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作为战略管理与创业管理的交叉领域,创业导向研究日益成为学界关注的热点,而受到"新生弱性"困扰的新创企业往往缺乏必要的资源基础和实力,尤其在中国经济转型背景下,如何通过外部关系网络来增强创业导向成为新企业面临的关键难题。结合社会网络理论与组织学习理论,对网络导向影响创业导向的内在过程进行剖析,发现网络嵌入机制和创业学习机制是影响新企业网络导向与创业导向关系的两种主要机制。运用多层次回归分析的方法实证研究新企业网络导向影响其创业导向的影响机理,结果显示:(1)网络导向与创业导向之间呈倒U型关系;(2)新企业的网络嵌入与创业学习在"网络导向-创业导向"主效应中能起到正向调节作用,不过其中的利用性创业学习调节作用不显著;(3)网络嵌入与创业学习之间存在一定的匹配互补性,其中关系嵌入与利用性学习、结构嵌入与探索性学习具有显著的协同调节效应。本文研究深化了网络与学习双重视角下的创业导向前因理论研究,研究结论有助于新企业把握网络导向影响创业导向的内在规律,从而指导新企业对网络嵌入与创业学习行为进行科学规划。  相似文献   

创业导向与企业绩效关系的讨论一直是创业研究领域的热门话题,本文以创业导向型企业的高管胜任特征作为中介变量,通过规范的实证研究过程,揭示其对创业导向与企业绩效关系的影响路径与作用机制.研究发现,创业导向整体的确可以提升企业的绩效水平,而这种对企业绩效的正向促进作用主要是通过创新性和先行性两个维度得以体现;创业导向型企业的高管胜任特征对企业绩效产生正向的影响,这一发现从结果变量的角度验证了本文构建的高管胜任特征量表的有效性;创业导向型企业的高管胜任特征在创业导向整体与企业绩效的关系中起到部分中介作用,在创新性与企业绩效的关系中起到完全中介作用,在先行性与企业绩效的关系中起到部分中介作用.基于以上发现,本文进行了分析讨论并给出了对管理实践的启示,试图为解释中国企业的创业战略决策提供理论依据与实证支持.  相似文献   

彭伟  符正平 《管理学报》2012,9(10):1441-1448
基于我国195家高新技术企业的问卷调查数据,实证分析了联盟导向和创业导向对企业绩效的影响,以及创业导向和环境动态性在联盟导向与企业绩效关系间的调节作用。研究结果表明:联盟导向和创业导向对企业绩效具有显著的正向影响;创业导向和市场动态性在联盟导向与企业绩效关系中起到正向调节作用;技术动态性在联盟导向与企业绩效的关系中起到负向调节作用。  相似文献   

  创业导向对探索式创新的影响决定创业企业在不确定商业生态环境中的市场机会捕捉能力和价值创造效果。虽然已有研究部分证实了创业导向与探索式创新的相互作用,但面对创业企业生存环境不确定性更高、资源约束更明显的事实,创业企业如何借助合理的战略决策和高效的资源使用行为帮助自身实现由生存到发展的过渡显得尤为重要,鲜有研究对此类问题予以深入探讨。         基于战略创业理论、创新管理理论和资源基础观理论,以创业导向为解释变量,以探索式创新为被解释变量,引入战略灵活性和创业拼凑两个可能影响导向与产出关系的关键要素,探讨创业导向对探索式创新的直接影响,以及战略灵活性和创业拼凑可能起到的特殊中介作用。借鉴并改进已有研究的成熟量表形成问卷,选取深圳的创业企业为调研对象,以电子邮件的形式发放问卷,基于最终获得的283份有效问卷,采用结构方程和双中介模型的研究方法,全面检验创业导向、战略灵活性、创业拼凑与探索式创新之间的关系。         研究结果表明,创业导向、战略灵活性和创业拼凑均对探索式创新产生促进作用;创业导向与战略灵活性呈显著的正相关关系,也对创业拼凑产生积极影响;战略灵活性与创业拼凑呈显著的正相关关系。创业拼凑在创业导向与探索式创新之间和战略灵活性与探索式创新之间起部分中介作用。由战略灵活性和创业拼凑形成的中介链部分中介了创业导向与探索式创新之间的关系。         研究结论从导向-策略-行为-产出的研究框架拓展了战略创业理论的研究内容,揭示了创业导向、战略灵活性、创业拼凑与探索式创新之间的关系机理,为创业企业理解战略灵活性和创业拼凑的影响、充分实践和发挥创业导向的创新精神、促进探索式创新活动的持续开展提供了重要的理论依据和经验证据。  相似文献   

