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Jharia coalfield is a chief storehouse of prime coking coal in India. Earlier,many shallow seams were exploited by surface mining but when this method became uneconomical the mine operators resorted to underground method. However, due to various geotechnical problems, it was not possible to fully extract coal by underground method. Opencast mining is now being planned for extraction of coal locked in partially worked coal seam for ensuring maximum recovery. The major problem envisaged in conducting opencast mining insuch areas will be the stability of slope. In this paper, the technique adopted for simulation of 144 10 thick section of rock mass in equivalent material model is outlined. Old shallow surface excavation upto 33.0 m and later on underground workings were simulated in coal seam II/III. The span of the void was 160 m. An opencast excavation was conducted for recovering locked coal. The behaViour of slopes are reported here.  相似文献   

One of the crucial decisions affecting productivity of the mine is the mining method selection. Longwall mining is quite common in underground coal mining, and it allows the use of mechanization. As application of mechanization increases, production also increases and the number of workers decreases. Thus, the organization of work is easier, and the number of accidents decreases in the mine. Field conditions and equipment properties should be evaluated in detail before applying mechanization. In this study, underground mechanization factors are grouped under four main headings. These headings are production, geology, rock mechanics and work safety factors. And then, sub-criteria are determined under main headings. Main and sub-criteria are evaluated with fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) method for Amasra coal mine. According to the fuzzy evaluations of decision criteria, underground mechanization methods are evaluated whether they can be applied in Amasra coal mine.  相似文献   

张国荣 《金属矿山》2013,42(6):42-45
为改进小型石灰石矿地下开采采矿方法,结合新罗矿区22个石灰石地下矿山实际情况,进行了石灰石地下开采采矿方法选择的影响分析。基于新罗矿区小型石灰石地下矿山现状和存在问题,研究分析了如何改进小型石灰石地下矿山的采矿方法。得出结论:只采矿房不回收矿柱,实行一步骤回采,采用矿柱永久支撑法处理空区,是小型石灰石地下矿山很合适的空区处理方法;原采空区应采用“避开”或人工砌筑假柱完善矿柱支撑体系进行处理;改房柱法为留矿法进行采矿,能提高小型石灰石地下矿山回采率,使回采率从30%以内提高到40%~55%。  相似文献   

岩金开采浅眼留矿设计和施工与应用若干技术问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国岩金矿床经历60多年开采之后,目前仍然以地下开采为主,露天开采为辅;在地下开采三大类采矿方法中,以浅眼留矿为主,全面和房柱为辅的空场采矿法到21世纪初期还占60%以上。在我国刚刚解放时之岩金开采曾经是浅孔留矿法一统天下,为我国黄金工业发展及产量提高作出巨大贡献。预计,21世纪之后这种采矿方法仍然是岩金地下开采的主要采矿方法。本文就其中设计、施工与应用的几个技术问题进行探讨。  相似文献   


The MINDER system (MINe Design using Expert Reasoning), has been developed to a prototype level in the Department of Mining Engineering, University of Nottingham. The Xi-Plus shell system has been used to create a multi-level expert system capable of accessing and controlling both commercially available mine planning software and 'in-house' programs. The expert system is used primarily for surface mining method selection and excavation and haulage equipment selection. Methods of storing knowledge, interrogating and controlling external programs, and reaching conclusions using multiple knowledgebases have been discussed in previous papers by the authors, and will be dealt with only briefly in this paper. This paper concentrates on the methods used to rank equipment, including relational operations (both with the knowledgebase and in external databases) and fuzzy logic techniques. The paper will include an example of the ranking of hydraulic excavators under UK surface coal mining conditions.  相似文献   

为科学地选择地下矿山采矿方法,综合考虑经济效益计算中的参数确定风险及经济效益计算以外的安全等因素,将灰色局势决策方法引入地下矿山采矿方法的选择,对采矿方法选择中的各影响因素进行定量处理,确定出各方案的相对优势比。  相似文献   

