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带有接入阈值和超时隙的认知无线网络频谱分配策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高认知用户的响应性能,并降低传输中断的概率,通过限制进入系统的认知用户数据包数量,并令授权用户以超时隙为单位优先使用信道,提出一种带有接入阈值和超时隙的集中式认知无线网络频谱分配策略。结合时隙序号及系统中认知用户数据包的数量建立2维离散时间Markov链模型,给出认知用户数据包的平均延迟、吞吐量及信道切换率等性能指标的表达式。建立系统收益函数,针对不同的超时隙大小给出接入阈值的优化设置方案,并利用优化结果,进行系统实验。实验结果显示:合理的接入阈值和超时隙大小可以有效提高认知用户的传输质量。  相似文献   

针对卫星认知无线网络频谱感知不确定性较大导致传统频谱接入机制效率降低的问题,该文提出一种基于动态多频谱感知的信道接入优化策略。认知LEO卫星根据频谱检测概率与授权用户干扰门限之间的关系,实时调整不同频谱感知结果下的信道接入概率。在此基础上以系统吞吐量最大化为目标,设计了一种基于频谱检测概率和虚警概率联合优化的判决门限选取策略,并推导了最佳感知频谱数量。仿真结果表明,认知用户能够在不大于授权用户最大干扰门限的前提下,根据授权信道空闲状态动态选择最佳频谱感知策略,且在检测信号信噪比较低时以更加积极的方式接入授权频谱,降低了频谱感知不确定性对信道接入效率的影响,提高了认知系统吞吐量。  相似文献   

频谱共享是认知无线网络关键技术之一。为消除认知无线网络中频率选择性信道下授权主用户与认知用户间的相互干扰,本文提出了一种新的频谱共享方法。该方法充分利用了无线通信系统中由信道的频率选择性衰落导致的不同用户信道的不相关性,通过求解矩阵方程获得预处理矩阵的通解,并在主用户和认知用户发射端分别进行预处理。从而实现认知系统中主用户与认知用户之间的相互零干扰,并使每个用户都可有效地传输数据。理论推导及系统仿真均表明,新方法可以有效地消除授权主用户与认知用户之间的双向干扰,实现不同用户平等地共享无线频谱资源。新方法可以提高频谱的利用率,一定程度上缓解无线频谱资源在当前及未来无线通信领域日益紧缺的矛盾。而且新方法也同样适用于不同认知用户之间共享频谱。   相似文献   

为了折衷认知用户吞吐量与平均时延,并适应多种网络业务需求,在认知无线电网络中引入概率反馈机制和能量检测阈值,提出一种新的动态频谱分配策略。针对认知用户的非理想感知结果,建立一种2类用户可能相互干扰的优先级排队模型,并构造状态转移概率矩阵。采用矩阵几何解方法求出系统的稳态分布,给出信道利用率、认知用户吞吐量、认知用户平均延迟及授权用户干扰率等性能指标的表达式。通过数值实验和系统仿真验证所提动态频谱分配策略性的有效性,并给出能量检测阈值的优化设置方案。  相似文献   

针对集中式多用户多天线认知无线电网络,提出一种基于自适应空间映射的频谱共享策略,根据授权用户接入的随机性所带来的频谱和空间资源占用情况的变化,认知系统将发射信号自适应地映射在认知基站与授权用户之间信道的子空间上,避免或抑制系统间干扰,从而在保证授权用户通信质量的前提下,为认知用户提供通信机会,并且在认知系统内部利用块对角化和奇异值分解方法分离不同认知用户的信号,消除系统内干扰。性能分析和仿真结果表明,与已有的频谱共享方法相比较,该策略不仅具有更高的认知系统可达和速率,并且对于由不同授权系统负载情况形成的不同场景具有更强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

基于认知无线电系统中Underlay频谱共享模型,提出了一种双门限频谱分配算法.给定两个信噪比门限,当信噪比低于较小的门限时,系统选择认知用户做中继协助授权用户进行数据传输,以授权用户信道容量最大化为优化目标进行频谱分配;当信噪比大于较大的门限时,系统允许认知用户之间进行低功率数据传输,以认知用户接入数量最大化为优化目标进行频谱分配;当信噪比介于两门限之间时,由授权用户单独进行数据传输.理论分析和仿真表明,当授权用户信噪比低于较小门限时,所提方法能提高授权用户的信道容量;当授权用户信噪比大于较大门限时,所提方法可以提高认知用户的接入数量.  相似文献   

认知无线电网络在提高频谱利用率的同时,带来了通信能耗增大的问题。在满足用户体验质量的前提下,引入绿色通信的理念,面向基站提出一种新型节能策略。通过构建具有抢占式优先服务和单重工作休假机制的二维离散时间马尔可夫随机模型,运用矩阵几何解方法,从系统节能率、信道利用率、认知用户平均延迟及认知用户中断率等方面评估节能策略的系统性能,并综合理论分析结果和仿真统计结果,验证节能策略的有效性。从经济学角度出发,构造收益函数,设计非线性智能优化算法,研究认知用户数据分组的纳什均衡与社会最优行为,面向认知用户制定授权频谱的定价方案。针对不同的系统参数,进行系统实验,验证定价方案的合理性。  相似文献   