创业导向与创新绩效:高管团队特征和市场动态性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创业导向对创新绩效的提升具有重要的影响,但创业导向与创新绩效的关系还可能受高管团队特征和市场动态性的影响。根据基于注意力的观点,对创业导向、创新绩效、高管团队的异质性、高管团队的共同愿景和市场动态性的关系进行研究,探讨高管团队的异质性和共同愿景对创业导向与创新绩效关系的调节作用,并进一步研究这种调节作用是否受市场动态性的影响。利用在广东、江苏、山东、陕西和河南5地收集的264份调查问卷,采用多元线性回归和调节效应的检验方法对研究假设进行实证检验。研究结果表明,创业导向对创新绩效有正向促进作用,高管团队的异质性有助于加强创业导向与创新绩效的关系。在稳定的市场环境下,高管团队的异质性对创业导向与创新绩效关系的调节效应更强;在不考虑环境动态性和环境动态性较低的情况下,高管团队的共同愿景对创业导向与创新绩效关系的调节效应不显著,但在动态性较高的市场环境下,可以显著地正向调节创业导向与创新绩效的关系。  相似文献   

"创二代"是产业转型升级的未来,其创业幸福感直接反映了当下我国创业生态和环境的总体水平。以145位"创二代"为样本,探索了创业动机导向、创业环境感知对创业幸福感的影响,并检验了创业环境在创业动机影响创业幸福感过程中的调节作用。研究发现,创业者机会导向动机对创业幸福感存在显著的正向影响;盈利导向动机对创业幸福感存在显著负向影响,且政府环境感知在机会导向动机影响创业幸福感过程中具有显著的正向调节作用。  相似文献   

新企业高失败率和成长巨大差异性引起了学者们广泛关注,并导致创业导向研究的丰富成果.鉴于现有研究陷于新企业创业导向与绩效问无限追加调节和中介变量的复杂模型中,而忽视了对其中关键要素的深入挖掘,本文基于演化经济学、战略理论和组织理论,认为新企业从创业导向到组织绩效,中间需要一定的转化路径与能力支持,并提出新企业能力构念,构建了"创业导向一新企业能力一新企业绩效"模型,并通过150份有效样本验证了中国背景下新企业创业导向和新企业能力的维度构成以及与新企业绩效的关系,同时也发现了新企业创业导向与绩效之间的环境敌意性和环境动态性的调节作用、新企业能力的显著中介效应.  相似文献   

近年来, 创业导向与绩效的正向关系不断受到挑战.诸多学者强调, 创业导向与绩效的关系是“难以捉摸”的.新企业由于“新且小”的先天不足抑制了创业导向对绩效的积极功效.新企业的创业实践表明, 资源整合能力之资源识取能力和资源配用能力对于创业导向与绩效的关系具有重要影响.文章基于234份新企业样本实证检验了上述关系, 结果表明, 新企业创业导向与绩效的关系并非主流研究成果所认可的正向线性关系, 而是呈现出了倒U形的曲线关系.资源识取能力和资源配用能力对创业导向与绩效的倒U形关系分别具有调节效用, 即当这两种能力提升时, 低度创业导向对绩效的正面作用会增强, 高度创业导向对绩效的负面作用会降低.这说明了新企业创业导向并不总是有助于绩效的提升, 只有拥有适度创业导向的新企业才会有较好的绩效表现, 而要确保创业导向对绩效的积极作用, 新企业必须完善并提升其资源整合能力.  相似文献   

