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城市-乡村建成环境之间的过渡是连续且分阶段的过程,"精明增长"策略建立了一个"断面模型"来控制和规范不同类型的城市形态,并使各"生态区"断面之间产生连续的平滑衔接。基于这一认识,本文探索将"断面模型"与"精明收缩"结合的可能,即城市在收缩阶段进行"空间资源的优化重组"和"低效资源的整合退出"的过程中,用该模型控制和调整空间形态中"空间要素的合理分配"和"生态区的平滑过渡"。首先,文章通过解析断面模型与精明收缩的概念和内涵,从核心价值、控制对象、运作方式等层面建立两者的耦合框架。框架为断面模型应用于精明收缩提供了依据,也描绘出基于断面模型的精明收缩与精明增长的技术路径。其次,文章通过案例研究,分析与探讨美国相关收缩地区基于断面模型的规划实践,以此证明将断面模型应用于精明收缩的可行性。本研究希望通过耦合框架的提出以及相关案例的解析,确立精明收缩目标与形态控制手段之间的对应关系,完善"增长管理"和"收缩管理"理论,引导并管控城市形态的正向(增长期)与反向(收缩期)有序演变。  相似文献   

徐进勇  李箭飞 《规划师》2010,26(5):55-60
"断面图"和"聪明规则"是新城市主义提出的用来分类和区别人居环境系统的全新规划控制方法,清远市广清大道城市设计尝试运用该方法,以解决传统规划中分区形象雷同、特征不明显、控制内容和指标缺乏科学性、控制管理适应性差等问题。  相似文献   

通过平时在工程中的实践积累以及日常应用,分析了断面测量的原理,主要介绍了利用计算机中的常用办公软件来批量生成断面图的步骤,提出了具体的注意事项,从而帮助工程技术人员方便地绘制断面图.  相似文献   

在水利工程勘测设计阶段绘制断面是测量专业的主要的内业工作之一,如何能够找到快速的方法正确的绘制出断面图,是笔者一直在研究和探索的课题,现在列出以下几种绘制断面图的方法,希望能给同行有所帮助。  相似文献   

为了获取人员难以到达、地形复杂的高速铁路隧道洞口处地形图及断面图,采用“GPS+三维激光扫描仪”技术进行测量获取地面数据。通过GPS采集控制点坐标建立绝对坐标系,三维激光扫描技术获得相对坐标系下的地面数据,最后运用坐标转换技术获得工程坐标系下的地面数据。对获得的地面点云数据进行预处理,然后将数据导入到CASS软件中进行地形图的绘制,并运用数字地面模型对隧道洞口的横断面、纵断面进行生成,得到满足设计要求的大比例尺等高线地形图和断面图。通过现场实验数据验证,证明“GPS+三维激光扫描仪”技术应用于大比例尺地形图测绘中,其结果完全可以满足测量要求,生成的地形图、横纵断面图完全可以满足工程设计需要。  相似文献   

刘熙阳  张莉莉 《园林》2010,(3):51-53
现在工程图分类很多,做法也是多种多样,其中断面图是平面高程的直观表现形式。但是很多断面图缺乏生气,单调乏味,产生这样的结果主要有以下几方面的原因:(1)剖断线的位置没有选正确,剖的位置无景可看;(2)剖完后凭感觉去画,不按比例,导致画面不协调;(3)用电脑软件处理断面,树形、人物、色彩等方面配合不协调,显得机械、呆板。在此我就景观方面的断面形式提出一些个人想法以及实际工程中的具体做法,希望能对相关专业人员有所帮助。  相似文献   

美国形态设计准则作为一种新型区划模式,提倡城乡发展与形态控制相结合,缓解建设用地无序蔓延和土地资源浪费,数字化手段的引入使形态设计准则向着高效弹性发展。本文系统解读了形态设计准则的产生背景、主要特征和数字化发展趋势,剖析形态设计准则的形态分类方式及编制体系。针对我国乡村空间形态控制现状,提出三项借鉴内容,即从形态入手、结合数字化手段、绿色低碳发展,从而保护和优化乡村空间形态特色,弥合城乡数据鸿沟,为乡村空间规划研究与实践提供科学依据与技术支撑。  相似文献   

