明,不完全染色算法能够有效地减小小区间干扰,提升系统吞吐量,子载波分配算法在不影响系统吞吐量的基础上能够优化边缘用户的吞吐量。  相似文献   

数据分发软件设计方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
数据分发是基于IP多播或广播技术的一种新的主动服务模式,能够广泛的应用于局域 网、广域网和数字广播网络,其目的是将热点信息推送到海量的用户终端中。归纳了数据分发的服务 特点和传输特性,提出了用于解决数据传输误码的重传因子概念并给出了量化计算方法,最后讨论了 基于IP广播发送和IP多播技术的数据分发发送、接收算法与实现过程。  相似文献   

为提高簇内数据分发效率,可优先选择信道质量良好、可实现较高数据速率的D2D链路,于是提出了多跳D2D转发方案。该方案根据预先设定的数据速率阈值和D2D链路质量,自适应选择最优的中继、路由和转发跳数,提高了时频资源的利用率。逐步深入地给出了3个阈值的设定规则,并推导了对应算法的资源成本表达式。仿真结果表明,3个算法的资源效率依次得到改善,其中优化速率算法与现有单跳传输方案相比获得了良好的性能。  相似文献   

为消减超密集网络中小小区间的干扰,提出多点协作联合传输场景中一种以用户为中心的半动态分簇方法。对网络内的所有小基站进行不重叠分簇,将簇内的小基站及位于簇外但与该簇存在较大干扰的小基站作为用户的备选服务基站,采用迫零预编码消除备选服务基站中的非服务基站对用户的干扰,用户从备选服务基站中选出若干待选服务基站,簇头以最大化簇内用户吞吐量之和为目标从待选服务基站中为用户选择服务基站簇。同时给出一种次优的为用户选择服务基站簇的方法以降低复杂度。仿真结果表明,与相同场景中的已有方案相比,该方法明显提高系统吞吐量。  相似文献   

在蜂窝与D2D混合网络中,D2D用户复用蜂窝用户的资源会给混合网络带来不能避免的干扰,这些干扰严重影响了系统性能。文章在资源分配与功率控制研究的基础上,提出一种基于联合资源分配与功率控制的干扰协调方案。资源分配时,首先对用户进行分簇,分簇的结果是使簇与簇间的总干扰最大,然后以最大化系统容量为目标,采用一种迭代分配方案,对已经分好的簇进行资源块的划分。功率控制时,根据预设的干扰门限值,以及D2D用户与蜂窝用户、基站之间的信道增益估计值,对D2D用户进行动态的功率调整。通过仿真验证该算法能够提高混合网络的总吞吐量。  相似文献   

P2P内容多播系统常常因受到搭便车等自私节点行为的影响而导致性能急剧下降,为此本文采用邻居节点进行带宽监测,并根据监测结果管理彼此间的邻接关系,实现在自私环境下大规模内容的有效多播分发。对所提出的算法协议进行较详细的描述,性能分析与仿真表明该协议所导致的系统中用户节点与分发服务器的网络负载适中且较稳定。  相似文献   

Frequent content retrieval leads to significant energy consumption in cellular networks. Thereby, device-to-device (D2D) communication is used for proximal content delivery. Be aware that social friends may have common content interests, D2D content delivery is further improved by considering social network. However, how to implement efficient D2D multicast with the aid of social relationship needs further consideration. In this paper, with a proposed architecture on combined networks, the cooperation range of content sharing is investigated for D2D multicast to minimize the average energy consumption of serving a content request. Based on combined networks, a cooperation group formation scheme is proposed. Simulation results verify our analyzes and the advantage of proposed scheme.  相似文献   

基于[(t,n)]门限秘密共享的思想,提出一种组密钥协商方案,该方案应用对称多项式可以不需要提前保证组内用户间通信信道的安全。每个用户根据share计算自己的分量(Component),通过秘密恢复机制实现组密钥协商和验证。在线可信第三方的情况下,新用户通过秘密共享机制与原有组用户协商新的组密钥,实现新用户的动态加入。使用组密钥加密通信信息,可以降低多播、组播及多跳通信时的计算开销。与传统的组密钥协商方案相比,该方案可以抵御[t-1]个内部攻击者,无需在线可信第三方,无需用户间预先存在安全信道,并且支持新用户的动态加入。因此,方案更加安全灵活。  相似文献   

In this paper, device-to-device (D2D) communication is integrated into cooperative multicast to elevate the multicast transmission rate from base station to users. To this end, a new optimization problem, aiming to maximize the overall cooperative multicast rate, is formulated with two essential features 1) D2D communication is exploited to accomplish the data forwarding in the second phase of cooperative multicast, which overcomes the performance bottleneck that time resource has to be bisected for original relay forwarding in conventional cooperative multicast. 2) Social tiers are also taken into account for relay user selection, which can be viewed as a kind of incentive mechanism to enable D2D communication. To solve the problem efficiently, a two-step scheme is presented, in which relay user selection by joint leveraging channel gains and social connections, and power allocation by quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization (QPSO), are carried out sequentially. Numerical simulations show that the proposed social network-based D2D-assisted cooperative multicast scheme performs well, and the performance gap between the proposed power allocation algorithm and upper bound could be limited within 5 % when the system is not heavily loaded. The performance gain over traditional cooperative multicast can reach up to 85 %.  相似文献   

