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家长参与家庭控烟程度对初中生吸烟行为影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨家长参与家庭控烟程度对初中生吸烟行为的影响。方法采用随机抽样方法从广州市黄埔区20所中学中抽取3所学校,对在校初中生的家长以自填式结构问卷进行调查,内容包括家长的一般情况、家长参与家庭控烟程度以及其子女吸烟行为等。采用多元协方差分析法分析家长参与家庭控烟的程度对子女吸烟行为的影响。结果2 019份有效问卷中,初中生尝试吸烟率为5.60%(男生10.05%,女生2.25%);偶尔吸烟率为4.41%(男生8.47%,女生1.32%);规律吸烟率为1.19%(男生1.58%,女生0.93%)。母亲参与家庭控烟程度高于父亲,男生家长参与程度高于女生家长。家长参与控烟的程度越高,其子女吸烟越少。结论家长在家庭内进行烟草控制可减少和(或)延缓青少年吸烟。  相似文献   

高中生吸烟影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 对两所城区中学 40 3名男生进行了吸烟及其影响因素调查。方法 问卷调查。结果 吸烟率 2 6 .5 5 % ,学生吸烟与亲戚、同学、老师的吸烟行为以及家长、学校的态度有一定关系。结论 青少年吸烟干预需要家庭、社会、学校各方面共同努力。特别是学校 ,要加强控烟教育、辅以必要的强制措施 ,为学生控烟创造良好氛围  相似文献   

目的探索家长参与青少年控烟积极性的影响因素。方法设计自填式问卷对初中生及其家长进行横断面调查,Ordinal回归法筛选家长参与的影响因素。结果2617套有效问卷中,家长参与程度Ⅰ~Ⅴ级的构成比分别为1.9%、4.9%、13.4%和33.4%和46.4%,母亲的参与程度显著高于父亲(P<0.05)。筛选出10个有统计学意义的影响家长参与的变量,其中8个为促进因素(按OR值排序)较高的家长文化程度>尝试过戒烟>对“吸烟的形象与心理作用”的正确态度>“吸烟引起的呼吸系统疾病和癌症”的认知水平>对“禁烟相关的措施”的正确态度>学生为男性>对“吸烟与人际交往”的正确态度>对“吸烟对健康的危害”的正确态度;而2个阻碍因素为家长现在吸烟>家长年龄。结论文化程度低、年龄较大的、女生的以及现在吸烟的家长参与学生控烟的积极性较差,健康促进家庭可提高其参与积极性,从而预防和控制青少年吸烟。  相似文献   

新疆兵团不同学校、家庭学生吸烟现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析兵团不同学校、家庭学生吸烟现状,为制订预防吸烟及干预措施提供依据。方法采取整群分层随机抽样方法 ,利用2008年全国青少年健康相关/危险行为监测问卷,对兵团46所大中学校19120名在校学生分性别、学校、家庭类型计算近期吸烟率、尝试吸烟率等指标。结果有15.3%大中学生近期吸烟,其中男生占26.5%,女生占4.7%;尝试过吸烟的大中学生占37.2%,男生达50.8%,女生为24.5%;有11.77%的学生首次吸完第一支整烟的年龄≤13岁。职业高中学生、重组和其他家庭学生吸烟行为报告率较高。结论新疆兵团男生吸烟行为严重,女生吸烟有潜在上升趋势,职业高中和重组家庭学生是兵团青少年控烟干预重点。  相似文献   

观察学校与家庭控烟对中学生的联合作用,探讨其对降低中学生家庭二手烟暴露的有效性,以期为中学生控烟工作提供新思路.方法 采用分层整群随机抽样的方法,在北京市东城区抽取4所中学的所有初一和高一学生共2 125名开展问卷调查.调查内容包括中学生个人基本信息,中学生家庭、学校和周围社会控烟环境情况及中学生控烟相关知识、态度和行为等.结果 北京市东城区中学生的家庭二手烟暴露率为33.41%.在校园内见过“明确禁烟标识”的学生中,家里有限制吸烟规定的暴露率(4.92%)低于家里没有规定的学生(58.94%) (x2=452.57,P<0.01).Logistic回归分析结果显示,父母至少一方吸烟与学生家庭二手烟暴露呈正相关(OR=22.88,P<0.05);有家庭限制吸烟规定分别与见过校园内禁烟标识(OR=0.08)、在学校接受过控烟宣教(OR=0.08)对中学生的家庭二手烟暴露存在联合作用.结论 学校与家庭的联合控烟措施能有效降低中学生家庭二手烟暴露率,较二者单独控烟作用更优.  相似文献   

