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Ecosystems have become a major trend in research and practice alike. Within an ecosystem, the so-called orchestrator is considered to be one of the most important roles. However, extant research falls short of explaining how and why this orchestrator role and the resulting tasks of orchestration are allocated to specific ecosystem members. Based on a case study with eight cases, this paper aims to shed light on this crucial question. Our results revealed three basic patterns of ecosystem orchestration: single-, double-, and multi-orchestration ecosystems. These were determined by two key contingencies: production related knowledge and consumption related knowledge. This discovery yields several contributions to research and managerial practice. We show whether, and under which circumstances, orchestrators might include other ecosystem participants in the key tasks of orchestration. We demonstrate how orchestrators allocate these tasks to specific participants in the ecosystem. Furthermore, our results shed light on how orchestrators manage their ecosystem partners and secure their position within the ecosystem. And finally, we introduce a new view on the role of the orchestrator.  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal management of ecosystems remains a topical issue in the strategic management literature. This research proposes an original approach by examining the key role played by events in ecosystem management. Drawing on the single case of a major French e-sport event (Lyon e-Sport), we study how an event allows the combination of both business and community logics to provide a simultaneous but discontinuous ecosystem management. Our findings contribute to recent research and show that (1) the event provides a space for structuring and combining business and community-based logics, (2) the community logic has to be hierarchically managed to allow the business logic to emerge and develop the ecosystem, and (3) various spatial and digital mechanisms related to the event support the combination of both business and community-related logics.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2023,56(1):102270
We analyze the role and effect of ecosystem leadership understood as the exercise of effort towards others with the purpose of establishing and maintaining an ecosystem around a focal systemic innovation. While there has been much attention to the firms that sponsor ecosystems in the ecosystem literature, ecosystem leaders are usually characterized in an atheoretical manner, and the emphasis is on, leadership in existing ecosystems, thus neglecting the role leadership might play in ecosystem emergence. We clarify and provide theoretical grounding for the important role of leadership in emerging and maturing ecosystems. Building on transaction cost economics, we conceptualize an ecosystem as a governance structure that enables and sustains coordination and cooperation among multiple economic agents towards a focal innovative value proposition. Our basic argument is that the emergence of such an ecosystems is hampered by coordination and cooperation problems which markets and the price system cannot solve by itself. Resolving these problems requires assistance, and such assistance is what we call ecosystem leadership. To further characterize the exercise of leadership we use Teece's tripartite dynamic capabilities scheme. Leadership enables ecosystem emergence through three externally-oriented dynamic capabilities: facilitating the formation of a shared vision (sensing), inducing others to make ecosystem-specific investments (seizing) and engaging in ad hoc problem solving to create and maintain stability (reconfiguring/transforming). The latter capability in particular often continues to be important in a mature ecosystem. We provide a characterization of these capabilities and argue that the ecosystem leader role in a mature ecosystem likely stems from having successfully exercised these capabilities and that their exercise also puts the leader in a prime position for value capture. We discuss implications of our arguments for ecosystem theories, for managers and for policy makers.  相似文献   

How do organizations survive in the face of change? Underlying this question is a rich debate about whether organizations can adapt—and if so how. One perspective, organizational ecology, presents evidence suggesting that most organizations are largely inert and ultimately fail. A second perspective argues that some firms do learn and adapt to shifting environmental contexts. Recently, this latter view has coalesced around two themes. The first, based on research in strategy suggests that dynamic capabilities, the ability of a firm to reconfigure assets and existing capabilities, explains long-term competitive advantage. The second, based on organizational design, argues that ambidexterity, the ability of a firm to simultaneously explore and exploit, enables a firm to adapt over time. In this paper, we review and integrate these comparatively new research streams and identify a set of propositions that suggest how ambidexterity acts as a dynamic capability. We suggest that efficiency and innovation need not be strategic tradeoffs and highlight the substantive role of senior teams in building dynamic capabilities.  相似文献   

