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曹菊琴  汪建华  满卫东  熊礼威 《应用化工》2006,35(10):745-746,751
以H2和CH4的混合气体为气源,用微波等离子体辅助化学气相沉积法(MPECVD)在1 cm×1 cm S i(100)基体上沉积了金刚石薄膜。研究了不同的甲烷浓度对金刚石薄膜(100)织构生长趋势的影响。分别采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM),Ram an光谱对金刚石膜的表面形貌、质量进行了分析。结果表明,当基体温度为750℃,气压为4.8×103Pa,甲烷浓度为1.4%时,薄膜表面为(100)织构。  相似文献   

以MgCl2·6H2O和NH4HCO3为原料,CH3COONa·3H2O为形貌控制剂,采用沉淀结晶法制备MgCO3·3H2O晶须,考察了不同添加量的CH3COONa·3H2O对晶须结晶过程和形貌的影响,并研究了晶须在该体系中的生长机制。结果表明:当体系中加入质量分数为0.23%的CH3COONa·3H2O时可以成功制备长径比约为30的棒状MgCO3·3H2O晶须,CH3COONa·3H2O的存在促进了MgCO3·3H2O晶须的形成。该体系中晶须的生长过程:首先形成无定形的4MgCO3·Mg(OH)2·4H2O,之后无定形4MgCO3·Mg(OH)2·4H2O逐渐转变为MgCO3·3H2O并生长成较大长径比的棒状MgCO3·3H2O晶须。这是因为CH3COONa·3H2O电离产生的Na +选择性吸附在MgCO3·3H2O晶体轴向的(101)晶面,抑制了该晶面生长,而径向晶面生长速率未受到影响,从而促使无定形MgCO3·3H2O生长成棒状晶须。  相似文献   

提出一种铁基氧载体(Fe3O4/FeO)化学链CO2重整CH4方法制备合成气。为评价该系统的性能,采用Aspen Plus软件对其进行过程模拟和热力学分析。以CH4转化率、CO2转化率、能源利用效率和产气氢碳比(H2/CO)为评价指标,得到系统的优化运行条件,并研究各操作参数(包括各反应器的温度和压力、氧载体甲烷比和CO2甲烷比)对系统性能的影响。结果表明:当系统处于优化工况时,得到CH4转化率为97.91%、CO2转化率为32.76%、能源利用效率为93.77%及产气氢碳比为0.93。该系统能有效利用CO2和CH4这两种温室气体获得较低氢碳比的合成气,利于二甲醚的高效合成。  相似文献   

阚青  杨岚  刘露  马晓迅 《化工进展》2019,38(10):4786-4796
采用自行研究设计的介质阻挡-电晕放电等离子体反应装置在模拟烟气中进行NO、SO2的脱除研究。考察了O2、CO2、水蒸气等气体组分对脱除NO、SO2的影响,并进一步探讨了添加剂CH3COONH4对脱除NO、SO2的影响及作用机理。实验结果表明:O2、CO2和水蒸气浓度的增加对NO脱除有抑制作用,而引入CH3COONH4后,这些抑制作用会被减弱,使NO的脱除率得到大幅度提升,但这些抑制作用不会完全消除。在引入CH3COONH4后,气体组分和输入电流的变化对脱除SO2的影响不明显,SO2脱除率可达到94%左右。在N2/O2/CO2/H2O/NO/SO2体系中加入0.27%的CH3COONH4后,NO初始浓度不变的条件下,SO2含量较少时,对NO的脱除影响不明显,随着SO2浓度的增加,NO的脱除率不断下降,增加CH3COONH4的添加量可消除SO2的影响;另一方面,在SO2初始浓度恒定的条件下,随着NO含量的增加,SO2的脱除率保持在94%左右。在N2/O2/CO2/H2O/NO/SO2体系中加入0.51%的CH3COONH4后,输入电流2.5A时,NO的脱除率达到72%。  相似文献   