我校通过教育引导广大学生、教师认识吸烟危害 ,共同参与控烟活动 ,营造无烟氛围 ,创建无吸烟学校。同时让学生通过自身的实践与所学的知识去影响家庭、带动社会 ,为学生建立良好的生活方式奠定了基础。1 营造“无吸烟”氛围控烟工作从娃娃抓起。我校自 1994年起 ,就开始创建无吸烟学校 ,成立了控烟领导小组 ,制定了控烟制度 :要求学校所有教职员工不准在校园内吸烟 ,外来办事人员不得在学生面前吸烟 ,老师有责任向学生宣传吸烟危害健康的知识。为创建一个控烟环境 ,我校在相关场所均设有明显禁烟标志 ,广为张贴劝阻吸烟的标语 ,如“吸烟等…  相似文献   

大连市中学男生吸烟现状调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解大连市未创建无吸烟学校的中学男生吸烟情况及校内外控烟工作现状,为开展控烟工作提供依据。方法采取随机分层整群抽样法,对大连市6所中学的916名男生进行控烟知识、行为、学校控烟和家长吸烟等情况的问卷调查。结果调查对象烟草危害知识知晓率为85.2%,现吸烟率为2.1%。有26.2%的学生不能主动回避他人的吸烟行为而被动吸烟,有50.4%的学生曾见到老师在校园内吸烟,学生家长的吸烟率为52.1%。结论多数学生了解了控烟相关知识,但校内外控烟环境尚未建立。应加强对学生和教师的控烟教育和行为干预,提高学生劝阻家长吸烟行为的能力。  相似文献   

目的了解南京市建邺区中学生吸烟现状及其影响因素,为开展学校干预工作提供依据。方法采用分层整群抽样的方法,抽取高中和初中学校各2所,共2 382名学生进行问卷调查。结果中学生的尝试吸烟率为14.4%,吸烟率为3.1%。中学生吸烟行为与性别、年龄段,学段,成绩好坏,父母在面前吸烟,老师在学校吸烟,同学吸烟,特别是要好同学中有吸烟等因素有关(P0.05)。logistic回归分析表明,性别、年龄段,学段,家人在你面前吸过烟,最好的5位同学中有吸烟的中学生发生吸烟行为的风险增大。结论南京市建邺区中学生吸烟的危险因素有家人吸烟、好朋友吸烟,学生控烟应从家庭,学校、社会多方面采取干预措施。  相似文献   

目的对健康促进学校预防和控制初中生吸烟的干预措施进行过程评估。方法在2所中学开展控烟干预试验(n=1361),通过学生报告和工作记录评价各干预措施。结果一年内共开展了18项干预活动,涉及学生、教师、家长和烟贩等。学生知晓率前6名的活动为尼古丁毒性实验(90.7%)、无烟家庭协议书(77.7%)、致家长一封信(77.1%)、禁烟标志(76.5%)、黑板报(75.0%)和无烟日签名(70.2%)。学生参与率前6名的活动为尼古丁毒性实验(88.5%)、致家长一封信(73.6%)、无烟家庭协议书(69.8%)、实验健教课(68.6%)、多媒体健教课(65.7%)和无烟日签名(65.6%)。学生感兴趣程度前7名的活动是尼古丁毒性实验(64.5%)、无烟日签名(33.0%)、实验健教课(31.2%)、多媒体健教课(29.8%)、主题班会(26.8%)、小册子(26.6%)和专用教材(25.9%)。学生对控烟工作的总体满意度为52.4%,认为最大的不足是"学生参与少"。结论干预措施只覆盖了部分学生。有必要精简干预措施,建议保留尼古丁毒性实验、多媒体健教、学生参与性强和以活动为载体的措施,而减少文字材料、展板和说教类的形式。  相似文献   