成熟企业的公司创业活动作为中国转型期一个独特而普遍的现象,受到越来越多研究者的关注。面对快速变化的环境,企业如何在遏制核心能力快速丧失以防"崩盘"的同时,通过机会探索实现核心能力的更新?现有研究尚缺乏严谨的学术分析。本文通过海印商业运营公司创业的纵向案例研究发现:身处快速变化环境的企业,可以通过创业目标导向和手段导向的间断平衡,相机性兼顾市场机会探索、核心能力维系与更新。在此过程中,创业手段导向延续"手段导向的识别—手段导向的开发—手段导向的拓展"逻辑,目标导向遵循"目标导向的聚焦—目标导向的应用—目标导向的控制"路径。除此之外,创业企业通过关系网络和技术网络的相互嵌入,完成资源识别、转化和组合的过程,引导两种创业逻辑间断平衡的实现。通过案例研究,本文不仅清晰地呈现了快速变化环境中成熟企业的公司创业过程,厘清了公司创业中目标导向和手段导向的间断平衡机制,将公司创业研究扩展到环境快速变化的情景中,并且较好地回答了"核心能力快速丧失企业如何通过公司创业重构核心能力"这一重要问题。  相似文献   

动态环境下组织即兴对创业导向的影响机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析130家样本企业的调查数据,构建了组织即兴、环境动态性和创业导向之间的关系模型。研究发现:组织即兴由即时性和创造性两个维度构成,且这两个维度分别对创业导向有正向显著影响;环境动态性正向调节了创造性与创业导向之间的关系,但并不影响即时性与创业导向之间的关系。  相似文献   

This paper clarifies how a firm’s entrepreneurial orientation (EO) affects joint product innovation within a vertical alliance and how this is influenced by increasing technological uncertainty and the absorption of knowledge from the alliance partners. The results of a structural equation model with latent interactions on 171 firms in the manufacturing industry indicate that the focal firm’s EO increases joint innovation, although this positive effect declines when a high level of uncertainty increases. On the other hand, the ability to absorb partners’ knowledge increases joint product innovation. As such, this study’s results contribute to research in the field of vertical alliances, EO, and the theoretical foundation of a dynamic capability perspective.  相似文献   

The concept of emotional capability is one of the competencies that a firm has which is vital for the daily life of the organization. However, the effect of emotional capability, involving the dynamics of encouragement, displaying freedom, playfulness, experiencing, reconciliation, and identification constructs on the firm innovativeness (i.e., product and process) is interestingly missing in the technology and innovation management (TIM) literature. In this study, by investigating 163 Turkish firms, the dynamics of encouragement and experiencing were found to have a positive association with both firm product and process innovativeness; and the dynamics of displaying freedom have a positive relationship with firm process innovativeness. We also demonstrate that the impact of emotional capability constructs on firm innovativeness is contingent upon environmental uncertainty. Specifically, we find that the influence of the dynamics of encouragement on firm product innovation increases with increased rate of environmental uncertainty. Interestingly, the relationship between the dynamics of experiencing and product innovation across low, medium, and high levels of environmental uncertainty is an ∩-shaped. And, the relationship between the dynamics of displaying freedom and product innovation across low, medium, and high levels of environmental uncertainty is a U-shaped. In addition, we show that a firm's emotional capability influences its financial and market performance via firm innovativeness. We discuss the theoretical and managerial implications of the study's findings.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(1):102111
We examine the relationship between firms' political connections and corporate innovation in a European context. We also consider the moderating effect of political connections on the relationship between political uncertainty and firms' innovation. We use two different metrics of innovation: R&D (an input measure), and patent counts (an output measure). We find that firms with former politicians on their board of directors invest less in R&D than their counterpart firms. However, the presence of this type of director on the board is positively associated with the number of a firm's patent applications. It seems that, although political ties reduce the amount of resources devoted to R&D activities, they increase the effectiveness of intellectual rights protection. Results also show that political uncertainty decreases R&D investment but exacerbates the need for legal protection of innovation through patents. According to our results, political connections attenuate the effect of political uncertainty on firm innovation such that the negative (positive) effect of uncertainty on R&D intensity (patents) weakens when the firm is politically connected.  相似文献   


