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难选红铁矿磁化焙烧技术现状及发展方向   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
介绍了难选红铁矿磁化焙烧技术的工业应用及试验研究现状,探讨其存在的问题.同时针对细粒难选红铁矿进行了实验室小型试验及反应速度动力学基础研究,提出难选红铁矿闪速磁化焙烧的发展方向.  相似文献   

我国铁矿资源贫、细、杂的特点越来越突出,伴随着国家节能、降耗、高效、环保政策的提出,使得重选设备的应用在贫铁矿的选别中的地位显得尤为重要。离心分选机是回收微细矿泥中有用矿物的一种高效重选设备,在试际生产流程中应用十分广泛。通过总结离心分选机的使用现状,根据离心分选机分选的基本原理及其现场应用试践,分析了离心分选机的典型应用工艺以及在选别中的作用。  相似文献   

我国有大量的"贫、细、杂"铁矿资源,分析检测技术对这类难选铁矿选别指标的提升具有重要的指导意义。阐述了分析检测技术在铁矿工艺矿物学和浮选理论研究上的应用进展,探讨了铁矿选矿中传统和新型分析测试技术的应用现状和发展趋势,包括铁矿中磁性铁的测定方法,传统的电子显微镜和电子探针以及最新的QEMSCAN、MLA和ICP-MS技术在工艺矿物学分析测试上的应用,展望了现代红外光谱、电化学和计算机模拟等技术的不断发展和应用对药剂与铁矿表面作用机理的深远影响。  相似文献   

阐述了微波加热的基本原理,讨论了矿物在微波场中的升温特性和吸波特性。微波在矿物处理方面的应用研究进展,主要包括微波预处理、微波干燥、微波焙烧、微波碳热还原、微波辅助浸出等典型冶金工艺的研究现状。分析了目前微波加热技术在典型冶金工艺中的应用与研究进展,并对微波加热技术在冶金工艺中的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

我国难选铁矿石的研究现状及利用途径   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
介绍了我国在难选红铁矿方面所作的研究,并且重点介绍了国内外难选鲕状赤铁矿的研究现状以及在红铁矿选矿方面进步较快的鞍山式赤铁矿的研究现状,并对鲕状赤铁矿选矿研究提出了对其利用的新途径--直接冶炼并用其渣制造微晶玻璃。  相似文献   

采用微波助磨技术处理惠民铁矿的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用微波高温箱式加热装置研究微波对惠民铁矿磨细的辅助作用。考察了该矿在微波场下的升温行为及微波加热对矿物孔隙率、内部裂隙及矿物磨细的影响。结果表明,惠民氧化铁矿在微波作用下能够在100s内被加热至600℃以上,并且微波处理后矿物孔隙率提高24.04%,相同磨矿条件下-200目产品的产率提高7.3%~11.3%,SEM微观结构物相分析显示微波处理后矿物产生大量的晶界间裂隙。  相似文献   

概述微波加热的原理及特点,对微波加热技术在研究现状进行了综述。文章分别对微波加热技术在冶金烧结、粉末冶金、矿物干燥和矿物活化中的应用做出研究总结。结果表明:微波加热技术在冶金中的应用不仅微波加热具有更高的效率,可有效提高反应转化率,还具有加热选择性,可以改进材料性质,用于物质的性能优化,通过微波加热一些材料具有更好的性能,比如:热性能,工程性能,声学性能等,还可以使材料具有更细致的微观结构。最后指出了目前微波加热存在的问题及在推广过程中的局限性,并对该技术在冶金领域的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

概述微波加热的原理及特点,对微波加热技术的研究现状进行了综述。文章分别对微波加热技术在冶金烧结、粉末冶金、矿物干燥和矿物活化中的应用做出总结。微波加热技术在冶金中的应用不仅具有更高的效率,可有效提高反应转化率,而且具有加热选择性,可以改进材料性质,用于物质的性能优化。通过微波加热某些材料会出现良好的性能,比如:热性能、工程性能、声学性能等,还可以使材料具有更细致的微观结构。最后指出了目前微波加热存在的问题及在推广过程中的局限性,并对该技术在冶金领域的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

