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针对船舶发电用凝汽式汽轮机转速的动态响应建立了数学模型,采用Matlab/Simulink软件进行了仿真计算,并运用该软件设计了汽轮机转速调节系统动态分析的图形用户界面,在一定的简化和假设基础上对汽轮机转速调节的动态特性进行了一般性分析及理论上的探讨。  相似文献   

针对船用小型汽轮机常用的超速危急保安器结构特点,从偏心式飞锤、压紧弹簧及整个保安器三个方面对力学特性和运动特性进行了分析,获得了脱扣前、脱扣后及复位过程的特性,并得出了调整垫片厚度对脱扣转速的变化规律,可为汽轮机机组安全运行提供保障。  相似文献   

汽轮机能量转换机构的工作状态是否正常,将直接影响机组的安全性和经济性。在运行中可能发生喷嘴或叶片被冲蚀、结垢和机械损伤,叶片振动以及动叶的松脱或折断等故障。这些故障会降低机组的机械效率,影响机件的使用寿命,有时还会造成极其严重的后果。为此,汽轮机操纵管理人员必须高度重视,科学地掌握汽轮机的运行方式,采取积极地预防措施,合理地处理发生的问题,并注意做好以下各点。  相似文献   

与船用内燃机相比,汽轮机由于功率提升响应较慢,存在灵活性不足的问题,同时也导致了一些安全性问题的出现。本文以增加汽轮机船舶灵活性和安全性为要点,针对各种类型汽轮机船舶的不同需求分析了多种储能方式的优缺点,提出了汽轮机船舶储能的合理方案。  相似文献   

数字电液控制作为舰船推进汽轮机的重要发展方向,对于提高舰船的灵活性、降低船员的劳动强度以及保障舰船安全航行有着重要的意义。本文在分析舰船推进汽轮机的工作流程以及传统控制方法的基础上,研究一种基于DSP的舰船推进汽轮机电液控制系统;提出推进汽轮机电液控制系统的整体方案;分析电液转换器的基本原理和推进汽轮机电液控制装置的基本组成部分;研究汽轮机的基本原理和推进汽轮机电液控制系统的整体结构。这对我国研究舰船推进汽轮机电液控制系统有着重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

张皓宇 《机电设备》2022,(4):97-102
基于面向对象的多领域统一建模开源规范Modelica/Mworks平台,通过研究汽轮机级性能仿真数学模型,开发了针对船用汽轮机级的图形化仿真模型,并开展了数据可视化仿真。结果表明,仿真模型具有良好的模块化特征和可重用性,能够正确地反映船用汽轮机级的稳态运行特性,充分验证了模型的有效性和准确性,为船用汽轮机的仿真研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

汽轮给水泵机组振动频率特性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对汽轮给水泵机组进行振动测试,分析其振动频率特性,有以下结论:泵机叶频、倍叶频以及汽轮机转子叶频较为明显;机组振级在较低频段内和在中、高频段内较大,且在较高频段内呈现随着频率增大而增大的趋势;机组公共机架处的振动,水泵比汽轮机贡献要大;水泵出口处的振动对机组公共机架有较大影响。通过利用浮筏隔振效果估算该型设备对舰艇辐射噪声贡献较大的频率。根据分析结果,提出了如何降低水泵的叶频以及叶频相关频率、汽轮机的叶频,以及机组振动中高频连续谱成分的改进建议。  相似文献   

汽轮机组是船舶动力装置的重要组成部分,其重量和尺寸是影响船舶动力装置重量体积及布置的重要因素.建立包括汽轮机、冷凝器和齿轮减速器设计三部分的船舶汽轮机组数学模型,以汽轮机组重量最小为目标函数和在给定的约束条件下,采用不同的优化算法对机组进行了优化设计.与原方案相比,采用优化方案后汽轮机组重量明显减小,改进的自适应遗传算法有更好的优化性能,优化效果显著.  相似文献   

根据船用汽轮机的热力学原理与汽轮机功率模型,设计一种基于常规PID的船用汽轮机功频控制系统,并运用Matlab/Simulink仿真模块对其进行仿真计算。结果表明,当二回路负荷发生变化时,该控制系统可通过调节汽轮机的进汽量,使汽轮机的功率能够快速跟踪发电机功率的变化,并维持汽轮机的转速(频率)不变。  相似文献   

