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该文针对传感器节点能量受限的特点建立能效优化模型,该模型兼顾网络传输能耗和能耗均衡特性,以最大化网络节点总剩余能量和最小化剩余能量的方差为目标,通过合理分配多条路径的流量来优化网络能效。利用权衡评价函数实现了模型的求解,进而提出一种多径流量分配路由(MFAR)算法。仿真实验表明,该算法能够合理配置各路径流量,显著提高网络能量效率,达到在降低网络能耗的同时保证能耗分布均衡的目标。  相似文献   

为解决ZigBee网络由于不合理的路由策略导致节点能量浪费和网络陷入局部死亡的问题,提出一种降低节点能量开销的ZBR路由算法。所提ZBR优化算法在路由发送阶段,利用节点自动维护的邻居表信息,优先实现两跳路由传输;在路由发现过程中,根据最大传输跳数和节点间的父子关系,控制ZigBee网络中RN+节点RREQ分组的洪泛,减少能量浪费;在路由选择时,设计节点能量标志位和能量感知的路由成本函数,减少能量偏低节点的使用概率,降低网络开销和提高节点生存率。通过与原ZBR算法及其他几种改进ZBR算法进行剩余能量和节点生存率对比仿真实验,结果表明:改进的ZBR算法的平均剩余能量提高了7.74%,在网络运行80s时节点生存率提高了20.29%,也高于其他几种改进ZBR算法,该算法可有效减少网络能量消耗,大大提高节点生存率。  相似文献   

侯华  宋彬  周武旸 《电视技术》2015,39(13):73-75
无线传感器网络(WSN)具有的能量有限,其能量利用效率的高低直接影响着网络的生命周期.为了提高无线传感器网络的能量利用效率,提出了一种能量感知非均匀成簇路由优化算法(Energy Awareness Unequal Clustering Routing Optimization Algorithm,EUCR).该算法通过节点在网络中所处的位置确定各节点的邻居节点,并以局部能量选举簇头,各簇头根据其邻居节点构建非均匀分簇网络.同时该算法在路由阶段考虑了簇头的剩余能量和转发代价.仿真结果表明,EUCR算法能有效提高网络的能量利用效率,并延长网络的生命周期.  相似文献   

基于OLSR的Ad Hoc网络功率意识路由协议   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对Ad Hoc网络能量受限的特点,提出了一种基于OLSR的功率意识路由协议.该协议的路由选择策略考虑节点发射功率和剩余寿命,同时尽量选择寿命较长的节点作为MPR节点.针对网络流量的突发性和随机性,采用基于能量流失率的节点寿命预测模型.在兼顾传统路由指标之外,主要考虑数据分组传输成功率和网络维持时间等参数.仿真结果显示,该算法有效地提高了网络吞吐量,延长了网络寿命.  相似文献   

能量问题是Ad hoc网络中的一个重要问题,该文提出了通过均衡流量提高网络能量效率的TBDB路由建立算法。该算法在路由建立时对可选的路径集合进行限制,根据节点在饱和状态时归一化吞吐量的值,分别设定链路层队列中数据长度的门限值和节点连接度的门限值,收到路由请求的节点,根据门限值和节点的当前状况对节点是否响应收到的路由请求做出判决,从而调节了网络中节点的负荷,均衡了网络中能量的消耗,避免节点长期处于重负荷状态,保证了当前正在进行的传输。分析和仿真表明该算法在均衡流量的同时,也将网络中能量的消耗均衡地分散于网络各个部分,改进了网络的性能。仿真结果表明该路由算法提高了网络的吞吐率和能量效率,并且降低了平均端到端的延时。  相似文献   

胡广昌  高仲合 《通信技术》2010,43(4):181-183
通过分析能量路由算法和最小跳数算法的局限性,提出了能量跳变算法。能量跳变算法充分考虑了无线传感器网络中影响路由性能的能量、跳数等因素,通过仿真实验表明该算法能有效地提高无线传感器网络的生存周期,更好地发挥了路由协议的性能,即通过简单的路由转发机制和对各节点较小的存储要求,就可以高效、可靠地传输有效数据,并且网络的可扩展性较好。  相似文献   

传统的ZigBee树路由算法的数据转发方式只能根据父子关系进行传输,其间将会消耗大量能量。为优化数据传输路径及数据传输过程中节点能量的均衡利用,文中提出一种改进型路由算法。充分利用邻居表,尽可能减少树路由跳数,同时考虑各节点能量的利用情况,使用能量值较高的节点进行数据传输。实验表明,改进的路由算法能够合理均衡能量,提高网络的整体寿命。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于无线能量传输的能量均衡路由算法(WPTRA).该算法结合传统的分簇路由协议,采用基于剩余能量级别的簇头选取策略进行分簇.在数据传输阶段,当网络中某一节点能量低于预设的临界能量值TEMIN时,通过计算无线能量传输效率和传输距离之间的关系,选择其附近能量较高的节点,通过无线能量传输技术对其进行能量补充.  相似文献   