商业生态系统价值结构、企业角色与战略选择   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
与强调企业在商业生态系统中如何攫取领导地位的战略观不同,本文把研究重心放在了企业战略如何塑造成功商业生态系统上。首先,本文构建了成功商业生态系统的价值结构模型,为企业的战略选择提供了微观与宏观上的方向与路径。其次,本文讨论了与成功商业生态系统相匹配的企业角色,并结合价值结构模型定义了与企业角色相匹配的战略任务。最后,在此基础上,重点阐述了骨干型企业在如何塑造成功商业生态系统过程中具体的宏观战略选择路径与机制问题。  相似文献   

The widespread emergence of digital firms has important implications for international business theory. In this paper, we argue that because of systematic cross-industry differences in the local ecosystems digital firms need to develop in foreign markets, they will face differential costs and challenges of what we term liability of ecosystem integration (LoEI). The nature of the LoEI differs from both traditional concepts of the liability of foreignness (LoF) and the liability of outsidership (LoO). Rather than reflecting the need to overcome economic or psychic distance by learning about the host country (as with LoF) or investing in relationship-specific knowledge (as with LoO), overcoming LoEI requires investments in catalysing the co-development of a local ecosystem involving users, complementors and institutional actors specific to each business. We show how the level of LoEI a firm faces depends on the characteristics of its industry and its business model along three dimensions: the level of integration with local users, complementors, and institutions. These characteristics impact both firm's success in internationalisation and the level of concentration in the global market.  相似文献   

Over two decades ago, William Ocasio introduced the attention-based view (ABV) of the firm with a powerful argument: firm-level behaviour is the result of the situated distribution and allocation of managerial attention, embedded in broader organizational structures and the environmental context. ABV-based research has received substantial and increasing scholarly attention, resulting in a complex and incoherent body of research. In order to address this issue, this paper takes stock of extant research on the ABV and consolidates key debates. Based on a systematic review of 173 articles, we synthesize existing research into a unifying framework. Drawing on this framework, we propose situated attention as a central theme for future research. We elaborate on four situational factors (materiality, social dynamics, temporality and what we call framing of the strategic setting), which may influence how actors’ attention is situated in the particular context.  相似文献   

Can corporate social responsibility (CSR) be a source of good and a wellspring of innovation, competitive advantage and value creation for the firm? Although CEOs and government leaders insist in public that CSR projects create value for the firm, privately they admit that they do not know if CSR pays off. To address this question and drawing on experience for the Spanish context, we test one of the few efforts to model how the strategic management of CSR may contribute to improving firm profitability (Burke and Logsdon, 1996). To do this, we examine the impact of three strategic CSR variables – visibility, appropriability, and voluntarism – on value creation among large Spanish corporations. The conclusions from these findings suggest that managers need to understand how CSR is similar to and different from other traditional corporate market activities if they are to pursue value creation through CSR. We also suggest avenues for future research to explain how CSR may be integrated into firm processes to create resources (assets) and capabilities (routines) that may lead to competitive advantage and superior economic performance.  相似文献   

房四海  范为  曾勇  谭人友 《管理学报》2011,8(6):929-937
使用连续型实物期权方法建立了一个双头专利竞赛模型,研究了创业资本控制的创业企业的金融性质。数值分析表明,相对于联合垄断,专利竞赛会促使竞争企业更主动地投资,从而导致价值耗散、更高的CAPMβ系数和收益波动率,以及当竞争激烈时竞争者之间更大的收益负相关性。创业企业的年收益波动率超过100%,其原因主要归结于技术风险,这也与以往的实证结果相吻合,从而为从产业组织视角构建创业投资组合提供理论基础。  相似文献   

The dynamic capability perspective extends the resource-based view argument by addressing how valuable, rare, difficult to imitate and imperfectly substitutable resources can be created and how the current stock of valuable resources can be refreshed in changing environments. The concept of dynamic capabilities emerged in the 1990s, and the field has advanced considerably since. This paper presents a review as well as a synthesis of the extant literature. This synthesis first highlights, that dynamic capabilities are shaped by enabling and inhibiting variables within and outside the firm, including the perceptions and motivations of managers; secondly, it identifies processes that create dynamic capabilities; and thirdly, it explains that dynamic capabilities do not automatically lead to performance improvements. Finally, the paper addresses some areas of confusion and contradiction that hamper the development of the literature.  相似文献   