Intellectual capital and collaboration with universities are vital knowledge management practices for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to innovate and improve the effectiveness of their operations. This study investigates empirically the impacts of intellectual capital and university knowledge on indigenous innovation and how business and institutional environments affect the relationships. The research model is tested using moderated regression analysis and data collected from 150 SMEs in India. The results show that intellectual capital and university knowledge improve indigenous innovation, both individually and interactively. The effect of intellectual capital in indigenous innovation is amplified by dysfunctional competition whereas the effect of university knowledge in indigenous innovation is attenuated by environmental uncertainty. In addition, we find that indigenous innovation is positively associated with business performance. The impact of indigenous innovation on business performance is enhanced by dysfunctional competition but reduced by environmental uncertainty.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) is often mentioned as an antecedent of growth, competitive advantage and superior performance, and prior empirical research has often shown a positive relationship between EO and performance appears to exist. However, an important question that remains unanswered is what effect EO might have on firm performance during periods of economic crisis, and the severe environmental turbulence that accompany such crises. This research is a first investigation towards the effects of EO on the performance of small and medium sized firms during the current global economic crisis. In this study we use the multidimensional model of EO and test a series of hypotheses pertaining to its performance effects using survey data gathered from 164 Dutch SMEs. The present research shows that proactive firm behavior positively contributes to SME performance during the economic crisis. We further show that innovative SMEs do perform better in turbulent environments, but those innovative SMEs should minimize the level of risk and should take action to avoid projects that are too risky.  相似文献   

Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) are essential in driving firm innovation. However, despite existing research on CEO personality characteristics and firm innovation and performance, we know relatively little about how personality characteristics reflecting anticipatory action and strong outcome-oriented components, such as proactiveness, shape firm innovation and performance. We explore the relationship between CEO proactiveness and three facets of organizational innovation, as well as its impact on firm performance. We suggest that CEO proactiveness is manifested in different network-building, problem-solving, and feedback-seeking behaviors with different implications for exploratory innovation, exploitative innovation, and organizational ambidexterity, and that its effect on firm performance is partially mediated by organizational ambidexterity. By examining the influence of this important CEO personality characteristic on key firm strategic choices and performance, we extend research on strategic leadership and firm innovation and performance.  相似文献   

The implications of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) for firm performance in low- and medium-tech (LMT) industries are largely unexplored and seem to be limited. In this paper we seek to address this research gap studying how Absorptive Capacity can act as a key factor determining the effectiveness of EO in such a context. Specifically, we adopt the knowledge-based view of the firm and explore the moderating effects of Absorptive Capacity’s Potential and Realized dimensions on the EO–performance relationship in LMT industries. Our regression results based on a lagged dataset of 103 medium-sized firms based in Italy confirm our hypotheses that, in LMT industries, EO has a positive effect on firm performance when coupled with high levels of both Potential and Realized Absorptive Capacity.  相似文献   

This study examines the importance of innovation leadership in cultivating the strategic fit of an organization with its environment, and enhancing various economic, relationship, and product performance outcomes. It thus explores how innovation leadership enables a firm to change and adapt to its external environment and by implication enhance its performance. The results of data collected from 117 firms show that innovation leadership, both directly and through increased strategic fit, significantly enhances firm performance. Implications for research on strategic and innovation leadership and adaptive organizational systems are discussed.  相似文献   

庞长伟  李垣  段光 《管理科学》2015,28(5):31-41
经济全球化的背景下,企业为了构建竞争优势,获取更好的绩效,开始利用整合能力和商业模式创新应对多变的外部环境。然而,当前研究对于两者之间存在何种联系的认识是模糊的。针对理论研究的缺陷,基于动态能力的理论视角,通过分析商业模式创新对整合能力与企业绩效的中介作用,揭示企业整合能力和商业模式创新促进企业绩效提高的内在机制,采用中国6省1市319个企业样本数据,运用线性回归的统计方法对理论假设进行实证检验。研究结果表明,整合能力和商业模式创新都对企业绩效具有正向的促进作用,同时整合能力与企业绩效之间存在着一定的中间机制。整合能力通过提高组织变革和价值创造效率两个方面促进商业模式创新,而商业模式创新作为中间纽带将整合能力与企业绩效联系起来。企业的整合能力越高,越有利于开展商业模式创新,进而促进企业绩效的提高。研究揭示了整合能力和商业模式创新共同促进企业绩效提高的内在理论机制,打开了能力与绩效间关系的“黑箱”,对于中国企业开展商业模式创新具有重要的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

探索式创新、利用式创新与绩效:战略和环境的影响   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
本文基于397家中国企业的样本数据,对探索式创新、利用式创新与企业绩效之间的关系进行了实证研究,着重考察了探索式创新、利用式创新的内部匹配关系以及这两类创新行为与企业战略和环境的外部匹配关系。结果表明,两类创新行为分别对企业绩效有直接的正向影响,两类创新行为之间的内部匹配对绩效无显著影响,两类创新行为与企业战略和环境竞争性的外部匹配关系对绩效有显著影响。  相似文献   

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