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针对D2D蜂窝系统通信安全性受资源限制的问题,考虑到蜂窝链路和D2D链路的同频干扰能够为两者带来安全增益,基于此,提出一种基于安全中断概率的D2D用户接入策略。首先理论分析了蜂窝用户和D2D用户的安全中断概率,并给出了基于安全中断概率最小化的D2D用户功率优化算法。在上述分析的基础上,选择安全中断概率最小的D2D用户接入复用蜂窝用户的无线资源,同时提高D2D通信链路和蜂窝上行链路的安全性。最后,仿真结果证明了所提算法的有效性。  相似文献   

为缓解频谱资源紧缺,提升本地服务质量,在现有蜂窝网络中引入了D2D通信方式,使得距离较近的用户之间可不经由基站直接通信。搭建了D2D通信与蜂窝通信并存的网络结构,并分析了D2D复用蜂窝用户(CU)频谱资源时影响信噪比的干扰因素。为保证CU和D2D用户的通信质量,采用信道状态信息(CSI)与队列状态信息(QSI)相结合的传输策略控制信噪比及时延。对于多CU多D2D对的资源分配问题,采用基于优先级矩阵的分配算法。与二分匹配算法相比,降低了计算复杂度,结果逼近最优解且能稳定收敛。  相似文献   

为满足智能信号处理和物理层安全需求,针对频谱资源紧缺问题,提出了一种智能超表面辅助设备到设备(D2D)通信的资源分配算法.D2D用户通过复用蜂窝用户频谱资源实现通信,考虑D2D传输速率、基站发射功率和RIS发射相移约束,构建了用户保密速率最大化问题.为了解决该非线性规划问题,提出了一种并行卷积神经网络算法,以得到最佳资...  相似文献   

王蓉  江帆  许腾驹  孙长印 《电讯技术》2016,56(3):295-301
以underlay方式工作的D2D(Device-to-Device)通信通过资源共享复用蜂窝网络中的资源,在提高系统资源利用率的同时,对已有蜂窝链路带来了同频干扰。为了减小因无线资源复用带来的干扰,提出了一种资源分配与功率控制相结合的方法。以最小化系统干扰为目的,通过在D2 D链路之间合理地分配资源,保证了蜂窝链路的通信质量;同时动态地调整D2 D链路的发射功率,在保证相应蜂窝链路干扰可控的情况下,合理提高了D2 D链路的通信质量。仿真结果表明,与现有方案相比,所提出的算法能够有效地提高D2 D通信与蜂窝用户共存场景下的系统性能。  相似文献   

工作在underlay方式下的D2D(device-to-device)通信利用资源复用共享蜂窝网络中的资源,在提高频谱资源利用率、降低移动终端功耗的同时,会给已有蜂窝网络带来干扰。在保证D2D用户和蜂窝用户的服务质量的前提下,研究了蜂窝用户和D2D用户的功率控制和资源分配问题。首先引入部分频率复用(FFR)实现蜂窝用户和D2D用户之间的资源划分和复用;然后以系统吞吐量最大化为原则,建立优化目标。结合部分功率控制(FPC)的基本思想,进而提出了一种动态功率控制(DPC)策略。仿真结果表明,所提出的方案能够有效地提高多小区系统的性能。  相似文献   

D2D(Device-to-Device,终端直通通信)技术是指用户可以直接进行通信而不用经过基站的一种终端直通通信技术,移动蜂窝使用终端直通通信技术能够增加蜂窝系统性能,然而却带来了较多的干扰以及加大了能量损耗.为了达到用户和基站间的相互干扰,增加频谱利用效率和能量利用效率,文章以D2D 用户和速率为优化目标提出了一种联合资源分配和功率控制的方法,用以达到高能效的终端直通通信.仿真结果表明:文章提出的联合信道分配和功率控制方案,能明显减少D2D用户与蜂窝系统受到的干扰,增加蜂窝频谱利用率以及D2D用户和速率.  相似文献   