我国难选铁矿石资源利用的现状及发展方向   总被引:18,自引:8,他引:18  
分析了复杂难选铁矿石的种类及性质,评述了近年来菱铁矿、褐铁矿、多金属共生铁矿、高硫磷铁矿等的选矿技术进展,并对复杂难选矿的选矿药剂、设备等的开发和综合利用情况作了介绍,提出了难选铁矿石资源利用的发展方向.  相似文献   

综述了微波加热技术在稀土冶金和稀土新材料合成领域的国内外研究与应用现状,发现微波加热通过物料能量耗散,对介质直接加热,具有加热效率高、能量利用率高、明显改善产品性能等优势。微波加热作为一种新型的冶金技术越来越受到关注,随着研究的深入,其在稀土冶金与稀土新材料合成领域必将发挥重要的作用,具有广阔的发展前景。   相似文献   

针对难选弱磁性菱铁矿、褐铁矿采用常规选矿方法不能有效分选的难题,进行了基础理论研究、成套技术与装置研发以及系统工程技术集成等,开发了高效处理难选弱磁性铁矿石的闪速磁化焙烧成套技术与装备,并在湖北黄梅建成了首个60万吨/年的产业化工程项目并稳定生产。原矿品位32.52%的菱(褐)铁混合矿,经闪速磁化焙烧处理后,工业生产可获得铁精矿品位57.52%、SiO2含量4.76%、铁回收率90.24%的先进技术指标;原矿焙烧热耗31.22 kgce/t,产品铁精矿制造成本234.36元/吨,低于其它焙烧方法。该技术的推广应用前景十分广阔。  相似文献   

There are insufficient high-grade iron ores currently being mined to meet world demand for steel production. In order to meet raw material demand in India, lower grade ores with high alumina contents are being crushed and beneficiated, mainly by gravity techniques requiring water. However, the scarcity of water in the mining areas warrants the development of some dry gradation techniques for iron ores so that the inferior ore specimens can be rejected in order to improve the grade of the concentrate. The present gradation of ores by mineralogical/chemical methods is time-consuming and cumbersome. This paper presents an Infrared (IR) thermography-based non-invasive technique for the faster gradation of iron ores, taking into account the variation in thermal absorptivity of the ore constituents. Iron ore samples from the Joda, Noamundi and Barsua mines, with Fe contents ranging from 52 to 67 wt.%, were selected and crushed to around 10 mm particle size. The crushed iron ores were uniformly heated using a microwave oven, for a time period sufficient to create a difference between the ore particles in the extent of their respective infrared emissions. The thermal images of the heated particles were captured by IR thermography and the peak temperature of each ore particle was obtained from the thermal profile. A computer program was developed for ore gradation based on the peak temperature of each ore particle which corresponds to its iron content. A threshold was selected through chemical verification of the ores and accordingly the ores were categorized as high-, medium- and low-grade.  相似文献   

河北省复杂难利用铁矿资源现状及开发利用建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了河北省的铁矿资源现状,特别是超贫磁铁矿资源的类型、储量及分布,分析了河北省铁矿资源开发现状及供需形势,举例介绍了开采技术条件复杂和选矿技术条件复杂两类型难利用铁矿矿床,提出了加强河北省复杂难利用铁矿开发利用的建议。  相似文献   

微波加热还原含碳红土矿的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了含碳红土矿在微波场中的加热还原焙烧,考察了不同含碳量情况下微波加热焙烧过程中的样品温度和产物的物相组成,以及浮氏体、磁铁矿和赤铁矿等不同价态的铁氧化物在微波场中的加热性能.结果表明,微波加热红土矿是一个热稳定过程,未出现热失控现象.红土矿的还原程度可通过调整加入碳粉的比例和微波加热时间来控制.还原焙烧过程中,碳粉加入量影响产物的物相组成,进而影响焙烧过程的温度.  相似文献   