周虹茹  贾敏杰 《中国校医》2000,14(4):313-314
武汉市是WHO/中国健康促进学校项目试点城市之一 ,在健康促进学校项目中有一项政策为控烟政策 ,4所示范校围绕控烟政策从校内到社会 ,从课堂到家庭 ,从个人到群体 ,从知识到行为真正做到了从健康教育走向健康促进。下面是关于该项工作的实际活动案例归纳如下。1 名称 创建无烟家庭意义 家庭教育对学生来说是终身教育 ,学生的家庭环境是他们生存中一个重要的方面 ,被动吸烟的危害对青少年身体的发育有着直接的危害 ,家长的吸烟行为对孩子的成长或导致将来吸烟起着潜移默化的作用。因此了解家庭吸烟状况 ,做好孩子家庭的控烟工作 ,给孩…  相似文献   

School health education has an important role to play in discouraging teenage smoking. However, it is likely that government, the general public and students themselves will be less favorable toward smoking education in major tobacco-producing states. To determine whether students whose families are involved in tobacco production hold more favorable attitudes toward smoking and smoke more than children whose families are not involved, 1,322 Kentucky public school students in grades five-12 were surveyed regarding smoking attitudes and behavior. Twenty-one percent (276) of the students reported that their families were involved in tobacco producion.
Tobacco family students held more favorable attitudes toward smoking and a larger percentage of these children smoked and smoked more than their nontobacco family peers. These differences were statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
Tobacco family children appear to be at high risk for smoking-related disease and may prove resistant to some antismoking messages. Developing effective smoking education programs in major tobacco states is an important challenge for school health education.  相似文献   

[目的]了解初中学生家长对干预子女肥胖相关行为的意愿,并通过对家长意愿的影响因素分析,为随后开展的学生肥胖相关行为干预提供依据。[方法]从上海市的徐汇区和长宁区的初中学校中各随机抽取2所,对其中的初中预备班和初一的所有学生家长和学生进行问卷调查。经逻辑纠错后分析有效问卷,对数据进行卡方检验、相关分析和逐步Logistic多因素分析。[结果]90%学生家长认为自己的孩子存在与肥胖相关的不良行为;有77.2%的家长希望在未来的6个月中孩子能够改变这些与肥胖相关的行为。家长的知识得分,家长在调查前1周内是否陪伴孩子锻炼、是否给孩子买零食与改变孩子的行为意愿有关。家长的意愿与孩子的意愿不一致。[结论]对干中学生行为的干预不能仅仅局限于家庭的范围,而应该扩展到学校、社区和社会。增加家长的知识和促进家长采取积极的行动,可以帮助学生减少与肥胖相关的行为。  相似文献   