以CH4和H2为气源,用微波辅助等离子体装置,在10.0 mm×7.0 mm的砷化镓基底上沉积了CVD金刚石薄膜,用扫描电子显微镜观察沉积效果,拉曼光谱表征沉积质量,分析薄膜附着力与砷化镓材料性能的关系。结果表明,当基体温度为600℃,气压为5 kPa,甲烷浓度为2.0%时,在砷化镓片表面上沉积出了CVD金刚石薄膜,晶粒尺寸均匀,晶形完整、规则,晶界非常清晰。  相似文献   

潘勇  张喆  童雄师  李海  刘蓓  孙长宇  陈光进 《化工学报》2015,66(8):3130-3136
为了有效地捕集焦炉气及煤层气中的甲烷,提出了一种新型捕集技术:吸收-吸附组合方法,该方法通过把ZIF-8分散到乙二醇水溶液中形成悬浮浆液,实现对甲烷组分的捕集。首先测定了甲烷、氮气和氢气在浆液中的吸收-吸附容量,得出吸着量大小的顺序为CH4> N2> H2,然后对CH4/H2和CH4/N2的混合气进行吸着平衡研究,发现浆液均能有选择性地吸着甲烷。对浆液中回收的ZIF-8材料进行XRD表征,分析证明在整个吸着过程中ZIF-8结构没有发生变化并且ZIF-8/乙二醇-水浆液能重复利用。  相似文献   

利用外源氢气纯化升级沼气的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
涂睿  黎军  王萌  刘畅  陆小华 《化工学报》2014,65(5):1587-1593
沼气发酵过程存在产气速率低和甲烷浓度低两个普遍问题。从甲烷生成的反应机理来看,如果提供充足的氢气,能够把沼气中的CO2成分转化为CH4,既提高了甲烷的产量,又提高了甲烷的浓度。介绍了最近国内外在这个方向上的探索性研究成果。实验表明,利用外源氢气确实可以纯化升级沼气,在一定条件下还可以达到生物甲烷的品质(即CH4浓度高于95%)。分析了这项技术实用化需要解决的两个关键问题:强化H2气液传质及获取廉价氢源。最后,对这个方向进行了展望,并提出了一个光电催化产氢与厌氧发酵产甲烷耦合的设想方案。  相似文献   

曲冬蕾  杨颖  钱智玲  李平  于建国 《化工学报》2020,71(12):5599-5609
针对CO2置换吸附分离CH4/N2过程中CO2再生困难的问题,采用少量产品气CH4真空吹扫以提高CO2的解吸效果,并以解吸得到的CH4/CO2混合气为置换步骤的置换气,通过置换来强化含氮低品质甲烷的浓缩过程。以自制椰壳活性炭为吸附剂,对CH4/CO2混合气置换强化吸附回收含氮低品质甲烷工艺过程进行了实验与模拟研究。在gPROMS软件中建立并求解固定床吸附分离模型方程,预测了CH4、N2 和CO2在自制椰壳活性炭上的竞争吸附穿透曲线,通过预测结果和实验的对比,验证了数学模型方程的准确性。对比了不同置换气强化吸附分离低品质甲烷的效果,结果表明CH4/CO2混合气置换强化相对于CO2置换强化可获得更高纯度产品。进行了CH4/CO2混合气置换强化真空变压吸附循环实验,可以将14%的CH4/N2和53%的CH4/CO2联合富集到98.8%,同时获得77.8%的回收率。  相似文献   

沸石ZSM-5吸附回收低浓度煤层气中CH4   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
刘海庆  吴一江  杨颖  杨林  李平  于建国 《化工学报》2016,67(5):1931-1941
利用高硅疏水性沸石ZSM-5吸附回收低浓度煤层气中的甲烷,对其吸附平衡、吸附动力学以及真空变压吸附分离过程进行了理论和实验研究。通过重量法和穿透曲线法测定了CH4/N2单组分及双组分的竞争吸附平衡数据,并采用Multisite Langmuir吸附等温线模型对其进行拟合。结合CH4和N2稀释穿透曲线实验数据和等温无动量损失的双分散二级孔结构扩散模型,获得CH4和N2在沸石ZSM-5上的微孔扩散系数。建立并求解包含质量、动量及能量传递的固定床吸附分离模型方程,预测了CH4和N2在沸石ZSM-5上的竞争吸附穿透曲线。进一步采用ZSM-5吸附剂填充床单柱四步真空变压吸附实验考察了进料浓度、进料流速、进料时间以及吹扫比对分离效果的影响。结果发现沸石ZSM-5对CH4具有较好的选择性,沸石晶粒内的微孔扩散为吸附速率控制步骤,真空变压吸附工艺可将模拟煤层气中20%的CH4提纯至31%~41%,回收率为93%~98%。  相似文献   

