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采用实验及数值计算研究了乙醇和二甲醚微圆管射流火焰燃烧特性。通过实验观察到不同燃料流速下乙醇和二甲醚火焰都具有四种典型的火焰形态;使用平面激光诱导荧光测试系统获得了微射流火焰的OH基元分布,实验结果表明在较高流速下稳定燃烧的乙醇火焰比二甲醚火焰直径小,且略高于二甲醚火焰;采用考虑详细化学反应机理的数值计算对乙醇和二甲醚火焰进行了数值模拟,计算结果与实验现象吻合较好;利用一维非预混对冲火焰计算进一步研究了这两种燃料的化学反应路径,分析结果表明乙醇和二甲醚火焰的中间产物有显著差异,两种燃料化学反应特性的差异导致了不同的微火焰结构。  相似文献   

微喷管氢气非预混射流火焰燃烧特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
采用考虑详细化学反应机理的数值计算,对空气伴流中微圆管氢气非预混射流火焰进行了研究。不同流速下火焰OH基元分布数值计算与实验结果吻合较好。结果表明:当微圆管内径保持不变时,随着燃料速度减小,火焰最高温度逐渐降低。当燃料速度接近熄灭极限速度时,火焰最高温度开始急剧下降;微圆管氢气非预混射流火焰存在最小流速对应的熄灭极限;随着管壁材料热导率降低,火焰中心轴线上的最高温度逐渐升高,喷口处壁面温度也升高;管壁材料热导率对火焰熄灭极限速度影响不显著。  相似文献   

采用考虑详细化学反应机理的数值计算,对空气伴流中微圆管氢气非预混射流火焰进行了研究。不同流速下火焰OH基元分布数值计算与实验结果吻合较好。结果表明:当微圆管内径保持不变时,随着燃料速度减小,火焰最高温度逐渐降低。当燃料速度接近熄灭极限速度时,火焰最高温度开始急剧下降;微圆管氢气非预混射流火焰存在最小流速对应的熄灭极限;随着管壁材料热导率降低,火焰中心轴线上的最高温度逐渐升高,喷口处壁面温度也升高;管壁材料热导率对火焰熄灭极限速度影响不显著。  相似文献   

乙醇在微尺度单电极燃烧器内的雾化与燃烧   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
甘云华  佟洋  罗智斌 《化工学报》2015,66(11):4597-4602
采用荷电喷雾燃烧技术是促进微尺度下液体燃料稳定燃烧的重要方法。使用乙醇为燃料,在新型结构的喷嘴内径为0.8 mm微尺度单电极燃烧器内,进行了荷电雾化与燃烧特性的实验研究。结果表明:荷电雾化会随喷嘴电压升高而出现4种模式,对应的荷质比在脉动模式下最低,到达锥-射流模式后出现跃升,在锥-射流模式下最为稳定。荷电雾化后的乙醇在燃烧器网格处稳定燃烧,火焰温度随着当量比增大先上升后下降。火焰温度在当量比=1.0时达到最高值,且随电压增大而上升。锥-射流模式下,当量比=1.0时,燃烧效率可达89%,燃料转换效率可达90%。稳定的雾化模式以及合适的当量比,对燃烧效果具有较大的改善作用。  相似文献   

叶宏程  甘云华  江政纬  罗燕来 《化工学报》2019,70(12):4787-4794
研究液体燃料雾化燃烧的火焰特性,有助于理解整个燃烧的变化过程。基于对冲火焰结构,以无水乙醇为燃料,设计了乙醇荷电喷雾对冲燃烧装置。通过对喷雾和火焰进行拍摄,并对火焰温度进行测量,得到了不同燃料流量下的喷雾形态、火焰形态和火焰温度变化,探讨了不同当量比、应变率对火焰形态和温度的影响规律。结果表明:随着乙醇流量的增加,喷雾的雾化核心区域和卫星区域的分界逐渐消失,当乙醇流量增加到13 ml/h时,喷雾出现液柱。当量比小于1时火焰保持稳定,当量比大于1时火焰出现振荡,火焰的无量纲直径随当量比的增加呈减小趋势。随着应变率的增大,火焰的无量纲直径减小,温度降低。  相似文献   