As a preliminary step toward incorporating a tobacco education and intervention program into our undergraduate medical curriculum, this study was designed to assess students' smoking-related behaviour, knowledge and attitudes towards tobacco, and perceptions of their future role as doctors in smoking intervention. A cross-sectional, study was conducted in the university year 2001/2002 on a representative sample of male medical students enrolled in 4th and 5th years at Alexandria University. A total of 320 students across the 2 years completed the survey. The smoking rate among medical students was 17.5% (10.9% smoked daily and 6.6% occasionally). The awareness of harmful effects of smoking and knowledge about the causal role of tobacco in the development of specific diseases were deficient. The intention to perform smoking intervention in the future as doctors seemed unsatisfactory. About 85% of the students thought that doctors should carry out smoking cessation advice depending on the disease, while the rate of those who thought so irrespective of the disease did not reach 44%. Current smokers thought less actively about smoking intervention than non-smokers. Nearly two-thirds of students (65.3%) felt they were not sufficiently prepared for caring or counseling smokers, and only 31.9% of students were convinced of the effectiveness of the doctor's advice to stop smoking. Seventy-seven and half percent of them desired specific training in smoking intervention. Non-smokers were more in favour of legislative actions to discourage tobacco use than current smokers. These findings suggest that medical school authorities should design and implement an appropriate basic training aimed at better preparing medical students for their future role in prevention of smoking. Specific teaching of medical students about smoking-related diseases and a patient-centered smoking cessation intervention is required to provide future medical practitioners with the knowledge and skills they need to effectively intervene with smokers.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to measure the risk factors associated with tobacco use among secondary school students in Henan, China. Self-reported questionnaires were administered to four secondary schools; 3519 students were studied including 1799 boys and 1720 girls aged 10-19. Demographic, behavioral, attitudinal/belief, knowledge and interpersonal variables were investigated. Overall, 15.1% of boys and 1.4% girls reported smoking at least occasionally. Smoking onset is most prevalent from the ages of 10-14. The smoking rate increased with age. The likelihood of tobacco use was significantly higher among those having peers, teachers or mother who smoked. Positive smoking-related attitudes among students had a significant association with their smoking status. The results suggest that effective smoking prevention interventions need to be comprehensive and implemented in the early teen years.  相似文献   

目的了解云南省学生被动吸烟暴露状况,为政府及相关部门制定控烟干预政策、措施提供依据。方法于2007年在云南省3个城市采用多阶段分层随机抽样,随机抽取大学或大专院校、中学、小学在校学生779人进行问卷调查。调查内容包括调查对象一般情况、吸烟情况、家内外被动吸烟情况等。结果被调查学生吸烟率为8.64%,尝试吸烟率为30.7%。学生家庭中父亲吸烟的占72.7%;男生、高年级学生通过朋友接触烟草烟雾的机会较高;在家内、家外、家内和(或)家外被动吸烟率分别为53.3%,54.0%和70.6%。结论云南省学生环境烟草烟雾暴露状况较严重,应加强公众吸烟危害知识宣传教育,尽快在公共场所立法禁烟,为学生健康成长创造无烟环境。  相似文献   

Purpose: To examine parental perceptions and behaviors with regard to teen smoking, comparing African-American and white parents, and those who did and did not smoke.Methods: Focus groups consisting of African-American and white parents who smoked provided initial in-depth information. A computer-assisted telephone survey of a biracial sample of 311 parents of children ages 8 to 17 years provided more generalizable information regarding parental beliefs and behaviors.Results: Nearly 50% of households either allowed teen smoking, had no ground rules, or had set restrictive rules but never communicated them to the children. Compared to white parents, African-American parents felt more empowered to affect their children’s behaviors and were more likely to actively participate in anti-tobacco socialization within the home (all p values < 0.01). Among the African-American parents, 98% reported 18 years or older to be an appropriate age for teens to make up their own minds about using tobacco, whereas 26% of white parents thought 16 years to be an appropriate age (p < 0.001). Parents who smoked reported more frequent rule-making than those who did not smoke (p = 0.02), but were more likely to believe that childhood tobacco use is inevitable (p = 0.01).Conclusions: Many parents are not engaged in anti-tobacco socialization in the home. Differences in the degree of parental participation may contribute to the variance in smoking prevalence between African-American and white children.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Most adolescent smokers start smoking before the age of twelve. Little is known about the behavioural smoking determinants of Dutch primary school children. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out on a sample of students from the final year of 143 Dutch primary schools. A total of 3700 students (mean age = 11.6 years) completed a questionnaire based on the ASE model, measuring the attitude, social influences and self-efficacy expectations concerning smoking. RESULTS: Students were categorized as never smokers (64.3%), experimental smokers (28.0%), and regular smokers (7.8%). Multinomial logistic regression analyses showed that never smokers were younger, and were more often female, religious and from two-parent families than experimental smokers. Never smokers perceived more disadvantages, long-term physical consequences, more negative social norms and less pressure regarding smoking, higher self-efficacy expectations towards non-smoking, and had fewer parents, siblings or best friends who smoked. Looking at differences between experimental and regular smokers showed that experimental smokers received less pocket money. They also perceived more disadvantages, fewer advantages, more negative social norms and less pressure towards smoking, higher self-efficacy expectations towards non-smoking, and were less likely to be surrounded by friends, peers, family or teachers who smoked. Generally, the low scores for physical consequences and risk perception regarding addiction were striking. CONCLUSIONS: Smoking prevention aimed at primary schoolchildren should consider the different smoking categories, with their specific motives and influences. For instance, the influences on smoking initiation of parents, siblings and best friends suggest more comprehensive programmes aimed at the entire family. Youngsters' ignorance of addiction needs more attention.  相似文献   