Although strategic management research is well aware of the importance of construct measurement, surprisingly little rigor is applied regarding its core concept, firm performance. Using the example of the resource-based view (RBV), this paper demonstrates how divergence between theory-building and construct measurement regarding firm performance can produce misleading conclusions. The RBV seeks to explain value creation in the marketplace, yet empirical studies often measure various aspects of firm financial performance. Building on appropriation theory, I show that it is not possible to infer to changes in firm value creation from observed changes in firm financial performance measures and vice versa due to an omitted variable bias: the neglect of the relative bargaining power of stakeholders. This paper derives conclusions for research practice and suggests theoretically meaningful ways of bridging the gap between value creation and firm financial performance in the RBV framework.  相似文献   

郭笑春  胡毅 《管理评论》2020,(1):324-336
本文运用对比案例分析法,选取Steemit论坛和知乎论坛作为分析对象,探究了使用数字货币与否对同一行业组织的商业模式及其创新有什么影响。本文以商业模式画布为蓝本,通过对比数字货币背景下商业模式在价值主张、价值创造、价值传递、价值网络和价值实现五个方面的差异,探究数字货币时代下商业模式的创新影响,以及商业模式不同价值元素间新的构成秩序。本研究分析了选取案例商业模式中的不同对应元素,并给出了以下三个针对数字货币和商业模式的新命题:第一,数字货币在价值创造过程中联结利益主体;第二,数字货币起到了模糊价值网络边界的作用,从而促进构成新的治理模式;第三,使用数字货币可以在价值实现过程中完成利润重新分配。最后,文章认为数字货币情景下商业模式中不同价值元素的交互关系,呈现出以客户关系为核心的共同价值创造和共同价值实现的新秩序。  相似文献   

The resource-based view explains firms’ value appropriation in buyer–supplier relationships by pointing to sustained differences in economic efficiency across firms. Firms with more efficient resources create more value than competitors, which in turn provides a “protective cushion” against competition. However, just as firms may differ in the economic efficiency of their resources and in the value they create, they may also differ in their information processing and how successful they are at value appropriation. Building on the literature on decision-making under uncertainty in psychology, I argue that firms may increase their value appropriation in exchange relationships by investing in commercial decision resources that allow for more effective information processing in commercial decisions. Examples of commercial decision resources include IT-based systems for product costing and tracking customers/competitors, the design of commercial organization, control systems, and commercial experience and skill.  相似文献   

This study relies on the resource-based view to examine how alliances of e-commerce firms affect firm value in an emerging business sector. Using an event study method, we investigate 272 alliances of 69 e-commerce firms. Our findings show that alliances of e-commerce firms in general have a positive effect on firm value. Unlike previous studies of alliances, we find that marketing alliances generate significantly greater firm value than technology alliances. Our results also show that alliances with other e-commerce partners do not have a significantly different effect on firm value than alliances with bricks-and-mortar partners. Implications and avenues for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

企业吸纳用户参与创新过程,是构建并提升创新能力的重要途径。但作为外部创新源,用户参与创新虽然将价值创造与价值消费形成闭环,却以企业开放创新过程为条件,这加剧了创新过程的复杂性,也使用户参与提升企业创新能力的内在机理难以洞悉。基于价值共创理论、用户创新理论与创新能力理论,本文从企业方面探索如何吸纳用户参与创新过程进而提升创新能力的内在规律。基于202份国内企业样本,首先探索了用—企共享的价值诉求构念内涵与结构。在此基础上,以"动机构建→授权导引→能力发展"为脉络研究价值共创视角下企业创新能力提升机理。发现:(1)用户参与的社会性价值预期能够有效提升企业二元性创新能力;(2)用—企共享的独异价值预期(功能性价值)能够有效提升企业渐进性创新能力;(3)顾客授权在"用—企"共享的社会性价值诉求与渐进性创新能力之间起到局部中介的作用。  相似文献   

