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机会网络中消息冗余度动态估计的缓存管理策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
机会网络以存储-携带-转发的方式实现节点间通信,高效的节点缓存管理策略能够充分利用有限的缓存空间。该文提出了一种基于消息冗余度动态估计的自适应缓存管理机制,利用消息携带节点的活跃程度和当前网络状态下消息副本数量,预测给定消息的投递状态,节点以消息冗余程度为参数确定消息的转发以及携带优先级。结果表明,所提出的节点活跃度和消息副本数的估计方法比较准确,同时所提出的缓存管理策略能有效提高消息成功投递率,降低网络平均时延和网络负载率。  相似文献   

针对间断连接无线网络中的节点缓存资源有限的问题,该文提出一种适用于间断连接无线网络的缓存管理机制。根据运动过程中所获得的网络状态信息,各个节点以分布式的方式估计给定节点与其他节点直接及间接连接状态、节点服务率以及节点连通强度,动态感知各个节点服务能力的差异,同时预测当前节点成功投递该消息的概率以感知消息的效用值,从而执行缓存管理操作。结果表明,与其他缓存管理机制相比,所提出的缓存管理机制不仅能够有效降低投递开销,同时大幅度地提高了消息成功投递率。  相似文献   

崔苑茹  李鹏  刘宏  王小明  吴晓军 《电子学报》2021,49(12):2399-2406
缓存管理已经成为机会网络的研究热点,目前大多数缓存管理方法都集中在单节点,本文在校园协作学习背景下提出了缓存共享的协作小组资源调度方法.节点活跃度描述了移动节点的缓存空间利用率和节点参与消息转发积极性,消息树描述了消息在网络中的扩散程度.以协作小组为单位建立已送达消息链表,对已成功投递消息所占缓存空间及时进行释放.该方法能有效提升节点空间利用率和消息投递率并且降低了消息的投递延迟.实验结果表明,与已有算法相比,消息投递成功率平均提高了10.53%,为小组缓存的共享利用与资源的高效调度提供方法.  相似文献   

合理利用节点间的协作关系及相邻节点的缓存资源可有效提高机会网络中节点缓存的利用率与消息的投递率。该文提出一种节点状态感知的分布式协作缓存机制,通过感知消息扩散程度动态估计消息的重要程度,确定消息在缓存操作中的优先级。进而根据节点的活跃度及相对粘度获知给定消息与其目标节点的相遇概率,并针对消息源节点的差异设计分区协作缓存方法,同时在本地缓存处于存满状态时动态选取协作节点,实现本地消息到相邻节点的转移,以达到高效利用缓存资源的目的。结果表明,所提出的协作缓存机制能够有效地利用节点有限的缓存资源,并大幅度地改善消息投递率及节点缓存利用率。  相似文献   

机会网络中的消息传递是基于"存储—携带—转发"的路由方式进行的,网络中往往保留消息的多个副本,因此研究消息的转发和丢弃策略对路由策略的性能提高至关重要。为了提高网络的投递率、减少传递延迟以及降低网络开销,文章在考虑消息属性如消息副本数、生存时间及产生时间的基础上,通过定义消息优先级,提出了一种新的缓存管理策略——基于消息优先级的缓存调度策略PSP。此外,本文还提出一种计算消息副本数的方法。仿真结果表明PSP在消息平均投递率、平均传输延迟以及平均网络开销方面比其他几种策略具有明显的性能提高。  相似文献   

由于ProPHET路由没有限制网络中消息数量,因此其网络开销很高。文章提出了新的消息转发度量化函数,并据此给出一种改进的概率路由算法P-DFM(ProPHET Based on DFM)。该算法利用节点与目的节点的接触概率和节点间的相遇频率来计算节点的消息转发度,通过比较节点的DFM决定转发消息的副本数目。采用TheONE对Epidemic路由、ProPHET路由及P-DFM路由进行仿真,结果表明提出的P-DFM算法有效地提高了消息投递率,降低了网络开销的成本。  相似文献   

针对机会网络Epidemic路由算法投递率较低的问题,提出了基于活跃度的主动拒绝路由算法。该算法根据节点转发能力和投递能力估算节点活跃度,缓存不足时,节点基于活跃度拒绝或接收新消息。在ONE仿真平台上实现了该算法,仿真结果表明,此算法能有效地减少消息抛出现象,在传输延迟没有明显增加的情况下,改进后的算法能够提高投递率,降低投递开销。  相似文献   