组播路由算法(Energy-Balanced Multicast Routing,EBMR)把无线传感器网络节点的剩余能量作为建立组播路由的重要因子,在不引入过长路径的同时优先选择剩余能量高的节点作为组播数据转发节点,构建组播能量平衡树(EB-Tree),从网络能量均衡消耗的角度来延长了无线传感器网络的生存时间.针对EBMR算法路由开销较大的问题,提出了k跳受限泛洪的能量平衡组播路由算法k-EBMR,控制组播路由报文在k跳范围内传播,并且研究了影响算法性能的关键因子的选取.仿真实验表明,与EBMR算法相比,k-EBMR算法较大程度上降低了路由控制报文的传输,提高了节点能量有效使用性,进一步延长了网络生存时间.  相似文献   

对多校区校园网络中的关键节点进行准确检测识别,优化网络路由设计,提高网络的安全稳定性。提出一种基于自适应融合探测的多校区校园网络关键节点识别方法,构建多校区校园网络的有向图分析模型,对网络节点传输信道模型进行均衡处理,对关键节点传输数据进行自适应融合,通过路由探测算法实现节点定位识别和优化部署。仿真结果表明,采用该方法构建多校区校园网络,实现关键节点识别的精度较高,降低了网络传输的丢包率和误码率,网络稳定性和安全性较好。  相似文献   


There are many smart applications evolved in the area of the wireless sensor networks. The applications of WSNs are exponentially increasing every year which creates a lot of security challenges that need to be addressed to safeguard the devices in WSN. Due to the dynamic characteristics of these resource constrained devices in WSN, there must be high level security requirements to be considered to create a high secure environments. This paper presents an efficient multi attribute based routing algorithm to provide secure routing of information for WSNs. The work proposed in this paper can decrease the energy and enhances the performance of the network than the currently available routing algorithm such as multi-attribute pheromone ant secure routing algorithm based on reputation value and ant-colony optimization algorithm. The proposed work secures the network environment with the improved detection techniques based on nodes’ higher coincidence rates to find the malicious behavior using trust calculation algorithm. This algorithm uses some QoS parameters such as reliability rate, elapsed time to detect impersonation attacks, and stability rate for trust related attacks, to perform an efficient trust calculation of the nodes in communication. The outcome of the simulation show that the proposed method enhances the performance of the network with the improved detection rate and secure routing service.


Recently more and more research interest focuses on the energy efficient routing in mobile ad hoc networks and many related routing algorithms are reported. In this paper, a new optimized priority based energy efficient routing algorithm is presented and priority is added to the existing routing algorithm according to the residual energy proportion of the nodes. Lower residual energy means lower priority and the nodes with lower priority are less likely to forward packets to other nodes. The algorithm needs no global information of the networks and only a little modification is needed to the existing algorithm, so it is practical to be implemented. The algorithm can improve the performance of routing discovery, routing maintenance and cache management at the same time. Some optimization strategy is taken to reduce the network overhead and the lifetime of the network is much longer and the network with our algorithm can transfer much more effective data. Simulation with NS-2 is done and satisfying results are obtained with this algorithm. The results show that the algorithm is efficient.  相似文献   

Reducing the energy consumption of network nodes is one of the most important problems for routing in wireless sensor networks because of the battery limitation in each sensor. This paper presents a new ant colony optimization based routing algorithm that uses special parameters in its competency function for reducing energy consumption of network nodes. In this new proposed algorithm called life time aware routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks (LTAWSN), a new pheromone update operator was designed to integrate energy consumption and hops into routing choice. Finally, with the results of the multiple simulations we were able to show that LTAWSN, in comparison with the previous ant colony based routing algorithm, energy aware ant colony routing algorithms for the routing of wireless sensor networks, ant colony optimization-based location-aware routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks and traditional ant colony algorithm, increase the efficiency of the system, obtains more balanced transmission among the nodes and reduce the energy consumption of the routing and extends the network lifetime.  相似文献   

传感器网络的路由协议越来越引起人们的关注。针对节点高密度部署并且存在部分移动节点的网络环境,当前常用的各类路由算法都不能有效地降低能耗。论文提出了改进型GAF算法,将网络划分成若干个单元格,不同移动速度的节点以不同的权重竞选簇头,竞选失败者将进入休眠状态,以此来降低网络总能耗。通过分析和仿真,验证了该算法在节能方面的优势。  相似文献   

移动Ad-hoc网络(MANETs)具有开放的媒质,动态的拓扑结构,分布式的合作和受限的网络能力等基本特点。网络中移动节点具有匿名性和高度自治的特点,网络通讯依靠在通信路径上的中间节点转发数据包,实现无线传输范围外节点间的正常通信。该文提出了一种独特的MANETs中基于频率下多目标可信路由决策算法,它和现在大多数路由算法都是在时间域下使用单一约束参数选择路由的方式截然不同。利用概率理论分析安全和可信路由,基于概率密度函数的时频相互转化,减小计算复杂度,解决MEANTs中节点间缺乏物理安全以及在低信任水平和节点相互勾结扰乱网络操作情况下,发现可信安全路由难的问题。实例分析证明了此算法的可行性。  相似文献   