汽轮机的叶片、叶轮、汽缸等在蒸汽的作用下,会受到不同程度的腐蚀。实践经验证明,连续运行的汽轮机比经常停机的或者两次工作期间停用时间很长的汽轮机较少受到腐蚀。通流部分叶片等多用1Crl3或2Crl3不锈钢材制成,比较不易生锈腐蚀,其抗腐蚀能力较强,这是由于金属表面形成抗腐性能较好的Cr2O3的保护层。但是,当遇有氯离子时,这个保护层就会被破坏而引起腐蚀。  相似文献   

谌宗琦  朱翔  唐永生  叶恒奎 《船舶工程》2014,36(S1):231-234
自升自航式风车安装船为海洋工程专业特种船舶,在风机运输,安装中有很高的实际利用价值。采用直接计算法,对航行工况下自升自航式风电安装船的总强度进行评估。建立了船体和桩腿的有限元建模,基于三维势流理论对波浪垂直弯矩进行长期预报,得到风车安装船在典型装载工况下的设计波参数,将船舶在设计波中的重力、静水压力、水动压力、惯性力等施加到模型上进行直接强度分析,对航行工况下船体和桩腿的强度进行了校核。本文的计算方法及结果可为自升自航式风车安装船的整体强度评估、船体结构优化提供有效依据,并且对同类工程船的设计开发具有指导意义。  相似文献   

针对近海风电基础所处的环境特点,参考实测资料,选取Stokes波浪理论,对作用在风电基础上的非线性波浪荷载进行了研究。计算得出了波浪特征参数确定时波浪的速度势函数、速度场函数和加速度场函数,通过分析其变化规律,计算出作用于基础的总波浪荷载的变化特征;在利用BP神经网络对波浪特征参数变量和周期内波浪荷载极值变量进行预测的基础上,获得了波浪荷载极值分布的概率密度函数。  相似文献   

Loads from storm waves can in some cases be dimensioning for offshore wind turbine substructures. Accurate determination of nonlinear wave loads is therefore important for a safe, yet economic design. In this paper, the fully nonlinear waves, realized by a fully nonlinear potential wave solver OceanWave3D, are incorporated into coupled aero-servo-hydro-elastic simulations for a reduced set of wave-sensitive design load cases, in comparison with the widely used linear and constrained waves. The coupled aero-elastic simulations are performed for the DTU 10 MW reference wind turbine on a large monopile at 33 m water depth using the aero-elastic code HAWC2. Effect of the wave nonlinearity is investigated in terms of the ultimate sectional moments at tower bottom and monopile mudline. Higher ultimate moments, 5% at tower bottom and 13% at monopile mudline as maximum, are predicated when the nonlinear waves are used. It could be explained by the fact that the extreme nonlinear waves, that are close to the breaking limit, can induce resonant ringing-type responses, and hereby dominate the ultimate load responses. However, the constrained wave approach shows marginal difference compared to the standard linear wave approach. It can be concluded at least for the present configuration that the industry standard approaches (linear and constrained wave approach) underestimate the ultimate load responses on offshore wind turbines in severe sea states.  相似文献   

本文主要研究在非线性混合海况(即风浪和涌浪组合海况)下,以NREL 5MW_Baseline Monopile近海风机为研究对象,对其塔筒底部(基线)所受到的剪力和弯矩载荷的动力响应进行仿真。在近海风机的时域仿真中,选用了Ochi-Hubble六参数波浪谱,并编制了该谱的程序嵌入到FAST中进行编译。计算过程中,共进行了20次10 min的仿真分析。对于得到的短期载荷,给出了波高程,塔筒底部首尾向剪力和弯矩在线性与非线性不规则波作用下的时程曲线对比图。采用分块最大值法对每一次的短期载荷提取极值,并基于20次仿真所得的极值,给出了塔筒底部首尾向剪力与弯矩在线性与非线性不规则波作用下的超越概率曲线对比图。研究表明,在非线性混合海况下进行近海风机塔筒底部载荷的动力响应研究,计算结果对工程实际应用具有指导意义。  相似文献   

This study performed experimental investigation on the dynamic response of an in-place floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) under freak wave actions. Based on the method of wave profile modulation, various freak wave profiles embedded in unidirectional Gaussian seas were generated in wave basin and the action of these waves on the FOWT was measured and analyzed, which has not been done before. The motions of FOWT were analyzed in time domain as well as time-frequency domain. The effect of freak wave parameters on FOWT motions was addressed, i.e., freak wave height, freak wave period, large crest, and deep trough. The dynamic response of FOWT was observed as a spike at the occurrence of freak wave in a conventional random wave, where the impact of freak wave can last for 17 spectral peak periods of wave. Data analysis shows that the motions of FOWT increased linearly with the freak wave height. In addition, the occurrence of freak wave induced the coupled effect on surge and pith, which was strengthen with the increase of freak wave height and wave period. Compared to a large crest, a deep trough of freak wave led to stronger motions and was supposed to be a key concern on the safety of the FOWT. The novel findings in this study provided a reference for the design of survival load on a FOWT and benchmarks for validating numerical models.  相似文献   

