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在Outlook中你可能会遇到收到某些信后可能发现你不能打开其中的附件。为了安全起见,Outlook禁止用户打开某些类型的附件,以免用户被感染病毒或者木马。默认情况下,如ade、adp、asx、bas、bat、chm、cmd、com、cpl、crt、exe、hlp、hta、inf、ins、isp、js、jse、lnk、mda、mdb、mde、mdz、msc、msi、msp、mst、pcd、pif、prf、reg、scf、scr、sct、phb、shs、url、vb、vbe、vbs、wsc、wsf、wsh等类型的附件都是被禁止访问的这样就不怕无意中打开可能含有病毒的邮件附件了。不过,在提高安全性的同时又对我们的使用造成了不便,还好这是可以解决的。  相似文献   

浩丰创源是中国领先的统一通信解决方案供应商。同时也是管理软件全球领先的供应商,拥有联络中心、多媒体、自动语音、数字录音、预测外拨、座席绩效管理、客户关系管理等完整系列、完全自主知识产权的产品。浩丰创源通过与中国人寿、中国人保财险、中国银行、招商银行、泰康人寿、渤海保险、橡果国际、贝塔斯曼、欧唯特、盛大网络、联想集团、微软中国、香格里拉、中国移动、中国联通、润迅通讯、天津泰达、吉大第一附属医院、北京120、中原油田、海尔集团、摩托罗拉、通用汽车等知名企业的深入合作,使得自己的解决方案得到市场的广泛检验和极大认同。  相似文献   

广义人工生命的科学基础(I):工程技术基础   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据广义人工生命研究的特点,作者把系统论、控制论、信息论、人工智能、元胞自动机、L-系统、遗传算法、进化策略、进化规划、耗散结构理论、协同学、突变论、混沌、分形、转基因技术、克隆技术等的研究成果视为人工生命研究的主要科学基础。文章力求对元胞自动机、L-系统、遗传算法、进化策略、进化规划、耗散结构理论、协同学、突变论、混沌、分形和它们与人工生命的关系做系统而扼要的评述,为人工生命研究提供方便。  相似文献   

本刊系月刊,主要刊载计算机理论、科技研究及应用等方面的论文、评述、经验介绍等。涉及的领域有:计算机科学理论、计算机工程、软硬件的设计与实现、计算机网络、AI、ES、CAD、CAI、CAE、模式识别、软件工程、算法研究、微电子学、数据库、图形与图象、计算机仿真、汉字处理、  相似文献   

正由国家金卡工程协调领导小组办公室主办、中国信息产业商会、中国电子贸促会协助主办的"2014中国国际物联网博览会"于2014年6月3日在北京展览馆隆重开幕。来自国家发改委、工信部、商务部、交通部、卫计委、住建部、民政部、科技部、财政部、公安部、农业部、人力资源和社会保障部、国家旅游局、广电总局等20多个部门;国家电网公司、铁道总公司、邮政总局、机械总会、轻工总会等行业的领导和代表;相关行业组织(协会、学会、商会)的代表;北京、上海、天津、广州、杭州、深圳、宁波、南京、成都、无锡、海南、  相似文献   

国外传感器技术的现状与发展(Ⅱ)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
五、光纤传感器 光纤传感器以其极高的灵敏度和精度、固有的安全性、抗电磁场干扰、高绝缘强度、耐高温、耐腐蚀、质轻、柔韧宽频带、集传感与传输于一体,能与数字通信系统兼容等突出特性,在机械、电子仪器仪表、航天航空、石油、化工、生物医疗、环保、电力、冶金、交通运输、轻纺、食品等国民经济各部门的生产过程自动控制、在线检测、故障诊断、安全报警等方面有着广泛的应用前景。光纤传感器的军事应用一直得到各国军方的高度重视,光纤陀螺和光纤声纳已被更入西方国家的重点军事研究项目。  相似文献   

中国计算机学会理论计算机科学专业委员会成立于1983年,旨在促进计算机科学理论的普及和推广,推动全国范围内的学术交流,提高理论计算机科学研究的水平。自成立以来,先后在长沙、贵阳、重庆、广州、青岛、厦门、苏州、兰州、南宁、舟山、郑州、昆明、上海、西安、南昌、金华、福州、武汉、秦皇岛、长春和哈尔滨等地多次主办全国性的学术会议,  相似文献   

书法通过线、形、墨、空白、纸张的和谐性的展示,表现了书法的力、势、骨、气、韵、趣等美感性,目击道存般的人格心性以及情韵境界的高迈性。书法背后的相关文化元素至少包含技法的哲理性、内容的诗意性、印章的感染性、音乐的律动性、绘画的同源性与冲击力、审美的体验性以及境界的和谐性等。  相似文献   