孟凡会  常慧蓉  李忠 《化工学报》2014,65(8):2997-3003
采用共浸渍法制备了Ni-Mn/Al2O3催化剂,考察了助剂Mn的含量对催化剂结构及浆态床CO甲烷化性能的影响。采用XRD、H2-TPR、BET、TEM、H2-化学吸附等表征对催化剂进行了测试分析,结果表明,Mn助剂的引入能够促进Ni物种在载体表面的分散,减弱Ni物种与载体的相互作用,降低催化剂的还原温度,提高催化剂的比表面积,减小活性金属Ni的晶粒尺寸。随着Mn含量的增加,Ni-Mn/Al2O3催化剂的甲烷化性能先升后降,其中以Mn含量为4%(质量分数)时的催化甲烷化性能最佳,添加过量的Mn导致活性组分Ni被部分覆盖,催化甲烷化性能下降。通过对16Ni4Mn/Al2O3催化剂样品的浆态床反应温度及反应压力的研究发现,当反应温度为280℃、反应压力为1.5 MPa时,催化剂样品16Ni4Mn/Al2O3的CO转化率及CH4选择性分别达到96.2%和88.8%。  相似文献   

The effect of the nitrogenation on the electrochemical properties of nanocrystalline diamond films produced by microwave plasma CVD in CH4–Ar–H2–N2 gas mixtures was studied systematically, using cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements, for the first time. Differential capacitance, kinetic parameters of reactions in [Fe(CN)6]3-/4-redox system and potential window were found to be sensitive to the nitrogen concentration in the process gas. With its increase (from 0 to 25%), a transition of the NCD film behavior from “poor conductor” to metal-like character takes place. The heavily N-doped nanocrystalline diamond films have satisfactory electrochemical properties to be used as electrodes.  相似文献   

The influence of Ar addition to CH4/H2 plasma on the crystallinity, morphology and growth rate of the diamond films deposited in MPCVD was investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. X-Ray diffraction patterns indicate that diamond films of strong (111) and weak (400) texture are produced in these samples. Faceted diamond gradually turns into ballas-like diamond with graphitic inclusions when the Ar concentration increases to above 30 vol.%, as indicated by Raman spectra. As the Ar concentration goes above 90 vol.%, nanocrystalline diamond films are formed, characterized by a 1150-cm−1 peak in the Raman spectra and morphology observation. Diamond growth by CH3 or by C2 mechanism is proposed to interpret the change in the growth rate of diamond films with the variation of Ar content in the plasma.  相似文献   

Ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) films grown in an argon-rich Ar/CH4/H2 microwave plasma with nitrogen gas added in amounts of 0%–20% were studied by Raman spectroscopy with multiple excitation wavelengths in the range of 244–647 nm and by optical absorption in UV–visible. The Raman spectra have demonstrated the presence of diamond, amorphous carbon and polyacetylene in the UNCD films. Analysis of vibrational and optical properties of amorphous carbon phase proves that nitrogen stimulates the transition from amorphous carbon into an ordered graphite-like structure with narrowed optical band gap, which is supposed to be responsible for the high electrical conductivity of the N-doped UNCD.  相似文献   

Ultrananocrystalline diamond films have been grown by microwave plasma CVD using CH4/H2/Ar mixtures with N2 added in plasma in amounts up to 25%. The films were characterized with AFM, Raman, XRD, and UV–IR optical absorption spectroscopy mainly focusing on optical and thermal properties. In comparison with polycrystalline CVD diamond the UNCD are very smooth (Ra < 10 nm), have low thermal conductivity ( 0.10 W/cm K), high optical absorption ( 103 cm− 1 at 500 nm) and high concentration of bonded hydrogen ( 9 at.%). The nitrogen presence in the plasma has a profound impact on UNCD structure and properties, particularly leading to a decrease in resistivity (by 12 orders of magnitude), thermal conductivity, Tauc band gap, optical transmission and H content. The UNCD demonstrated rather good thermal stability in vacuum: the diamond phase still was present in the films subjected to annealing to 1400 °C.  相似文献   