Due to the promising application of collecting information from remote or inaccessible location, wireless sensor networks pose big challenge for data routing to maximize the communication with more energy efficient. Literature presents different cluster-based energy aware routing protocol for maximizing the life time of sensor nodes. Accordingly, an energy efficient clustering mechanism, based on artificial bee colony algorithm and factional calculus is proposed in this paper to maximize the network energy and life time of nodes by optimally selecting cluster-head. The hybrid optimization algorithm called, multi-objective fractional artificial bee colony is developed to control the convergence rate of ABC with the newly designed fitness function which considered three objectives like, energy consumption, distance travelled and delays to minimize the overall objective. The performance of the proposed FABC-based cluster head selection is compared with LEACH, PSO and ABC-based routing using life time, and energy. The results proved that the proposed FABC maximizes the energy as well as life time of nodes as compared with existing protocols.  相似文献   

Shende  Dipali K.  Sonavane  S. S. 《Wireless Networks》2020,26(6):4011-4029

WSN serves as a medium for linking the physical and information network of IoT. Energy and trust are the two major factors that facilitate reliable communication in the network. During multicast routing, the BS engages in forwarding the data securely to the multiple destinations through the intermediate nodes, which is the major challenge in IoT. The paper addresses the challenges through proposing an energy-aware multicast routing protocol based on the optimization, CrowWhale-ETR, which is the integration of CSA and WOA based on the objective function designed with the energy and trust factors of the nodes. Initially, the trust and energy of the nodes are evaluated for establishing the routes that is chosen optimally using CWOA. This optimally chosen path is used for the data transmission, in which energy and trusts of the individual nodes are updated at the end of the individual transmission, in such a way the secure nodes can be selected, and which improves the secure communication in the network. The simulation is analyzed using 50 and 100 nodes in terms of the performance measures. The proposed method acquired the minimal delay of 0.2729 and 0.3491, maximal detection rate of 0.6726, maximal energy of 66.4275 and 71.0567, and maximal throughput of 0.4625 and 0.8649 in the presence and absence of attacks with 50 nodes for analysis.


Aiming at the problem that the location distribution of cluster head nodes filtered by wireless sensor network clustering routing protocol was unbalanced and the data transmission path of forwarding nodes was unreasonable,which would increase the energy consumption of nodes and shorten the network life cycle,a clustering routing protocol based on improved particle swarm optimization algorithm was proposed.In the process of cluster head election,a new fitness function was established by defining the energy factor and position equalization factor of the node,the better candidate cluster head node was evaluated and selected,the position update speed of the candidate cluster head nodes was adjusted by the optimized update learning factor,the local search and speeded up the convergence of the global search was expanded.According to the distance between the forwarding node and the base station,the single-hop or multi-hop transmission mode was adopted,and a multi-hop method was designed based on the minimum spanning tree to select an optimal multi-hop path for the data transmission of the forwarding node.Simulation results show that the clustering routing protocol based on improved particle swarm optimization algorithm can elect cluster head nodes and forwarding nodes with more balanced energy and location,which shortened the communication distance of the network.The energy consumption of nodes is lower and more balanced,effectively extending the network life cycle.  相似文献   

One of the infrastructure-free networks is mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) that are built with limited battery life using wireless mobile devices. This restricted battery capability in MANETs creates the necessity of considering the energy-awareness constraint in designing them. As routing protocols, the major aim of MANETs is to create the energy awareness in the network; it improves the network's lifetime through effectively utilizing the available restricted energy. Moreover, it creates some limitations like the mobility constraint, wireless link's sensitivity to environmental impacts, and restricted transmission range and residual energy of nodes that causes rapid modifications in the network topology and frequent link failure. By taking those problems, this paper plans to develop a new multipath routing protocol, where the hybrid optimization algorithm with the integration of cuckoo search optimization (CSO) and butterfly optimization algorithm (BOA) is proposed and named sensory modality-based cuckoo search butterfly optimization (SM-CSBO) for determining the optimal path between the source and destination. The main goal is to select the path with better link quality and more stable links to guarantee reliable data transmission. The multi-objective function is considered with the factors regarding distance, normalized energy, packet delivery ratio, and control overhead to develop an effective routing protocol in MANET. The proposed model of SM-CSBO algorithm has superior than 5.8%, 30.4%, 36.7%, and 39.3%, correspondingly maximized than PSO, SFO, CSO, and SFO algorithms while considering the number of nodes as 150. The simulation outcomes proved that it enhances network performance when compared with the other traditional protocols.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络簇间节能路由算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
胡钢  朱佳奇  陈世志 《通信技术》2009,42(11):135-137
针对基于分簇网络的无线传感器网络簇间路由协议,让簇首和Sink节点直接通信或通过簇首节点转发数据造成能耗不均,节点过早死亡的缺陷。文中提出一种基于网关节点模型的无线传感器网络簇间路由算法,通过簇头与网关节点、网关节点自身建立虚电路,制定存储转发路由,将数据转发给Sink节点。并引入延时等待机制,增强了簇间信息的融合度,此算法适用于大规模无线传感器网络,有良好的可扩展性。仿真表明在能量节省等性能上与传统簇间路由算法相较有较大提高。  相似文献   

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