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商业模式内容创新意味着创造新价值或增加新价值创造活动,是创业企业实现快速成长的重要途径,但我们对于"创业企业如何实现商业模式内容创新"仍知之甚少。本文以企业网络理论为基础,从商业模式内容创新事件入手,横向比较与纵向分析相结合的归纳式跨案例研究方法探索了上述问题。本文发现商业模式内容创新是一系列事件的递进式组合过程,在这一过程中,横向跨案例分析表明,创业企业所嵌入网络结构通过促进以知识获取为核心的获得性学习影响商业模式内容创新,而网络行为依赖以知识创造为核心的试验性学习作用于商业模式内容创新;纵向跨案例分析显示,与网络理论强调的"结构—行为—绩效"逻辑不同,网络结构和网络行为在商业模式连续性内容创新事件中存在着互动关系,在创业企业成长阶段,与基于网络结构的知识获取机制相比较,基于网络行为的知识创造机制是诱发商业模式内容创新的更重要途径。  相似文献   

钱雨  孙新波 《管理评论》2021,33(11):67-83
数字经济浪潮下,面对跨界颠覆者与技术融合的趋势,传统企业数字化转型迫在眉睫,尽管数字技术为企业开发和调整商业模式实现数字化转型提供机遇,但相关研究却对数字化转型的本质与数字情境中商业模式架构系统的变化缺乏深入关注.研究采用多案例研究,对案例企业的5种与数字化相关的商业模式进行分析,总结提炼出4种不同的数字商业模式类型,进而将数字商业模式解构为数字价值主张、数字价值创造与数字价值获取的架构系统,并详细阐释了数字商业模式的设计原理,最终围绕商业模式的双重属性识别出数字商业模式的创新来源.  相似文献   

随着"互联网+"时代的来临,电子商务快速发展,商业模式创新已经成为一种必然,而构成要素是商业模式的核心,商业模式创新可以通过改变构成要素关系或者提高构成要素的价值来实现。该文从产品、目标客户和供应链三个商业模式的基本构成要素,结合案例分析,研究了电子商务相对于传统市场的创新。  相似文献   

陈一华  张振刚  黄璐 《管理学报》2021,18(5):731-740
基于数字化和商业模式创新文献,探究制造企业数字赋能商业模式创新的作用机制和路径。通过格力电器成功构建数字商业模式的案例研究发现:①数字赋能商业模式创新的作用机制可分为连接赋能、管控赋能和解释赋能3种;②数字赋能商业模式创新的路径是连接、管控和解释赋能分别有助于构建互补导向、效率导向和新颖导向数字商业模式;③数字商业模式与数字制造模式存在相互依赖性,即两者之间存在一致的数字赋能策略。  相似文献   

笔者考察了商业模式对技术创新的影响,在已有研究的基础上,将商业模式构成要素剖析为价值主张、价值创造、价值提供、价值获取4个方面,并通过对上海柴油机股份有限公司的案例分析发现,4个方面的具体要素对技术创新有明显的影响,表明商业模式创新,应成为技术创新政策考虑的一个重要领域。  相似文献   

苏敬勤  张帅  马欢欢  贾依帛 《管理评论》2021,33(11):121-134
随着数字技术的快速发展,数字化商业模式创新成为企业竞争的利器,而技术嵌入是企业内化数字技术支撑数字化商业模式创新的重要策略.本文基于飞贷金融科技的创新实践开展纵向案例研究,探究技术嵌入对数字化商业模式创新的影响.研究发现:技术嵌入包含技术整合和技术开发,两种策略在企业发展过程中经历了不同形式的演变.其中,拼凑式技术整合更有利于商业模式要素创新,而协奏式技术整合更有利于商业模式架构创新.利用式技术开发更有利于商业模式渐进创新,而探索式技术开发更有利于商业模式颠覆创新.最终,案例企业的数字化商业模式呈现出一条"流程信息化→渠道平台化→产品数字化→技术产品化"的进阶式演化路径,数字化程度相应呈现"类抛物线"的演变规律.本研究丰富了数字化商业模式创新的相关理论,并为科技型企业构建数字化商业模式提供了实践启示.  相似文献   

