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董乐义 《区域供热》1998,(1):21-23,13
众所周知,发展城市集中供热是节约能源,保护环境的重要途径,是城市现代化的重要标志之一。但是同时,集中供热行业也是能耗大户,能耗支出占据其大部分成本。因此,节能在集中供热行业中尤为重要。北京的集中供热是在建国以后才发展起来的。一九五八年,北京市热力公司成立之初,首都的集中供热仅有13.44公里长的供热管线,供热面积不足3万平方米。在党中央和北京市委的关怀下,首都的集中供热事业得到了突飞猛进的发展,截止到九六年底,供热管网纵横八个城区,主干线达到300公里。北京市热力公司已发展成为拥有6个热源,供热面积3000…  相似文献   

北京市热力公司是全国最大的集中供热企业,近年来,公司注重开展自身特色的企业文化建设,突出“三立”(立魂、立形、主人),塑造了具有行业特色的企业形象,加强了“四有”职工队伍建设,保证了稳定供热,在促进首都集中供热事业发展方面发挥了积极作用。立企业之魂企业精神是企业文化的核心内容,是企业的发展之魂。公司成立近四十年来,特别是改革开放以来,随着集中供热事业较快的发展和社会主义市场经济体制的日臻完善,公司领导深切意识到:培育塑造富有行业个性、具有时代特征的企业精神,不仅是激励企业在市场中求生存的基础,也…  相似文献   

自2003年开展供热体制改革以来,我国集中供热面积发展迅速.截至2009年底,北方采暖地区集中供热面积38亿平方米,是2003年集中供热面积(18.9亿平方米)的2倍.其中集中供热住宅27.6亿平方米,是2003年集中供热住宅(13.1亿平方米)的2.1倍,供热体制改革促进了行业的发展,行业的发展需要改革.  相似文献   

当前集中供热中的热点问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国供热制度特别改革的不断深化,我们今后将对全国供热供暖行业现状及需求,全国城镇供热体系的发展方向以及分户供热与供热产品的开发进行研讨,现就当前集中供热中的热点问题谈谈一些看法,供讨论。 一、加强技术改造,不断提高现有集中供热系统的可靠性和经济性 全国集中供热事业在国家发展“热电联产、集中供热方针”的指引下,有了很大发展,至1998年底已  相似文献   

《区域供热》是目前国内供热行业中发行的唯一专业性刊物,它为供热行业之间开展技术交流、信息报道、经验介绍等发挥了很大作用。 一九八二年到一九九二年是我国城市集中供热事业发展迅猛的时期。党中央和各级政府部门都非常关心城市集中供热的建设,在方针政策、建设资金、收费价格、立法等各个方面  相似文献   

当今,城市集中供热政府主管和监管部门、大专院校及科研实践单位、供热企业和供热设备生产企业等,认清我国能源资源情况和能源发展趋势,对推进城市集中供热的发展有着十分重要的指导意义。原因如下:(1)城市集中供热是从事能源生产和供应的行业,是把一次能源(煤、石油、天然气等)加工生产成热能,通过城市热力网输送给终端热用户使用的能源生产和供应的行业。我国北方严寒和寒冷地区,需要供热的建筑  相似文献   

闫永贵 《山西建筑》2013,(6):190-191
阐述了集中供热系统节能的重要性,从集中供热系统的组成入手,详细介绍了热源、热网、热用户三个环节的节能途径及具体方法,以期进一步挖掘供热行业节能潜力,实现国家能源合理分配和利用。  相似文献   

城市集中供热事业的发展对发展经济、提高人民生活水平和改善环境发挥了重要作用。促进城市集中供热行业健康发展需要认识其行业运行的基本特征,归纳起来,主要包括产品属性的准公共品特性、区域垄断性、多目标性、经济外部性、阶段性维护造成运营费用高与人员流动性、质量衡量的困难性等。  相似文献   

供热行业对于一个国家的发展来说至关重要,其不仅会影响企业的发展,而且还与人们的日常生活息息相关。随着我国人类生活水平的不断提升,人民对自己的居住环境提出了更高的要求,以推动各供热事业的发展。如今,集中供热已经开始从机关单位到居民采暖,从大城市走向中小城镇。为节约能源、改善环境、提高供热质量,本文研究了前国内外供热的现状,对采用集中供热分布式控制进行了合理性分析。  相似文献   