《Computers in Industry》2007,58(8-9):747-755
Secure and pervasive 3D CAD model sharing among all collaborative participants is vital to successful Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) applications. However, existing product data management (PDM) solutions only provide rigid 3D data access control mechanism like ‘all-or-nothing’ scenario and thus prevents companies from sharing their 3D data effectively. 3D data sharing can be facilitated if proper technologies are available to break the previous two-grade (grant-or-deny) scheme into more levels and present to a user a 3D model with proper level of detail reduction. Therefore, a collaborator can work on his 3D data as full model while viewing other models in lighter visualisation as mesh or bounding boxes. This paper proposes role-based visualisation to realise the above concept and a prototype system is developed to validate the proposed approach in commercial CAD/PDM applications. Several key issues and future work are discussed.  相似文献   

Multicast IPv6 is an efficient way of transmitting data simultaneously to a group of IPv6 users. It has the advantage of reducing the required bandwidth of IPv6 data delivery compared to unicast transmission. The data rate of multicast transmission over WLAN is confined by the user with the lowest rate in the multicast group, which is called the fixed base rate problem. This paper proposes a delivery method that incorporates both multicast and unicast transmissions to solve the fixed base rate problem. The proposed method divides the IPv6 network into two levels: multicast mode for the upper level of the network [IPv6 server to Access Point (AP)], and unicast mode for the lower level (AP to mobile nodes). To maintain the end-to-end multicast transmission, the AP is responsible for converting multicast packets to unicast packets. Such a combination enables the proposed method to inherit the advantages of both multicast and unicast transmissions. The performance of our proposed method is evaluated in a test-bed environment that considers the transmission of real-time video application. The proposed multicast-unicast is able to improve the throughput and video quality experienced by the end user, with low packet loss and transmission delay.  相似文献   

Genetic fingerprinting for copyright protection of multicast media   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Generally speaking, comparing to the unicast or broadcast methods, it is more efficient to transmit multimedia data via the multicast method to massive users. However, the ease of delivery of multimedia data may cause the copyright of such multimedia to be easily infringed upon, and the fingerprinting scheme is one of effective means for conquering this problem. Fingerprint embedding process often generates the multimedia contents into many different versions, which have to be transmitted via the unicast method. In this paper, we propose a new genetic fingerprinting scheme for copyright protection of multicast video. In this method, the encryption and decryption keys, which aim at scrambling and descrambling multimedia contents, are first produced with genetic algorithms. Next, multimedia data are then encrypted and multicast to all users. At the same time, a secure channel is employed to unicast a designated decryption key to each user. When a user deploys the designated key to decrypt the received data, a corresponding fingerprint would be embedded into the contents. Once upon the reception of the fingerprinted multimedia content, the embedded fingerprint can be extracted shortly, and the copyright can be confirmed and assured. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can transmit multimedia data to clients effectively and cause only a slight degradation in perceptual quality.  相似文献   

Many multicast applications, such as audio/video streaming, file sharing or emergency reporting, are becoming quite common in wireless mobile environment, through the widespread deployment of 802.11-based wireless networks. However, despite the growing interest in the above applications, the current IEEE 802.11 standard does not offer any medium access control (MAC) layer support to the efficient and reliable provision of multicast services. It does not provide any MAC-layer recovery mechanism for unsuccessful multicast transmissions. Consequently, lost frames cannot be detected, hence retransmitted, causing a significant quality of service degradation. In addition, 802.11 multicast traffic is sent at the basic data rate, often resulting in severe throughput reduction.In this work, we address these issues by presenting a reliable multicast MAC protocol for wireless multihop networks, which is coupled with a lightweight rate adaptation scheme. Simulation results show that our schemes provide high packet delivery ratio and when compared with other state-of-the-art solutions, they also provide reduced control overhead and data delivery delay.  相似文献   

在无线蜂窝网中使用设备到设备(Device-to-Device,D2D)通信技术,可以有效卸载基站的流量。文中研究基站到某个小区域(如一幢办公楼)内多个设备的基于D2D通信的高效数据多播,提出了一种基于D2D通信的包接收率(Packet Reception Ratio,PRR)和包平均转发次数(Average Packet Retransmission times,APRT)可控的多播方案,并分别以PRR下限约束下的APRT最小化(PRR constrained APRT minimization,APRT-M)和APRT上限约束下的PRR最大化(APRT constrained PRR maximization,PRR-M)为目标,最优化中继节点最大转发次数。相比于传统方案,所提方案可显著降低BS的多播负载。APRT-M方式以尽可能降低PRR(但不小于给定值)为代价来最小化APRT,而PRR-M方式以尽可能增大APRT(但不大于给定值)为代价来最大化PRR。  相似文献   

针对不完全CSI下Cellular-D2D通信系统中,蜂窝用户与D2D用户频谱复用带来的共道干扰问题,提出以最大化平均总和速率为优化目标的D2D用户接入策略。利用随机几何理论建立Cellular-D2D中的共道干扰模型,通过一阶自回归模型刻画不完全CSI特性,同时利用D2D用户间的距离变化刻画D2D链路的动态时变特性。利用詹森(Jensen)不等式得到D2D链路的平均总和速率封闭表达式,进而得到D2D用户接入密度的最优解。仿真实验表明,该策略具有可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

网络环境中的三维交互技术应用广泛,但目前存在数据量大和带宽有限的矛盾,无法满足交互的实时性要求。以用户兴趣和网络状态为出发点,在三维场景传输策略中引入上下文感知计算,实现系统对用户意图的自动感知和相关数据的预传输,充分利用网络的空闲带宽,达到缩短响应时间的目的,并在人体经络系统中的验证了传输策略的有效性。  相似文献   

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