穆嫒萍  叶丁丁  陈蓉  朱恂  廖强 《化工学报》2020,71(7):3278-3287
基于棉线的微流体燃料电池采用棉线作为流道,无须外部泵、易于微型化,是便携式微流体设备非常有前景的电源,但其性能受阳极燃料传质的限制。本文采用格子Boltzmann方法研究基于棉线的微流体燃料电池阳极耦合电化学反应的传质特性,通过构建三维的棉线流道数值模型,计算得到该流道内燃料的速度及浓度分布,并讨论燃料的进口浓度及流量对该电池阳极性能及传质特性的影响。计算结果表明:阳极极化曲线与实验结果吻合较好;燃料在棉线内部的流速较低,在不同阳极过电位下,燃料浓度沿流动方向均降低,且过电位越大降低得越多;进口燃料浓度越高时,平均电流密度越高,阳极性能升高;随着进口燃料流量的增加,棉线与反应界面接触部位的浓度与其他区域浓度之间的差异增大,而进口流量较低时,该浓度的差异较小且流道后段的浓度较低。  相似文献   

通过1.3MW级工业燃烧器实验验证商用CFD软件计算天然气湍流扩散火焰长度的有效性。以天然气(含有95%CH4和5%N2)为燃料,以直径为300mm、长度为1200mm的圆筒形燃烧室中、燃气孔径基本尺寸2mm的同轴射流扩散火焰为研究对象。采用数值计算的方法研究了燃气流量、喷孔孔径、助燃风特性等多种因素对火焰长度的影响规律。研究结果表明:在天然气湍流扩散火焰中,当孔径不变燃气流量增加一倍,火焰长度由652mm增加到782mm,增长19.9%。当燃气流量不变孔径增加一倍,652mm增加到1012mm,增长55.2%。改变燃气孔径是控制湍流扩散火焰长度的有效手段;在一定氧含量范围内,与助燃风氧含量相比,湍流火焰长度对助燃风速度的变化更加敏感。该研究对评估天然气燃烧装备性能和优化燃烧室设计具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

对甲烷/富氧同轴射流扩散火焰燃烧条件下氧化剂流速对NOx排放的影响进行了实验研究. 通过对火焰径向温度分布、火焰形态以及喷嘴出口附近扩散燃烧的流场的观测,分析了不同条件下NOx的生成特性. 结果显示,在保持氧化剂流量不变的条件下,NOx排放指数EINOx随氧化剂流速的增加而减小,在保持氧浓度及过量空气系数不变的条件下,小火焰有利于保持较低的EINOx.  相似文献   

针对浮法玻璃熔窑火焰空间建立模型并进行了数值模拟,在保证热值相同的前提下,对比研究了重油燃烧及将石油焦部分替代重油燃烧时的流场分布特征。结果表明,石油焦部分代替重油燃烧后,两种燃料可很好地混合燃烧,窑炉内温度制度基本不受影响;石油焦着火时间比重油长,两种燃料混合燃烧时平均着火点滞后于仅使用重油时,且燃烧路径更长,燃烧时产生了大量CO,整个火焰空间及烟气出口处NOx的平均排放量与仅使用重油相比降低了30.02%,NOx减排效果明显。  相似文献   

在液化气与空气燃烧的层流火焰两侧施加放电磁场,测定磁场强度,采用双铂铑热电偶和综合烟气分析仪检测层流自由射流火焰温度和NO浓度,分析了不同磁场强度下层流自由射流火焰特性和NO生成特性. 结果表明,在电磁场作用下火焰长度变短,火焰下部直径增大;随磁场强度增大,火焰面下部温度提高. 电磁场可减少火焰中N, HCN, CN等离子和离子团与氧的碰撞几率,导致NO浓度降低,最大下降值为4.26 mg/m3,最大降幅为78.60%.  相似文献   