针对传统采矿方法选择存在的不足,以托库孜巴依金矿充填采矿法优选为工程背景,将价值工程引入采矿方法选择中,初选提出了可能的3种矿山地下采矿方法。考虑技术、经济、资源利用、安全、环境等多方面因素,基于价值工程的基本原理,构建了较为全面的采矿方法优选多目标决策指标体系。邀请有关专家依照01强制法对项目指标打分,量化指标确定各个指标的重要程度。求出各种采矿方法方案的功能和价值,取其价值系数最大者,最终确定了最优采矿方法为分段空场嗣后充填法。该采矿方法经设计院设计并得到了实际应用。  相似文献   

The authors analyzed various criteria that are used in different classifications of mining methods and systems. It is shown that today’s complex geomechanical situation of mining at large depths and wide application of mobile machinery to mineral exploitation has brought to nothing the erstwhile practical importance of many geotechnologies. The modern trend-based classification of the underground ore mining methods is proposed. __________ Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 6, pp. 47–57, November–December, 2008.  相似文献   

Underground mining method selection (UMMS) is one of the most important decisions in mining engineering. Choosing a suitable underground mining method to carry out extraction from a mineral deposit is very important for all stage of mining operations. In practice, UMMS is one of the multiple attribute decision-making (MADM) problems and mining engineers have some difficulties in making the right decision in the multiple criteria environment. In this paper, the following two similar MADM methods are described: analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy multiple attribute decision-making are applied to select the optimal underground mining method for lignite mine located in Istanbul. At the end of decision-making process, sensitivity analysis process is applied for each method.  相似文献   

基于导水裂隙带高度的地下水库适应性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用煤矿井下采空区进行矿井水资源储存和循环利用的地下水库技术为西部缺水矿区的绿色开采提供了新的途径,但其推广应用仍需符合一定的适用条件。综合采用现场实测与理论分析,结合神东矿区煤矿地下水库工程实践,开展了基于导水裂隙带高度的地下水库适应性评价方法研究。结果表明:地下水库储水的高效循环使用是保证该技术成功应用的关键,必须满足"水源"、"库容"和"通道"三大条件。采动覆岩导水裂隙作为地下水库水源补给的重要通道,是影响地下水库适应性的核心因素。利用"基于关键层位置的导水裂隙带高度预计方法",判别具体开采条件导水裂隙带发育高度,当导水裂隙沟通区域补给水源(含水层)时,地下水库具备适应性;否则,区域水源水体一般难以汇聚至井下采空区,从而地下水库中可供循环利用的水资源量将难以保证,地下水库保水方法一般不适用。研究结果得到了神东矿区地下水库工程的验证,并指导了李家壕煤矿地下水库适应性评价和地下水库建设选址。  相似文献   

孟宪华 《金属矿山》2007,(2):75-77,83
徐州铁矿集团有限公司是1家老矿山企业.该矿经过几十年的开采,地下矿产资源逐年减少;通过切实加强矿山地质工作,寻找新的矿源,延长了矿山服务年限;另外在采选等方面就如何有效地合理利用与开发矿产资源,积极采用了矿山生产的新方法新技术.主要论述了在加强矿山地质工作、合理开发利用矿产资源等方面采取的方法:加强井下生产勘探,采用不同的勘探手段,圈定矿体产状形态,为采矿提供可靠的地质依据.并简要叙述了该矿在采矿方面选择合理采矿方法,提高采矿回收率;选矿方面利用新技术、新工艺提高金属回收率及在矿山环境保护和地质环境治理方面的做法.这些实效做法值得具有类似条件并面临资源枯竭的老矿山企业学习与借鉴.  相似文献   

地下开采可能诱发地面建(构)筑物变形及地表环境破坏,造成巨大损失。为研究地下开采后能否消除对地表建(构)筑物的安全影响,以拟采用充填采矿法开采的某金矿为工程背景,依据地下开采地表沉陷理论,运用MSPS和FLAC3D相结合的方法,对充填开采后地表沉陷进行预测分析与对比印证,确定矿区充填开采后地面沉陷范围与大小。预测分析结果表明:该矿采用充填法开采,并采取合理的安全对策后,由地下开采所诱发的地面沉陷变量均未超过地面保护对象的地表允许变形值,满足建(构)筑物保护等级的要求;MSPS系统预测的地表最大下沉值偏大,而FLAC3D软件预测的地表最大下沉值较小,可能与数值模拟岩体力学参数取值有关,两种方法预测的地表最大下沉值都在允许变形范围内。分析结果对该矿安全设施设计以及类似矿山地表稳定性分析具有参考价值。  相似文献   