We have investigated the influence of ammonia (NH3) and dimethylamine ((CH3)2NH or DA) precursors on the deposition of carbon nitride films in a plasma enhanced-hot filament-chemical vapor deposition process. We found that using C and N directly bonded into precursor, as in DA, notably enhanced the N incorporation and film compactness, as compared to CH4 precursor or CH4/NH3 mixtures. The optical properties of films prepared with DA were investigated by IR and Raman spectroscopy, while the film hardness was investigated by nanoindentation. We found that introducing small amounts of ammonia (NH3/DA=0.2) during deposition improves film density and N incorporation, but a further increase of ammonia content (0.23/DA<1) is deleterious for films properties. In such cases, the etching effect of NH3 during deposition prevails over N incorporation in the films.  相似文献   

The composition and structure of the product of mixture CH4+CD4 oxidative coupling over natural manganese mineral catalyst at 3% and 25% methane conversion in redox mode at 850°C have been determined by IR-Absorption- Reflection spectroscopy technique. At low methane conversion there were ethanes: H3OCH3, H3OCD3, D3CCD3 and ethylenes: H2CCH2, H2CCD2, D2CCD2 only The data obtained showed that the reaction proceeds by gas-phase CH3, CD3 radicals coupling and ethane is the primary C2-product and ethylene is produced by gas-phase conversion of ethane.  相似文献   

The wettability of nanocrystalline CVD diamond films grown in a microwave plasma using Ar/CH4/H2 mixtures with tin melt (250–850 °C) and water was studied by the sessile-drop method. The films showed the highest contact angles θ of 168 ± 3° for tin among all carbon materials. The surface hydrogenation and oxidation allow tailoring of the θ value for water from 106 ± 3° (comparable to polymers) to 5° in a much wider range compared to microcrystalline diamond films. Doping with nitrogen by adding N2 in plasma strongly affects the wetting presumably due to an increase of sp2-carbon fraction in the films and formation of C–N radicals.  相似文献   

An inductive coupled planar radio frequency (rf) reactor (ICP) with separately mounted concentric coils was used to deposit diamond films onto silicon and boron nitride. A grounded Faraday polarizer was mounted on top of the reactor below the rf-coil to prevent capacitive coupling. The electrically heated substrates were immersed in the most intense plasma region shaped like a torus. Mainly two different argon-hydrogen-methane mixtures were used, namely Ar/H2/CH4—250/25/0.5 sccm (mixture #I) and Ar/H2/CH4—50/50/0.5 sccm (mixture #II). With the conditions of mixture #I, deposition of good quality diamond with relatively high growth rates (0.6–1 μm h−1) has been obtained. During diamond growth, the plasma was investigated by means of a Langmuir probe system (LP), providing radial distributions of several plasma parameters. The energy distributions of the most often occurring ions were analysed by an energy and mass spectrometer (EMS). Correlations between the measured parameters and the grown coatings will be given.  相似文献   

We present advantages of high-power microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) in homoepitaxial diamond film deposition. Diamond films grown at comparatively high growth rate of 3.5 μm/h showed intense free-exciton recombination emission at room temperature. The free-exciton decay time of the diamond film at room temperature, 22 ns, was much longer than that of type-IIa single crystal, indicating electronically high quality of the homoepitaxial films. Dislocation-related emissions were locally observed, a part of which created by mechanical polishing process was successfully removed by surface etching process using oxygen plasma. Another advantage of the high-power MPCVD is effective impurity doping; boron-doped diamond films with high carrier mobility and high carrier concentration were reproducibly deposited. An ultraviolet photodetector fabricated using the high-quality undoped diamond film showed lower noise equivalent power as well as higher photoresponsivity for ultraviolet light with better visible-blind property, compared to those of standard Si-based photodetectors. The high-power MPCVD is, thus, indispensable technique for depositing high quality diamond films for electronic devices.  相似文献   

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