商业模式创新是大数据金融发展的根本。金融机构需要不断审视自身商业模式中的七大构成要素,不断为客户创造价值,以实现商业模式的四大创新,从而使大数据金融的商业模式持续运作,为企业和社会带来源源不断的价值。  相似文献   

关于破坏性创新价值创造与捕获的跨组织边界互动机制及其演化过程的研究存在理论缺口和实践必要性。本文从开放商业模式视角进行纵向单案例分析,研究发现:第一,破坏性创新扩散是一个依赖开放商业模式的过程,在此过程中存在破坏性创新与其侵入策略的适应性,又存在破坏性创新侵入策略与价值创造和捕获策略的动态协调。第二,破坏性创新扩散依赖于商业模式开放度调整,并且在破坏性创新扩散的三个阶段,要求现有价值网络后发企业沿着“内向型→耦合型→平台型”路径提高价值创造的开放度,沿着“互利导向→互补导向→共生导向”路径提高价值捕获的开放度。第三,破坏性创新的演进日益依赖开放度更高的价值创造和捕获机制,这有助于后发企业深度嵌入更广泛的创新系统并颠覆已有主导逻辑。  相似文献   

科技发展和政策鼓励下,O2O转型成为企业重要发展趋势。文章运用纵向案例分析,探究了服务电商平台通过创业学习实现O2O商业模式转型的过程机理。研究发现:创业学习是商业模式转型的重要基础,通过经验学习、认知学习和实践学习服务电商平台逐次实现了价值定位、价值创造与价值获取的转型,从而构建了O2O生态。为服务电商平台的O2O转型提供重要指导。  相似文献   

基于朗坤与联创案例的中国农业物联网企业商业模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
欧阳桃花  武光 《管理学报》2013,10(3):336-346
聚焦于进入农业物联网领域企业的商业模式,研究农业物联网企业商业模式的逻辑、类型和形成机制.以2家代表性农业物联网企业为案例研究对象,以创造顾客所需的价值为主线,对比分析了农业物联网企业商业模式的内在逻辑,归纳了权变型和平衡型2种农业物联网商业模式类型,解释了由战略动机、企业资源和产业环境共同作用以形成商业模式的根本机制.  相似文献   

Despite a voluminous literature, business model research continues to be plagued with problems. Those problems hinder theory development and make it difficult for managers to use research findings in their decision-making. In our article, we seek to make three contributions. First, we clarify the theoretical foundations of the business model concept and relate them to the five elements of a business model: customers, value propositions, product/service offerings, value creation mechanisms, and value appropriation mechanisms. A clear definition of a business model enables theory to develop systematically and provides coherent guidance to managers. Second, we suggest that value configuration is a contingency variable that should be included in future theorizing and model building. Each of the elements of a business model is affected by a firm's value configuration depending on whether the firm is a value chain, value shop, or value network. Third, we link business models to organization design. We show how organization design is affected by value configuration and how new collaborative organizational forms enable open and agile business models. We derive the implications of our analysis for future research and management practice.  相似文献   

吴隽  徐迪 《中国管理科学》2019,27(6):191-205
商务模式的价值创造活动正逐步由个体企业的行为演变为主体企业、伙伴和客户的共同努力。只有以合理的价值分享为前提的价值获取才能保证商务模式创新的价值得以持续创造,保证商务模式创新的成功。基于Shapley值法对商务模式创新后的价值增值在主体企业和其他利益相关者之间进行分享,比较各个参与主体价值增值的大小,得到合理价值分享的条件。研究结果表明,对商务模式创新没有直接贡献的利益相关者也可能分享到创新的价值,但不同创新结果价值分享的对象和数量是不一样的,创新结果参数的变化会不同程度影响分享的价值,为了更好地提高各个利益相关者参与创新的积极性,有必要针对不同创新的结果调整分享的价值。  相似文献   