Microwave heating of mineral ores offers a mechanism to induce fractures around grain boundaries due to the different rates of microwave power dissipation and the differences in thermal expansion coefficient among various minerals in the ore particles. As a consequence, this has the potential to reduce the energy required in subsequent grinding and to enhance liberation of valuable minerals. In this paper, numerical simulation using a bonded-particle model was undertaken to provide a better understanding of the mechanism of microwave-induced micro-fracture and to predict the effect of microwave power delivery and ore texture on microwave treatment of ores. Computational simulations of microwave heating and thermal damage have been carried out on two-phase conceptual ores. It was shown that the extent of damage and the crack pattern in an ore sample for the same microwave energy input depend strongly on the applied power density and the microwave absorbent phase grain size. It is possible both to reduce the energy input and to localize the microwave-induced damage around the grain boundaries by operating at high power density. It was also shown that high power pulsed equipment would be more efficient than continuous wave equipment for treating fine-grained ores.  相似文献   

童天扬  敖匀镡  何娟 《中国矿业》2022,31(2):165-172
为了提高微波辅助磨矿的适用性,以红透山铜矿和思山岭铁矿为研究对象,分别采用微波、盐酸溶液、草酸溶液及其组合的方式对矿石进行预处理.对比了7种预处理方式下矿石的升温特征、表面形态、磨矿效果,并通过介电常数、波速、微观照片揭示矿石的劣化机理.试验结果表明:铜矿和铁矿浸酸后介电常数减小,导致微波作用下升温速率降低,温度分布更...  相似文献   

Gold ores containing carbonaceous matter and sulphidic minerals are generally referred to as double refractory. Extraction of the gold from such ores usually requires an oxidation step to both liberate the ultra-fine gold from the matrix of the sulphides and remove the carbon that preg-robs the dissolved gold. In this investigation, a double refractory flotation concentrate was microwave roasted to oxidize both the sulphides and the carbonaceous matter. The concentrate was characterized by thermogravimetric and infrared analysis and the microwave absorbtion characteristics were quantified by determining the permittivities. The microwave heating behaviour studies showed that the sample temperature increased with increasing incident microwave power, processing time and sample mass. Due to the hyperactive response of the concentrate to the microwaves, a low incident power of 600 W was found to be suitable for roasting, as higher powers resulted in sintering and melting of the concentrate. The gold extraction values after cyanidation were over 96% and these were similar to those obtained by conventional roasting. The main advantages of microwave roasting were that both the total carbon removal rates and the heating rates were higher and the specific energy consumptions were lower than in conventional roasting.  相似文献   

针对首钢矿业公司烧结厂中高度烧损进口铁矿粉的品种及数量不断增多的供应现状,为探索含铁原料变化对烧结矿生产、质量及成本等方面的影响规律,寻求科学合理的原料搭配比例,对现有原料结构条件下不同铁矿粉的同化温度、液相流动性等烧结基础特性进行了研究,并模拟烧结生产实际情况对不同品种的铁矿粉进行了实验室配矿烧结试验。通过试验,摸索出了各种进口铁矿粉的烧结性能及其合理的配矿比例范围,认为通过合理配矿,能够解决中高度烧损进口铁矿粉在烧结矿生产应用中的产品质量和经济效益等矛盾。  相似文献   

在易采矿床减少,采矿难度增大,矿石贫化加剧,碎磨及选矿成本增大的背景下,实现对破碎产品的预选抛废,可提高资源的利用率和入磨矿石品位、减少矿石入磨量和细粒尾矿生产量、提高企业的经济效益、改善环境状况、延长矿山企业的服务年限。为了助推拣选技术的发展与应用,着重介绍了光选机、激发光拣选机和核辐射拣选机的发展与应用研究现状,及不同设备的性能特点,指出各拣选设备的适用范围。最后指出精准化、智能化、大型化和高效化是智能拣选设备发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

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