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本文从标准化的视角,阐述了我国农村生态环境保护标准体系构建的重要意义,分析了农村环境控制、农村生态保护等内容与标准化对象,阐明了农村生态环境保护标准体系构建原则,绘制了我国农村生态环境保护标准体系基本框架.  相似文献   

为探索构建中国生态原产地产品标准体系的方法,根据我国生态原产地产品与国际上生态标签的差异,提出了我国生态原产地产品标准化组织架构和标准体系架构,建议组织架构中设置标准化技术委员会、分技术委员会和工作组,均由相关部门的技术专家组成;在标准体系架构中设置顶层基础性标准、中层通用性标准和基层产品标准,阐述了制定各层级标准的必要性和内容构成,明确了各层级标准制定的主体。发现中国生态原产地产品标准体系与中国定义的生态原产地产品及其保护实践相适应。认为中国生态原产地产品标准体系中的生态要求内容符合国际标准规定的基本原则和程序要求,而其原产地特征和特性、行政保护的性质则是显著的中国特色。  相似文献   

草原是重要的生态屏障,在我国经济社会发展和生态文明建设全局中具有战略性地位。草原生态修复是促进草原生态保护和草原可持续发展的重要途径。对草原生态修复进行监测评价,能够促进草原生态系统的修复和良性循环。然而,草原生态修复监测评价缺乏统一的规范,急需标准进行支撑。本文对草原生态修复监测评价指标分类标准开展研究,首先梳理分析草原生态修复监测评价现状和标准化现状,然后提出草原生态修复监测评价指标分类标准的核心技术内容,为研制草原生态修复监测评价指标分类标准建立基础。  相似文献   

本文对比研究了我国港澳台地区个人信息保护法律法规及标准体系,并分析提出值得我国大陆参考及借鉴的地方。研究表明,港澳台地区已经建立较完善的个人信息保护立法体系及监管机构,尝试制定针对性较强的规范,建立认证体系,并积极参与国际或区域的个人隐私论坛活动。鉴于我国目前个人信息泄露严重的现状,相关部门应加快立法、制定标准规范、着手构建个人信息保护体系,同时加强与国际的或区域的隐私机构的合作。  相似文献   

生态系统保护是国家公园的重点任务。本文分析了标准化对国家公园生态系统保护工作的意义,提出了构建标准体系的主要原则;根据对保护工作基本逻辑的分析,从保护对象调查与评定、保护目标与规划、保护要求、保护实施和评价等方面提出了国家公园保护标准体系,并介绍了体系中的重点标准化领域,最后提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

生态文明建设气象保障标准化是提升生态文明建设气象保障工作质量和水平的重要手段,是强化生态文明建设气象支撑的有效途径,然而我国尚未建立生态文明建设气象保障标准体系。本文通过总结梳理生态文明建设气象保障现状,分析了生态文明建设气象保障标准化存在的不足;根据标准体系构建原则,以《气象高质量发展纲要(2022—2035年)》中的有关内容为基础,整合近年关于生态文明建设气象保障服务的相关政策文件,构建由基础通用标准、生态气象观测、生态气象监测、生态气象评价、生态气象预报预警、生态气候区划和资源利用、气候和气候变化生态影响评估、生态保护修复工程气象保障、绿色低碳发展气象保障等12个子体系构成的生态文明建设气象保障标准体系;分析了各子体系标准现状并指出了未来发展方向,以期为充分发挥标准化在生态文明建设中的支撑和引领作用提供思路。  相似文献   

文物作为历史的唯一见证者具有很强的历史性、人文性和不可再生性,对其进行保护修复是极为必要的。提高文物保护修复水平,不但可以充分发挥其文化价值,对促进经济发展和社会发展也具有重要意义。制定文物保护修复标准的目的在于指导并引领文物保护修复工作有序进行,推动文物保护修复工作向科学化发展。本文介绍了国内外可移动文物保护修复标准的制定情况,探讨了可移动文物保护修复标准化工作的目的与意义,并以故宫博物院文物保护修复标准化工作为例,试论如何通过标准化视角开展可移动文物保护修复工作。  相似文献   

标准在推动资源节约集约利用中发挥着重要的作用。本文梳理了我国已制定的自然资源节约集约利用相关标准,认为这些标准在提高资源使用效率,缓解资源短缺矛盾,保护和改善环境等方面发挥了巨大作用。但仍存在标准覆盖领域不够全面,相关标准在资源节约集约利用评价工作中重事后约束、轻前期控制,尚未形成面向全流程全周期资源节约集约利用的标准体系等问题,不能满足实现高质量发展的需求。为此,本文提出:(1)继续完善国土空间规划、国土空间生态修复等领域已有的自然资源节约集约利用标准体系。(2)面向绿色低碳发展、支撑高品质生活等新需求,构建和完善适应新阶段任务需要的技术标准。(3)树立系统观念,依据自然资源综合体的内在联系和功能要求,形成面向全过程全周期精细化治理、相关指标协调优化、相互配合的自然资源节约集约利用标准综合体。  相似文献   