王宁 《区域供热》1996,(1):22-24
试论集中供热行业归口管理兰州市热力公司王宁《全民所有制城市供水、供气、供热企业转换经营机制实施办法》指出:城市供热行业是对国民经济发展具有全局性、先导性影响的基础行业,是与城市经济密切相关的公共设施,其产品是城市生产和人民生活必不可少的物质条件。这一...  相似文献   

经济转轨背景下城市设计的演变历程和规律探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘代云  邱志勇  董禹 《规划师》2008,24(7):91-95
我国经济体制的转轨和建设机制的转型引发了城市设计的演变,促使城市设计在认识论层次上从思想理念向社会实践、从产品主导向过程主导演变,在方法论层次上从指令性控制向弹性引导、从“家长式”管理向制度化管理演变,在价值论层次上从粗放生产向有机生长、从技术工具向价值倡导演变。从总体上说,在经济转轨背景下,我国城市设计呈现从静态到动态、从工具理性到价值理性的演变规律。  相似文献   

A collection of 366 Escherichia coli strains from 10 host groups and surface waters were tested for the presence of 15 virulence genes associated with strains causing intestinal and extra-intestinal infections. The virulence genes included eaeA, VT1, 2 and 2e, LT1, ST1 and 2, Einv gene, EAgg gene, CNF1 and 2, papC, O111 and O157 side chain LPS. Of the 262 strains obtained from nine different hosts, 39 (15%) carried one or more of these virulence genes. These included six strains from humans, two from horses, eight from dogs, two from ducks, five from cattle, seven from chickens, four from pigs, two from sheep and three from deer. Of the remaining 104 strains obtained from water samples, 10 (10%) also carried one or more of the tested virulence genes. Of these, six had identical biochemical phenotypes (BPTs) to strains isolated from humans (two strains), dogs (two strains), chickens (one strain) and sheep (one strain) with 4 BPTs also carrying same virulence genes. Our results indicate that the sources of clinically important E. coli strains found in surface waters due to faecal contamination can be predicted by using a combination of biochemical fingerprinting method and the detection of virulence genes. From the public health point of view this information will be of great importance for evaluating the risk associated with public use of the catchment.  相似文献   

Chicken litter is produced in large quantities from all types of poultry raising activities. It is primarily used for land application, thus it is essential to analyze its properties before it is released to the environment. The objective of this study is to compare the microbiological and chemical properties of litter generated from layer and broiler chickens reared under intensive and free-range production systems. The microbiological analysis consisted of the enumeration of total bacteria, total coliforms, Staphylococcus species, Salmonella species and Clostridium perfringens. Chicken litter from layers reared under intensive and free range systems showed lower mean total bacterial count than the litter collected from chicken broilers reared under either of the two systems (P=0.0291). The litter from intensive layers had the lowest mean total coliform counts (P=0.0222) while the lowest Staphylococcus species count was observed in the litter from free-range layers (P=0.0077). The C. perfringens count was the lowest in chicken litter from intensively raised broilers and layers (P=0.0001). The chemical properties of litter from the different chicken types and production systems were compared based on determination of pH, electrical conductivity, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, cadmium and zinc. Litter from free-range broilers showed the highest pH value (P=0.0005); however, the electrical conductivity was higher in the litter from both intensive and free-range layers compared to the litter from both broiler production systems (P=0.0117). Chicken litter from intensive systems had higher nitrogen content than litter from free-range systems (P=0.0000). The total phosphorus was the lowest in free-range broiler litter (P=0.0001), while the total potassium was the lowest in litter from intensively managed broilers (P=0.0000). Zinc appeared higher in litter from layers compared to that from broilers (P=0.0101). The cadmium content was higher in the litter from free-range broilers and layers compared to that in the litter from intensively managed systems (P=0.0439). Staphylococcus species in the litter as well as cadmium concentrations seem to be the most critical parameters presenting risks on the environment and on human health. Based on the lowest coliform counts (an indication of water pollution), the high nutrient levels and the low cadmium values, litter from intensively managed layers appears as the most suitable for application on agricultural soils.  相似文献   