企业竞争优势或价值创造的源泉在哪里,或者企业绩效异质性的成因是什么?这一问题一直是战略管理领域的研究焦点。移动互联网时代,企业纷纷通过重塑商业模式来实现转型升级或跨界发展,并将其作为价值创造和竞争优势的一种重要来源。因此,本文旨在以开放型商业模式为研究对象,探讨其内在属性与价值创造之间的关系。首先,本文阐述开放型商业模式的内涵及构成;接着,识别出其内在属性特征,即新颖性(N)、锁定性(I)、互补性(C)、效率性(E);同时,重点借助战略网络理论、新木桶理论、平台经济学等理论基础论证NICE与价值创造间的关系及背后的作用机理,提出理论假设;最后,运用调查问卷和结构方程模型的方法实证检验,且演绎结论的管理含义。本文所使用的数据来源于中国最大的服务交易平台:猪八戒网和EMBA、MBA、EDP等项目课堂。研究表明,开放型商业模式新颖性与企业价值正相关、互补性与顾客价值正相关、效率性与企业价值和伙伴价值均呈正相关关系;而新颖性与顾客价值及伙伴价值正相关;互补性与企业价值及伙伴价值呈正相关关系等结论未得到印证。本文的研究回答了"企业竞争优势或价值创造源泉在哪里?"这一问题,并且本文的理论机理分析和实证结论有利于指导企业创新商业模式并获取竞争优势的战略决策。  相似文献   


Medium enterprises (MEs) form a majority of enterprises in several regions, yet they are underrepresented in the literature. The digital transformation known as Industry 4.0 (I4.0) brings new data streams into enterprises. MEs and large enterprises will both leverage business intelligence and analytics (BI&A) to improve their business performance, so the study of the conditions favouring value creation of BI&A is of interest. However, there are few studies focusing on the impact of business intelligence and analytics (BI&A) on value creation in I4.0 and none focusing on MEs. Using a multiple case-study design, this paper explores factors linked to BI&A business value creation in manufacturing MEs that are undergoing an I4.0 transformation. Findings suggest enterprises resources and capabilities are not sufficient to predict business value: organizational learning and organizational culture have a non-negligible influence for MEs.  相似文献   

基于跨案例扎根分析的商业模式结构模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以75个实际企业商业模式成功案例为样本,应用扎根理论的Strauss三阶段编码方法进行跨案例分析,构建商业模式结构模型。以迭代式开放性编码对案例中描述商业模式的变量进行概念化和类属化,依据主轴编码的典范模式将各类属按性质分布于具有因果关系的6个层次,将每个层次的类属性质聚类为具有三级结构的商业模式构件,建立一个包含15个构件和6个层次的二维商业模式结构模型,并以实际企业案例详细说明模型的应用。研究结果表明,构建的模型有效改进了现有商业模式结构研究在构件细化、构件全面性和模型开放性等方面存在的不足,且为解释性模型和形式理论,使模型不仅可以跨情境地应用于商业模式描述、商业模式评估和商业模式创新策略归纳,也为研究更深层次商业模式问题奠定了良好的基础,并对企业创新和改进商业模式提供指导。  相似文献   

The business model has been conceived as a commercial logic of value proposition, creation, exchange and capture. However, its underlying conceptual structure of an organizational value logic holds promise also for application beyond a purely commercial context, for partially commercial and even noncommercial organizations. This paper unlocks this potential by conceptualizing homogeneous and heterogeneous organizational value logics shaped by a variety of institutional logics. Homogeneous value logics are dominantly shaped by individual institutional logics, such as the value logic of businesses shaped by an institutional logic of the commercial market, or that of a churches shaped by an institutional logic of religion. Heterogeneous value logics, however, are co-shaped by two or more institutional logics. The application of these concepts is exemplified in the context of sustainability business models, which are built on a heterogeneous value logic that combines elements from commercial, sustainability, welfare and government logics. The paper contributes to the business model discussion by extending it to partially commercial and noncommercial organizations; by creating a conceptual space between value logics and institutional logics; and by proposing the meta-logic of value proposition, creation, exchange and capture, a novel analytical tool for the study of organizations shaped by plural institutional logics.  相似文献   