针对大多数认知无线电场景中存在多个主用户,且具有较强活跃性的问题,提出了一种基于授权用户活跃性的多主用户多状态认知接入机制以及对应的多功率接入策略。该方法能够使认知用户选择最优的授权信道接入,并采用合适的功率进行传输,实现了认知系统吞吐量的最大化。数值仿真结果表明,该接入机制能够使认知用户充分利用多主用户信息和资源。与传统的功率接入方式相比,既能减小对主用户的干扰,又能提升认知系统的容量。  相似文献   

李钊  李建东  刘勤  申彪 《通信学报》2014,35(1):167-172
在认知MIMO多用户通信场景中,设计基于干扰对齐的信号处理算法,将认知信号与授权信号通过相互正交的子空间进行传输,实现认知用户对授权系统空闲空间信道的无冲突利用,并根据不同信道矩阵的空间传输性能的差异,实现合理的用户调度。仿真结果表明,所提方法能够有效利用空闲空间信道资源,获得多用户分集增益,在不影响授权业务的前提下提高认知用户的传输速率。  相似文献   

针对集中式多用户多天线认知无线电网络,分析了子空间映射能够为认知系统提供的通信机会以及理想信道条件下的空间子信道分配方案。在此基础上,提出了一种基于子空间映射的频谱共享策略。根据认知系统的感知结果,计算可以利用的空间子信道数,通过认知用户接入控制和子空间映射避免或抑制系统间干扰,从而在保证授权用户通信质量的前提下,为认知用户提供通信机会。仿真结果表明,与已有的子空间映射频谱共享方法相比,该策略不仅具有更高的认知系统可达和速率,而且能够为认知系统提供更多通信机会。  相似文献   

基于部分冗余合并的OBS网络冲突解决机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈荷荷 《激光技术》2016,40(4):531-535
为了降低光突发交换网络中突发包的丢失率、减小网络延时、提高网络信道的利用率,采用了一种新型考虑优先级的基于冗余合并的突发包冲突解决机制。算法增加了回退信道作为保护信道,根据业务的优先级对冲突的突发包进行分段,使无法顺利传送的突发包碎片进入到回退信道;同时,考虑到网络中存在着很多短小而难以利用的信道资源,算法将回退信道里的突发包碎片进行多次克隆,多个克隆碎片和由上游节点到来的突发包合并成粒度可变的虚拟突发包发送,克隆碎片的优先级定义为最低,以保证不抢占正常突发包的信道资源。结果表明,相比以往的冲突解决算法,此算法具有较低的丢包率、相对小的延时率和优越的信道利用率。  相似文献   

解决突发包的冲突问题是光突发交换网络的关键技术之一。为了降低突发包冲突时丢包率,提出了一种新型的基于信道分级和回退机制的冲突解决算法,该算法考虑突发业务优先级,将信道分成两个级别,有区别地对待高低优先级两种业务类型,并且增加了一部分回退信道作为保护和重发冲突数据包,能够有效地保证高优先级业务的传输可靠性。结果表明,当冲突发生时,网络能根据此时高低优先级业务量的比重配比,自适应地调节两个级别信道的数量,兼顾到低优先级业务的低丢包率,保证了较低的延时率。此算法相比以往的冲突解决算法具有较低的丢包率和相对小的延时率。  相似文献   

提出一种方法来实现以太网通信的确定性,应用多个媒体访问控制器组成半双工以太网用于模拟实时通信网络;通过分析和探讨最小退让时间对数据传输方面(主要是冲突、抖动和延时)性能的影响,提出在时间槽内传输帧数据并随机指定最小退让时间;应用二进制指数退让算法(BEB)改善带宽利用率,来提高以太网传输时间的确定性(实时性)。在这个仿真实验中,为每个基于CSMA/CD协议的控制器单元分配不同的最小退让时间(指定的范围),来减少数据包的冲突、抖动和延时。测试表明,随机分配的最小退让时间,整个通信网络的实时性大大(确定性)增强。  相似文献   

This article investigates the behavior of the cognitive queueing system in a spectrum-sharing environment under the primary outage probability constraint. The queueing model is investigated under two cognitive transmit modes. A variable transmit rate that is equal to the cognitive channel’s capacity is first revisited, then the case of constant transmit rate is considered. Both transmit modes are found to lead to an $M/G/1$ queueing model. The performance measures of the cognitive queue under these two modes are investigated and numerically compared. The performance measures include the mean transmit rate, mean service time, server utilization, mean waiting and transit times of the packets in the queue, mean number of waiting and transit packets in the queue, mean duration of the server’s busy period, and mean number of packets served during the server’s busy period. The effects of changing the primary outage probability constraint and the primary transmit rate on the performance measures are investigated as well.  相似文献   