特殊地貌地理条件下的山地城镇景观,呈现小聚大散的区域城乡空间、组团式分散布局的城镇空间结构、断面形式复杂的建设立地条件等复杂性,差异性特征凸显。以山地城市景观为研究对象,分别从形态、生态、情态及业态4个方面对其差异性特征进行分析。结果表明,山地城镇景观具有形态立体多维、生态复杂协同、情态多元共存、业态空间复合的显著特征。针对这些差异性特征,从"四态"方面进一步提出了空间组合、生态网络、人文脉络及复合业态的系统性景观优化策略,以建构山地城镇景观的适宜技术路线,为山地城镇景观的规划建设提供理论与实践支持。  相似文献   

李修然 《山西建筑》2024,(5):33-36+41
基于空间整合的相关理论,对城乡客运站设计进行研究。从城乡客运站的定义与等级、功能分区、客运形式、客流特征等方面,对其特征进行了分析,提出城乡客运站整合设计的基本原则,并以此为基础论述客运站空间整合设计的具体策略,有利于城乡客运站的发展。  相似文献   

华汇环境规划设计的理念规划规划规划是“原景共识”的建立过程。基于所在地的自身独特资源,认清社会变革及竞争需求,设定精明发展战略,发挥最佳竞争潜力,树立可行的行动标准与计划,并在空间上奠定能够孕育地方特色守护精神、精明引导发展、包容应变弹性、促进高节能、高效率、低污染环境的空间成长架构及管理机制。城市设计城市设计。守护地域感、诠释时代感、开创场所感,形塑可持续安居诗情的城市空间及形态创作行动。  相似文献   

This article outlines a new approach to the implementation of New Urbanist and smart growth principles. The approach is termed transect planning and is based on the creation of a set of human habitats that vary by their level and intensity of urban character. In transect planning, this range of environments, from rural to urban, is the basis for organizing the components of the built world: building, lot, land use, street, and all of the other physical elements of the human habitat. Transect planning seeks to create immersive environments, created to preserve the integrity of each location along the rural-to-urban continuum. This is a matter of finding an appropriate spatial allocation of the elements that make up the human habitat. Rural elements must find their place in rural locations, while urban elements must find their place in more urban locations—not unlike natural ecological systems where plant and animal species coexist within habitats that best support them. The transect is designed to strengthen the integrity of each immersive environment and can be used as a new, alternative approach to conventional zoning systems.  相似文献   

陈晏涛 《城市勘测》2007,(4):105-106
在工程建设中,当采用较小间距的断面布置时,就能满足设计对方量计算和标准断面选取的要求,这就需要大量反复的横断面成图.此外,各个设计要求和阶段的不同,所需横断面图的格式和比例就不相同,这就发挥了VB灵活性好的优点,可以根据具体的要求绘制出图形.  相似文献   

Diffusion-limited aggregation and the fractal nature of urban growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper introduces the mechanism of diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) as a new basis for understanding urban growth. Through DLA, urban form is related to the processes of rural-to-urban migration and contiguous growth. However, despite being based on very simple principles, DLA simulations are shown to have properties found in most urban areas such as negative density gradients and ordered chaotic structures. The paper examines variations in the simulated urban structures produced by different assumptions regarding the rural-to-urban migration mechanism. An important finding is that urban density gradients can occur independently of the generally accepted reasons for their presence. We also comment on boundary effects in the measurement of urban density gradients.  相似文献   

以大丰市港区复河横断面测量实际为例,讨论了RTK测量技术应用于浅水河道的横断面测量的可行性。通过足够的转换参数和较好的观测条件,RTK测量技术能完全胜任此项工作:  相似文献   

