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隧道窑窑车轴承润滑剂选用合理与否,对于窑车能否正常运行是一个极为重要的因素.由于隧道窑窑内的温度极高,窑车上虽然砌有较厚的耐火砖和部分隔热材料,车下也有冷风鼓入.但是,当窑内高温通过窑车耐火砖砌体时,有部分热量传导至窑下;其次,高温气体通过窑车间接头处(包括窑车砂封裙板的接头处)渗入窑下,也提高了窑下温度,这样,势必要求窑车轴承的润滑剂,必须具备在较高的温度下仍能正常使用的特点.本厂64.7M隧道窑的窑车原使用钙基润滑脂,近来,随着车下温度的不断提高,窑车的润滑愈来愈差,严重地影响了我们的生产.造成车下温度增高的原因除了上述二个外,还有:(1)该隧道窑自1968年投产以来,经历年检修,但窑的曲折、窑封部分因工程量太大,从未检修,因而该部分的损坏比较严重;(2)在生产过程中,为了减少窑内上下温度,在控制窑内压力时,略使窑上压力大于窑下压力,这样便造成窑上有较多的热气体漏入窑下,致使窑下温度升高.在这种情况下,原使用的钙基润滑脂就不能符合生产条件的要求,产生了润滑脂被烧干发黑、碳化结成硬块的情况,失去了润滑作用.一般新加入润滑脂的窑车入窑运行2~3天后便出现上述硬化现象,以致窑车运行困难.若在窑内由油压机推进时,油压可增  相似文献   

耐火材料烧成用隧道窑属于24 h连续运行的烧成窑炉,每40~120 min推车1次,主要由返车机、电拖车和推车机完成窑车的运转.隧道窑返车道(回车线)是窑车循环的关键车道,砖坯的装车、成品砖的卸载和窑车的检修、维护都在返车道上进行.因此,返车机的长期稳定性对于提高生产效率和安全运行起着至关重要的作用.  相似文献   

引言目前,隧道窑窑车因结构不合理,在窑内吸热多,给改善烧成工艺、提高产品质量、节约能耗造成了很大困难。所以,研制新的又节能又耐用,即维持其运转之费用尽量低的窑车,应是我们的当务之急,也是以后窑炉现代化的关键问题之一。我所从85年起对这个课题进行了深入的研究,业已制成较理想的节能窑车。现简述如下:  相似文献   

隧道窑窑车在窑内是靠油压机或螺杆推进机的作用而运行.在回车轨道上,如果窑车体积小、重量轻,可由人工推动运行,而窑车体积大、重量重、人工推不动时,那只能由钢绳牵引机来牵引.如果窑车运行距离不大,钢绳也不需要很长时,牵引机的鼓轮可采用园柱体结构(见图1)钢绳的末端也可固定在鼓轮上.但是一般窑车在回车道上运行距离都较大,钢绳也较长,园  相似文献   

随着高技术陶瓷和优质耐火材料的迅速发展,国内高温烧成技术亦得到了相应的发展。而一些新型高温窑炉的问世,不仅使烧成产品质量上了一个新台阶,单位产品热量消耗也大大降低。我公司为东北奥光新材料有限公司设计建造的5 0m高温隧道窑在窑体结构、燃烧系统和控制系统均进行了优化设计,并采用了部分独特的新技术,投产后运行正常,节能效果显著。1 主要技术参数与经济指标该隧道窑为明焰间隙燃烧、间歇进车,烧成产品为刚玉莫来石质耐火砖,全窑长度5 0m ,窑内宽度1 .5m ,窑车台面至窑顶高度0 .95 / 0 .75m ,窑内容窑车2 5辆,每辆窑车码装2个砖…  相似文献   

据报导,日本高砂工业公司设计了一种底燃式隧道窑,它改变了传统隧道窑在窑的侧面布置燃烧喷嘴的形式,而是在窑的底部和顶部同时布置燃烧喷嘴,并以底部喷嘴为主。燃烧喷嘴采用长焰喷嘴,窑内燃烧,窑车的车面砖采用中空结构,因而底部喷嘴能将火焰喷进窑车内部,形成热底窑的形式,  相似文献   

隧道窑的热效率是指有效热耗与燃料总发热量之比。故在总发热量不变的前提下,除对窑具、窑车的耗热、不完全燃烧耗热及窑体散热等项进行控制外,如能控制烟气带走热量,则也可相应提高隧道窑的热效率。因此通过对日常窑内烟气量及化学成分进行监测,并采取相应的控制措施,则也可达到节约燃料降低能耗的目的。本文试从浙江省数家瓷厂热工测试数据分析来阐述其间关系。  相似文献   

结合生产实际,对隧道窑窑车衬砖进行了改造,设计了两种低蓄热窑车方案,用C语言程序计算了窑车衬砖中的温度场、蓄热量和散热量,并对其中一种方案进行了试验研究。结果表明,该方案切实可行,节能效果显著,并可有效地降低窑内上下温差。  相似文献   