Ethics Education complements business administration only if it teaches strategic competencies that help managers to become better leaders. To this end, this article sketches an ordonomic approach to an economic ethics for competitive markets, to a business ethics for firms (corporate citizens), and to a process ethics for new governance. The core idea of this ordonomic approach is the win-win concept of mutually beneficial value creation. Thus, ordonomics is compatible with the market economy and at the same time supplements the management education in business schools: This approach systematically identifies strategic competencies that enable managers to display the kind of entrepreneurial leadership that is necessary for firms to fulfill their social function of value creation—by making use of moral commitments as a factor of production.  相似文献   

商业模式创新是创业企业实现价值创造和竞争优势的重要路径。本文立足于O2O创业失败这一中国典型商业实践,基于服务主导逻辑和互联网经济学的理论基础,从商业模式创新及价值创造视角剖析O2O创业失败归因,并以实证研究方法重点探讨商业模式创新导向与O2O创业失败的关系。首先,引入效率型和价值型商业模式作为O2O商业模式的两类创新导向,在创业环境和行业竞争的调节作用下,构建其与创业失败的理论框架;然后,选取存续时间为2013~2016年的部分O2O创业失败企业作为研究样本,通过清科、Wind、投中等数据库以及IT桔子等互联网渠道获取大量样本信息,借鉴文本挖掘及案例调查法进行数字化评级以准确测度相关构念,并建立层次回归模型对理论假设进行实证检验。研究表明:O2O商业模式的效率性和价值性越高,新创企业就越不容易失败;创业环境越好,采用效率型商业模式的企业就越不容易失败;行业竞争强度越高,采用价值型商业模式的企业就越不容易失败,而采用效率型商业模式的企业却更容易失败。本文在进一步丰富商业模式创新类型及创业失败归因相关研究的同时,对O2O新创企业降低创业失败风险也具有一定启示作用。  相似文献   

Considering the immense potential of sustainable business models in tackling the broader challenge of corporate sustainability, this paper integrates the literature streams on sustainability practices and organizational business models to analyze the performance implications of a firm's sustainable value proposition. Based on the analysis of a large panel dataset across different industries, consistent with the proposed theory, a sustainable value proposition has been found to have a positive impact on a firm's market-based financial performance (namely, Tobin's Q). Yet, this impact turns out to be highly context-dependent. In particular, the findings reveal that a firm's R&D capabilities improve the positive effect of a sustainable value proposition on a firm's financial performance. At the same time, the marketing communication capabilities and sustainable practices regarding employee relations reduce the sustainable value proposition's financial performance effect, arguably due to the costs associated with marketing and the loss in employee interest during the process of adopting the sustainable business model elements.  相似文献   

Business Modelling has evolved as a key activity to reflect new business venture strategy by framing the way a firm will operate and how it will function in achieving its goals (e.g., profitability, growth, innovation, social impact). However, scholars and practitioners have criticized the adoption of a too static perspective in the design and use of conventional Business Model representations. Such a static perspective prevents nascent entrepreneurs experimenting with their Business Models and, as a result, identifying the most effective strategies, especially in terms of business sustainability and profitability. In this paper, we argue that combining conventional Business Model schemas with System Dynamics modelling results in a strategy design tool that may overcome several limitations related to a static view of Business Model representation. Mapping the different key elements underlying value creation processes into a system of causal interdependencies – through the use of simulation – allows strategy analysts and entrepreneurs to experiment and learn how the business reacts to strategic and organizational changes in terms of performance, innovation and value creation. As such, Dynamic Business Models provide useful insights to strategy formulation and business venturing by capturing how critical Business Model elements interact to produce enduring competitive advantages over time.  相似文献   

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