现代生态规划对传统城市规划的启迪   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
鄢泽兵  万艳华 《规划师》2004,20(6):71-73
传统的城市规划至少可以从思想和方法两个方面,从现代生态规划中得到启迪。规划思想应从线性思维转向网络性整体思维,从人类中心论转向生态文明观,从以“为经济建设服务”转化为可持续发展。规划方法的启迪有:规划手段应由“硬”变“软”,规划依据应由“自上而下”变为“自下而上”,规划任务应由安排到引导,用地布局应由均质到异质。  相似文献   

随着科技发展与实践的深入,人们从追求简单性转向探索复杂性,科学思维方式由线性思维转向非线性思维。这启示我国大学管理思维要从封闭思维走向开放思维,从简单性思维走向复杂性思维,从确定性思雏走向随机性思雏。从经验性思维走向前瞻性思维。  相似文献   

钱仁卫 《山西建筑》2004,30(19):7-7
针对上海地区文化复兴这一现象,利用以人为本的理念,着眼于整体的方法,运用系统理论,建立了从认识到方法,从分析到设计,全方位地开敞框架系统。  相似文献   

地下建筑湿负荷计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从地下建筑围护结构散湿、人体散湿、自由水面散湿、人为散湿、外部空气带湿五个方面介绍了地下建筑物内湿负荷的主要来源和计算方法。  相似文献   

自从1960与1970年代以来,更多的欧洲国家放松了它们的住宅政策。我们注意到从公共融资向私人融资的转变、从社会住宅向商业住宅的转变、从住房建设补贴向住房人头补贴的转变、从管制租金向市值租金的转变、以及从租赁房向自有房的转变。大部分这些转变都可以统称为"私有化"以及"自由化"这些定义不明的词语。然而,欧盟大部分国家的住宅金融体系仍然复杂而不合理,需要更多的住宅金融改革。我们将详述一种住宅金融改革的核心内容,包括如下几点:住房建设补贴、租户的住房人头补贴、自有房的税收优惠、房屋租赁政策、以及住宅联盟的角色。通过这种分析,我们勾画出欧盟国家住宅金融深入改革的轮廓。在不久的将来,中国也会考虑相似的住宅金融改革。  相似文献   

The nature of trace element carriers contained in sewage and combined sewer overflow (CSO) was investigated by TEM-EDX-Electron diffraction and SEM-EDX. During dry weather, chalcophile elements were found to accumulate in sewer sediments as early diagenetic sulfide phases. The sulfurization of some metal alloys was also evidenced. Other heavy metal carriers detected in sewage include metal alloys, some iron oxihydroxide phases and neoformed phosphate minerals such as anapaite. During rain events, the detailed characterization of individual mineral species allowed to differentiate the contributions from various specific sources. Metal plating particles, barite from automobile brake, or rare earth oxides from catalytic exhaust pipes, originate from road runoff, whereas PbSn alloys and lead carbonates are attributed to zinc-works from roofs and paint from building siding. Soil contribution can be traced by the presence of clay minerals, iron oxihydroxides, zircons and rare earth phosphates. However, the most abundant heavy metal carriers in CSO samples were the sulfide particles eroded from sewer sediments. The evolution of relative abundances of trace element carriers during a single storm event, suggests that the pollution due to the "first flush" effect principally results from the sewer stock of sulfides and previously deposited metal alloys, rather than from urban surface runoff.  相似文献   

While emissions control regulation has led to a substantial reduction in exhaust emissions from road traffic, currently non-exhaust emissions from road vehicles are unabated. These include particles from brake wear, tyre wear, road surface abrasion and resuspension in the wake of passing traffic. Quantification of the magnitude of such emissions is problematic both in the laboratory and the field and the latter depends heavily upon a knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of non-exhaust particles. This review looks at each source in turn, reviewing the available information on the source materials and particles derived from them in laboratory studies. In a final section, some of the key publications dealing with measurements in road tunnels and the roadside environment are reviewed. It is concluded that with the exception of brake dust particles which may be identified from their copper (Cu) and antimony (Sb) content, unequivocal identification of particles from other sources is likely to prove extremely difficult, either because of the lack of suitable tracer elements or compounds, or because of the interactions between sources prior to the emission process. Even in the case of brake dust, problems will arise in distinguishing directly emitted particles from those arising from resuspension of deposited brake dust from the road surface, or that derived from entrainment of polluted roadside soils, either directly or as a component of road surface dust.  相似文献   

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