Magnetic measurements are routinely used in geophysics and environmental sciences to obtain detailed information about concentrations and quality of iron minerals. Here, magnetic properties of 38 terrestrial moss samples (Hylocomium splendens) from a ~ 120 km south-north transect through Oslo are studied to gain better insight into the nature and origin of their Fe fraction. The concentration-dependent quantities, magnetic susceptibility k, and isothermal remanent magnetization IRM(700mT) after weight normalization have significantly higher values in urban regions, and parallel the previously found concentration signals of 16 out of 29 chemical elements (Ag, Al, Au, Bi, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mo, Ni, Pb, Pt, Sb, Ti, and Zn). Because there is no evidence that Hylocomium splendens produces biogenic magnetic remanence carriers, the increase in IRM is attributed to adsorption of dust containing iron oxide minerals. This agrees with previous observations that Ti concentrations, related to local mineral dust, have a peak in Oslo, and at sites close to known dust sources. Scanning electron microscopy images also showed an increased density of minerogenic particles on the moss surfaces in the urban samples, which qualitatively supports the dust based interpretation. The concentration-independent ratios k/Fe and IRM(700mT)/Fe also have extreme values in the urban parts of the transect. This indicates that more of the total iron occurs in magnetically ordered form and in remanence carriers, interpreted as adsorbed dust. In addition, purely magnetic ratios displayed differences in urban and rural areas, indicating that their magnetic dust particles are inherently of different types. Therefore, it is likely that anthropogenic dust sources contribute considerably to the magnetic signal. Urban dust enhancement is not exclusively due to increased erosion, leading to higher loads of geogenic dust in the atmosphere, but also to specific anthropogenic sources from combustion, corrosion, or other synthetic emitters.  相似文献   

The capacity of outdoor settings to benefit human well being is well established by research. Examples of restorative settings can be found throughout history and are still applied today in health-care facilities, as healing or restorative gardens for the sick, but their wider significance in the urban public realm remains insufficiently explored. A conceptual framework for restorative urban open space based on mosaics of linked and nested spaces woven into the urban fabric is presented. The concept synthesizes the theory of centres, pioneered in the 1970s and refined in recent work by architectural theorist Christopher Alexander, with material relating to social and ecological dimensions of outdoor spatial configuration. The concept argues for fundamental properties of order, as integrations of locational, directional and transitional spatial experience, which are present in the natural and cultural world and associated with human psychological benefit. This spatial arrangement may offer potential to resurrect people's connection with intuitively preferred forms and strengthen beneficial relations between human functioning and the spatial environment.  相似文献   

通过对广州概念性规划研究工作的总结 ,对知识经济时代城市空间发展的非场所性进行研究 ,对传统中心地规划理论下的城市发展政策进行反思 ,提出了建设珠江三角洲网络型城市的建议。  相似文献   

The capacity of outdoor settings to benefit human well being is well established by research. Examples of restorative settings can be found throughout history and are still applied today in health-care facilities, as healing or restorative gardens for the sick, but their wider significance in the urban public realm remains insufficiently explored. A conceptual framework for restorative urban open space based on mosaics of linked and nested spaces woven into the urban fabric is presented. The concept synthesizes the theory of centres, pioneered in the 1970s and refined in recent work by architectural theorist Christopher Alexander, with material relating to social and ecological dimensions of outdoor spatial configuration. The concept argues for fundamental properties of order, as integrations of locational, directional and transitional spatial experience, which are present in the natural and cultural world and associated with human psychological benefit. This spatial arrangement may offer potential to resurrect people's connection with intuitively preferred forms and strengthen beneficial relations between human functioning and the spatial environment.  相似文献   

讨论社会主义体制与城乡人口迁移控制的逻辑关系。认为计划经济时期国家对城乡人口迁移的绝对控制是生产资料公有制下产权虚置的一个内生结果。经济体制转轨时期减少了国家的控制能力,但尚未发育出城乡人口自由迁移的环境,反而驱生了城市政府控制城市人口的必要,城乡人口迁移的控制在经济体制转型时期依然存在。  相似文献   

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