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运营商正从“产品寻向”转为“客户导向”,在业务模式和产品提供方面,必须充分考虑到客户不断变化的需求,从而更有效地参与市场竞争,强化客户粘合力。运营商已经开始着眼未来网络走向,寻求新的赢利支点,满足用户不断变化的需求.从而有效拓展自身的利润新空间。  相似文献   

本文首先分析国内统一通信市场环境,以及国内客户对统一通信的业务需求,结合电信运营商的特点,提出电信运营商开展统一通信的业务能力、网络架构、平台架构和业务发展模式.  相似文献   

会议业务是电信运营商提供的最常见的增值服务之一,而最近应用服务提供商(ASP)也开始向其企业客户提供这类服务。这些会议业务提供商(CSP)在最近这5年来主要受两大趋势的影响:那就是电话业务朝着更低的成本和自助模式的发展,以及向IP网络过渡带来的语音、视频和网络会议业务的集成。本文专门研究了第二种趋势及其对未来业务和产品的某些影响,简要介绍了市场的总体趋势。  相似文献   

仇月娟 《通信世界》2009,(34):I0024-I0024
我国运营商目前开展移动广告主要面临着客户数据分析能力与广告精准推送能力不足、广告模式不丰富等问题。  相似文献   

BSS是业务支撑系统(Business Support System)的缩写,与OSS运营支撑系统(Operation Support System)一起统称为BOSS系统,是电信运营商从原有的以“业务为中心”经营模式向以“客户为中心”经营模式转变的重要标志。从全球范围来看,在电信垄断打破之后,运营商认识到了市场竞争的焦点不在于网络基础设施和资源,而在于电信业务的运营和运行,除了不断推出新业务满足客户需求、保持客户群的忠诚度之外,还必须保证经营利润。  相似文献   

“三网”(电信网广电网和计算机网)在技术,业务和市场等领域相互渗透,交叉和融合,竞争日益激烈。竞争格局必然由局部竞争转向全面竞争由网络竞争转向核心能力竞争、由价格竞争转向服务竞争。网络运营商为了自身的生存和发展变传统的粗放型为集约型经营、变“等着顾客送上门”的被动服务为“以客户为中心”的主动式服务。新的经营模式要求网络运营商必须以客户为中心,以客户的价值取向和消费心理为导向,需要一个统一的业务运营支撑系统为用户提供一致的服务真正体现“创造需求”、“引导消费”的现代客户服务意识与理念。  相似文献   

视频驱动网络演进 为在视频时代制胜,电信运营商需要升级IP边缘设备,以提供更高速、更智能、更低价的服务。当前,多数电信运营商采用分离的网络和平台提供视频和高速互联网业务(如图1);视频业务同时运行在两个并行网络上有两方面的局限性:  相似文献   

亚信OmniCRM方案背景★客户-运营商的最大资源。面对日益激烈的竞争环境,如何留住既有客户及如何由这些客户获得最大的收益,成为电信企业重要的课题。在多年业务支撑系统(BSS/OSS)的建设中,电信运营商积累了大量的原始业务数据。如何从中快速提取信息,深层次发掘隐藏在客户数据和业务数据中的内在规律,及时把握业务发展的趋势,对业务发展进行前瞻性分析预测以制定相应的市场策略,对市场机会做出及时、灵活的反应,成为电信运营商在信息时代的市场竞争中立于不败之地的关键所在。★你了解你的客户吗?面对竞争,电信运营商正迅…  相似文献   

近日,中兴通讯针对全球运营商未来业务发展需求,正式发布面向融合网络的ZTEUOE(Unffied open Environment)的业务平台类解决方案,可以帮助客户实现不同网络下的"积木式"业务模块部署。  相似文献   

日前,阿尔卡特朗讯发布了其Optism移动广告解决方案。这一独特的新产品可以使移动运营商创建更具价值的“媒体库存”(可用的广告空间),并使广告商得以轻松地获得乐于接受其广告信息的目标受众。Optism有助于移动运营商开发新的业务模式,并为其用户提供更具个性化的应用体验。  相似文献   