We consider connection-oriented wireless cellular networks. Such second generation systems are circuit-switched digital networks which employ dedicated radio channels for the transmission of signaling information. A forward signaling channel is a common signaling channel assigned to carry the multiplexed stream of paging and channel-allocation packets from a base station to the mobile stations. Similarly, for ATM wireless networks, paging and virtual-circuit-allocation packets are multiplexed across the forward signaling channels as part of the virtual-circuit set-up phase. The delay levels experienced by paging and channel-allocation packets are critical factors in determining the efficient utilization of the limited radio channel capacity. A multiplexing scheme operating in a “slotted mode” can lead to reduced power consumption at the handsets, but may in turn induce an increase in packet delays. In this paper, focusing on forward signaling channels, we present schemes for multiplexing paging and channel-allocation packets across these channels, based on channelization plans, access priority assignments and paging group arrangements. For such multiplexing schemes, we develop analytical methods for the calculation of the delay characteristics exhibited by paging and channel-allocation packets. The resulting models and formulas provide for the design and analysis of forward signaling channels for wireless network systems. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Characteristics of Mobile Ad hoc Networks such as shared broadcast channel, bandwidth and battery power limitations, highly dynamic topology, and location dependent errors, make provisioning of quality of service (QoS) in such networks very difficult. The Medium Access Control (MAC) layer plays a very important role as far as QoS is concerned. The MAC layer is responsible for selecting the next packet to be transmitted and the timing of its transmission. We have proposed a new MAC layer protocol that includes a laxity-based priority scheduling scheme and an associated back-off scheme, for supporting time-sensitive traffic. In the proposed scheduling scheme, we select the next packet to be transmitted, based on its priority value which takes into consideration the uniform laxity budget of the packet, the current packet delivery ratio of the flow to which the packet belongs, and the packet delivery ratio desired by the user. The back-off mechanism devised by us grants a node access to the channel, based on the rank of its highest priority packet in comparison to other such packets queued at nodes in the neighborhood of the current node. We have studied the performance of our protocol that combines a packet scheduling scheme and a channel access scheme through simulation experiments, and the simulation results show that our protocol exhibits a significant improvement in packet delivery ratio under bounded end-to-end delay requirements, compared to the existing 802.11 DCF and the Distributed Priority Scheduling scheme proposed recently in [ACM Wireless Networks Journal 8 (5) (2002) 455–466; Proceedings of ACM MOBICOM '01, July 2001, pp. 200–209].  相似文献   

This article investigates the queueing system of the primary user (PU) in a spectrum-sharing cognitive environment when the cognitive transmission satisfies the PU’s outage probability constraint. The primary queueing model is investigated under a cooperative cognitive scheme as well. The performance measures are compared to those in a Rayleigh channel. Because of the random channel outages, an $M/G/1$ model is found appropriate to describe the PU’s queueing system even though the PU transmits its data at a constant rate. The queueing performance measures are investigated; these measures include mean service time, server utilization, mean waiting and transit times, and mean number of waiting and transit packets. Numerical results are provided to illustrate the PU’s queue measures under Rayleigh, cognitive, and cooperative cognitive modes.  相似文献   

袁福  郑林华  王梓斌 《信号处理》2012,28(4):526-532
认知中继网络中,对信道进行分配可以有效地提高端到端吞吐量。对三节点认知中继网络下的信道分配进行了研究。中继节点采用解码转发协议时,提出了一种次优的分配方法,将信道按信道增益排序,然后逐个地分配中继信道。中继节点采用放大转发协议时,给出了最优的信道分配方法,提出了一种次优的信道分配方法。次优方法逐个地比较中继信道采用传统协作方式传输时的端到端吞吐量、分配为双跳信道S-R和R-D链路时的端到端吞吐量完成分配。和最优方法相比,两种次优方法以较小的性能损失换取了计算复杂度的降低。给出了数值仿真,比较了两种传输方式下的端到端吞吐量性能,验证了以上方法的有效性。通过对比仿真时间,比较了最优方法和次优方法的计算复杂度。给定信道总数,对次优方法下信道分配后的比例进行了仿真,发现待分配中继信道以1/3的比例分配为直传信道;而在放大转发下,待分配中继信道几乎不被分配为双跳信道。   相似文献   

In cognitive radio applications, there are multiple different types of message queues. Existing queueing based works in underlay cognitive radio networks mainly focused on homogeneous packets. Therefore, we propose a new underlay scheme to deal with packets' heterogeneity by assuming high‐priority packets have preemptive transmission opportunities over low‐priority ones, and the former ones have impatient waiting time. We model the secondary user packets' behavior as a M/M/1+GI queueing system from the perspective of the whole system, which is represented by a two‐dimensional state transition graph. The reneging probability of high‐priority packets and the average waiting time in two‐class priority queues are analyzed. Then we extend the single‐channel model to multiple channels. Under this scenario, the closed form of low‐priority packets' expected system delay is derived. Simulation results demonstrate that the average waiting time of high‐priority packets decreases with the growing interference power threshold and the average waiting time of the low‐priority packet is proportional to the arrival rate of high‐priority packet and so on. This work may lay the foundation to design efficient Medium Access Control protocols and optimize long‐term system performance by carefully choosing system parameters. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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