By integrating literature on proactive behavior, in particular voice behavior theory, with the attention-based view of the firm, we examine how the use of a set of initiative selling tactics influences the acceptance of subsidiary initiatives by MNC headquarters. The findings suggest that the initiative selling tactics that matter most for the headquarters acceptance of subsidiary initiatives are related to proactive efforts such as the preparation and the packaging of the subsidiary initiative. The paper contributes to academia and practice by providing a richer understanding of proactive behavior among subsidiaries in terms of the “voice tactics” used to get their subsidiary initiatives recognized and accepted by headquarters. The study uses data from a questionnaire survey of 110 MNC subsidiaries and qualitative interview data.  相似文献   

韩进  李平  周海波 《管理学报》2022,19(1):139-149
鉴于目前尚缺乏具有广泛影响力的“生态系统”理论基础,包括缺乏具有广泛影响力的概念定义及内在因果逻辑的机理解释,基于复杂系统理论和生命周期视角,研究认为,企业管理情境下的生态系统具备自组织、相互依赖、基础设施和竞合过程四大核心特征,而这些特征构成生态系统理论框架的四大维度,其间的“统一性”揭示了生态系统的复杂性和动态性本质。进一步地,高绩效、高韧性的生态系统得益于:①由于缺乏核心控制者,众多异质性成员之间充分频繁互动,不断产生多元系统价值主张;②系统成员间具备“半结构化”的相互依赖,使生态系统能更具弹性,更有效地面对多变、不确定、复杂和模糊的情境;③多样化的赋能设施产生于并最终赋能异质性生态系统成员;④成员间通过竞合机制共创和共取价值,促使生态系统持续演进。  相似文献   

Recent research indicates that CEOs’ temporal focus (the degree to which individuals attend to the past, present, and future) is a critical predictor for strategic outcomes. Building on paradox theory and the attention-based view, we examine the implications of CEOs’ past and future focus for strategic change. Results from polynomial regression analysis reveal that CEOs who cognitively embrace both the past and the future at the same time engage more in strategic change. In addition, our results reveal that the positive strategic change−firm performance relationship is enhanced when CEOs’ past focus is high, whereas CEOs’ future focus mitigates the translation of strategic change into firm performance (when their past focus is low at the same time). In addition, supplemental analyses indicate that the impact of CEOs’ temporal focus turns out differently in stable and dynamic environments. Our study thus extends the literature on both individual’s temporal focus and strategic change.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2021,54(6):102101
Scale-ups, or scaling firms, provide an important contribution to the economy. However, there is little understanding of the characteristics of their scaling strategies, compared to the high-growth strategies of start-ups and mature firms. To address this, we build on the Penrosean view of firm growth and the literature on high-growth firms to identify the critical growth-enabling activities of scaling firms with digital business models: financing, innovation, digitization, and acquisitions. Using cluster analysis of a sample of 184 Unicorn and emerging Unicorn scale-ups with digital business models, we identify four distinct activity configurations, or scale-up modes: network growers, focused scalers, organic innovators, and constricted scalers. We discuss the theoretical implications for the literature on scaling firms, Penrose's theory of firm growth in the digitization era, and firm growth research more generally.  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of leveraging global knowledge for business model innovation, whereby knowledge is transferred across space and firm boundaries for the reconfiguration of an incumbent firm's business model. Considering the implications of an ever-increasing fragmentation of global value chains and the associated dispersion of global knowledge sources, we propose that supply chain partners at foreign locations can provide valuable knowledge that incumbents can leverage to change their business model. Integrating insights from global supply chain, business model, and organizational learning literature, we theorize and empirically test how different organizational capabilities enable firms to acquire knowledge from foreign partners, integrate external with internal knowledge, transform knowledge through experimentation, and finally apply global knowledge in the form of business model innovation. We conclude with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

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