当前机会网络中消息转发策略大多是基于节点间的历史相遇消息选取与其他节点累积相遇能力强的节点作为中继节点。此类策略对节点能力的估计默认采用均匀量化的方式,但经观察发现节点中继能力并非均匀的,主要体现在节点移动模式在时间和地理位置上呈现出极强的聚集性,我们称之为节点的暂态特性。针对上述问题,本文提出了一种基于节点暂态特性的消息转发策略,将具有相似暂态特性的节点聚合成暂态社区,利用暂态社区内节点间的强连通性和不同暂态社区的时序特性来改善机会网络性能。仿真结果表明本文提出的策略能够有效提升消息的投递率,降低投递延时和网络开销。  相似文献   

刘鑫  金光  江先亮  钮俊 《电信科学》2016,32(11):56-63
针对现有延迟容忍网络路由算法在消息传递过程中分发不灵活的问题,提出基于节点通话历史记录计算预期通断时长以及消息传递延迟值,并根据结果选择节点、分配副本数进行消息转发的路由算法(MDESF)。在算法不同阶段,根据节点的活跃度选择中继节点,再分配传递消息的副本数目,加快分发,降低延迟。同时为保证消息及时传递,在单副本阶段选择最优节点转发。本算法同时提出内存管理策略,提高消息转发成功率。仿真实验表明,该算法相对其他同类算法在投递率、交付时延和网络拥塞比率方面综合表现更优。  相似文献   

在Ad hoc网络(自组织网络)的路由建立过程中,由于AODV(Ad hoc按需距离矢量)路由采用洪泛方式转发RREQ(路由请求)消息会产生很多不必要的重传,很可能引发广播风暴而影响网络性能。文章提出了一种基于动态概率转发RREQ消息的改进方案,该方案根据邻居节点的个数选择不同的概率转发RREQ消息。仿真结果表明,在网络节点较多且网络比较稠密的情况下,改进方案能有效减少网络端到端时延,提高网络吞吐量和分组投递率。  相似文献   

针对机会网络中的节点能耗与消息扩散程度之间存在矛盾,基于节点能耗与副本状态感知的路由机制可以显著地改善资源受限场景的网络性能,综合考虑消息扩散程度与节点剩余能量,并结合节点相遇概率预测方法,提出能量有效的副本分布状态感知路由机制,为消息分布式地选择合理的中继节点。仿真结果表明,所提出的路由机制能够有效降低网络负载,并大幅改善消息投递率和平均时延性能。  相似文献   

In opportunistic networks due to the inconsistency of the nodes link, routing is carried out dynamically and we cannot use proactive routes. In these networks, nodes use opportunities gained based on store-carry-forward patterns to forward messages. Every node that receives a message when it encounters another node makes decision regarding the forwarding or not forwarding the node encountered. In some previous methods, the recognition of whether encounter with current node is considered as an appropriate opportunity or not has been carried out based on the comparison of the probability of carrier node and the node encountered. In these methods, if the message is delivered to the encountered node, a better opportunity would be lost. To fight with this challenge we have posed CPTR method by using conditional probability tree method through which in addition to the probability of the delivery of carrier and encountered nodes’ message delivery, the opportunities for after encounter will be involved in messages’ forwarding. Results of simulation showed that the proposed method can improve the ratio of delivery and delay of message delivery compared to other similar methods in networks with limited buffer.  相似文献   

In delay tolerant network interruptions will occur continuously because there is no end-to-end path exists for the longer period of time from source to destination. In this context, delays can be immensely large due to its environment contrails e.g. wildlife tracking, sensor network, deep space and ocean networks. Furthermore, larger replication of messages put into the network is to increase delivery probability. Due to this high buffer occupancy storage space and replication result in a huge overhead on the network. Consequently, well-ordered intelligent message control buffer drop policies are necessary to operate on buffer that allows control on messages drop when the node buffers are near to overflow. In this paper, we propose an efficient buffer management policy which is called message drop control source relay (MDC-SR) for delay tolerant routing protocols. We also illustrate that conventional buffer management policy like Drop oldest, LIFO and MOFO be ineffective to consider all appropriate information in this framework. The proposed MDC-SR buffer policy controls the message drop while at the same time maximizes the delivery probability and buffer time average and reduces the message relay, drop and hop count in the reasonable amount. Using simulations support on an imitation mobility models Shortest Path Map Based Movement and Map Route Movements, we show that our drop buffer management MDC-SR with random message sizes performs better as compared to existing MOFO, LIFO and DOA.  相似文献   