传统电信网以网络运行维护为中心,而下一代网络(NGN)是以分组交换为主的网络,采用开放的网络架构体系,其运营支撑以客户为中心。立足于在NGN运营维护系统建设上以客户为中心,以市场为导向,以效益为目标,中出通讯在NGN网络上实现了完整的覆盖各个功能层次的网管系统,并且建设在统一的运营支撑维护系统平台之上,能够灵活地进行技术升级以适应技术演进的需要,为运营商提供了新的面向客户的服务。  相似文献   

随着数字电视整体转换的来临,有线电视数字化不仅是一个从模拟到数字的生产革命,不仅仅是多收看几十套甚至上百套节目,关键在于它与模拟电视的区别在于其增值业务的拓展,对于商家这是一种广告形式的巨大改变,从传统的视频、音频广告,变为多方位、全面的、形式多样的广告模式;对受众群体,这是服务内容与形式的极大丰富。主要阐述了在基于DVB-C数字电视平台的增值业务即视频点播中,如何实现广告插入业务。  相似文献   

Demand for bandwidth seems unstoppable, and investment in network infrastructure is massive. There is a desire that network operators be able to manage these networks in an efficient manner, with flexibility to support new customer service opportunities faster and cheaper. Network operators are looking to standards to help them meet this challenge. The telecommunications management network (TMN) model, so effective in describing how management information must support needs at the element, network, and service levels, provides a good starting point. However, if the supporting standards are not developed and used wisely, a TMN approach can have the opposite effect of adding cost and removing flexibility. Technology-specific “stovepipes” may make it impossible to manage services across a range of technologies. The authors express their views on the need for a service-driven approach to standards implementation. They point out specific challenges operators will face as they approach their management systems' needs for broadband services, and encourage service providers and network operators to take a more proactive role in defining their needs  相似文献   

IPTV与目前的3个运营网(有线电视网、Internet和电信网)及其业务直接相关。但不同运营商对IPTV业务有不同定位。电信运营商认为IPTV业务体现于电视节目在IP网中的组织和传送形式,有线电视网络运营商认为IPTV业务是利用有线电视网来提供数字电视节目和电视节目以外的信息服务。由于IPTV业务分为广播业务和交互型业务两大类,支撑这两类业务的承载网也相应地分别采用单向广播网和双向交互网,因而在承载网层很难融合。融合工作将在业务层发生,即充分利用已经存在的两个承载网来经济、高效地发展业务。IPTV中既拥有广播型业务,又拥有组播型业务,还拥有交互型业务,将是三网融合的开端。  相似文献   

Convergence has more than ever been a central issue for fixed and mobile operators throughout the world and is considered to be the next big step in the evolution of telecommunication networks. Convergence opens new market opportunities and competition among network operators and above all offers enhanced user experience. Multimode handsets and the proliferation of terminals and access technologies are generating increasing demands for solutions that enable convergence, seamless handover, and transparent service delivery across heterogeneous access networks. Different strategies are available for operators, depending on the services they intend to deliver to their customers, from basic commercial convergence limited to unified billing for Fixed/Mobile/Internet up to in-dept network convergence covering new applications and services. This article surveys different technologies which offer seamless handover and converged access to mobile voice, video, and data services. It provides first the different network parts involved in defining the operator global convergence strategy and then surveys different technologies which achieve this step-by-step convergence. We present the main features of these technologies and discuss their limitations and potentials to enable convergence in heterogeneous networks. We also provide a personal stance as to the emergence of these technologies and our vision towards the long term converged telecommunication networks.  相似文献   

The recession in the telecommunications industry has meant that the traditional telecommunications operators (BT, AT&T, FT, etc) have found it difficult to provide the resources needed to participate effectively in the standards process. Thus, they are not influencing international standards to get what is needed to build the next generation of telecommunications networks. This could mean that the introduction of new services is delayed and that customers may have to pay more for their services than is necessary. A clear priority now is to re-engage operators in standardisation so that the equipment needed to build next generation networks (NGNs) is standardised to operator requirements. This is the only way to get network build costs down to a level where operators can afford to install it. This paper looks at ways of achieving this goal.  相似文献   