中国计算机学会理论计算机科学专业委员会成立于1983年,旨在促进计算机科学理论的普及和推广,推动全国范围内的学术交流,提高理论计算机科学研究的水平。自成立以来,先后在长沙、贵阳、重庆、广州、青岛、厦门、苏州、兰州、南宁、舟山、郑州、昆明、上海、西安、南昌、金华、福州、武汉、秦皇岛和长春等地多次主办全国性的学术会议,并出版了多本论文集。  相似文献   

<正> 人工智能是当今计算机科学中很有活力、颇有生气、十分诱人、前景极为广阔的一门研究领域。她通过赋予机器推理、判断以及学习的能力,使电脑模仿人脑从事解释、预测、诊断、设计、规划、监视、调试、修正、教学、控制等智力活动,解决迄今需由人类专家才能处理好的事情。如:博弈、定理证明、自动程序设计、通用问题求解、自然语言理解、自然语言生成、模式识别、物景分析、医疗诊断、化学分析、矿床勘探、油井分析、列车调度、工程设计、军事决策、战争模拟、案情分析、侦察科学、符号数学、艺术创作、心理分析、经济预测、税务指南、  相似文献   

Modeling and rendering transparent and translucent objects is one of the most important features of volume graphics. Refraction is a phenomenon closely coupled with such objects, but has largely been overlooked in volume graphics and visualization. There are two main technical difficulties. First, it is expensive to model heterogeneous refractive properties, and to incorporate refractive effects into volume rendering engines that assume light travels only along a straight line. Second, rendering refraction in volume graphics requires smoothly distributed normals to synthesize good-quality visual representations. Such refractive visualization is more susceptible to noise in the data than visualizations that do not involve refraction. In this paper, we present a comprehensive study of modeling and rendering refraction in volume graphics. In particular, we address the need for improving the continuity of voxel gradients in discretely sampled volume datasets using nonlinear diffusion methods, which were originally developed for image denoising. We consider the need for minimizing unnecessary geometrical distortion, detail the functional specification of a volumetric filter for regularized anisotropic nonlinear diffusion (R-ANLD), discuss further improvements of the filter, and compare the efficacy of the filter with an anisotropic nonlinear diffusion (ANLD) filter as well as a Gaussian filter and a linear diffusion filter. Our results indicate that it is possible to make significant improvements in image quality in refractive rendering without excessive distortion. To demonstrate the practical feasibility of modeling and rendering refraction in volume graphics, we describe the implementation of refractive rendering through vlib, a volume graphics API, and discuss the parallelization of vlib in order to meet the increased demands of computational resources imposed by refractive volume rendering.  相似文献   

Volume splitting and its applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Splitting a volumetric object is a useful operation in volume graphics and its applications, but is not widely supported by existing systems for volume-based modeling and rendering. In this paper, we present an investigation into two main algorithmic approaches, namely, explicit and implicit splitting, for modeling and rendering splitting actions. We consider a generalized notion based on scalar fields, which encompasses discrete specifications (e.g., volume data sets) as well as procedural specifications (e.g., hypertextures) of volumetric objects. We examine the correctness, effectiveness, efficiency, and deficiencies of each approach in specifying and controlling a spatial and temporal specification of splitting. We propose methods for implementing these approaches and for overcoming their deficiencies. We present a modeling tool for creating specifications of splitting functions, and describe the use of volume scene graphs for facilitating direct rendering of volume splitting. We demonstrate the use of these approaches with examples of volume visualization, medical illustration, volume animation, and special effects  相似文献   

直接体绘制技术在地质体三维可视化中的应用研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将直接体绘制技术应用于地质体三维可视化,首先对原始钻孔数据进行插值、网格化等预处理得到满足直接体绘制需要的规则体数据,从而建立反映地层分布的地质体三维标量数据场;然后用直接体绘制技术绘制三维地质体,避免了体元建模方法中在对地质体进行剖切等操作时必须要解决的剖面与体元之间复杂的判断求交等过程。采用该方法实现了对某地区地质体的三维可视化。  相似文献   

体绘制技术在医学可视化中的新发展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
科学计算可视化体绘制算法能反映出体数据的内部信息,在医学,它已经从辅诊断发展成为辅助治疗的重要手段,体可视化技术是医学可视化的重要研究内容,其处理过程包括体数据的获取,模型的建立,数据的映射,绘制等操作,该文介绍了医学可视化中常使用的几种光照模型,针对基于图象空间和对象空间两种体绘制算法,介绍了它们的基本思想方法,并详细阐述了在近期的主要加速技术和提高图象质量方法的新进展,最后给出了实验数据和结论。  相似文献   