Deep Space Networks (DSNs) are a class of DTNs. In such networks, owing to limited radio range and node mobility, end‐to‐end paths between source and destination nodes are not available. Messages are relayed by store‐and‐forward strategy and may be buffered for long periods before being forwarded to the next hop. Therefore, the buffer of message carriers may overflow, and congestion follows. To address this issue, this paper proposes an early detection and rejection probability‐based congestion control algorithm, named ERBA, in which every intermediate node estimates rejection probability when a new message arrives and refuses to receive the message with the rejection probability, so as to avoid congestion. To validate its effectiveness, ERBA is merged into static routing (SR) and dynamic routing (DR). SR and DR are classical routing algorithms for DSNs. The simulation results show that when working with ERBA, the routing overhead of SR and DR decreases rapidly. However, the message delivery ratio also decreases. To deal with this problem, we propose a buffer‐compensation mechanism that effectively reduces the routing overhead for SR and DR without causing the reduction of the message delivery ratio.Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel multi-copy routing protocol, called predict and forward (PF), for delay tolerant networks, which aims to explore the possibility of using mobile nodes as message carriers for end-to-end delivery of the messages. With PF, the message forwarding decision is made by manipulating the probability distribution of future inter-contact and contact durations based on the network status, including wireless link condition and nodal buffer availability. In particular, PF is based on the observations that the node mobility behavior is semi-deterministic and could be predicted once there is sufficient mobility history information. We implemented the proposed protocol and compared it with a number of existing encounter-based routing approaches in terms of delivery delay, delivery ratio, and the number of transmissions required for message delivery. The simulation results show that PF outperforms all the counterpart multi-copy encounter-based routing protocols considered in the study.  相似文献   

Delay tolerant networks are a class of ad hoc networks that enable data delivery even in the absence of end‐to‐end connectivity between nodes, which is the basic assumption for routing in ad hoc networks. Nodes in these networks work on store‐carry and forward paradigm. In addition, such networks make use of message replication as a strategy to increase the possibility of messages reaching their destination. As contact opportunities are usually of short duration, it is important to prioritize scheduling of messages. Message replication may also lead to buffer congestion. Hence, buffer management is an important issue that greatly affects the performance of routing protocols in delay tolerant networks. In this paper, Spray and Wait routing protocol, which is a popular controlled replication‐based protocol for delay tolerant networks, has been enhanced using a new fuzzy‐based buffer management strategy Enhanced Fuzzy Spray and Wait Routing, with the aim to achieve increased delivery ratio and reduced overhead ratio. It aggregates three important message properties namely number of replicas of a message, its size, and remaining time‐to‐live, using fuzzy logic to determine the message priority, which denotes its importance with respect to other messages stored in a node's buffer. It then intelligently selects messages to schedule when a contact opportunity occurs. Because determination of number of replicas of a message in the network is a difficult task, a new method for estimation of the same has been proposed. Simulation results show improved performance of enhanced fuzzy spray and wait routing in terms of delivery ratio and resource consumption. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

杨鹏  唐洋  舒娜  王汝言 《通信学报》2015,36(Z1):42-52
针对间断连接无线网络中限制消息副本路由机制的低消息投递率与存在恶意节点攻击的问题,提出了一种节点状态实时感知的安全路由机制,采用供给需求模型对节点转发消息的过程进行建模,通过动态感知节点活跃度、邻居节点剩余缓存率和相遇节点声誉值,结合消息生存时间比,建立节点对消息配额的供给需求模型,进而合理分配稀缺的配额资源,并在本地网络状况满足约束条件下,依据消息需求弹性动态更新消息配额,实现可靠的安全路由机制。数值结果表明,所提出的路由机制有效地减小了恶意节点攻击行为的影响,并大幅改善消息投递率和消息平均时延。  相似文献   

该文提出了一种基于概率复制的数据传输策略PRD(Probability Replication Delivery scheme)用于空间中间断连通的延迟容忍移动传感器网络(DTMSN)数据传输。PRD由选择复制策略和队列管理组成,前者根据节点将消息传递给汇聚点的可能性,选择下一跳进行复制传输;队列管理则利用引入传输概率及复制数的消息生存时间决定队列中消息丢弃原则。仿真分析表明,与现有的几种数据传输策略相比,PRD能以较低的数据复制数及传输延迟获得较高的数据传输成功率。  相似文献   

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