Jinou Song  Chunde Yao  Zhenyu Tian 《Fuel》2009,88(11):2297-1601
In order to determine the effects of oxygenates on the fuel combustion, the experiments reported here investigated the premixed n-heptane flame chemistry. Heptane typifies the large alkanes that comprise the bulk of most hydrocarbon fuels. The specific flames were low-pressure (25 Torr), laminar, premixed flames of n-heptane/oxygen/argon and n-heptane/oxygenate/oxygen/argon at an equivalence ratio of 1.0. Two different fuel oxygenates (i.e. MTBE and ethanol) were tested, these are the main oxygenates used to improve motor vehicle fuel properties. The experiment was performed with tunable synchrotron vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionization and molecular-beam sampling mass spectrometry. Major species on the centerline of each flame were identified by measurements of the photoionization mass spectrum and photoionization efficiency (PIE) spectra. Mole fraction profiles of these species were derived at the selected photon energies near the ionization thresholds. A large amount of oxygenated intermediates was detected in the oxygenate containing flames. The species measurements indicated that MTBE and ethanol enhanced the heptane oxidation via different routes, and reduced the mole fractions of aromatics and cycloalkenes in varying degrees. The results are a useful databases for testing detailed chemical kinetic mechanism of fuel decomposition.  相似文献   

在直径35 mm、高度2 mm光学可视的定容燃烧腔内,实验研究了常温常压静止乙烷/空气、丙烷/空气和正丁烷/空气预混气在燃烧腔中心由电火花点燃后向外传播的火焰传播特性。结果表明:3种燃料空气混合气可形成火焰传播的当量比范围不同,范围由大到小排序为乙烷>丙烷>正丁烷;3种燃料均存在由光滑火焰面向褶皱火焰面转变的传播形态;在微型定容燃烧腔内,3种燃料的火焰传播速度均低于常规尺度下定容燃烧弹内火焰传播速度,且火焰传播速度随半径增加而减小;随着当量比增加,火焰锋面容易出现褶皱和断裂现象,在高当量比情况下,火焰传播会出现短暂停滞。  相似文献   

The growth characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in laminar dimethyl ether (DME) diffusion flame were investigated experimentally, and we assumed that the growth of PAHs within the flame was predominantly due to methyl addition/cyclization (MAC) mechanism. Methane and propane laminar diffusion flames were also investigated for comparison, and their PAHs growth characteristics had been explained by reactions concerning acetylene and propargyl radical. Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and laser-induced incandescence (LII) techniques were used to measure the relative concentration of soot and PAHs, respectively. Two-dimensional images of the OH-LIF, PAHs-LIF, and LII from soot were measured in the test flames. Furthermore, to investigate the growth characteristics of the PAHs in the flames, the fluorescence spectra of the PAHs were measured at several heights in the flames, using a spectrograph. The molecular size of the PAHs was estimated based on an emission wavelength region of the PAHs-LIF that varied along with the PAH size. The results show that although the PAHs were widely distributed within the unburned region similar to that of the methane and propane flames, the intensity and detection region of LII were much smaller than that of the methane and propane flames. The PAHs-LIF spectra indicated that the growth of the PAHs within the DME flame was much slower than the methane and propane flames, and thus a large number of small PAHs were discharged into the OH region distributed around the outer edge of the flame.  相似文献   

In recovery combustion systems operating in the steel industry, energy is provided by boilers burning residual gases of blast furnace and coke oven. To help understand combustion of this particular type of fuels, a numerical study is conducted where the major chemical properties of steel gas flames are collected. The chemical composition of representative fuel and oxidizer steel gas is varied over a large range in calculations using detailed chemistry and complex transport properties. The chemical equilibrium compositions, premixed flame speeds and diffusion flame extinction strain rates are determined. The advantages and shortcomings of the use of vitiated air emerge, and its introduction into the boiler appears as an interesting alternative to reduce NOx emission. The detailed information obtained with laminar flame calculations is also introduced in flamelet turbulent combustion modeling. Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) simulations of a test case burner are performed and some comparisons between numerical predictions and experimental results are presented.  相似文献   