回转窑内窑皮的变化不仅增加窑衬的磨损、散热损失、增加能耗,严重时还会影响窑的安全、稳定运转,而窑皮易受入窑生料的率值、有害成分、煤粉和操作等因素影响变长、厚,异常状态下阻碍物料运动,出现返料现象。  相似文献   

洛阳耐火材料厂共有各种规格的隧道窑9茶。为了强化隧道窑的技术管理,厂部成立了热工科,负责全厂隧道窑的专业技术管理。多年来的实践证明,由于厂部重视,管理人员职责明确,业务素质较高,对隧道窑的技术进步和技术改进起到了极大的推动作用。数项新技术、新成果在本厂开发成功并得到推广应用,使隧道窑的寿命大大提高。l隧道窑压力平衡系统的开发与应用由于在隧道赛预热带内存在着较大的负压,在烧成带和冷却带窑内存在一定正压,而在窑车与窑体、窑车接头等处无法完全密封。因而,在预热带吸入大量冷风而使预热带气体分层,温度降低,…  相似文献   

These two direct-fired kilns (bisque and glost) are placed end to end in a specially constructed kiln building 825 feet long. Both kilns are fired with soft coal, hand stoked. Three motors are required, aggregating 8/14 horsepower on each kiln. Hydraulic car pushers are employed. A pressure of 8100 lbs. is required to move the 44 cars thru the bisque kiln. The bisque kiln cars hold 278 dozen ware each and at a 55-minute car schedule, deliver over 7200 dozen ware per 24 hours at a fuel saving of more than 85% over the former periodic kiln operating at this plant. This bisque capacity is equivalent to that of thirteen 16/12 ft. diameter periodic kilns which would cost more to build than the bisque tunnel kiln.  相似文献   

通过对一个实际的隧道窑作合理的简化假设,建立了合适的漏风量数学模型,并采用VB语言编程,对隧道窑通过窑车的漏风量进行了计算机仿真,仿真结果表明,减小曲封间隙和料垛阻力可以减少漏风量,改善隧道窑的工作状况,从而达到节能与提高产品质量的目的.  相似文献   

The pioneer car tunnel kiln for the firing of roofing tile is described. The kiln is 324 feet, 11 1/2 inches long and holds 52 cars each of which carries 2.3 tons of fired ware. Ten furnaces equipped with Maxon Premix combination oil and gas burners arc used. A schedule of one car every 65 minutes is in operation, 56 hours and 20 minutes being required for a trip through the kiln. The ware reaches a maximum temperature of 1820°F and is drawn from the kiln at 400°F. Additional cooling is accomplished with a portable fan. The kiln has a capacity equal to ten 30-foot round down-draft kilns and shows a fuel saving over the latter of 64.2%. A total of 15 h. p. is required. A saving in setting and drawing labor of 29.2% and 45.8% respectively is effected.  相似文献   

The modern railroad-car tunnel kiln can fire structural tile economically in sufficient quantities for commercial operation. The setting arrangement is important both as to arrangement of flues and also as to the stability of the structure. Various sizes of tile can also be placed on the same car. There are approximately three tons of tile on each car. The kiln used is a Harrop car tunnel kiln, 350 feet long with a cross-section of 5 feet 8 inches by 5 feet 5 inches. Either oil or powdered coal is used as fuel. The tile are in the kiln a total of 29 hours, giving a total production of 130 tons per twenty-four hours.  相似文献   

Conclusions A technology has been developed in industrial conditions for strengthening unfired (green) magnesia ware based on additions to the batch of a solution of sulfite liquor. The use of this technology made it possible to set the ware from the press directly on the kiln cars.The important feature of the developed technology is the possibility of firing the ware without preliminary drying and without changing the firing schedule and output of tunnel kilns.Test ware fired in a tunnel kiln without preliminary drying, in external appearance and properties were no different from those made by the usual method.The developed technology for reinforcing the green ware made from basic bodies is recommended for use in existing plants, those being built and those being projected.Setting of freshly pressed brick of magnesia bodies directly from the press onto kiln cars is specified in the projects for new factories.  相似文献   

The advantages of the car tunnel kiln over the periodic kiln claimed by different designers are reviewed. The installation of a car tunnel kiln from an investment standpoint is discussed. Consideration of factory layout, capacity, nature of raw materials and the characteristics of the ware to be fired is essential in planning a tunnel kiln installation. The economic features of tunnel kilns to be investigated before buying are discussed, as are also the problems that may arise in a factory incident to the installation of this type of kiln.  相似文献   

The questions of whether enough sewer pipe could be set on cars and safely pushed through a tunnel kiln to make this type of kiln practicable for firing sewer pipe, and whether salt glazing would be practicable in one are discussed. The modifications necessary in a Richardson compartment tunnel kiln to make it practicable for this purpose are enumerated and explained.  相似文献   

A comparison made of a system of six round kilns, a sixteen chamber Mendheim gas kiln, and a tunnel car kiln system Saarau shows the tunnel car kiln to have the best figures concerning amount of fuel and time of firing, but less favorable with regard to wages and amount of broken saggers. There is also a difference in the quality of the tile.  相似文献   

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