姜鸿强  张晶 《信号处理》2020,36(2):233-239
设备直连(Device-to-Device, D2D)通信技术通过复用蜂窝系统的频谱资源提高频谱利用率,但D2D的引入会给蜂窝系统带来干扰。如何合理地选择D2D/蜂窝通信模式并进行功率优化控制,成为减小D2D和蜂窝系统间干扰、提升网络性能的关键。本文考虑D2D用户复用蜂窝上行链路场景,提出了一种基于距离和联合功率控制的通信模式选择方案。在该方案中,D2D用户和蜂窝用户与基站距离的比值决定了D2D用户是否采用Underlay模式进行通信,进而在约束蜂窝用户和D2D用户发射功率的条件下实现D2D链路和蜂窝链路的联合功率控制,最终推导出能够最大化系统总吞吐量的最优用户功率分配方案。根据仿真结果,本文提出的联合功率控制方案能够在降低系统间干扰的同时有效提高D2D和蜂窝系统的总吞吐量,进而提高了系统的性能。   相似文献   

D2D通信是未来5G网络中一种近距离直通通信方式,在通信过程中,信息直接由发送端传给接收用户,而不需要经过基站的转发.在传统蜂窝网络中引入D2D通信可以极大地提升系统的总吞吐量、增大频谱资源的利用率以及降低发射终端的功耗.主要介绍了一种适用于混合D2D蜂窝网络中的资源分配方法,通过拉格朗日乘子法结合模拟退火算法实现频谱资源的分配,提出一种同时考虑信道容量和能耗的基于模拟退火算法的资源调度策略.本算法在维也纳仿真平台上经仿真验证,相比于传统贪婪优化算法,可以明显增大系统总吞吐量和频谱资源利用率.另外,算法中采用了分布式资源调度方法,D2D用户根据算法步骤自行搜索适合的目标信道并计算其发射功率,可以有效减少基站的信令开销.  相似文献   

设备对设备(D2D)通信作为一种短距离通信技术,能够极大地减轻蜂窝基站的负载压力和提高频谱利用率。然而将D2D直接部署在授权频段或者免授权频段必然导致与现有用户的严重干扰。当前联合部署在授权和免授权频段的D2D通信的资源分配通常被建模为混合整数非线性约束的组合优化问题,传统优化方法难以解决。针对这个挑战性问题,该文提出一种基于多智能体深度强化学习的D2D通信资源联合分配方法。在该算法中,将蜂窝网络中的每个D2D发射端作为智能体,智能体能够通过深度强化学习方法智能地选择接入免授权信道或者最优的授权信道并发射功率。通过选择使用免授权信道的D2D对(基于“先听后说”机制)向蜂窝基站的信息反馈,蜂窝基站能够在非协作的情况下获得WiFi网络吞吐量信息,使得算法能够在异构环境中执行并能够确保WiFi用户的QoS。与多智能体深度Q网络(MADQN)、多智能体Q学习(MAQL)和随机算法相比,所提算法在保证WiFi用户和蜂窝用户的QoS的情况下能够获得最大的吞吐量。  相似文献   

文凯  卢彦博  夏威  范文倩 《电视技术》2015,39(22):44-48
终端直通技术(D2D)是一种终端在基站控制下直接进行通信而不需要基站转发的新型通信技术。D2D引入LTE-A蜂窝系统虽然可以带来吞吐量和频谱效率的提升,但是也会带来很大的干扰。综合近些年来的研究成果,合理的资源调度算法成为降低干扰,提升系统性能的关键。首先,描述了D2D通信技术引入LTE-A蜂窝网络后的系统干扰模型。然后,从模式选择、资源分配和功率控制三个方面综述了目前国内外文献关于资源调度算法的研究成果。  相似文献   