平板狭缝间C1~C4烷烃/空气预混射流火焰的燃烧特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对平行平板狭缝间C1~C4烷烃预混射流火焰进行了实验研究,考察了壁面温度、狭缝间距、当量比、燃料种类等对火焰形态和稳定性的影响,并利用高速相机获得了狭缝间的火焰图像。结果表明,随着狭缝间距的减小,火焰经历了稳定、脉动和熄火3个阶段。其中,火焰脉动发生在大于熄火间距的狭小范围内,其脉动频率随着壁面温度的升高而增加。对同一种燃料,当预混气当量比和壁面温度保持恒定时,火焰的脉动频率在脉动发生的区域内保持不变。对比C1~C4烷烃预混火焰的脉动频率及脉动火焰持续距离范围,发现甲烷预混火焰的均最小,而其他3种燃料则比较接近。  相似文献   

史艳玲  甘云华 《化工学报》2016,67(7):2777-2783
烃类燃料的燃烧使火焰中含有带电粒子,因此通过外加电场可以实现对微小尺度下液体燃料的燃烧控制。采用液体乙醇为燃料,内径0.9 mm不锈钢管为喷管,外加高压直流电场,得到小尺度扩散火焰伏安特性曲线。将燃烧系统等效成电路模型,根据电路理论得到火焰等效电阻变化规律。产生的离子电流作为被调量,运用简单的经典PID闭环控制,实现了对火焰的控制。仿真结果表明,设计的控制系统具有较好的抗干扰能力,为微型燃烧器的控制和稳定运行提供理论指导和参考依据。  相似文献   

Daesik Kim 《Fuel》2010,89(11):3475-3481
Flame transfer function measurements were performed in a turbulent premixed lean combustor with various blends of hydrogen and natural gas. The fuel mixture was completely premixed with air upstream of a choked inlet to the combustor to avoid equivalence ratio fluctuations. A variable speed siren was used to modulate fluctuations in the inlet velocity, which was measured using a hot wire anemometer as an input parameter of the flame transfer function. Heat release oscillations as an output function were determined using chemiluminescence measurements from whole flames. Stable flame images were captured to understand general flame behavior over a range of operating conditions and fuel blends. Experimental results showed that the stable flames’ COMs (centers of mass) laid along a common path in a 2-D plane for all of the operating conditions and tested fuel compositions at a given injector geometry, and that variations in the stable flame shape could be characterized by the location of the common path of the flame’s COM. It was also shown that changes in the fuels significantly affected the flame shape; as a result, flame dynamics varied with changes in flame geometry. Accordingly, flames that were close together on the characteristic flame COM curve were shown to have similar forced flame responses.  相似文献   

超临界水热燃烧技术作为一种新型的高效清洁燃烧技术,为实现有机废物处理、稠油资源高效开发、煤基固体燃料清洁转化利用、新型钻井技术开发及劣质燃料品质提升等提供了一条崭新的途径,具有广阔的发展前景。本文概述了超临界水热燃烧的提出、发展历程及其技术优势,评述了不同燃料的水热火焰特性、水热燃烧反应器形式以及水热燃烧技术工程应用方面的研究现状。指出对于特定燃料,水热燃烧反应器具有较低的燃料熄火温度是提高反应器内水热火焰稳定性的关键。水热燃烧反应器开发过程中水热火焰区的结构布置需综合考虑蓄热需求与反应器壁面安全。水热火焰特性与超临界水中传热传质的耦合机制、水热燃烧过程数值模拟、光-超临水-氧气复杂环境下的材料腐蚀特性、水热火焰辅助降解有机废物、生产多元热流体辅助稠油开采、煤基固体燃料的水热燃烧是超临界水热燃烧领域未来研究热点。  相似文献   

The burning rate emulator (BRE) is a burner that emulates condensed fuel flames using gaseous fuel/inert mixtures by matching four properties: the heat of combustion; the heat of gasification; the laminar smoke point; and the surface temperature. Matching the heat of gasification requires measuring the burner heat flux, for which the BRE has embedded heat flux gauges and a copper top-plate calorimeter. Seven condensed fuels were emulated: acetone, ethanol, methanol, polyethylene, polymethylmethacrylate, polypropylene, and polystyrene. The gaseous fuels were methane, ethylene, and propylene, diluted with nitrogen. Emulation data and flame images are shown to demonstrate emulation accuracy. A new method of emulation is developed that shifts the focus on which properties are prioritized and yields ~15% improvement in flame height. Calibration and use of the calorimeter are shown to have improved accuracy (within 5%) which provides confidence in the results.  相似文献   

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