针对自升自航式海上风机安装作业平台在风浪较大的海上风电场区域作业时风、浪、流载荷较大,影响安全的问题,基于SESAM软件,建立海上风机安装作业平台有限元模型,在频域内计算了波浪载荷和运动响应传递函数,并进行响应谱分析。结果表明,平台运动响应受波浪周期和浪向角的影响较大,当桩腿接近海底时,有可能对导致桩腿触底,在船舶设计以及船舶实际作业时应注意避免这种现象发生。  相似文献   

建设海上风电场时,风机所处的海洋环境十分复杂,在风、浪、流等气象水文要素的影响下,风机桩基周围会出现冲刷坑,进而影响风机基础的稳定。因此,风机桩基的局部冲刷深度是工程设计的重要参数。采用埕岛油田海洋平台桩基局部冲刷现场观测资料,对国内常用的2个计算桩基局部冲刷深度的经验公式(韩海骞公式和王汝凯公式)进行验证,运用波流合成速度代替纯潮流速度。结果表明该海域波浪对泥沙的作用不可忽略。韩海骞公式重新计算的结果与实测值吻合良好。  相似文献   

The configuration and aerodynamic performance of the inlet system are important aspects in the process of installing a gas turbine on a naval vessel. Under the requirements, large eddy simulation (LES) is used to simulate the three-dimensional fluid flow in the wave blocker of a marine inlet filter. The Smagorinsky-Lilly sub-grid model was used to model motions of small-scale structures. During numerical simulation, the SIMPLE algorithm was applied. The central-differencing spatial discretization scheme and the second order accuracy finite difference for the temporal discretization were used. Simulation gives satisfactory distribution of the vorticity fields and turbulent kinetic energy. Compared with the k-ε turbulent model, the results of LES are better for the distribution of parameters. The results of experimental study in a small-scale wind tunnel indicate that numerical calculation has higher accuracy. Therefore, the methods used are worthy of reference and introduction for the design of an inlet system.  相似文献   

Several floating wind turbine designs whose hull designs reflect those used in offshore petroleum industry have emerged as leading candidates for the future development of offshore wind farms. This article presents the research findings from a model basin test program that investigated the dynamic response of a 1:50 scale model OC3 spar floating wind turbine concept designed for a water depth of 200 m. In this study the rotor was allowed to rotate freely with the wind speed and this approach eliminated some of the undesirable effects of controlling wind turbine rotational speed that were observed in earlier studies. The quality of the wind field developed by an array of fans was investigated as to its uniformity and turbulence intensity. Additional calibration tests were performed to characterize various components that included establishing the baseline wind turbine tower frequencies, stiffness of the delta type mooring system and free decay response behaviour. The assembled system was then studied under a sequence of wind and irregular wave scenarios to reveal the nature of the coupled response behaviour. The wind loads were found to have an obvious influence on the surge, heave and pitch behaviour of the spar wind turbine system. It was observed from the experimental measurements that bending moment at the top of the support tower is dominated by the 1P oscillation component and somewhat influenced by the incoming wave. Further it was determined that the axial rotor thrust and tower-top shear force have similar dynamic characteristics both dominated by tower’s first mode of vibration under wind-only condition while dominated by the incident wave field when experiencing wind-wave loading. The tensions measured in the mooring lines resulting from either wave or wind-wave excitations were influenced by the surge/pitch and heave couplings and the wind loads were found to have a clear influence on the dynamic responses of the mooring system.  相似文献   

连卫东  刘针 《水道港口》2010,31(1):40-44
根据龙口、蓬莱海洋站实测波浪资料,分析烟台港栾家口港区和蓬莱东港区的波浪特性,结果显示该海区属于以风浪为主、涌浪为辅的混合浪。利用TK-2D的PEM波浪数学模型模拟工程前波浪,得到工程区设计波要素,栾家口港区的强浪向是偏WNW向,蓬莱东港区的强浪向是偏NE向。利用MIKE21的BW方程波浪数学模型对平面布置方案下港内的波况进行模拟。在掩护水域由于采用直立式码头,波浪发生多次反射,码头前波高较大,为减小港内波高,对方案进行优化,采用高桩等反射率小的码头结构型式,可以消散港内波能,有效减小码头前波高。  相似文献   

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