In a cellular network it's very difficult to make spectrum resource more efficiently. Device-to-Device (D2D) technology enables new service opportunities, and provides high throughput and reliable communication while reducing the base station load. For better total performance, short-range D2D links and cellular links share the same radio resource and the management of interference becomes a crucial task. Here we argue that single-hop D2D technology can be used to further improve cellular networks performance if the key D2D radio resource management algorithms are suitably extended to support multi-hop D2D communications. Aiming to establish a new paradigm for the analysis and design of multi-hop D2D communications, We propose a radio resource allocation for multi-hop D2D routes based on interference avoidance approach in LTE-A networks. On top of that, we investigate the outage probability of D2D communication. We first introduce a new definition of outage probability by considering the maximum distance to be allowable for single-hop transmission. Then we study and analyze the outage performance of a multi-hop D2D route. We derive the general closed form expression of outage probability of the multi-hop D2D routes. The results demonstrate that the D2D radio, sharing the same resources as the cellular network, provide higher capacity compared to pure cellular communication where all the data is transmitted through the base station. They also demonstrate that the new method of calculation of D2D multi hop outage probability has better performance than classical method defined in the literature.  相似文献   

中继辅助终端直通(devicetodevice,D2D)网络通过与蜂窝网络共享频谱提高D2D用户的频谱效率和蜂窝用户(cellular user,CU)的物理层安全性。为进一步改善其性能,可以在基站和D2D链路的中继节点采用天线选择以及在中继节点采用全双工技术。然而,由于存在反馈时延和移动性,用于蜂窝链路和所有D2D链路天线选择的信道状态信息(channelstateinformation,CSI)均可能是过时的,针对该场景下的物理层安全性和可靠性问题,提出一种主动窃听和过时CSI场景下基站和中继节点均采用发射天线选择的全双工中继辅助D2D网络安全模型,推导CU的中断概率、遍历容量、非零安全容量概率、安全中断概率、渐近安全中断概率的解析表达式。数值计算与仿真结果均表明,基站发射天线数、中继干扰天线数越多,CU的安全性能越好;过时的CSI会降低CU的中断性能和安全性能。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of wireless technologies, wireless access networks have entered their Fifth-Generation (5G) system phase. The heterogeneous and complex nature of a 5G system, with its numerous technological scenarios, poses significant challenges to wireless resource management, making radio resource optimization an important aspect of Device-to-Device (D2D) communication in such systems. Cellular D2D communication can improve spectrum efficiency, increase system capacity, and reduce base station communication burdens by sharing authorized cell resources; however, can also cause serious interference. Therefore, research focusing on reducing this interference by optimizing the configuration of shared cellular resources has also grown in importance. This paper proposes a novel algorithm to address the problems of co-channel interference and energy efficiency optimization in a long-term evolution network. The proposed algorithm uses the fuzzy clustering method, which employs minimum outage probability to divide D2D users into several groups in order to improve system throughput and reduce interference between users. An efficient power control algorithm based on game theory is also proposed to optimize user transmission power within each group and thereby improve user energy efficiency. Simulation results show that these proposed algorithms can effectively improve system throughput, reduce co-channel interference, and enhance energy efficiency.  相似文献   

In order to solve the problem of interference caused by D2D users reuse cellular resources in cellular network,an algorithm of interference control and resource allocation of D2D communication in single cell cellular system was proposed.Firstly,an interference graph was constructed according to the interference between users in the system to find the reusable channel resource for D2D users.Then,the channel resource pre-allocation and the channel switching policy were performed for D2D users in sequence according to the preset D2D user priority.The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can significantly improve the system throughput and the access rate of D2D users so that the system can achieve better performance in the presence of small or large number of D2D users.  相似文献   

The mutual interference between cellular links and D2D links can bring the secrecy gain to cellular users in D2D-enable cellular networks.To make full use of them,a cooperative secrecy transmission scheme was proposed based on wireless channels.The channel direction information and gains depict the interference from D2D links to cellular links and other D2D links in the proposed scheme.Firstly,only the D2D users which meet the limited interference conditions were accessed to cellular networks to ensure their reliable communications.It was assumed that legitimate users and eavesdroppers were independent two-dimensional homogeneous Poisson point processes (PPP) distribution.Then the security outage probability (SOP) was derived for cellular users and the connection outage probability (COP) for D2D users,and the impacts of interference thresholds were discussed on their performances.Next,an optimization model was given to minimize D2D users’ COP while ensuring the secrecy performance requirements of cellular users,thus achieving the optimal performance.Finally,simulation results verify the validity of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

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