张风环 《电子科技》2015,28(1):176-178
随着移动宽带服务需求不断增加,需要运营商提供更多的无线接入网络功能。LTE和小蜂窝可提供解决无限覆盖和容量的方案。然而,回程技术在CAPEX方面昂贵,运营成本及传统的解决方案无法提供必要的结合能力和成本效率。文中定义了一个Q带点对多点的回程架构,重点介绍了在构建移动回程和无线接入网络框架中提出的萨拉班德结构,其是一种具有成本效益的网络结构,可提供多千兆能结合在Q带传输一个点对多点毫米波传输技术。此外,文中除了给出网络结构的定义外,还描述了节点的密钥类型,包括萨拉班德具体结构。  相似文献   

移动运营商目前正面临流量爆发式增长和增量不增收的双重困境,需求、投资和效能三者处于不均衡状态。5G的到来为网络能力与用户需求的匹配提供了新的解决方案,O-RAN新架构可以有效引入近年来人工智能领域的各项研究成果,在有限的资源下更好地为用户提供服务。基于AI大数据技术对基站容量空时特征分析形成的精准预测,可以指导网络建设、优化和维护资源的投放、形成容量自适应的弹性网络,使得网络能力和用户需求紧密耦合,达到提高资源配置精准性和提升网络资源利用率的目标。  相似文献   

IPTV业务的技术需求与体系架构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金伟 《中兴通讯技术》2006,12(3):23-26,40
IPTV是一个产业关系复杂的业务,需要网络技术、计算机技术、图像处理技术的支持。因而体系架构必须满足多种业务、多种技术的特定需求。结合目前电信、电视的网络现状,可以采用基于三网融合的IPTV业务体系架构模型。该体系架构可使系统具有综合服务能力,可通过同一个平台提供直播电视、点播电视和时移电视业务,支持本地和跨地区的用户和业务认证,提供清晰的电子节目单和流畅的电视图像,并保障信息内容安全。  相似文献   

Digitalization, personalization and globalization shape how companies contact and communicate with their consumers who have different needs and wants. In these highly competitive heterogeneous markets, it becomes crucial to reach consumers in an easy, low-cost and more targeted manner. Social media advertising is one of the effective ways of attracting potential customers, retaining attention of current customers and influencing them through persuasive content. Despite its plentiful and obvious advantages, the variation among consumers’ responses to social media advertising remains as a major challenge. Hence, this study aims to identify different consumer segments based on the social media advertising features, discover differences in their individual traits, and examine variation among those segments in terms of the factors that predict their purchase intentions. By utilizing cluster analysis, consumers are segmented according to their perceptions regarding social media advertising features: perceived relevance, performance expectancy, hedonic motivation, informativeness, and interactiveness. It is revealed that consumers are grouped under three segments, namely: “susceptible”, “dispassionate”, and “impervious”. It is found that there are statistically significant differences among these segments in terms of being easily persuaded, impulse buying tendency, self-confidence, and social network proneness in which consumers in “susceptible” segment are more easily persuaded, have high level of self-confidence, have more impulse buying tendency, and are more prone to social networks when compared to other groups. It is also discovered that there are differences among these segments in terms of the factors that determine their purchase intentions for the products presented in social media advertising. The purchase intention of consumers in “susceptible” segment for products exhibited in social media advertising, is determined by perceived relevance, ease of being persuaded, self-confidence and social network proneness. On the other hand, the purchase intention of consumers in the “dispassionate” segment is shaped by informativeness, ease of being persuaded, and social network proneness. Finally, the purchase intention of consumers in “impervious” segment is influenced by hedonic motivation, perceived relevance, impulse buying tendency, and ease of being persuaded. Nevertheless, when the whole sample is considered, it is observed that consumers’ purchase intentions for the products and services presented in social media advertising are influenced by the following factors: perceived relevance, performance expectancy, informativeness, impulse buying tendency, ease of being persuaded, and social network proneness. Understanding differences across segments can help companies design, manage and convey their social media advertising campaigns to their target audience in a convincing, timely, effective, and efficient way, which in turn, let them gain competitive advantage in highly volatile and dynamic markets.  相似文献   

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