Existing real‐time volume rendering techniques which support global illumination are limited in modeling distinct realistic appearances for classified volume data, which is a desired capability in many fields of study for illustration and education. Directly extending the emission‐absorption volume integral with heterogeneous material shading becomes unaffordable for real‐time applications because the high‐frequency view‐dependent global lighting needs to be evaluated per sample along the volume integral. In this paper, we present a decoupled shading algorithm for multi‐material volume rendering that separates global incident lighting evaluation from per‐sample material shading under multiple light sources. We show how the incident lighting calculation can be optimized through a sparse volume integration method. The quality, performance and usefulness of our new multi‐material volume rendering method is demonstrated through several examples.  相似文献   

Driven by fast development of both virtual reality and volume visualization,we discuss some critical techniques towards building a volumetric VR system,specifically the modeling,rendering,and manipulations of a volumetric scene.Techniques such as voxel-based object simplification,accelerated volume rendering,fast stereo volume rendering,and volumetric “collision detection“ are introduced and improved,with the idea of demonstrating the possibilities and potential benefits of incorporating volumetric models into VR systems.  相似文献   

管状组织的中轴-元球造型方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭红晖  彭群生  李捷 《软件学报》1999,10(5):455-461
传统的医学体数据造型方法往往局限于将体数据表达为镶嵌在轮廓线族中的三角片集合,或者是简单的三维体元阵列.实际上,生物体的结构相当复杂,采用这些简单的造型方法显然不能适应绘制的要求.文章探讨了适用于气管、血管等管状、多分枝结构的造型方法,采用离散的中轴点表达分枝的拓扑结构,结合基于元球(metaball)的隐式曲面造型方法构造管状组织的模型.这种造型方法不仅可以使管状组织复杂的拓扑结构得以保留,而且保证了分枝之间连接的光滑性.  相似文献   

Modeling and visualization of knitwear   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Visualization and modeling of textile materials has already been investigated in detail in the computer graphics literature. Most of the work, however, concentrates on woven fabrics. We present a novel approach to the modeling and rendering of knitwear. After the topological specification of a knitting pattern a subdivision into basic elements is done. The yarn microstructure within basic elements is approximated by volume data sets. The repetitive structure of knitted fabrics allows an efficient rendering technique. Resulting images are given that demonstrate the feasibility of our approach  相似文献   

Complex repetitive scenes containing forests, foliage, grass, hair, or fur, are challenging for common modeling and rendering tools. The amount of data, the tediousness of modeling and animation tasks, and the cost of realistic rendering have caused such kind of scene to see only limited use even in high-end productions. The author describes how the use of volumetric textures is well suited to such scenes. These primitives can greatly simplify modeling and animation tasks. More importantly, they can be very efficiently rendered using ray tracing with few aliasing artifacts. The main idea, initially introduced by Kajiya and Kay (1989), is to represent a pattern of 3D geometry in a reference volume, that is tiled over an underlying surface much like a regular 2D texture. In our contribution, the mapping is independent of the mesh subdivision, the pattern can contain any kind of shape, and it is prefiltered at different scales as for MIP-mapping. Although the model encoding is volumetric, the rendering method differs greatly from traditional volume rendering. A volumetric texture only exists in the neighborhood of a surface, and the repeated instances (called texels) of the reference volume are spatially deformed. Furthermore, each voxel of the reference volume contains a key feature which controls the reflectance function that represents aggregate intravoxel geometry. This allows for ray tracing of highly complex scenes with very few aliasing artifacts, using a single ray per pixel (for the part of the scene using the volumetric texture representation). The major technical considerations of our method lie in the ray-path determination and in the specification of the reflectance function  相似文献   

Volume tracing of atmospheric environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Current three-dimensional computer graphics assumes a vacuum space. The inclusion of atmosphere is essential for the modeling and rendering of natural phenomena. This paper presents a method of modeling atmospheric effects and rendering them using a volume tracing renderer. The model is built within a framework called the atmospheric cube. The atmospheric cube, or the A-cube, is a finite volume that encloses the three-dimensional scene to be modeled. The atmosphere is defined by particles of varying radii, which are distributed over the cube. The distribution of particles determines the density of atmosphere. The interaction of light with the atmosphere is divided into four cases to capture the characteristics of the atmospheric illumination by particles of different radii: absorption, Rayleigh scattering, Mie scattering, and geometric optics. The atmospheric equation is a combination of modeling techniques covering the four cases. To render the interaction of light with the atmosphere, we present the rendering technique called volume tracing. Examples of blue sky, sunset, hazy sky, shaft of light beam, and rainbow are given.  相似文献   

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