80年代以来,我们针对不同的应用条件先后进行了VCR采矿法、阶段台阶崩矿采矿法、阶段挤压爆破单步骤开采工艺、束状阶段深孔盘区崩落采矿法等不同的大直径深孔采矿技术方案、工艺技术、应用条件、落矿方法、爆破作用控制技术等研究工作以及应用试验。实践证明,上述研究结果有很强的适用性,技术先进,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The main challenge facing many of the coal mines in South Africa is the management of mine water following the closure of mining operations. The Sigma Colliery is situated in the Free State Province, adjacent to the town of Sasolburg and bordering the Vaal River, one of the country's largest rivers. The mining includes both opencast and underground operations; however, this paper will only discuss the main underground operations. There are several aquifer systems overlying the deeper mining, which was done by bord and pillar and high extraction mining. Detailed conceptual models of the interactions between several aquifer systems and the rebounding mine voids were constructed using mining and monitoring data. From this, numerical flow models were used to model the complex flow system where rebound of water levels is expected. The results have led to an accurate understanding of the complex flow system and the important controls on the final water levels in the area.  相似文献   

姜增国 《中国矿业》1998,7(5):80-82
矿山在垂直面上露天和地下向时开采时,由于露天汇水面积很大,特别是露天和地下采场间隔较小时,地下涌水量计算及排水能力确定均受露天开采的很大影响。本文在地下涌水量计算、排水能力确定双排水措施上提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

应用充填采矿法矿山的采场充填工艺方案的合理性,是保障采场充填质量的关键;本文分别从充填参数的选择、井下充填管路设计、井下采场充填关键工序方法等方面进行系统论证采场充填工艺,并根据某矿山开采方案及现场实际情况,针对性的选择适合该矿山井下充填工艺方案,经现场生产验证,所推荐充填工艺能够满足生产需求,且充填效果良好。  相似文献   

地下矿铲运机选型优化建模简述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为使无底柱分段崩落法的地下矿山更好地使用铲运机,运用运筹学方法对溜放、运输、提升系统进行效益规划,建立了效益规划的简单数学模型。为地下矿铲运机的选择提供理论依据。还提出了用计算机进行求解的有效工具,对求解工具的主要情况进行了简要的介绍。主要是提供一种优化的思路及求解的方法。  相似文献   

自然崩落采矿法技术应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自然崩落法是成本最低的一种地下采矿方法。目前全世界自然崩落法的日产量已超过50 000 t,是一种大规模和低成本的采矿方法,其生产能力大,便于组织管理,作业安全,开采成本低,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

本文叙述了我国铀矿地下开采技术的发展状况,介绍了几种主要采矿方法。并对今后发展方向提出了四点意见。文章分析了充填采矿法受欢迎的原因,介绍了对常规充填采矿法在技术上所作的改革,指出了充填采矿法的发展方向是建立水砂充填和胶结充填系统。文章充分肯定无轨采矿的优越性,建议今后新建铀矿山或改造老矿山应尽量采用无轨开采技术。另外,对品位较低的铀矿和次生矿,凡有条件的应大力推广化学采矿技术,以充分回收资源和降低生产成本。  相似文献   

乔建永 《煤炭工程》2022,54(1):1-10
为了解决地下开采留设煤柱带来的回采率与离散位移致灾等问题,提出了将井田内工作面之间保护煤柱、末采大巷或上山保护煤柱一并采出的连续开采新思路。在全面分析现有工作面间无煤柱开采技术特征的基础上,提出工作面推进方向上工作面末采实现无煤柱贯通上山或大巷的新技术| 结合最低系统工作面的采煤方法与上一级系统的相关性,形成了“110/ N00工法末采无煤柱贯通上山或大巷”在内的连续开采新技术,应用复动力系统理论揭示了连续开采的动力学原理。最后,通过工程案例证实了连续开采技术思路的科学价值和应用价值,从而为井工开采在科研、设计与生产等环节提供新的技术范式。  相似文献   

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