连铸保护渣是连铸过程用于生产各类型钢种的重要、必需的功能材料,具有保温、防止钢液氧化、吸附杂质、润滑、改善传热等功效。连铸保护渣技术标准体系对指导行业制定保护渣相关标准有重要作用,目前国内外标准化组织已进行了相关标准研制,但未形成健全的标准体系,仍有一些关键、重要的标准急需研制。因此,本文基于连铸保护渣生产工艺、冶金应用、微观结构、信息化等领域的标准研制原理,围绕连铸保护渣从原料配制、生产加工、产品质量和结晶器应用等整个生命周期的各个环节,系统地开展连铸保护渣技术标准体系研究。基于以上研究,本文建立连铸保护渣产品类型、产品性能和技术标准体系的三维空间模型,构建连铸保护渣技术标准体系框架和标准体系明细表,归纳和梳理了20项行业标准,提出了拟研制的29项连铸保护渣标准,其覆盖了基础、产品、方法、质量、生产加工、信息化领域的国际标准、行业标准和团体标准,并对方法标准中拟研制的标准进行了比较分析。通过对连铸保护渣技术标准体系进行研究,为行业开展连铸保护渣标准研制提供技术支撑和奠定理论基础,对加快连铸保护渣的国际流通、产品认证、质量追溯有重要作用,对推动生产高质量钢种及特殊钢种技术开发有重要战略...  相似文献   

在符合WTO规则的基础上,构建与我国产业发展相适宜的技术性贸易措施保护体系(以下简称“TBT保护体系”)是保护我国公民生命与健康,保护我国新兴产业和支柱产业的战略需求。笔者认为遵循合法性、针对性和适度性等原则,构建“政府主导、行业主体、机构支撑”的TBT保护体系是当前比较现实的选择。  相似文献   

我国现有水产饲料标准数量少、覆盖面小,尤其是安全限量标准滞后严重。因此,优化和完善水产饲料标准化体系,以规范水产养殖活动,加强对水产品质量安全的监管,已成为刻不容缓的任务。本文归纳总结了我国水产饲料标准化体系的现状和存在的问题,提出解决问题的对策,建议在福建设立国家水产饲料质量安全重点实验室,可以作为依托实验室与我国水产饲料标准化分技术委员会相配合,利用海西优势,共同努力,健全我国水产饲料标准化体系。  相似文献   

Although the presence of manufactured nanoparticles in the aquatic environment is still largely undocumented, their release could certainly occur in the future, particularly via municipal treatment plant effluents of cities supporting nano-industries. To get an initial estimate of the environmental behavior of nanomaterials, we investigated the distribution and accumulation of ceria nanoparticles in simulated aquatic ecosystems which included aquatic plant, shellfish, fish, water, and sediment using a radiotracer technique. Radioactive ceria (141CeO2) nanoparticles with a diameter of ca. 7 nm were synthesized by a precipitation method and added to the simulated aquatic ecosystems. The results indicate that the concentration of ceria nanoparticles in water decreased to a steady-state value after 3 days; meanwhile, the concentrations of ceria nanoparticles in the aquatic plant and sediment increased to their highest values. The distribution and accumulation characteristics of ceria nanoparticles in various aquatic organisms were different. Ceratophyllum demersum showed a high ability of accumulation of ceria nanoparticles from water.  相似文献   

Jingqiu Liao  Yi Huang 《Scientometrics》2014,98(2):1203-1219
Aquatic ecosystems are ecologically important, but continuously threatened by a growing number of human induced changes. This study evaluates the research trends of “aquatic ecosystem” between 1992 and 2011 in journals of all subject categories of the science citation index and social sciences citation index. The analyzed parameters include publication output, cited publication, document type, language, distributions of journal, author, country and institutes, and analysis of author keywords and keywords plus. The results showed that over the past two decades, there was a consistent growth in publication output with involvement of increasing number of countries and institutions, and North America was still the leading region in the subject. Classification of the top 30 author keywords indicated that more research attentions were paid to the study on aquatic organism, water environment and aquatic ecosystem condition. Aquatic ecosystem, water quality, and fish were the top three most frequently used author keywords. In addition, owing to its significant impact on aquatic ecosystems, climate change has been placed crucial emphasis recently. Aquatic ecosystem research trend was shifting from water environment to aquatic ecosystem wide issues.  相似文献   

通过总结福州市中心城区内河综合整治方面成功经验和失败教训,综合分析存在问题,提出相应对策和建议,为下阶段内河整治提供参考建议和理论依据,为实现内河生态治理、生态恢复和实施长效管理提供支持和帮助。  相似文献   

Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) play an important role in Earth's biogeochemical cycles by transporting minerals in aquatic ecosystems, and have shown promise for controlled transport of microscale objects in flow conditions. However, how MTB traverse complex flow environments is not clear. Here, using microfluidics and high‐speed imaging, it is revealed that magnetotaxis enables directed motion of Magnetospirillum magneticum over long distances in flow velocities ranging from 2 to 1260 µm s?1, corresponding to shear rates ranging from 0.2 to 142 s?1—a range relevant to both aquatic environments and biomedical applications. The ability of MTB to overcome a current is influenced by the flow, the magnetic field, and their relative orientation. MTB can overcome 2.3‐fold higher flow velocities when directed to swim perpendicular to the flow as compared to upstream, as the latter orientation induces higher drag. The results indicate a threshold drag of 9.5 pN, corresponding to a flow velocity of 550 µm s?1, where magnetotaxis enables MTB to overcome counterdirectional flow. These findings bring new insights into the interactions of MTB with complex flow environments relevant to aquatic ecosystems, while suggesting opportunities for in vivo applications of MTB in microbiorobotics and targeted drug delivery.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon pollution in marine ecosystems occurs mainly by accidental oil spills, deliberate discharge of ballast waters from oil tankers and bilge waste discharges; causing site pollution and serious adverse effects on aquatic environments as well as human health. A large number of petroleum hydrocarbons are biodegradable, thus bioremediation has become an important method for the restoration of oil polluted areas. In this research, a series of natural attenuation, crude oil (CO) and dispersed crude oil (DCO) bioremediation experiments of artificially crude oil contaminated seawater was carried out. Bacterial consortiums were identified as Acinetobacter, Alcaligenes, Bacillus, Pseudomonas and Vibrio. First order kinetics described the biodegradation of crude oil. Under abiotic conditions, oil removal was 19.9% while a maximum of 31.8% total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) removal was obtained in natural attenuation experiment. All DCO bioreactors demonstrated higher and faster removal than CO bioreactors. Half life times were 28, 32, 38 and 58 days for DCO and 31, 40, 50 and 75 days for CO with oil concentrations of 100, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/L, respectively. The effectiveness of Corexit 9500 dispersant was monitored in the 45 day study; the results indicated that it improved the crude oil biodegradation rate.  相似文献   

Sand particles textured with multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) can efficiently control the mobility and bioavailability of contaminants found in aquatic sediments. Adsorption measurements for a wide variety of aquatic contaminants (chlorinated hydrocarbons) on MWCNT-textured sand showed orders of magnitude increase in their sorption coefficients compared to traditional materials (sand) when used for physically separating contaminated sediments from overlying water. Molecular dynamics simulations performed on model experimental systems emphasize that the hydrophobic interactions of the MWCNT surfaces play a crucial role in driving the water molecules away, promoting such enhanced contaminant uptake. The MWCNT-textured sand significantly reduced the migration of contaminants from sediments to overlying water and possesses suitable parameters needed for contaminant sequestration and sediment remediation technologies. The single step and scalable procedure described here for synthesizing robust MWCNT-textured sand surfaces will provide important improvements in the field of remediation/aquatic environment restoration technologies.  相似文献   

白洋淀是华北地区最大的天然淡水湖泊湿地和重要的生态功能区,在自然和人为驱动影响下,生态系统呈明显的退化趋势。通过对白洋淀流域生态水文过程演变分析,剖析了其生态系统退化的特征及驱动机制。气候干旱是白洋淀生态系统退化的环境背景条件,而上游水库的截流、水利工程的建设及水资源的开发利用等自然、人为因素的耦合作用,加速了白洋淀生态系统退化的过程。基于白洋淀生态系统退化的特征和驱动机制,从流域生态水文过程演变出发,为湿地的保护提出了措施和建议。  相似文献   

A method for the selective concentration of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) from complex surface water samples for the first time allows mass spectral characterization of individual DOP compounds in phosphorus-limited ecosystems. The entire dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool is first separated according to molecular weight by tangential cross-flow ultrafiltration (CFF). DOP is selectively isolated and concentrated from CFF fractions by a barium precipitation procedure. The DOP precipitate is then reconstituted in distilled water and excess barium, and other cations are removed with an ion-exchange resin. The DOP isolation/concentration step can provide up to 15-fold concentration and 300-fold concentration of high molecular weight DOP when combined with the inherent concentration provided by CFF. The procedure also removes cations and most of the background DOM, leaving DOP in a matrix suitable for electrospray ionization and mass spectral characterization. Model organic phosphate standards representative of DOP species expected in aquatic environments were used to evaluate the technique. It was then applied to a series of high molecular weight (>1000) CFF retentates isolated from sites within the Everglades Nutrient Removal (ENR) treatment wetland. The elemental compositions of several individual DOP compounds observed at different sites within the ENR were determined by electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

将基于shape from shading的三维表面重建算法应用于CAD。首先由实物表面成像模型建立基于朗伯反射模型的反射图方程;然后使用有限差分法将表面梯度离散近似,得到关于实物表面的函数方程式,利用Netwon-Raphson迭代方法求解,获得重建表面的高度函数值,重建结果符合产品模型数据转换标准,实现在CAD系统中交换;最后通过实物表面图像恢复三维表面形状,验证本算法和重建系统的可行性。  相似文献   

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