This study examines whether parental smoking and single parenting were related to adolescents' school achievement and anti-smoking parental practices as well as how these factors predicted later smoking. The sample comprised 1163 Finnish students in Grades 7 through 9. Results show that at the beginning of the seventh grade, parental smoking and single parenting were related to adolescents' lower levels of school achievement. Moreover, parental smoking had moderate association with lack of house smoking rules. At the beginning of the ninth grade, these associations were strengthened and lack of house smoking rules as well as loosened perceived parental punishment for smoking was related to both parental smoking and single parenting. The likelihood of ninth grade regular smoking was greater among adolescents whose parents smoked, who had no smoking rules in their homes and had substandard school achievement. These results suggest that smoking parents and single parents had similar anti-smoking regulations for their children at the baseline but once children became older smoking parents were not able to maintain these rules as successfully as non-smoking parents and families with two parents. Motivating parents to uphold these anti-smoking regulations offers a prospective intervention opportunity.  相似文献   

武汉市私立学校中学生吸烟状况的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 了解私立学校中学生的吸烟状况 ,为加强青少年吸烟行为的干预措施提供依据。方法 以美国南加州大学提供的“青少年控烟项目调查问卷”为基础 ,对武汉市 8所私立学校 1 30 7名中学生进行问卷调查。以尝试吸烟率、吸过一整支烟的吸烟率、过去 30d吸烟率、吸过 1 0 0支烟吸烟率描述学生的吸烟行为。结果 中学生的初始吸烟年龄平均为 1 1 .2岁 ;尝试吸烟率为 54 .0 % ,吸过 1整支烟的比例为 2 2 .0 % ,过去 30d内吸烟率为 1 9.4 % ,吸烟 >1 0 0支的学生占 4 .4 % ;吸烟情况分析中 ,54 .1 %的学生是在好奇的情况下抽烟 ;吸烟来源中 ,46 .0 %的学生报告香烟是从朋友或同学那里得到的。结论 私立学校中学生的吸烟状况严重 ,加强对吸烟行为的早期预防教育和干预控制刻不容缓  相似文献   

高中生吸烟行为特征及与其他危险行为关系分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的了解蚌埠市高中生的吸烟特征,为制定有效的干预措施提供科学依据。方法采取分层随机整群抽样,在蚌埠市区12所中学高中班中随机抽取11所中学22个班的全体学生进行问卷调查。结果3 131名高中生中,有800名高中生曾经吸过一整支烟,曾经吸烟率为25.6%,男生高于女生,其中,35.8%的学生吸一整支烟时的年龄<13岁,15~16岁是青少年尝试吸烟的高发年龄。8.9%的高中生曾有过经常性吸烟行为。在调查前30 d,4.6%的学生在学校吸烟,男生高于女生;4.9%的学生平均每天吸烟≥2支,男生高于女生;获得香烟的方式以在商店买烟为主,占50.5%。多因素logistic回归分析表明:最近12个月打架,厌学情绪、最近30 d饮酒、谈恋爱、性行为、最近7 d上网吧、参加校内运动队、性别对高中生吸烟影响最大。结论应及早对青少年进行控制吸烟的健康教育,使他们认识到吸烟的危害,自觉抵制烟草。同时对其他相关危险行为进行干预,以发挥干预措施的综合效应,提高控烟效果。  相似文献   

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